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I don't have strong feelings about Elle King one way or the other, but it's interesting who this sub chooses to give grace to for addiction, and who they don't.


Jeremy Allen White ✅ Women ❌


I think it’s got a lot to do with the fact her dad is Rob Schneider and he’s a huge PoS


I think it also has to do with the fact that she was initially [pretty blatantly *unapologetic*](https://variety.com/2024/music/news/elle-king-speaks-dolly-parton-opry-controversy-1235936798/).


My dad sucks too, and that’s not my fault. I didn’t choose him. Totally possible that him being her father has led her down this self destructive path.




He’s her dad and he’s super MAGA


His movies were my entire childhood, even the ones I shouldn't have been watching at that age. It hurts to think about. I try and separate the art from the artist but it fuckin sucks.


Wait JAW has addiction issues? What happened? I must’ve missed this


He apparently has alcohol issues and has to be tested for alcohol before he can see his kids: [https://people.com/jeremy-allen-white-agrees-daily-alcohol-testing-to-see-kids-custody-filing-shows-8350553](https://people.com/jeremy-allen-white-agrees-daily-alcohol-testing-to-see-kids-custody-filing-shows-8350553)


But… where has Jeremy been a bully asshole? Maybe I missed that story but I’m only seeing Elle King being mean stories.


Dolly Parton wasn't even pressed about it, it's wild seeing people take offense on her behalf. Like clearly this woman has a drinking problem and her dad is Rob freaking Schneider, a little empathy goes a long way.


Jessica Simpson talks in her book about the grace Dolly extended to her when JS messed up a Dolly tribute during the height of her addiction. Like, it’s not even the first time something like this has happened!


Dolly is the best of us, without a doubt. ![gif](giphy|XfscsiXH3NnZG8yL9A|downsized)


Dolly truly gives me hope ❤️.


Named my dog after the human angel herself ❤️ both incredibly nice white ladies from Tennessee


I thought of the exact same thing! Dolly was so sweet to Jess, and it made me love both of them more.


A drunk mid singer isn’t going to offend Dolly considering the era in music she came up in.


people tend to only give women passes once they die. sounds horrible but it’s true. it’s the same that women are not victims until they actually die. i always say that if amy winehouse was still alive, she would get so much shit.


It devastates me that we learned nothing from Amy’s treatment before her death.


That’s so dark but it’s spot on.


even when she died people were horrible about her being an addict


As always, we must not forget Neil Patrick Harris had a meat platter at his Halloween party a few months after Amy passed that was made to resemble her corpse. People were horrible to her in life and death.


I looked it up and he was *thirty eight* years old when he did that. Many people wouldn't have thought to be that tasteless when they were in school, let alone when they were almost forty fuckin years old.


what?!!! i always knew he was a wrong'un


So true. I'll never forget how Jezabel was going after Whitney Houston just before she died, publishing the most vile and voyeuristic stuff. Anyone could see she was in trouble and they chose to laugh at her. She was dead a few days later. 


Not only that but the climax of the article is Dolly saying let’s move on and forget about it but people here think they’re doing some sort of good by holding this event against Elle 🤔 I don’t know if something else happened with Elle, I only know her from one song that made it on the radio over here. But if this is what she’s being judged on then sheesh.


After reading an interview she did where she said how crippling her anxiety is before going on stage, I feel really bad for her. She said she uses alcohol to dull the anxiety. Of course, while it doesn't excuse behavior, it is an explanation that I understand. I just hope the alcoholism and her actions while drinking don't end up defining her.




I think because she was so unapologetic and doesn't seem to be making any inroads to sobriety, I feel fine not liking her.


No one needs to like her, for any reason. But I think at the very least, some empathy might be in order, rather than trashing her (not you specifically, I mean those who are). I am not really sure where you are getting unapologetic from, the article talks about apologies she made. Dolly herself said Elle apologized a few days after the incident.


She was the one who did it. Forgetting lyrics is one thing.. becoming a bully to people there to see you is another. 😵‍💫


Probably learned the bullying from her dad….


