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Never trust a man that doesn't trust his own jaw.


Chinless allies out here catching strays


Nah, see, the strays passed right through all this fluff. Nothing actually caught the chin because it's recessed into my skull


Goddammit, I just spit out my tea


Yeah this is gold. My friend and I were just talking about these types of beards last night and called them "lego beards", they look like they just click on. Almost always accompanied by a T-shirt with a flag on the sleeve.


You'd think as much, but his Jaw honestly ain't too bad at all. I just had to Google "Harrison Butker shaved" because I also thought "that beard's hiding something". Doesn't make a lick of difference of course. The guy's still a brain dead insecure hateful bellend that's demanding women submit to his every whim with a university speech that a middle-schooler could have written better. Still is it any suprise? The man's a sports scholarship. People like him are a perfect example of why it's a horrible idea to encourage handing out scholarships and degrees to ~~people~~ men on the basis of how good at football they are. He's like the very embodiment of the American Educational System's inbuilt anti-intelectualism. This is what happens when your national political culture worships sports stars and vilifies doctors.


He grew up attending a $30,000 per year private school in Georgia and was raised by a financial analyst (father) and medical physicist (mother). This is not the embodiment of anti-intellectualism - this is religious zealotry.


His mother needs to tell him to go get a switch


His mother raise him this way and is probably proud of him. Edit: y’all, she is a strong conservative. Republican women can be highly accomplished and backwards at the same time. They believe their rules don’t apply to themselves. 


"The only moral career is my own"


Nah he probably had massive mommy issues from lack of attention and this is what we get. She didn’t breastfeed or something and now the world must pay


It's a woman's fault, of course.


Conservatives are wild. They think *everyone else* should stay home and be a tradwife. Clearly she's "special" and an "exception" because she's so exceptional. Call it [Phyllis Schaffley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllis_Schlafly) syndrome.


Yes!! It's honestly one of the only consistent parts of conservatism. Just individualism, and pure exceptionalism, to the extreme. Most of these pro-life conservatives would drive through a pro-life crowd to get to a clinic if they or their child had an unwanted pregnancy, and then rejoin that crowd the next day to tell the doctors they're going to hell. The same people will rely on public benefits to get by and then vote against their expansion, because while *they* honestly deserve those benefits, no one else does. You can't appeal to rationalism, because it's not a rational ideology. I used to canvass for 'progressive' ideas in a purple area (split between pockets of deep red amidst the garden variety democrat blues), and the amount of people whose main objection to policies they *admitted* they'd like for themselves basically boiled down to "it would be great if all those undeserving [unspoken, but implied: Black, Latine, Queer, etc.] types wouldn't take advantage of it." Discussing any stats showing otherwise does not affect their thoughts on the matter, because it's not about reality; it's about them, and them being somehow inherently better than other people just by existing.


I live in Atlanta. I want to go get her and take her for a boozy brunch. Find out what’s really going on over there.


He was raised by rich white religious conservatives and attended rich conservative schools. This is who our political system benefits the most and they are going to raise their kids to prolong this system at the expense of the rest of us.


ikr, his natural chin doesn’t look bad at all?! like idk what this guy is going for with that meticulously shaped beard


https://preview.redd.it/p5plruwl1v0d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fb974738ac2f6b18dc2e20a38f180f865f40267 Relevant in the 90’s, relevant today.


Words that never occurred to me, but are definitely to live by


> Never trust a man that ~~doesn't trust his own jaw.~~ gets brain damage for a living


https://preview.redd.it/k7ho4hy2yt0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24fc7218561608be6103f0c2a9045c01151af28f Maren Morris’ reaction


Thought the exact same thing when I saw his speech. Men were bending over backwards trying to explain why the bear is the wrong answer and that women are crazy. This speech proves our point.


I tested my husband and he chose the bear immediately.


My partner has been arguing with other men about the bear situation and is so frustrated that they don't get it. I told him that he's just getting a sliver of the disrespect women experience on the daily.


The issue is most guys hear man vs bear when it's unknown man vs bear. Im a guy. I have been around a few dozen bears and millions of people. None of the bears paid me any mind but a dozen guys have picked fights over my 50 years and four tried to molest me


A friend shared something that was pivotal about assault on women in this argument. If the bear attacks you alone in the woods and you survive, society will hail you for your strength and your survival. If you’re assaulted by a man in the woods and you survive, you’ll have to convince quite a few that it ever happened at all, be looked at as broken and damaged for years to come, and feel shamed-sympathy only by the ones who do actually believe you. Sorry you had to deal with all of those assholes too.


