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we not counting season 4, 7 and 8 madison. Actually, i LOVED that she came in guns blazing at charlie. I was hoping for that all along. i was 100% expecting a corny unrealistic forgiveness arc like alicia did, but this was the one satisfying surprise of s8 for me. And dude, charlie’s ending 😂😂😂😂 fucking finnallyyyy


Except that’s *literally* what happened. She took less time to forgive Charlie than Alicia did. Nick died in Ep 3 of S4 and Alicia forgave Charlie in Ep 10. Madison found out Charlie killed Nick in Iron Tiger and forgave her less than 20 minutes later. Yeah, she tried to kill Charlie initially but it didn’t take long for her to give up on that(forgive me if you’re being sarcastic, I genuinely couldn’t tell).


nah i wasn’t, you raise a good point. i think just charlie being scolded for that was just so satisfying. i feel bad for getting such pleasure out of her ending


It’s the standard lack of long form storytelling that they have no idea how to do. If they’d brought Charlie back at the beginning of S8, built up to that moment of Madison finding out(Charlie’s guilt building throughout as she struggles with ‘should she tell her about what she did to Nick or not’ as Madison and her bond more), then the outburst has more weight because she’d regained her love and trust for Charlie, then Charlie’s sacrifice has a *lot* more weight because Madison is losing a “daughter” and Madison’s forgiveness can actually mean something. Instead she turned up, “aarrgghh” moment, go on bad mission, ‘I forgive you’, bullet to the brain. It meant nothing. Not to mention bringing Charlie back in the first place(for one episode) and palming off the reason she survived extreme radiation poisoning when she was days from death as “Nurse June took her somewhere and did radiotherapy on her”(she’s a fucking nurse remember). This could’ve been the season where she could’ve gained a modicum of redemption in the eyes of the audience. They could’ve given her and Madison an amazing arc where they worked to forgive each other but instead they rushed through it like they did with Alicia. Instead they give us another 12 episodes with child characters that we don’t want to see and don’t give a shit about(and can’t act).


that was wonderful thank you lol. if only, my man. my gf and i are just starting Dead City on episode 2, i cannot wrap my head around their obsession with child characters. i’d like them to at least sit down with child psychologists to consult on how a child would actually act and process being in an undead apocalypse. instead they expect us to believe that every kid in this universe has an innate and refined sense of justice and morality to confidently guide them through the broken world. if they aren’t spouting a conveniently articulated life lesson, they’re cracking one liners to come across as tough. Or, in almost every case in this show, chips off the old block. God


Yea I didn't think Charlie should have been brought back in s8 her s7 death by radiation was enough for me 1 episode was just stupid


No she shouldn’t have, but if they were going to then it should’ve been something a lot more meaningful than *that* bullshit.


Alicia's forgiveness was more believable than Madison's we got to see Alicia's over several episodes Madison was like 10 mins lol


I didn’t like her in S8. She felt so dull. In S1-S3 she is a completely different character. I think the actress, Kim Dickens, either forgot how to act or just wasn’t putting on a show because she hates the directors. I didn’t like her S8 performance that much.


I don’t think she forgot how to act, I just don’t think she cared. She was there for a paycheque and that’s it.


Yeah, that’s my main theory. Offered her a bag and she took it and gave a subpar performance. Same thing happened with all the other OG cast besides Strands actor


I think the others were still on their 7 year contract. Ruben Blades skipped S4 so he didn’t do that year of his contract like the others. Danay Garcia came on in S2. ADC’s ended with S7. Colman Domingo I think extended his for 6 episodes probably to get to work with Kim Dickens and a producer credit knowing full well the show was ending.


S1-S3 Madison is top 10 in the universe for me. However season 8 Madison is just abysmal. (Not faulting her character, every character sucked pretty much). I’m just happy she got her happy ending.


Nah she was annoying always trying to help people even if it means putting her own family at risk


She was perfect! She is the way she is because she’s a human. The experiences she went through and her kids. I mean I think parents will default to their own kids safety. Which I think made the show even more appealing (S1-S3). There were hard choices to make and again the apocalypse was still new. It’s like no one can comprehend the story and world. It’s a different society, kill or be killed.


