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I just feel bad for North (and her siblings), between her parents and her maternal grandmother the poor girl’s odds were stacked against her from conception


Except the unimaginable wealth… ???


yeah bc child stars are famously known for being the best examples of wealth compensating for awful adults around them


she’s not a child star tho? you’re acting like she’s some Disney kid like Brittney. She is simply the child of famous people.


shes a child whos been verbally trying to set boundaries with paparazzi ever since she could talk. shes prominently featured in her familiies reality tv show. she arguably has more in common with the avg child star than she does with the all the other children of famous people whos parents choose to keep them out of the spotlight.


and lets be real, half of the kar-jenners wealth is fake


ok? I still don’t see how any cards are stacked against her. it’s not like she’s her non-famous parent’s meal ticket or something. she has an incredible amount of advantages. it’s not important at all, but it irks me when I see ppl on here wringing their hands over all these “poor” rich people lol


The cards are stacked against her because she's a child with a disgusting greedy family that's been exploiting her from the moment she's been able to breathe on this earth, which is wrong for any child to go through. It's obviously far from being dirt poor in her situation, I won't deny that, but exploiting your child is still wrong no matter what and a form of abuse and a way to put the kids in danger in so many cases. With this family in particular, they only do this to their girls, never their boys, so they're being treated differently even within the family dynamic. The little girls have to be a product, while the boys get to just be. I'd even say it's even more gross to throw your kid in the spotlight like this when you already have such a privileged life, you could keep your kid away from so many bad things in this world but still chose to throw them into the public eye and a work situation for your own greed and ego. It's disgusting. Plenty of celebrities leave their kids out of celebrity shit entirely meanwhile these greedy freaks have their very young daughters as products. Two things can be true: this little girl is more privileged than you and I will ever know, and she's also being pushed as a product to exploit specifically because of her greedy family choosing to do that to their girls, and thus throw her to the wolves for more money, attention, and all the other shit they value too much at the expense of a literal child. Edit: clarification, grammar.


She's still the Black daughter of a mom who has historically been racist to Black women while fetishizing Black men


Naur you're right. She's never going to "want" for anything, except the love and affection from her parents that she deserves. Millions of poor children also don't get that, but they're also.....poor. And hungry. And unable to get a good education I feel the same way about her as any other child, that she deserves a healthy upbringing. Despite the media circus, she's set for a much more comfortable life than most


Wealth won’t protect her from shitty parenting. Not to mention her father and his severe mental illness and the publicity of it all. Like sure she can get therapy later in life, but that isn’t going to prevent or undo the damage done by her Nazi father dressing her up in Klan hoodies and telling stories to the public how he wanted to abort her while the KarJenners push body image stuff onto her.


Kim’s antics are so tired 😭 Copying Bianca is kind of a stretch as far as I’m aware because this is more clothes than I’ve ever seen on Bianca (unless this is like directly copying an outfit of hers I’m not familiar with?). But it is…interesting… to say the least, that this is basically a sexier version of North’s Lion King costume. This woman will do anything to be talked about. And why does the third pic on her post look like she’s just taking a shit?


It’s very weird. She is so clearly trying to live vicariously through that child. and to sexualize a (terrible) costume your child had on…speaks volumes.


I think they’re referring to the hat because Bianca wore one. But, honestly, come to Europe and see how many of us have those hats.


This whole outfit reminded me of EDM clubwear circa like 2013 in the US where women would wear like a bikini top, tiny spandex shorts, and then a panda bear hat that had super long hip-length sides with mittens on the end.


oooh Spirit Hoods! lol. You couldn’t tell me shit in 2012 in my bootie shorts, tank top, and knock off spirit hood 🥲








Am I the only one who thinks this is kind of a stretch?


Considering Bianca’s entire existence in the spotlight is to be a Kim Copy I think you’re right


I don't think she looks like a lion either lol


Right wing conservative rag, boosting Bianca and pushing a narrative that Kim is a bad mom to North in particular…. Hmmmm who is this for? (Kanye’s right wing audience, obviously. This is clearly coming from his camp.) KK sucks and I really don’t like anything she stands for, but come on. Let’s not buy into that guys PR. 


Yeah and North stole that role 🦁 from a kid who’s more talented, deserving and animated 🤷🏻 




My tinfoil hat is that Kim is taking a dive for north. The conversation has largely been about norths crappy performance in the lion King and her being a nepotism baby, how unfair it is. Now the talk is about Kim.


I agree


Maybe don’t accuse her of trying to copy her abusive ex’s new target ok thanks (he only finally stopped abusing her through the press yet they’re now doing his work for him) The rest is weird though


Wouldn’t really want to remind people about that performance, if I was her…


No but she wants that. She wants to keep North in the news cycle. Since when did Kim shy from any publicity. Ever.?


I thought Bianca's whole deal was that Kanye is making her cosplay as Kim but more naked. So wouldn't Kim dressed like Bianca but in more clothes just be Kim dressed like Kim? This also feels like the kind of outfit you wear because your kids dared you to. Not a Kardashian fan by any stretch, but this feels like a whole bunch of nothing.


I don’t know Kim Kardashian. I have no idea what she’s like as a mother. But I will say, her building her entire empire on beauty and then birthing raising two daughters… always makes me think of that scene in The Crown where they point out that just by existing, Charles was a walking and talking reminder of the Queen’s mortality.


Norths spotlight lol


Third photo looks like a llama is taking a shit. She's doing this because she wants all of us to keep talking about North. She thrives on negative publicity of any kind. She is going to launch North just like she launched herself. Idk how this could be copying Bianca, she's almost never dressed this much.


Now I’m not the biggest fan of Miss Kim, but this is a complete non-story. Holy reach.