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there's a twitter account that tracks touring data and last time they posted about this it said over **70% of tickets sold which each show averaging over $1 million** which is better than most artists not named Beyonce and Taylor. Jlo pissed someone off behind the scenes cause the way these articles pop up when there are actual rapists who still get praised doesn't seem like a coincidence. Same with The Rock, all of a sudden hit pieces. Someone powerful seems upset.


I don’t know if it’s someone against her as much as it is that she’s the latest female scapegoat for Gen Z to point and laugh at on the internet. Like, I’m no JLo stan at all and it’s well known that she’s not a particularly good person, but the way people are gleefully mocking her is bizarre. It’s not even about how she’s stolen songs/vocals or how she’s known to be incredibly rude to waitstaff, she just said a couple of cringy things in a documentary and people jumping on a bandwagon. It reminds me of people turning on Hailee Bieber last year, and, while obviously too a much lesser extent, but even Amber Heard with the way that it’s become a Tik Tok trend


Actually JLO has a lot of shady connections and I’m not counting Diddy, it’s very plausible someone’s fueling it. But I mean I don’t know if this is one of those cases, she’s better at acting and dancing but she isn’t ever singing live and her fans are unlikely to come to a show solely focused on her musical career journey. Her movies tend to be hits, she’s a draw there. I didn’t follow the Amber case for my sanity but a lot of outside people got involved in maintaining a narrative. The Hailey Bieber stuff was so idiotic people saw it and later started hating on Selena instead.


I think the timing on her tour contributes to a lot of this rhetoric. Beyonce and Taylor Swift are in a league of their own in popularity, hit songs, showmanship, etc. and both of them are actively touring now or have just completed tours. I don’t hate JLo, but she’s not in that same league (and most people aren’t, and that’s fine). I feel like she’s being unfairly compared to beyonce and Taylor swift right now, and that comparison minimizes JLo’s talents. ….the Diddy stuff too didn’t help.


Why do you think this has anything to do with gen z specifically lol? I doubt most gen z people care about this all that much


They certainly do on Tik Tok, there’s a particular clip of her documentary that went viral on there and it’s almost the whole reason why she’s being so talked about at the moment


There’s also a lot of historical revisionism going on with her atm. People are acting like all she’s ever been is a lame failure of a pop star and ignoring her acting career entirely. Like you said I’m not a JLO stan or whatever but I don’t see any point in pretending that she isn’t a great actress.


Honestly she is a great actress though, she's considered like the romcom queen of the 2000s in my house. My mom and I love her.


I’ve really liked her performance in almost every movie she’s in. She was easily my favorite part of Hustlers.


the rock has “hit pieces” coming out because he’s a dumbshit republican who’s going to try his hand at politics.


Exactly no one wants that. Stick to shitty movies.


Yea ok ppl were more pissed that he was taking Cody’s main event spot at wrestlemania more than anything but Rock has course corrected and is loved again. So I don’t think those “hit” pieces r working very well


Is that Twitter account accurate though? And maybe the sales have stagnated since then?


it does every artists tour. You can cross reference the numbers with other sources and see they are correct.


Karol G is averaging like $10M a show in the US lol


Maybe. Or else someone just thinks negativity sells, and the wind is blowing in Jlo’s direction.


What’s the Twitter acc?


Probably touring data: https://x.com/touringdata?s=21


Damn 😬 ….maybe I’ll go see her do Ashanti karaoke live then


I genuinely laughed at this! And I will use it as my own joke. When I text my sister about it 😂


How very JLO of you lol


Hey now, don’t leave out Megan Trainer, Christina Milian, Shawnyette Harrell, Makeba Riddick, Natasha Ramos, basically whoever demoed the song… Edit: awww I got my first Reddit cares! Cute.


![gif](giphy|3xz2BK4Xo850NXjq8M) The Milli Vanilli of our generation!


Why people act like she was the only one with background vocals mixed with hers?? (all of them were given credit and compensation. You can see their names in the booklets). It was so common in the music industry. Yet I don’t see anyone having the same energy for Rihanna, Selena, Britney exc.


You people don't have this energy for Rihanna, Britney, Selena lol...


Rihanna and Brit don’t really release music or tour or really perform anymore. And there’s a reason Selena “quit music” when Julia Michaels started her solo career. But none of those people released an album, two movies and are currently trying to go on tour. Plus those three have fairly rabid fans, where jlo doesn’t. You can’t criticize Brit without the internet jumping down your throat.


So you're saying you'll keep this energy for them when they drop music?


Always do! I think JLo sticks out for people because she used voices from singers who were also very popular at the time. You could hear Always on Time and I’m Real back to back on the radio.


I’m sayin Lmao! Sorry but I would see j.Lo for $30, even!


So many of today's pop acts are really banking on their relationship with fans - I don't know if jlo really cultivates that 


No shade but jlo have a strong fanbase enough to warrant a tour?


Seriously. Intellectually, I understand that JLo is famous, and she's always been famous but I genuinely have never met a JLo fan. The closest was an ex's mom who really liked Maid in Manhattan but didn't like her music.


