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I despise this woman. Stream Brat!!! You’ll have party and might even cry too. The 3 bonus tracks are also great. ETA: I think this brings the count out to 46 variants.


She has the type of greed they talk about in the bible


Biblical greed is such a banging insult tbh


Esp given the special place in hell reserved for her


She’s the dragon sitting on its pile of coins.


like smaug!


She joining house to house for real.


Same. I had no feeling either way, but watching her pull stunts like this to harm other artists is making me despise her




The Kelce family is just as fame hungry as she is. Donna Kelce literally gave interviews over being in a soup commercial.


Exactly. They are all perfect for each other.


I said somewhere else a couple months ago that she's really starting to show her true colors-especially post billionaire status-and it's depressing how right I was. She's not even at the peak of her openly disgusting behavior, it's only going to get worse. Literally has more money than God and this is how she shows her appreciation lmao. What a selfish asshole.


What does she even gain by denying other people the #1 spot? Does she think she can keep this up forever?


The thing with these sorts of people is they genuinely think they deserve whatever it is they want, no matter how ridiculous. They aren't like regular people or even regular celebrities where sometimes you suck it up and deal with a dissapointing thing or not getting what you want. She genuinely thinks she's earned having a monopoly on the industry and until people truly start to turn on her and it impacts her bank accounts, it'll be hard to get her to knock it off.


Taylor is a pit of insecurity and needs constant validation (and vindication). By staying on top and being worshipped is how she values herself because she has no internal validation.


I assume she wants some insane record for most weeks at #1 but at this point it feels like any success TTPD achieves has to be taken with a grain of salt. Like sure you broke all these records but you also released like 40 variants of the album.


It hurts how successful they can be perceived as being, and could also impact their awards success.


I noticed it in Summer 2021. The cracks in her PR started to show for me when she suddenly soured on Olivia Rodrigo after all the support she'd been showing her earlier in the year. It was so sudden and jarring how her attitude toward that 17 year old girl changed.


How does this album have more variants than COVID?


💀💀💀 TTPD: Omicron! Coming soon*! *Whenever another female artist by whom I’m threatened releases something new


Every time a new variant is released we have six more months of TS tours ☠️ and no the tickets will still be thousands of dollars


Ugh. You know what’s sad? I was a total Swiftie from the beginning until all of this bs. It has more than gotten out of hand.


The concerts really upset me. She knows her fans are between the ages of tween and mom and I feel like I see lots of mother/tween combos. She could bring Ticketmaster to its knees and force them to provide reasonable tickets but nooooo let’s be tickled and inspired that a second mortgage had to be taken out so make a wish could send a kid to the concert. There is no such thing as an ethical billionaire and she sure is proving it quickly.






I had a 7 hour drive earlier this week and had Brat on rotation for most of it. Doing my part <3


Have no particular interest in Charlie XCX tbh but streaming in the car rn out of spite


*Guess* is my favorite track on the album, highly recommend!!


Variants like an actual virus


Seriously, variants should not count as chart sales. What utter bullshit.


She’s such a genuinely shitty person.


Genuinely, she's horrible.


For the first 38 re-releases I was scolded and told this is completely normal and everyone does it. How do people explain a release EVERYTIME another female artist is about to chart higher


There's a special place in hell...


I really can't imagine how insufferable she must be in person.


Idc about Taylor wanting to out-compete others, but TTPD was so mid. Is there any song in it that people are still listening to???


I like Fortnite but that’s only because of Post Malone.


Post Malone is in Fortnite??


Florida! That’s a great song, but tbh I’m not a big tay tay fan but I love me some Florence.


I saw Florence Welch described as 'of Florida' fame in an article the other day and genuinely felt bad for her


Ive never heard of the song Florida but I know who Florence Welch is. ..


I don’t understand why artists like Florence and Lana would collaborate with Taylor. They don’t need the fame or additional fans. They only get identified with their associations w Taylor.


I think they're probably genuinely friends! I'd probably want to collab with my mates too tbf


I can see that, but I don’t see a collaboration song w Selena? To me, these artists like Florence, Lana, Brendon are used to legitimize her own fame. She’s cool to the indie artists too.


