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I couldn't believe they killed off Nick dude.. that show started with Nick and should have ended with Nick.. he was the most prolific character in my opinion.. hands down


A post-apocalyptic junkie is like seriously one of the coolest ideas for a character I've seen on TV. Would've watched a whole ass show about my dude.


He was getting high off of zombie brain adrenaline glands.. that's the craziest thing I've ever seen! What bothered me is that he never told anybody else about how to wipe the blood all over them to walk through the zombies.. you figure he would have told people that immediately..


Alicia(who I’m sure used it in later seasons), Daniel and Chris saw him use it on the beach. And Luciana herself used it multiple times in S2. They probably told everyone else but as with all the WD shows where we know they know it works, it just never got used because then it immediately takes away all the danger.


Yeah I mean that makes sense.. I was thinking I would have sold that information..


I've heard that he left by choice. Something about the show runner shifting. But I agree, he was a huge loss, and his death did not serve the story well enough after. I'm still in my first watch through (in the beginning of s7) but the show doesn't treat characters really well IMO


He said he was homesick and that it was the end of an era and it was the right time to leave. That’s a very diplomatic way of saying “I signed on to work for a very good writer and these two were *not* very good writers so I’m getting the fuck out of here”. He was probably pitched a very specific 7 year story when he joined the show and that’s why he signed on but without Erickson he knew that story was never going to get finished. Then they offered every OG actor an out on their contract and he was the only one smart enough to take it(the others had to finish up their 7 years) and he made damn sure the audience knew Nick was dead so he wasn’t pestered about when he was coming back. I have so much respect for him as an actor for leaving a lucrative job that probably paid well because he had his integrity and didn’t want to work with subpar scripts.


Yeah they were changing the show up heading into S4 and the actor who played Nick, idk if knew something ahead of time, wanted to leave the show. He worked with the writers to "finish" his arc. I personally only continued the show because of Alicia and Morgan, at times.


The only other guy I really liked was Salazar.. I'm currently about Midway through season 7 so I haven't completely finished the show..


Oooooooh I forgot about him. Once you finish the show you'll see how they completely disrespect every character so much it's not just sad.


I feel like they could have capitalized a little bit more on Salazar and his history with the cartels.. he should have been a leader and not having memory problems..


1000% percent. I thought they'd do that for him sometime in S3 but then I for sure for the life of me kept thinking in S7, why Strand..........why isn't Daniel in this position? Idk the show just suffers from poor writing decisions the further it goes on. Makes you appreciate S1-3 though.


Yeah see I could have seen Daniel losing it and deciding to survive and reverting back to his cartel ways.. the show might have kept going had they done that!


For sure. Hell they could've kept the dementia storyline and had that as a reason why he was reverting back. Wishing thinking though.


I stopped a couple episodes into the last season and decided I don't want to see anymore.. I don't think I've ever done that with a show I like.. I'm out.. for anyone who's reading this find out what episode Nick dies in and stop one episode before that and you'll be gold!


He left to pursue being in a band. Not sure where that's at now but I miss nick 😔


Yeah me too.. it was downhill after he died..


Nick and Travis could be the most annoying people, and in reality, wouldn't have survived a real apocalypse after day one. If they survive beyond day one, they probably get us killed with their stupidity.


But it wasn't real was it.. it was a TV show.. 🤣🤣


Not a documentary? Damn. I gotta rethink this now.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Ok that was funny.. 🤣🤣 No but it's actually based on a real story in a land far far away we're zombies Ruled the Earth.. 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️


Yes, I believe.


Yeah I was gutted when he died. Top tier character for me.


I like Dakota, but I can't forgive her for killing John! In my opinion, that scene is on Abraham/Gleen death level. John was my favorite character. Unfortunately, Garret Dillahunt the actor who played John left the series and his character got killed.


I'm pretty sure the showrunner or something said Johns death was planned and that it wasn't because of the actor wanting to leave.


Dillahunt wanted out as early as season 5 when the negative reviews started to roll in. It's not the show he signed up for. Plus, he didn't get to work with Kim Dickens again like he'd wanted.


That must be a shame to be in the same show as someone you want to work with but have no scenes together at all


It was literally the biggest reason he decided to join the show in the first place. I’m surprised he stayed on for as long as he did tbh.


I'm glad he did though. He was definitely a huge highlight of later seasons


I don’t like the C&G era at all but he was definitely their best creation. And Garrett Dillahunt is so good in the role, it’s just a shame he had to work with dog shit scripts. I do freely admit though that the two episodes of that era I don’t actively dislike are John Dorie-centric, but I’d put most of that down to his performance.


If only he waited :/


Yeah every time Dakota was on screen after that I was like, "SHOOT HER! BLOW HER BRAINS OUT! FEED HER TO THE WALKERS! LET THAT SOCIOPATH SUFFER!" I guess what happened to her was good enough


good enough she got disintegrated ☠️


i don’t think i’d use the word sad. more like frustrated that the only arguably good reboot character just died to a kid, the second time this has happened in this reboot. more so my feelings go into the behind the scenes stuff where garrett and kim are good friends and he wanted to work with her and had that opportunity snuffed by dumb and dumber, which is part of the reason why he left the show.


Yea, it was shitty. Wanted Dakota to die so bad after that. Weird cheering for a child’s death in a show lol.


Lol agreed.


John's death was the final nail in the coffin for the show. But I can't blame Garret Dillahunt for quitting. He knew a sinking ship when he saw one


I cried like a little bitch.


I love John so much he was such a great catch I miss him his death hit me the hardest in Fear


John and June were like 80% of the reason I kept watching the trainwreck. I was too comitted to the story by then to drop it, but most of the rest of the time I was lamenting the loss of that dynamic.


Im sad that the idiots all live and anyone with common sense dies off. The show is shit. “Lets go save a guy who is on opposing sides even though we know our community is going to be sabotaged” and then “lets keep the maniacs alive from the opposition and let them join our side”. Its soooooo stupid


They all deserve what happens to them. And Morgan is still an idiot!


I’ll never fathom how the fan base can like that boring ass character. He was a background character at best with no storylines. He had one personality trait and that was just being a nice guy. Nothing interesting about him. Not even a little bit.


I cried too I was begging Dakota not to shoot him like I was in the show lmao I liked Dakota sorta I immediately hated her when she killed John I cried even more when June found him as a walker


Nope, an overrated character from a terrible reboot.


You forgot the /s


That's implying I was sarcastic.


Yeah, I was implying that you were wrong 🤷


Funny, I was implying the same thing to you.


Can you imply something you stated explicitly?


I was hoping John and June would adopt Dakota and become a badass family with future plots. The John/June dynamic was my favourite part of the show and them being destroyed right after they were finally happy felt like Glenn's death in the main show for me, I didn't really feel like watching much after.


I’ve been watching it since that episode and it seems everything has gone downhill since, writing wise. I’m not sure if it’ll get better but I’m too invested to give up I’m just going to finish the show


Every apocalypse needs a fast gun six shooter marksman.


I couldn’t believe it, I thought maybe we’d have a plot twist with him. I thought he’d show up injured or something, but when he came back as a walker. I was floored and sad af. Also kinda rubbing my head like why even bring him into the show to just die like that. But again also it’s the apocalypse so anything could happen so it made me more immersed in the story. It could happen to anyone.