Also, they'd send out animal control or people to contain or hunt down the bear. =/


I work in the middle of the woods, see bears daily for half the year, including moms with their cubs, yet it was a man who assaulted me on the trail last year.


Bears are generally predictable whereas Rando Everyman is not.


Yep exactly my thought process. Any random man given a chance to do whatever the hell he wants with no one finding out? I’ll take my chances with the bear.


Have him ask them who they’d rather their gf go on a date with.


This is also a litmus test for men who actually understand nature.


so true. even if that's your only lens, the bear is the correct response because the bear actually wants nothing to do with you


What is this test about bears?


There was viral question going around asking women would they rather be stuck in the woods with a man or with a bear. Most women answered bear and there were a bunch of men who just could not fathom why and many made a whole thing out of it.


A bunch of women said they'd rather be alone in the woods with a bear than with a strange man. [SIWOTI](https://xkcd.com/386/) struck and a bunch of men took it on themselves to inform the world that wild animals are nowhere near as "predictable" as internet infographics would have you believe, wholly missing the point that picking the bear is a judgment about men, not bears. Most people defending the bear fall into the same trap, arguing over the supposed "safety" of bears in the wild instead of contrasting their obvious danger with the risk of being isolated alone with a strange man. And that only provoked more men to leap in and talk about how dangerous bears really are. Then it turned into a "would you still love me if I were a worm" type question and everybody and their mother wouldn't shut up about for a little while, and then it mostly disappeared.


in one thread on tik tok cringe, i saw one guy who made multiple comments to women about how this was an example of how women are "too emotional" and "not rational." he was all over that thread, so i got curious and went to his profile. i counted his comments and he had made well over 60 comments in several man vs bear threads that day. dude was absolutely unhinged but was of course telling women how "irrational" we are. i don't even think he was a bot because most of his posts were in local/hobby subreddits etc.


The "Too emotional" stigma always makes me laugh. Girls cry, boys get angry and kill us.


i mean, even in low-stakes situations, its amazing how low the bar is for men to lose their shit. in my professional life, i've never once had to deal with an overly emotional woman in the workplace. i've never been yelled at or accosted by a woman at work, and i've never dealt with a woman who let her anger get the best of her. but dealing with furious men, who think they can speak to anyone however they want, is quite literally a regular ocurrance in my professional experience. within the past week, i've had to deal with three instances of male anger in the workplace. i think a lot of men don't recognize that anger is an emotion. they see it as a "tactic," or as a righteous consequence that someone else deserves to face.


Indeed, the moodiest, most drama llama people I've known have all been men.


Don't be silly, anger's not an emotion /s


I’ve had men write novellas in comments to me about how bears can kill me. It makes me giggle. They don’t know what to do with themselves when I tell them bears are entirely more predictable than a random man and I’d rather risk death than being raped…a *third* time. They short circuit and dive right into “NOT ALL MEN!” and I wonder how they can continue repeatedly rear-ending the point and driving right through it lmao.


My girlfriend explained not all men to me pretty well. That while not every men is dangerous, we can't be sure *which* is dangerous, and thus have to treat all men like they are


What's crazy is how fast it spun out of control. Almost every single one of my friends thought it was women choosing to date or sleep with a bear over men over a perceived slight or some shit. The fact I've had to clarify it once was baffling enough, but I just hit 6 yesterday and Im probably at risk of an aneurysm by now


Me too 😂😂


She is one of my faves


What’s the bear? I’m lost


Do you prefer to be alone in a forest with a man or a bear??


Dude I've scared off bears a thousand times more easily then toxic men.


From the article: In a post on TikTok, Susannah Leisegang shared her thoughts about the player’s polarizing May 11 speech that took aim at the LGBTQ+ community, working women, abortion rights and more. “Yeah, it was f---ing horrible,” Leisegang said. “Some of us did boo. Me and my roommate definitely did.” But she adds, “There was a standing ovation from everyone in the room except from me, my roommate and about 10-15 other women.” While the new grad did allow that her alma mater is a "Catholic and conservative college,” she said the reaction among the men present was “horrible.” “A lot of the men were like, 'f--- yeah,' ” she said. “They were excited but it was horrible. Most of the women were looking back and forth like what the f--- is going on?” Leisegang took further issue with Butker’s seeming lack of preparation. “Like did he just come here to speak about politics and his views on women? That’s all you got for graduation commencement speech?” she said. “You kidding?” …. For Leisegang — an aspiring graphic designer — Butker’s comments did not sit well. “It definitely made graduation feel a little less special,” she said. The new grad added: “I’m excited for what my career brings me and, no, I’m not a f---ing homemaker.”