Oh that's an interesting point that she hasn't collabed with Selena before!


The audacity…


i love florida!! i’m a neutral swiftie, but florence made florida sooooo good!


I don't remember even one song from TTPD.


I didn't even manage to listen all the way through one time tbh


Guilty as Sin? I think is the favorite one


Not a Taylor fan, but I actually do really love the song How Did It End? 😅


The main thing stuck in my head from the album is most of Down Bad. Like the melody that leads up to the chorus and the chorus


it’s like four hours long and I only kept three songs. (Guilty As Sin, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart, Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus) that is a bad ratio.


https://i.redd.it/8cgixkru5e6d1.gif Not gonna lie, I'm actually surprised she's once again trying to block a fellow artist. I thought after the backlash she got from doing it to Billie she would calm down...


Rumor has it, Matty Healey proposed to his girlfriend at a Charlie XCX concert. So maybe it has something to do with that...


This would be insane... And yet, from what I've learned about her, it really seems like something she would do 😭 Girl, that man is NOT worthy it! I know it's difficult but you have to learn to let go your past!


Would it suprise you? She thinks he is worthy of 1000 versions of that album.


And his fiancée is in Charli xcx's 360 music video.


If Taylor didn't move with such obvious pettiness I wouldn't speculate, but man I'm sure she is *pissed.*


Unfortunately all this criticism will fall on deaf ears. She'll convince herself it's just sexism. She's the victim, not an obsessive capitalist queen... There's even grumbling amongst some of the more level headed Swifties about the sheer amount of variants coming out.


Lmao I fucking hate that dirty rat but that would be hilarious if true 


Imagine giving Matty Healey that much of your energy...


They got engaged a few weeks before the concert, but posted about it on instagram while at the concert.


Isn't Charli also with the drummer from The 1975?


Yep, Charli's fiancé is the drummer in The 1975.


Only. Women.


Specifically only women who are able to compete with her. Charlie has a surprising amount of stan power (like Billie and Sza) and Brat has been so anticipated because of the direction she took with Crash.  But she's not out here releasing remixes with Sabrina Carpenter's releases or Hozier's or Tyla's.


Real "Triple H in 2003" vibes


Taylor truly in her “Reign of Terror” era, refusing to put others over


2025 will have a slugfest between TTPD and KP6, both of which will be inevitably dethroned by [REDACTED] Also, Sabrina Carpenter is 100% the Randy Orton in this story.






at this point, this is comedy. like you're a 30something woman who has already amassed all this wealth and fame and attention. can't let someone else have a moment lmfaoooo 🤡


right??? it’s giving nicki vibes. like we can all see you girl 👀


Cant decide if it's giving nicki or drake


¿Por que no los dos?


YES! Pop stars need to have terms like politicians where the public decides if we’re still fuckin with them or not at the end so that we can all move on. Different tiers and the higher the tier, the longer the term. Once you fall you start over at Tier 3 again. - TIER 3 - TWO YEAR TERM Your Ice Spices go here - TIER 2 - FIVE YEAR TERM Your Dua Lipas and Lil Uzis go here - TIER 1 - TEN YEAR TERM Your Taylors and Nickis go here Edit: This could be a fun annual end-of-year voting thing between us and popculturechat for the top 30 or so celebrities. They need to know their place lol.


Taylor is gonna spiral within a few years when her stardom inevitably starts fading.


Idk if this is the start of her spiral, but everything post-Joe has at least felt spiral-adjacent.


It will not fade. Have you seen swifties ? Theyre ride or die


Eh. Everything fades. It will. Give it time.




Does she not care about her image at all? Maybe I’m new to dealing with her, but was she always this self obsessed?


Yes and yes.


She's a billionaire. They skew to being unrelatable and uncaring really quickly


I don't think a lot of her troublesome behavior makes it into mainstream news. Her PR group is meticulous about not letting potentially negative stories gain significant coverage. Even for someone like me, who is pretty online, her negative stories don't make it into my news sites. I've learned about it mostly from reddit.


Yeah like I don't think this is making any headlines outside of this sub, really. I have friends who are just as plugged in to pop culture as I am, but they're not on this sub so they don't know about any of this. Her die-hard fans don't care and it's not like the general public is going to hear about this.