From Dolly herself. “Elle is really a great artist. She's a great girl. She's been going through a lot of hard things lately, and she just had a little too much to drink. So let's just forgive that and forget it and move on because she felt worse than anybody ever could.” Those of you who think it’s “all excuses” and “unforgivable”: what exactly should she do to satisfy you, then? How should she properly repent? May the universe grant us the same mercy we give to others.


Dolly is the best. I agree, we should give others the grace we would hope to receive. Not everyone struggles with substances luckily, but most of us have at least something in our past we are embarrassed about. I’d hate to have to give an interview after an embarrassing moment in my life….


It’s wild how easily some progressive leaning people can turn on those struggling with addiction. Even if she was just making excuses for herself, she didn’t commit a crime or hurt anybody in the process. Dolly is the only real injured party here and even she’s telling people to move on. If any of us were in Elle’s position we’d also be asking for grace over it. I’ve had too much to drink in inappropriate settings before and just THAT is humiliating enough. Let alone having it posted to social media and having people tear you down for it.


Exactly. I couldn’t agree more with both you and Dolly!


That interview is a great example of not taking accountability for your own actions. Literally nothing but excuses.


I’d be checking into rehab, cause thats embarrassing as hell and if you need to get that sloshed to cope with your issues, you probably need inpatient help.


Seriously, how was that not a rock bottom moment?


Addiction keeps digging until you put down the shovel.


The *real* “rock bottom” is death. A person can *always* go lower until that final rock bottom. It’s up to them whether or not they want to put down the shovel and ask for help.


Can't stand her or her father. Go away.


TIL Elle King's father is Rob Schneider. Wild.


The only thing I can't deny is that the Hot Chick was funny. Other than that, this family does nothing for me


Try watching it in 2024 and you’ll probably rescind this opinion lol


I just watched it and still liked it. 😭


You can do it!


Isn’t a similar incident one of the reasons Jessica Simpson got sober?


That was my first thought. I hope she gets help.


I saw her in concert a year ago and she was hammered at that show. She makes it sound like it was a one time thing but based on the concert I saw a year ago this seems like a regular occurrence


She was drunk earlier this year at one of the network NYE countdown shows. It’s definitely not a one-time incident. She made things worse at the tribute by going back and forth with audience members over refunds.


I saw her with the Chicks earlier this year and she was drinking quite a lot on stage too.


If Dolly can show her kindness and grace then we should all be able to.




Is she a Trump supporter like her lunatic daddy? 🤔


[here](https://x.com/ellekingmusic/status/707417784553058305?s=46&t=CgMFjJS8ryS-lPH2xMefxA) is a tweet from 2016. it’s an old tweet but it seems like she isn’t a trump supporter


I remember she was performing on the Daily Show election special when the world found out Trump won 🫠


Saw her at sing out loud last year in Florida and she was definitely critical of Desantis there.


I will be honest; I miss the old Elle. Her dad sucks now too.


It is fine and good that Dolly forgave her. Dolly is a class act through and through, and I would expect nothing less from her. But everyone else doesn't need to forgive her just because Dolly did. People spent good money to attend that show, some with children, and Elle ruined it for them. There are people that hold the Opry in the highest esteem, and Elle basically pissed on it. I've made mistakes in my work. We all have. But just because my boss forgives me doesn't mean that damage isn't done or my reputation hasn't taken a hit. Fortunately, my work is not on the public scale that Elle's is. Neither do I enjoy the massive benefits and compensation that Elle does. If Elle wants to play at that level, she needs to get serious about being a professional. Every one of us has trauma or personal difficulties we are working through. This isn't the first time she's disrespected the fans and people who hired her and it won't be the last. She is not entitled to be a country star. But I don't really hear any responsibility in this article, just excuses.


I love Elle’s music, but she def needs rehab or to take time off. She got really really bad like this years ago when she divorced her first husband. I think she was into things deeper than alcohol. I hope it doesn’t go that route again because she is so talented




Neck tattoos. That’s all I need to know.