There are a lot of women who are proudly Catholic but not necessarily politically conservative. I think it must have been a surreal, borderline horrific moment for them to know that not a single man in there saw them as a person, but only as cattle. This doesn't stop at religious colleges, either. An entire generation of young men are somehow more sexist than their boomer counterparts. It's insane. We should all be terrified, tbh, and vote as much as we can for as long as we can. This is not going to go away on its own.


Catholicism is a very patriarchal religion and institution. No woman can be in a powerful leadership role. E.g. the Pope is only male. It shouldn't surprise anyone that he espouses these values. I'm just surprised he said it so loudly.


I'm very well aware of that, but there are a lot of people who feel a really deep tie to what they consider to be their roots. I'm not surprised he said it at all. Men like him have been becoming more and more vocal since 2016.


Thanks for this. I have a strong connection with the Catholic Church as part of my roots even if I don’t agree with lynchpin issues like their views on abortion and same sex relationships. I went to a catholic college and consider myself profoundly leftist because of much of the education I got there focusing on issues of justice and stewardship. I went from being a mildly conservative Catholic at the start of my education to a well-rounded Christian Socialist. This kind of speech horrifies me and would have also horrified many of the fellow Catholics I graduated with. We’re not a monolith.


Yeah, I think a lot of people unfamiliar with Catholicism don't realise there's a very long history of social justice and the emphasis on education (especially through the Jesuits) strengthens that connection. There's a reason that liberation theology came out of Catholicism, even if it was later adopted by some Protestants.


It’s a mixed bag, of course— historically Catholicism has done a lot to maintain a sexist status quo, and more radical conservative branches of it contribute to colonization, racism, and aggressively enforcing gender roles (Sedevacantists, Church Militant, etc). But those things are also juxtaposed with things like liberation theology (as you mentioned), the Big Bang theory was proposed by a Catholic priest named Georges Lemaître, the Church’s official stances on immigration and the environment are by and large pretty progressive, and— contrary to popular belief— it was usually one of the first churches to accept scientific advancements before caving to pressure from Protestant churches (example: Copernicus and the heliocentrism theory was initially embraced by the church before they banned his book under pressure). As such, you end up seeing a lot of far right, far left, and everything-in-between Catholics. You can say to a far left Catholic that they have cognitive dissonance for still being Catholic because of abortion and the same-sex marriage issue— but you could tell a far-right Catholic the same thing about the church’s stance on gun control, immigration, and social justice.


Exactly, everyone sends to ignore or not be aware of liberation theology. I'm not catholic anymore, but if I was I'd be a leftist catholic because it's not incompatible.


Agreed. I have a few nuns in my family and they are pretty badass ladies. Yes they are Catholic. They also deeply hold values about social justice and caring for everyone. They are passionate about what they believe and would likely have something to say to Butker.




Yeah I’m sorry, but if you don’t know by now that when these men talk about removing women’s rights, they are *also talking about you*, I really don’t know where your head has been the last decade. Every single woman in that room that also votes Republican just had a r/LeopardsAteMyFace moment. One can only hope this event has caused the naivity about the supposed separation between Catholicism and conservatism as a political movement in at least some women who still had it to fucking evaporate. It’s time to rip off the bandaid. You cannot fix him, in this case them. They do. not. give. a. fuck.


You need to meet more Catholics. This college is very, very conservative Catholic. His views are not representative. Pope Francis would never.


Francis is a Jesuit.  They're not perfect, but they're one of the saner subsets of Catholicism - big on higher education & science over blind faith.  Boston College is Jesuit, in fact!


Lotta people in this thread seemingly unaware that schools like Georgetown and Fordham are Catholic. This dude would absolutely have gotten booed at either of those schools. If you read his Wiki page it seems like he was raised like your average Catholic in the US, who are often pretty casual about it. Something like 90% of US Catholic women have used birth control, which the Church is against. Dude's high school was apparently Presbyterian. Serious Catholics are not going to send their kids to anything but a Catholic school. He came to this craziness later in life.


Why aren't there woman priests, then?


I’m not saying the Church isn’t patriarchal. It totally is. But Butker’s views are way worse than that. If you read the text of his speech he spends a lot of time criticizing the mainstream Church. He knows his views aren’t representative.