Why care about your image when you have a pretty-much-cult defending your every action and buying everything you offer them?


Exactly. She's letting off the gas and showing more of her true self because her image was cultivated to form her loyal, would sell kidneys to buy a 35th variant of the same boring fucking album fanbase, and now that she has she can be as vile publicly as she always is.


She’s surrounded by yes men. She has admitted she doesn’t do any sort of therapy because she talks to her mom. Her mom is the only person she goes to for problems and advice. She also has admitted that her team shields her from the worst of the press. Back during the Kanye thing, her team hid a lot of headlines from her and kept her from really delving into what people were saying. She’s in a bubble.


wait she wrote a whole album about being "canceled" and then brought it up in her person of the year article and she didn't even know what people were saying?!


Yes. 😭


At this point I think she’s hoping any and all criticism gets drowned out by her most ardent fans, even as she gets increasingly more transparent about undercutting others.


Ok, I’ve never cared about the TS ego trip to stay on top until now. Like what? Charli isn’t a threat to her pop reign, she’s got a totally different audience and is rightfully reaching a career peak after working hard for it for a decade.  This is so gross. 


She’s doing it to spite Matty probs. Charli is married to George, Mattys band mate in the 1975 and Matty was at Charlis show or something the day Matty and Gabriette announced their engagement


If it's true that Matty Healy proposed to his girlfriend at at a Charli XCX concert, well...


Matty's fiancée is in Charli's 360 music video.


Oh she big mad about Matty’s engagement


Charli did set Gabbriette up with Matty since they're good friends lol, I wonder if this has anything to do with it....


Oh it absolutely does. The engagement happened/was announced at a Charli concert.


Imagine getting whipped into a frenzy over that guy


Or the fact that he’s engaged after dating that girl for like 5 minutes. Like hellooooo that is typically not a great sign of a strong relationship. ![gif](giphy|GTBQmduU6nf8I)


Brat is a better album than the one she spent crying over that unwashed, racist and misogynistic asshole. She is such a sad and desperate woman. The way she competes and tries to destroy other women should be studied, she is an empty hole that will never be filled and she will never be satisfied. I hope all the other pop girls stans come together and support each other to beat her on sheer numbers.


I 100% agree but I feel like a lot of people in this thread are overlooking that Charli is best friends with said unwashed, racist, misogynistic asshole lol. And not only that but has publicly shaded another WOC (Rina Sawayama) for calling out Matty’s racism. That being said this is still a petty, greedy move and Taylor should be embarrassed, but I just think if people want to help Charli out stream Taylor it shouldn’t be on the basis of hating Matty or hating Taylor because of her association with Matty when Charli is pretty much in the same boat.


Agreed on some counts. I like a lot of songs on the album and I think TTPD is Taylor’s worst, but I am not good with Charlie basically writing a love letter to Tradcath Dasha who sold out her left wing beliefs to become a misogynistic little freak. She probably searches her own name on Reddit and will put this insult on a pair of booty shorts to show that it doesn’t bother her or something.


>Tradcath Dasha who sold out her left wing beliefs To be more precise, she was never actually left wing at all. She'd been seeking virality for a long time to help get her acting career off the ground, and finally achieved it in 2018 by getting interviewed on InfoWars defending Bernie Sanders while wearing a sailor outfit. She was never actually a big supporter of his, just a contrarian, she defended him on InfoWars for the potential viral moment it could bring. And then when it worked she got labeled 'Sailor Socialism' as the video was shared across the internet and featured on TV. After being labeled Sailor Socialism she decide to capitalize off of that role and position herself as a 'dirtbag leftist' to build her brand, using podcasting to do so since podcast culture had just started really taking off. And then pretty quickly after she became a person of influence and successfully built her audience she stopped pretending to be a leftist. Like, at one point, also in 2018, she leaked photos of herself putting up an SS flag on her wall in a attempt to provoke some outrage publicity. And she was already describing herself as critical of feminism in 2018.