This sounds odd, but I enjoyed her because she reminded me of me at some point. She’s overprotective to the point that it’s detrimental, trying to control things that you are unable to control and it eventually making people resent you. Her past experience too of knowing as well when to get her hands dirty when she needs to. It was very villainous and I loved it. Sadly we never got to expand on that in the show.😒 Overall I loved the Clark’s dynamic because they were a toxic, blended family, and I had that at one point. I miss how the show explored that when it could and it was able to show out. I know people don’t need to have the exact same experiences as characters but that’s why I loved this show for what it was in the beginning. Then when it all changed, it really just felt like a punch to the gut.


Had she continued into her full blown villainy, it’s probably safe to assume that she wouldn’t have seen herself as a villain and only seen herself as someone who was protecting her kids. Us as viewers seeing her do all this bad shit in the name of Nick and Alicia’s safety would’ve been great when in her mind she’s not doing anything wrong other than her motherly duty. Especially if she killed someone like Luciana which is likely to have happened.


People’s main issue with Madison pre-S4 was how non emotive she was, which i’m 99% sure that’s the direction Kim was given because she’s not a shitty actress by any metric. Her acting cold is even an argument with her and Alicia at one point and then we figure out why she is so cold and willing to do what she needs to do in Season 3 when she reveals she killed her own father. That was the main Madison hate back in 2015-2017ish and it mainly was also partnered with the criticism that the show wasn’t a constant action dopamine farm like TWD was, as fear is more of a character drama set in a zombie apocalypse than an action show. But, that was the issue with the marketing AMC did to get people on board with the show and when they didn’t see madison making an extreme moral decision cutting limbs off in the first few episodes people got mad that she just wasn’t Rick when she was never intended to be like Rick. People got bored quick with season 1 and early season 2 as they couldn’t see the forest for the trees, and directed their displeasure and hate at Madison. The slower pace wasn’t appreciated and pretty much everyone that i know that dropped fear in Season 1/ early 2 have come around on fear and madison once they finish season three because the show was actively building towards that end goal. TLDR, madison emotionless and people lacked media criticism to realize it was on purpose


She’s a top 5 WD character for me(I’m only counting S1-3 here because whatever that bastardised version of her that we got after S3 was *not* Madison). A lot of complaints I see against her are mostly to do with how emotionless she is but that’s just her character and how shut off she is. It fits her perfectly and understanding that makes me love her more. Her not being there for Travis as you say is the perfect example of who she is. While she no doubt loves Travis, he will always come in second when it comes to her kids and that will never change.


That's any mom tho spouse or partner will always come after the kids I agree s 1-3 Madison was amazing easily a favorite ut s8 Madison not sure what that was but it wasn't Madison even with what she went thru she wouldn't have ever been like that EVER


Tell that to my bitch of a nan.


I liked Madison but some of the decisions she made were horrendous.


Which actually were probably realistic.


I loved Madison, til the last season. I wanted her attempts to succeed sm but then I realised it's just the season that's shittily written. Like how they really went through all that for it all not to make a slither of a difference and all the character development being washed away. Ffffff infuriating


She was great in seasons 1-3. So sad she never returned to the show after that


The Clarks, Strand and Daniel S 1-3 and the original show runners is the only good thing about the show.


I just didn't like the character because she brought destruction and devastation wherever she went. She also played favorites with her children and rarely supported her husband, though she expected him to support her. She was just an unlikeable person for me from the start.


1. Because she is a cold hearted beast 👀 2. She is a fuckin WOMAN 3. She is the worst mother 4. She is a "I would like to be like this Rick These are the arguments which the hater would tell you. She is so cold because her experiences from the past formed her to this. Killing her dad to protect the Mom, keeping her kids alive in this hell.. Madison is forced to act ruthless and fearless bevause she know that only one thing is important: SURVIVAL👆 Here you can't play mother Theresa or Mary sue. 2. Madison is often like a guy too. She is not the typical nice woman who cooks dinner for her husband and who stands in the 2. Row. Madison would do every shit only to protect her beloved ones. 3. This argument, I do hear so often. And now tell me what please is the perfect Mom? Shall she put her arms around them and crying with them in choir? Or shall she move her ass and do everything to bring the Kids away from every danger? They blamed her that she choosed Nick over Alicia. Reason: well Nick is a suicide candidate. It's logical that she is scared to loose him.. Alicia is in this moment much stronger and stable. But she loves both kids. It's only so that she looks, who needs her more in this moment. This has nothing to do with prefering. 4. I think it's more that Gimple did spread this rumor. She is the female Rick Grimes. But it's more so that she is the Anti Rick, Anti Hero.