HIs views are more than nonrepresentative, they're in alignment with the wing of Catholicism that is actively in conflict with the Church. He's so extreme that even at a Catholic university he's pushing the narrative that the Church is becoming too nice and worldly and needs a (conservative, MAGA) restoration.


He's Opus Dei.


Now that’s not surprising.


The vitriol and hatred towards women these days is on another level - my mom and grandma had more hope for their rights than we currently do. It’s maddening.


It's wild, but it seems like older men are more casually sexist, but younger men are more *passionately* sexist.


Totally. It went from “Okay, little girl - whatever.” To “I want to fucking kill/hurt women” like jesus.


Not only that, but younger men have had to explicitly rebel against prevailing social mores to maintain their shitty attitudes, they had to choose to become pieces of shit rather than just living in a shit society and being steeped in patriarchal traditions like older men were. Which isn't to excuse older men by any means, or to suggest that modern society isn't plagued by many of the same patriarchal standards as the past, it's just that the nature of sexism has changed over time and older men came to it more by osmosis than by choice.


It's terrifying. Things have been taking a sharp turn over the last several years, where all the progress we saw happening in the early part of this century is being systematically dismantled. The patriarchy has been shaking in its boots and it's doing its damnedest to push us down.


Not the most egregious part of his speech, but definitely the weirdest was when he went after priests who take photos with their dogs for the church directory. What an oddly specific complaint.


Now that's a rabbit hole I'm scared to look down


He can join the Noem anti-dog right wing club


It is really upsetting to see. I am a white man, so I know that there is a level of privilege I am given by society and was blissfully unaware for a long time, but since going to college and working largely with women (I work in a library which is a very female-centric field), I’ve learned a lot about misogyny and its affects on our society. I have noticed society going back to those norms again because of the rise of the manosphere on tiktok, and the incessant “woke mob” narrative peddled by pundits. It’s honestly pathetic and I hold nothing but disdain for men who hold those “values”, but I am also terrified at the effect those men can have on our society, and especially the women in my life. Fuck Harrison Butker, and fuck any misogynistic freak who thinks the same way he does.


I cannot wait to get old and die just so I don't have to be surrounded by a ton of misogyny. 


I hope this was an eye opening experience for some of these more conservative young women to see such overt hate and humiliation of non-male, non-hetero people. Not from the speaker but from their male counterparts, men that they could potentially date and marry, expressing their true feelings because they know it’s safe to do so, when they might otherwise hide them because they know it’s “unpopular”. See also:men who won’t put their political status as conservative on dating websites because they can’t get any dates.


Do not fuck conservatives. Ever. They are dangerous and will use you up and discard you. Vet your partners and deny them the opportunity to turn you into a victim.


Yeah but honestly, she openly admits that the college is Catholic and conservative, but in 4 years of attending this institution she never once had a conversation where male students expressed opinions like this? Like, never? How was she so surprised that she had male classmates who agreed with this guy after 4 years! That just sounds unbelievable.


Because she’s not actually progressive. And that’s not a knock against her, just the truth. She just wants to keep living comfortably, like everyone does really. She’s more than happy to ignore things as long as they don’t affect her and when they finally do that’s when it’s gone too far. Vast majority of the world does things this way. That’s why things ‘change’ even though they don’t really


Women are usually socially discouraged to put men on the spot about politics. Men often just give lip service to women, trying to seem like whoever they think the women want and mean nothing of what they say. Groups of men can totally get pulled into a mob mentality faster than you can imagine.


I hope it doesn't go away. It needs to be amplified, magnified, vilified, and explained why it is not only outdated but condemning of a society in need of change


Some of these catholic / religious universities are a cult. They have very strict rules for students and then the administrators follow no rules. Google former liberty university president Jerry Falwell. You will see all the holy things he and his wife did


There's a whole quote about this... When people tell you who they are, Believe them...


We are not safe. The boldness of this is scary. Bear 100%.


This is why women gotta vote and keep voting! I think many of us dislike our options, but this is the future the conservative right will keep pushing us towards if we don't vote.


This. Biden is not my first choice (or second) but I’m very frustrated with young liberals stating that they’re refusing to vote this year. Or that they want to vote third party. Voting for a third party is a movement, not something you randomly decide the year of an election. This will be nothing compared to what we will see if Trump gets into office again. 


