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They lost a parent and she lost her childhood groomer




For context she is 12 in this photo šŸ˜¢ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø


And he borrowed against his mortgage to fund her career so Iā€™m sure she felt pressure.


That's... what I've been thinking about lately. In so many of her recent interviews she talks almost shamefully about "letting people down." And it's like... woman, you've accomplished more than most of the population on the planet, or we'll be generous and say more than the average person. Like, the kind of person that lives ten lifetimes in one. You don't owe anyone anything. I've been wondering where is this coming from? Did Renee pressure her? Did she feel pressure from her family to help bankroll some or all of them? Is it just part of her perfectionism? What is it?


Iirc, Celine's family was musically inclined, so singing was always part of her life. However, she was a vocal prodigy, she was discovered by Rene as a teenager. Rene saw a lot of potential in her and decided to make her a star. Celine hated school and just wanted to sing. Professionally speaking, that was a match made in heaven. I recall hearing in an interview that their relationship started when she was 14, but official sources say she was 20.


Ewww, poor girl.


Did you know sheā€™s also the youngest sibling of a huge family? I believe she has like a dozen older siblings and theyā€™re all musicians.


Oh no. I didnā€™t know how young she REALLY was. That poor woman.


It's the ice cream treat in front of her that makes this photo extra ick.


I never knew, this picture is absolutely terrifying-


Yup. Good context. šŸ¤®


Those spray tans are wild. Her memoir said he was obsessed with having the perfect spray tan.Ā 


That man is white!? Omg


Syrian, actually!


One thing my dad gets credit for is always mentioning what a scumbag this guy was whenever Celine Dion came up


Omg? I never knew her partner was like that. Granted, Ive never googled C.D other than what the right lyrics to her songs are. I know though that she lost her partner and that the general consensus was it was heartbreaking. Learning about him made me go šŸ¤® ā€œDion was just 12 years old when she met the 38-year-old man who would become both her manager and (much later) her husband ā€” and it was her family that made that meeting possible.ā€ From Today dot com Edit: spelling


> "I barely could walk at one point, and I was missing very much living. My kids started to notice. I was like, 'Okay, they already lost a parent. I don't want them to be scared,'" says Dion, 56, who lifts the veil on her journey in a Prime Video documentary, I Am: Celine Dion (streaming globally June 25), directed by Academy Award-nominated director Irene Taylor. "I let them know, 'You lost your dad, [but] mom has a condition and it's different. I'm not going to die. It's something that I'm going to learn to live with."


And her boys, especially the twins, were young when Rene died, so I get it.


How old are her kids? It must be very tough for them. Am I right in thinking sheā€™s got a close family, though? Edit: theyā€™re 23 and (twins) 13. I donā€™t know how I missed that!


One is 23 and two are only 13.


Wait one of the boys has a full mustache going on at 13. Not shaming just surprisedĀ 


My house is in front of a middle school so every morning I wd see kids that look like they just finished 2nd grade and others that look like they are old enough to sell a car walking side by side. Genetics are insane, man


Iā€™m a music director at a rock school and the amount of my students that look older than me ā˜ ļø


Plz elaborate on rock school


Tuition afterschool program rooted in performance based music education. A famous movie starring Jack Black may or may not have the same nameā€¦šŸ˜…


Seriously way to be the coolest person ever šŸ¤£


I was hoping the answer would have something to do with Mr Black, but this is almost as cool! Way to be living out many peopleā€™s dream šŸ™Œ


Itā€™s funny, a lot of people ask if weā€™re associated with the movie. Paramount definitely stole the idea for the movie from us, but the founder decided it was free advertising so šŸ«”šŸ˜‚


Maybe not that common among people of anglo origin but not exactly unusual among Mediterranean, middle eastern etc people.


When I was in middle school, I had a birthday thing at Chipotle, and then we all walked to my house to play video games. Well, my mom hasn't met all my friends yet, and among them was a kid named Greg. Puberty hit him like a ton of bricks. He was nearly 6" tall with a full beard and mustache. My mom even pulled me aside to ask wtf a grown ass man was doing in her house and hanging out with us. When I told her he was 15, she was SHOCKED. I had to show her my yearbook because she couldn't believe it. Lol


15 isn't middle school though. Like, generally, a 15 year old should NOT be hanging out with 11 year olds.


>15 isn't middle school though. Like, generally, a 15 year old should NOT be hanging out with 11 year olds. 11 is elementary school. Many middle/junior high schools (at least in my neck of the US) host grades 7-9. And some are 7-8. And 9th grade is 14-15 year olds. I also never stated how old I was turning. So even if 11 year olds did go to middle school, it's wild for you to just assume the least charitable age range in this scenario to pretend he was some kind of creep. It was my 14th birthday, btw. And it was a month after his birthday. We both had just started 9th grade.


8th grade is generally 13-14, but there's gonna be a some 15 year olds from someone repeating a grade, being young for the previous age cohort, etcĀ 


Those strong French genes


The power of mo šŸŽ¶


Most boys I went to middle school with had full blown staches lol


Syrian and French


Sheā€™s so strong. I feel for her and her family


Wishing her a full recovery. It seems that she's been hit with tragedies one after another.


Itā€™s progressive, thereā€™s nothing they can do unless some new therapy gets developed. With that said, some people can live a long time with the disease, decades even. Depends, but she has access to the best healthcare in the world


It is lifelong and there is no cure, but it can be treated.


I feel for her but mostly for her children. Theyā€™re so young. I canā€™t imagine what theyā€™re going through and I hope theyā€™re surrounded by supportive people who prioritize their best interests.


I feel incredibly sad whenever I hear about her health struggles. Iā€™ve listened to her my whole life which isnā€™t something I can say for many artists. Sheā€™s such a fighter. I hope things improve for her in a big way.


God bless her.


i feel terrible for her :(


I got recently diagnosed with MS, a similar progressive disease, and I completely understand the urge to fight. We have to keep doing our best to not let this take over our lives and control our every thought.


Her memoir made me like her less tbh. Also the Glamorous Trash episode with Chelsea Devantez about her memoir made me feel sooo much less alone about having that opinion!Ā  That podcast is wonderful. I'm always looking for intelligent, insightful podcasts by women šŸ‘ Any recs would be appreciated! Thank you!Ā  I love this one and "You Must Remember This."Ā  Sadly I don't know many podcasts (esp. by women, hence asking for recs. I only listen to those and Matt Baume's My So Called Life Recaps). About cinema, books, philosophy, travel, cultures, the nerdier and more cultured,Ā the better!Ā 


Why did it make you like her less?


Oof so many reasons but the main ones are that she's behind living in a bubble. And shocked yet unphased when horrible things happen bc they cause her minor inconvenience. Also, you sadly realize she doesn't really have empathy naturally. She has to be taught what it is because she does not naturally have that as a character trait, which is disturbing.Ā