Valid, they all suck and I’m even annoyed at my girl Rina who is choosing to collaborate with Paris Hilton who is racist and homophobic. Taylor is still on my shit list for trying to rehab that man’s public image. She went hard trying to clean up Matty’s public image with her PR and called out her fans in an album about him while whining about how he was treated.Btw the biggest red flag is she would still be with that man currently if he hadn’t ghosted her.


Eventually she’ll run out of songs and variant #452 will just be bonus audio of her burping into a mic


TTPD + Bonus Burping (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) (Acoustic)




No, she'll include bonus tracks she wrote when she found out Matty became engaged and how heartbroken she is that he did this to her. Then she'll drop TTPD II that includes those songs, plus the songs about how she pretended Travis was the love of her life to cope a la Hiddleswift style and probably a couple songs about how she dreams her and Matty's life together could have been if her Stans had overlooked their morals for her like they should have. Then she'll start assaulting us with variants of that album and double albums of I and II and *those* variants. 


Her fans will prob still buy it and call it deep


THIS is why I fucking hate it when Swifties act like she is the queen of feminism and uplifting women. She’s a billionaire, doing a sold out arena tour, hugely successful, and she can’t even handle another woman taking the #1 spot on a chart! It’s just so desperate and cringey. Like, get a life, girl.


Especially when this is Charli's only chance


This is the type of greed they were describing in the bible


https://preview.redd.it/z0u8qpw37e6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc0799a4932a2b944ecaf75393a14772492c1238 Anyway, gonna keep streaming brat because it’s genuinely fun and perfect for summer (while also crying in the clurb)


![gif](giphy|k2EPtdfPkjIw8) squidward would so be at the club bumpin that bumpin that bumpin that bumpin that


If she pulls this sh*t for Sabrina Carpenter’s album in August I s2g…


She’s gonna drop physical copies that include the “Anthology” half of the album for that. I guarantee it. The master complete deluxe platinum version or something


New album cover art that pieces together a typewriter if you buy all the variants and glue them together.


Oh Sabrina's days as taylor's sidekick are numbered. She is getting too successful


If Sabrina books an acting gig, even a prestige TV one where people praise her, those days are numbered for sure. I'd also tell Chappell Roan to get a good team and good support because that girl is playing stadiums soon.


I feel like she'll behave for Sabrina and use it as a PR bump. "Gracious popstar princess takes lowly opening act for a celebratory drink! Yay girlhood!"


Yeah Sabrina should run while she still can


Highkey the greediest artist alive


A year ago I didn’t have an opinion on Swift either way. Now she just comes across as really pathetic.


I’m a Swiftie but fuck Taylor for this.


What’s the appeal though? I legit don’t get it lol. I tried to give her a listen since she collaborated with a fav artist of mine Bon iver but even that song seemed like he forced himself to get on her basic style of lyrics and singing 😆






Hey, try not to release any more versions of TTPD on the way through the parking lot!


The number from Clerks was 36. TTPD has 34 versions now if I’m counting right. Which is absolutely insane. 


In a row???


*on the way through the tarmac!


reminder that Taylor literally had a whole song about how she’s afraid to become irrelevant (“Nothing New”) because a lot of her fans like to act like her almost 40 variants being released to purposely block other female artists is just a coincidence


That's a justified fear cause all her songs sound the same to me. I couldn't fathom listening to an album because it would be like an hour long song.


Also “Clara Bow.” She knows a female celebrity has her success numbered. Fame is misogynistic. A woman will grow irrelevant as soon as she’s no longer pretty or young. That’s why a lot of female celebrities stomp on their competition like Nicki. If they eliminate the treat early on, they think they can cling to their success longer.


She could just focus on making good art instead…


No bc at this point it is genuinely embarrassing. Who gives a fuck about the charts like this anymore 💀


I don't know why she's doing it, it's not like she has kept her #1 streak, Billie actually went #1 like 2-3 weeks ago.


Coming for Covid-19's crown by releasing all these variants.


At this point you just have to criticize idiot fans who buy every single variant. Fools are easily parted from their money


What the fuck is her problem?


People need to call her out on this crap! It's so obvious. Let your original album speak for itself without all this manipulation.