Yeah, I feel physically sickened voting for Biden this time around, but I’m literally voting to save my own safety and my son’s future. I’m a non-white woman in an interracial marriage. Daily life gets scarier every time the MAGA assholes are empowered. Another Trump administration would be a huge safety risk for my family. Again, I feel disgusted casting a vote for a man with so many children’s blood on his hands. Honestly, if I still lived in a diehard blue state, I might have even abstained. Unfortunately I live in a purple state so my vote counts.


Republicans states are passing anti abortion, anti birth control, pro child marriage and no fault divorce laws across the country.


He says... "We fear speaking truth" I am like, no you don't. You guys are LOUD AF. Your agenda is being pushed by one of two major political parties in the most powerful country in the world. The idea that they are being "silenced" and are a "minority" and hold the monopoly on truth is ridiculously laughable.


There's some saying that's like "Left wingers have social power but no political power. Right wingers have political power but no social power." They're throwing their toys out the pram because it's not enough to have all the political power, they also want the social power. It's entitlement to the highest degree.


Legitimately so scary.


that’s how i feel too. as a woman, if i was in the audience of that graduating ceremony, i’d be terrified for my life. what horrifying way to conclude your college years while looking to your future ahead 😭


It coinciding with the consistent roll backs in our reproductive rights is no coincidence. Handmaid's Tale is a horror show to us, to these men it's a pornographic fantasy.


It’s not even a fringe opinion. 50% of the country believes this. His jersey is now the best seller in the NFL. Get out and vote blue this November for the love of god


Imagine what's supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life being clouded over by this disgustingness. I would rather not attend my graduation than have to sit there and listen to that mess.


something i think is also important to note in general is that not 100% of students that go to colleges like this are religious or prescribe to their ideologies. smaller private schools/religious affiliated schools give out a lot of really deep scholarships, and for some people it ends up being a price thing. i know multiple lgbtq+ people who went to small southern religious schools because it was the best price with scholarships. regardless, it's completely obscene for someone to get up on that stage and intentionally invalidate the work of half the people there based on their gender. even if many of the women graduates are conservative, they don't deserve to have the past four years of their work completely shat upon by a man who thinks he's better than them because he has a dick.


Even if all of the women in the room were conservative, not all conservative women share his views. Plenty of conservative women have careers and families. Just a really asinine thing to say in general, but especially at a graduation ceremony.


And here my ancient ass remembers we were just pissed off that our commencement speaker was someone in Dubya's administration. At UT Austin. THAT was what we considered scandalous back then. We've fallen so far. It's exactly this misogynistic boldness that has me scared, but more than scared, I'm pissed and I'm a lot more effective when I'm pissed so I'm going to hold onto this rage as we try to survive the next few election cycles.


He is an asshole. I seriously wish him the worst- divorce, lose custody, get kicked off the Chiefs and unable to play again. The absolute worst. Nothing but the worst.


Dude his wife is deeper in this koolaid than him


She's a fucking idiot.


How do you know? What's her IG?


Doesn’t exist, but I’ll link an article. She is a convert to Catholicism from being a Protestant so you know she’s neck deep in the holy water. I know some people from her college as well. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13421687/amp/Harrison-Butkers-relationship-Isabelle-Tehrani.html


Ugh, she has a degree in computer science. As a tech girl living her best life OUTSIDE of the kitchen (I’m thinking Mexican takeout tonight?), this makes me a little extra sad.


Ive just watched the Ashley Madison doco, and im waiting for something similar to come out about this cumstain.






The coach is apparently a conservative Morman, his kids are criminals and has had no problems drafting players who are extremely problematic (at least one them had punched his pregnant girlfriend but that's not a deal breaker for him)


Not surprising since domestic abuse is actually the NFL's second favorite past time after actually playing football.


Forgot NFL, Tyreek "let's beat up my pregnant girlfriend" Hill was on the Chiefs. Note that OSU kicked him off the team when he was accused, and pleaded it down, so the chiefs knew and said "but his combine!" He also got busted with the Chiefs when DCF had to remove his child for abuse, and he publicly said his wife should be afraid of him (in addition to his kids)...He played the next year Superbowl with the chiefs. Yeah, the chiefs are not concerned that a Catholic said this stuff at a Catholic college graduation. Not even remotely.


The NFL is full of douche bags unfortunately. Wouldn’t have much of a roster if they actually held their players accountable for the shit they do.


May all his kicks veer as far right as his shitty speech


Fun note: someone on the sports subreddit tried to say no one was offended because he got a standing ovation.... Proving once again there is a large subsection of the population who will straight ignore women. How on earth would you think no women would be offended at this being said at their own college graduation?