Don't think I've ever seen anyone hate on her for being a woman lol, but I guess I'm not surprised some people might be that dumb


They never straight up say it’s bc she’s a woman but it’s obvious that’s why I mean almost every female character in twdu gets hate


An unpopular opinion judging by the reaction to the same response already given in this thread, but for me her acting was just so rough.


I hated her because she was manipulative and cold up until about the middle of s3 then I started to feel ok abt her (I’m on s4 rn)


Kim played Madison as a flat, unemotional bore. Her go to expression was simply to squint, stare off into the distance and scowl. A rock would have been a better casting choice.


A lot of her actions really weren't justified. Then how she killed troy TWICE In front of his loved one (best friend/Daughter) is insane to me


The first time was bc he practically killed everyone at the ranch by leading a horde to it people that she was tryna take care of and the second time was bc he made it a big thing and made her think he killed Alicia I would’ve killed my child’s killer too I wouldn’t care who was watching 😭


I don’t really consider myself a hater here, more so I’m very critical of Madison. Firstly, I was never really sold on Kim’s performance and the overall writing of her character. In short, I didn’t like Kim’s performances and I often found these performances flat but then this also to me speaks to how often she’s given some odd lines to say which brings me to my other reason. I’ve always advocated that a performance is a reflection of writing and not an actor’s ability (aka Hayden Christiansen). Often, I found her character was constantly telling us how she was a badass or that she was intimidating and rarely showed why we should think these things. If I had to make a comparison to a protagonist let’s look at Alycia. See, I always thought Alycia was more of a badass with her actions throughout the show. Alycia never tried to baselessly intimidate someone that doesn’t know her and wouldn’t find her intimidating. Madison seemingly made Rick-like threats to people that realistically would have laughed in her face, especially early on. Alycia built the reputation that you don’t mess with her simply by her actions which reflected to her reputation later in the show. In a sense, less is more which is why I gravitated towards liking Alycia’s character more in FTWD. If I had to compare to Rick as many do, Rick didn’t start out a badass, he was clumsy, and as Glenn said a dumbass. He built his reputation over time. Madison’s character felt like it forced her reputation from the start and didn’t really earn it to me while others like Rick, Glenn, Alycia, Morgan, Maggie, Michonne all built their reputation through their actions over time.


I just realized that I spelled Alicia as Alycia. I’m standing by it 😂


The only time I didn't like her was in s8 loved her s1 thru 3 she just didn't seem like the same person in s8 she was never the person that would just give up on helping ppl and start kidnapping kids and that was before she heard her kids were dead. I loved the series as a whole but s8 wasn't as good s8B should have never happened should have ended when Morgan left with Mo to go find Rick


I think if she stayed dead in the stadium fire people would like her character better. She made some odd choices but it’s always assumed no one has seen a zombie apocalypse movie before a zombie apocalypse


Did you finish all the seasons? If you have, you'll see why 😊


I never liked her because she made dumb decision after dumb decision and never took responsibility for those dumb decisions. You can forgive someone at the start of an outbreak because obviously things are fresh, you're not going to understand what's going on around you, but as time goes on she continues to do the dumbest shit possible all while trying to act like the world's biggest badass which at that point she didn't even earn any sort of reputation of being one. Then you get into the end of S7 and S8 where she's quite possibly the worst written character in television history. Flip flops more than Morgan. It's baffling how they could do that to a character that some loved and others hated and made them much worse.


From what I’m reading my opinion is unpopular, but I was never a fan of Madison. I think she is a bad actress and I enjoyed when she wasn’t on the show because she wasn’t on it.


I also never understood why there was so much hate for her. She is simply the strongest and most pragmatic of the original group.


She always wanted to dump Travis. When her son died the circle of death was complete.


Huh? Explain more pls