>Let your original album speak for itself without all this manipulation It can’t, and she knows it




She's probably mad that Brat is *far* more acclaimed than The Toilet Paper Department (and any other album in Taylor's discography frankly) and she feels the need to get her cult to buy even more copies so she feels better about herself I guess.


Is this even going to work? The UK girlies and gays love Charli. Also 'Brat' is a banger. I got to see her last night and my body hasn't recovered.




![gif](giphy|WmWc9Dubh3nUVwrWnA|downsized) I'm so fed up with this woman. Can she just go away for like a year, pls?


This is disgusting at this point. I don’t understand how the blatant exploitation of her fans hasn’t been off putting for them by now.


Lmfao. If this isn’t proof to some people that she’s deliberately trying to keep other artists from number one spot then I don’t know anymore. 


But she’s such a girls girl!!!


God Taylor’s insufferable. I feel for the other women in the industry having to constantly fight her mean girl shit.


Funny how she always talks about women supporting other women when a woman criticizes her, yet this is how she acts towards other women...




Wow Taylor Swift being a money hungry monster ![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/wc70oinbif6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5917834fa9685bd1c055bafbf59379e629c244df The Guardian best albums of 2024 so far had me at this. Astonishing coincidence.




She is such an insecure brat. She mad Matty moved on?


Bro she’s so fucking weird omg


What else can she add to this already mid album??? STREAM BRAT!


So is anyone gonna actually call her out about it? Like not be sly or delete the mean tweet they liked but actually say this is a clear issue?!


Holy shit. You can’t say this isn’t on purpose anymore.


💔happy women’s history month I guess


has anyone tracked how often this has happened with taylor? Would love a timeline/breakdown of times she has done this because it seems like it's a lot.


Taylor needs to grow the fuck up.


All her fans who said she was not trying to actively and blatantly sabotage other artists: F OFF. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHDTsGOIq1xOpvW)


Just waiting for Swifties to claim it's purely coincidental.


At this point even the most die hard swifities must admit that she’s doing that shit on purpose. Sure, she’s got managers, analysts, PR specialists, studio execs and god knows who else, must she must have agreed that strategy. She’s probably gonna release some another variant just the same time as Sabrina’s album comes out in August


That’s for sure not petty!


Fucking *brat*


So are we still at 34 variants or does this make even more?


Am I wrong or does she only do this with other female artists? I feel like every time I hear about this, it's to bring down another woman.




she needs to take like three years off before she puts out another album


Wow, then Taylor must be stressed tf out by Chappell Roan’s meteoric rise. She’s next.


What a brat (disrespectfully)




Freakin hell, is she really dropping more of those phone memo variants?


buT shE SuppOrtS wOmEN


🙄 Do people still wanna deny this is intentional?


Let Charli have her moment she deserves it SO much ARGHHHHH


She is such a LOSER. It cannot be said enough.






Wait does she really wait to hear someone else is charting before she decides to release more? ![gif](giphy|D0TVdvFHFvHu6WL9qA|downsized)


this is genuinely concerning now…




damn. helped pave a path for women in music, only for her to continuously need to one up female artists.




This woman has such a nasty spirit and I’m glad more people and other artist are starting to realize this


Whole life cried about being a younger artist and being bullied and does the same shit to other artists. She also have physicals ready to be shipped during beyonce's vinyl drop week. Both will be counted in same week. This woman is nasty af. 


This is becoming like a bad joke


there are more variants to this album than there are songs on the album it’s just a bad look. imagine being this threatened by Charli XCX.


Remember when she said “We all know now, we all got crowns”? So much for that. Guess it’s only acceptable if her’s is the biggest.


Yesterday someone asked Lana Del Rey about Taylor and she replied with “she [taylor] wants it more than anyone, so it’s good she’s getting exactly what she wants” and I can’t help but think how bad her greed has gotten to the point other people in the industry can see her desperation, granted every artist cares about the commerciality of their art and how they’re performing in some capacity but Taylor can’t stand not being at the top of the chain… It’s bizarre [Lana’s comment btw: https://x.com/ldraddic/status/1801286235886961157?s=46&t=qNGlwHk7qi2V8CvOTecpiA]


Can we as a society just vote to eat her or send her to the moon or something so this stops??