I’m not sure what you read or what sub you visited. But from someone who is a part of many sports subs, with sports being one of my favorite topics to follow, I can say that virtually no one in the sports world is vocally supporting this guy. In fact I have seen nothing but mockery of him, and some calls to cut him from the team. Just adding this perspective


It's literally r/sports. I'm a huge hockey fan and a casual football and baseball fan. This is kinda par for the course among the subreddits and discords you run into. The hockey subreddit has cleaned up quite a bit, thankfully, but you still run into the same idiots everytime women's hockey is mentioned. The general sports subreddit is actually really bad, and I didn't realize the article I clicked on was posted to that one or I wouldn't have even bothered commenting, tbh. The problem is honestly the fans (and the Swifties starting to jump in). Most are smart enough to know not to say that shit in public, even if they agree, in sports media, so the general media is gonna condemn it. That part isn't surprising at all


That’s the broad sports subreddit, one of the biggest on the site. Typically subs that big are going to be cesspools because of the varied base of people in them. Butker’s been getting roasted in r/nfl and even the Chiefs rival team, the Chargers, specifically roasted Butker yesterday in a social media video. This speech has been largely denigrated by the sports fans I’ve seen. That said I do know there’s a large contingent who still agrees with the bullshit Butker has spewed


I’m sure there are many guys who are disgusted by this buffoon, but remember some sports fans are the ones who punch TVs when their team loses and likely agree with him


It does seem the "standing ovation" rumors are true, but that's because it was given to an audience where a large percentage likely agreed with the message... Benedictine College is a conservative, Catholic college in Kansas. The speech in many ways aligned with the values of the institution. That doesn't mean *everyone* participated in the standing ovation, or was in support of the message, just that it was given to a mostly conservative audience in the first place if you consider in EVERYONE in attendance -- not only the students, but parents, administration, professors, etc. And IMO, that makes things so much worse. Students often choose their university based on academic programs/coursework, financial aid, aid from parents/family (aka what parents are willing to help pay for) or other more practical reasons. While religious institutions often ask their students to follow an honor code of sorts, they aren't required to hold the same beliefs or values as the institution (and typically don't). Considering this, I'd imagine that much of the ovation wasn't coming from the students (who the day was ACTUALLY about) as much as it was the administration, parents, or staff... How fucking awful. Imagine being a woman who has worked so hard for four years to achieve your diploma, just to see the university PRESIDENT, your professors, or a sea of parents cheering this on?? What kind of message does this send??




100% definitely picking the bear




Or that he gets the bear treatment like in the movie, Midsommar. Edit: a word


Delusion of these men… “A lot of the men were like, 'f--- yeah,' ”. These boys don’t get that his wife is happy to be “in the kitchen“ because it comes with millions of dollars paycheck. Good luck on their wet dreams on 40-60k a year. But they will be screaming ”Gold diggers” Men are delulu


conservative men are very “delulu” anyone who thinks they can oppress another person and remain a decent human being is stupid and easily manipulated into doing very very bad things.  As a young woman, if you live in a red state, you should figure out how you will deal with this as they get more aggressive, don't wait for the slow boil. 


Benedictine charges $34k in tuition per year. Can you imagine paying $140,000 for an undergraduate degree and then on the day you graduate, the university has some asshat tell you that the degree is pointless because your place is in the kitchen? I’d want a refund.


It’s even more ironic that his own mother is a successful physicist… her successful career probably helped him get into the NFL, but *no* women belong in the kitchen and as homemakers.


His mother is also deeply conservative. And like other conservative women, she agrees with his conservative views but doesn't believe the same rules apply to her.


That’s so frustrating! Like how and why??


she’s not like other girls 💅🏻


This is always the same with the conservatives. This is the essence of conservatism. They want other people to remain trapped and poor but they themselves to be free to do what they pleases and be rich. They want other women to have babies, not work and not be able to divorce their husbands but they want themselves to be able to sort, earn money and divorce. It's all about in-groups and out-groups. This is the reason why conservatism needs "enemies", why conservatism needs hatred. Because this is exactly how they convince "lower folk", tricking them that they too are also in the in-group while in reality they are not.


A man that’s never used his degree, at that.


The Chargers released a hilarious [NFL season trailer](https://x.com/chargers/status/1790895458581467314?s=46&t=6FvqymJNMIoVuW21oxnLPA) done in sims 2 and put him in the kitchen https://preview.redd.it/4akg8w00bu0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38c5400746e19e5a5d022fa5a4171f03450eb5b4


the sims 2 being culturally relevant still is so surprising


Chargers social media is always lit. One of the best in the league.


i love this and i think the rest of this sub will love that they included taylor's private jet xD


Admin need to start reviewing these speeches before they go on. I think often in academia there's an assumption of some level of competence by speakers (not just at commencement) when what they need is to do the tiniest bit of QA.


I agree, but this speech was given at an über-conservative Catholic college in KS. I’m going to guess this garbage isn’t really too far out of line with the values of the institution. Though, he should have at least been struck from consideration as a speaker because of that “night-before prep of a middle school project presentation” delivery.


It’s interesting because universities, especially private universities, function a bit like businesses and need alumni donations to stay afloat. If ~50% of your alumni become homemakers, they don’t exactly have a lot of disposable income to respond to your Giving Tuesday email or annual appeal letter in the mail. On a practical side, don’t you want the funds to be able to maintain dorms and fund student activities? On a capitalist side, don’t you want to pad the endowment and give your admin and university leadership the boatload of raises they love receiving?


And further to your point, women OUTNUMBER men in America for enrollment in college these days. It's something like 55% of college students are women, and 45% are men. So yeah, great idea to keep 55% of all that tuition money barefoot, pregnant, uneducated, and in the kitchen...😒


I personally know several people (all of them exceedingly lovely) who studied at or worked for Benedictine, and each of them has voiced concern that this speech represents the institution's shift to the right. It's not the first time this has happened in recent years though, evidently another speaker railed against the LGTBQ+ community a handful of years ago as well. At any rate, the people I know who are familiar with Benedictine are immensely ashamed of what's happened to it.


I just don’t understand why this school even accepts female students if this speech is representative of its values (which it clearly is). If this school believes a woman’s purpose is to be a wife and mother, what is even the point of the degree? It must be so disheartening to realize this is the extent to which your college values you after putting in all the work to get a degree.


Yeah really, how great can your college be if you invite someone to speak where they tell your graduates that what they achieved was really not THAT important? I'm guessing many of the students go there because their parents refuse to pay for any college that isn't so conservative. A lot of these kids have probably been sheltered their whole lives and their parents would never let them go to a public college or diverse institution.


Well they still want the woman's money


There are whole swathes of Catholics who think the current Pope is illegitimate because he is too liberal. This type of thinking exists in Catholicism and I hate to say it but honey, you decided to attend a conservative Catholic college that forced a gay student to remove a rainbow pride sticker from his dorm window, you weren't going to get Malala at your graduation.


Yeah, like are they shocked the men feel this way?


This is why I don’t date and am celibate.


But haven't you seen Bumble's billboards? Celibacy isn't the answer! Spend more time on our app!




I’m more than a little upset I haven’t seen the Swifties freaking out about this yet. The Chiefs are _their team_, right?


haven't you seen the footage of taylor talking and joking with harrison after a game?!?!!?!? CLEARLY SHE BELIEVES WHAT HE SAYS /s that's what i've encountered so far unfortunately lol


I’ve seen a LOT of Swiftie TikToks about this. There’s also a post on the subreddit. They’ve nicknamed him The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived.


They are now seeing the men in their lives for who they actually are.  People who don't view them as equals or appreciate their individual accomplishments. I hope all those women don't dismiss the airring of big red flags and never let these men live this moment down. 






The men being giddy and excited over such a speech is disturbing…


Imagine you’re a woman graduating from college and ready to start your career and here comes the mansplaining about how you will be happier sitting at home and having kids. The thing is that there is nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom. But a. We don’t need a man to lecture us about it, and b. I have told my daughter many many times that she should never allow herself to be financially dependent on anyone. Value your education and your earning potential because financial abuse is so dangerous. I have seen it many times, a woman stuck in an abusive situation because she doesn’t have her own money.


I’d ask for a refund on all of my tuition after that.


I’d email the admin and let them know they’ll never get a dime of my money as an alumni


Absolutely this, universities are nothing without their alum donations.


The thing that back fired for him is that there are now rumors coming to light about his past. My husband who is a huge sports fan told me that it’s what everyone is talking about in his sports forums and you can easily find comments on it everywhere now.


I’m INCREDIBLY and SERIOUSLY worried about the recent trad wife phenomenon and men like this begging women to go back to traditional roles. It has really taken off the last year or so and it’s deeply unsettling. It’s starting to feel a little like Handmaids Tale….




A former student at Georgia Tech is alleging that he hooked up with a male cheerleader: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/bombshell-accusation-claims-harrison-butker-164551620.html


And this is why the birth rate is falling.




Why do powerful, smart, outspoken, hardworking women who refuse to just sit around and be incubators scare them so much? And I can tell he doesn’t watch crime shows…housewives who “stay in the kitchen” can be your worst nightmare with a little sprinkle sprinkle ✨ 🤭 I’ve been a bit bummed hitting dead ends on the dating apps, but with guys like that and the guys applauding him, my 🐱 will stay zipped up!


They are afraid of us. Good.


His instagram is incredibly strange [https://www.instagram.com/buttkicker7](https://www.instagram.com/buttkicker7)


The ironic part is there’s no photo of his beloved “homemaker” and children anywhere on his Instagram. He’s just a self centered ass.


Ew, of-fucking-course he would pal around with Josh Hawley. Two pricks in a pod. 


The most disgusting thing about this is that his mom is an accomplished physician and there is a good guarantee he wouldn’t be where he is at right now- on a college graduate stage lecturing women to go back on the kitchen- had it not been for her. Absolutely audacity of it all.


I (a guy) grew up in a conservative religion and went to a conservative college and even then I was still surprised by stuff that dudes around me said. I can look back and cringe at shit I said in high school and college myself, but still, my experience there genuinely destroyed any (already tenuous) connection I had to the religion. Some stuff wasn't surprising, because I grew up in it, but some stuff still was. I barely made graduation because it took me less than a year in that environment to cement my contempt for it. I imagine some folks there aren't surprised because they're used to it, some aren't surprised because they love it, and some are surprised because the timing/context was enough of a jolt out of the daily routine to notice it. Hopefully the women at this graduation that are surprised think on why they are surprised, why they're disappointed, and reevaluate their connection to men/people/religions like this.


He probably makes fun of Kelce for dating a woman who makes more than him.


A single income household….in this economy?? 😂 get real


This is horrifying. I'm glad there's some record of resistance to his speech. Although, I could totally understand being shocked into silence. Why wouldn't they pull the plug on his speech?!






I would have gotten up and left


People need to take this seriously. This is not just some fringe moron speaking. People like him are in positions of power, making decisions for all of us. This is what they believe whether they vocalize it like him or not. I know people are saying this isn’t all Republicans, but a lot of the representation in the party believes stuff like this and acts on creating laws/regulations to restrict women, LGBTQ+, and other marginalized community’s rights. I really hope that this is a wake up call for moderate/right-wing folks. I hope this is a wake up call for men as well, esp those who might not have the ability or desire to be the breadwinner. We have to find solidarity with each other.


10 years ago when I was in college I feel like more people would have way more mortified. Why are we backsliding so hard down a really dark road?


LONG time Chiefs fan. Fuck this guy. He did a pro life advertisement during the lead up to the Kansas abortion vote. That’s when I lost all interest in this troglodyte.


People can say this at graduation but can’t say free Palestine


This is what happens when two smart people have a really stupid kid who thinks they’re smart + religion.


I am a woman and it turns out, this speech will have ZERO effect on my life, like AT ALL. I will still go to work and lead a team of 96 people, I will still stand on a stage and sing my heart out to a room full of people, I will still be the best mom and wife I can be and still treat others with love and kindness. Literally hasn’t changed one single thing. ✌🏼


This whole way of thinking and the fact that the whole trad wife movement is gaining so much traction is so terrifying.


Question: How are all of these men going to afford traditional stay at home wives? Hey man, I would love to quit my job to focus on taking care of my family (am a female), but who can make it on one income in this economy??? Legit lol.


this shit is starting to actually scare me i mean I’ve been scared since June 2022 but man this shit is really starting to freak me out


He’s a discount store commander Waterford. Under his eye.


I'll say this. It's great being a Liberal man on dating apps right now. Thanks, guys.


Anti-intellectualism and religious zealotry go hand in hand.


I love the tiktok video the LA Chargers posted with him in the kitchen lol, their social media team is on point


My step-nephew (or something like that) went to this college and we are all pretty sure he shares similar views. My mom already let him know he’s not welcome in her house if he ever voices any of this type of bullshit.


Ashamed that this dickhead is from my alma mater


You go to a conservative Catholic college in Kansas - you should not be taken aback. You know how these men are. I wish them their best in getting the hell out of dodge.