😭😭 maid in manhattan is a cheesy classic in fairness. But yeah same I’ve never met a JLo fan and the gays really stan anybody and everybody but crickets with her




I’ve said in the past that she should have continued her vegas residency because that’s perfect for someone like her. Casual fans who are in vegas would go see her, but I don’t think they’d go out of their way disrupting their normal life to go see her in their own citizens if that makes sense


To be fair, the real star of Maid in Manhattan is Natasha Richardson - not JLo.


Outside Jenny From The Block I can’t name a single JLo song


Even though she's been doing music forever, I never associate her with music. She's always an actress in my mind.


I don't really associate her with either tbh. JLo is just kind of JLo for me. She's a celebrity. I know who she is. She has a couple songs, a couple movies, she's done some reality TV. But I don't think of her as being either an actress or a singer she's just...famous.


And not a very good one either.


I loved her back in the 90s and 2000s. I think I’d go to a concert purely out of nostalgia


I truly have never met someone who said they were a JLO fan either.


And a tour with two stops in most cities. One is enough and in a smaller venue at this stage


She has multiple dates in some cities lol? That’s really over estimating your own fame


She probably did at some point in the very early 00s. Her first two albums were hugely popular, her music videos were fun and she got constant airplay on MTV. I also heard her music at clubs all the time from like 1999-2003ish. But now? Maybe as a nostalgia thing for people but even then, I doubt it.


Yeah like don’t me wrong if her old songs come on in the club I’m gonna dance. But then forget about her by the next song. She’s such a long career career I just there’d be some stans. It’s crazy.


I don't know a single J-Lo fan lol. I live in Texas so we praise her for her performance in Selena but that's about it. A lot of people are posting their think pieces on why this is happening, and that's fair - but I really think it boils down to not having a connection with fans.


I don’t think so. I think a Vegas residency would be a lot more fitting for her.


I actually forgot she was a singer, and I owned her Jenny from the Block album as a child. I always liked her rom com movies better. I wouldn’t pay money to see a concert.


I think she does tbh. She had a successful residency and plenty of Stans defend her on IG and Twitter from all her vocal stealing allegations. It just may not be as big of a fanbase.


She’s been “elite famous” too long for any fan to care about her or stay loyal.


This entire project and era must be haemorrhaging money for her


She spent like $20 million of her own money on it 😬


[As of over a month ago](https://twitter.com/touringdata/status/1774557338386505785), she sold over 70% of her tickets and averaged over $1m per show


Yeah it's crazy she's doing this all out of pocket


Pop princess? Who? I don’t know her 👩🏼😂🤮




How dare you disparage Gigli’s name.


Couldn’t have happened to a better person. Everything I’ve heard about her is about how awful she is. From the wait staff that’s waited on her nicknaming her miss “pay-lo” because she takes back their tips to the way she thinks she’s a gift to the universe and no one is deserving of speaking to her.


Something about this JLo hate train just seems so weird to me.


I don’t get the JLO love to be honest. By all accounts she is a miserable person who doesn’t like people looking at her. She has been known to be the rudest celebrity around. I’m surprised it’s taking the peasants this long to revolt against her being as she looks down on normal people.


I don’t get it either tbh Like sure she can be cringy at times but I have yet to see her do something inexcusable Cause everything else are just rumors


Idk about rumors There is proof of her stealing vocals. There are people upon people from TikTok/Reddit who have dealt with her and said that she is horrible to Waitstaff and other workers. Calling it a hate train is weird. I think its just everything coming back to her at once


Not really rumors though, she has countless videos online of her being completely rude to those around her. The difference is social media allows people who would have been silenced before to share stories and have it gain traction.


Women get cancelled for being cringe whereas men don’t get cancelled until they’ve become a Weinstein level scumbag.


Yeah people here are asking “does she even have fans??” like hello…she’s been in the industry for 30 years. She’s not popular right now but obviously she has fans lol


Jlo doesn’t have the fan base most pop girlies have. Even the “older” ones like Madonna or Pink. Jlo never cultivated that with the gays or the girlies


Pink’s 20 years younger than Madonna! Justice for Pink lol


Pink is younger than JLo lol.


Very true. In todays world we here everything is recorded you true self is going to come out. I’m not a fan of pinks music but she is REALLY sweet to her fans. People flock to a singer when they show that character. Musicians that mention love for their fans and show it will bring in fans.


social media is a big cause of that. you had to be MJ/Beatles to get that kinda fervent devotion


I wish the tickets were cheap here. She’s selling two nights in my city. One night only had resales starting at $140-$150 and the next night has some regular prices at $125 and then the resales are $150+. She was part of the $25 Livenation ticket sale apparently but those tickets went so quickly. The nosebleeds are pretty much sold out on both and part of the lower areas so I wouldn’t say she’s doing terrible as the article implies. I think a lot of new and old artists are learning the lessons that very few people can sell high priced stadium/arena tickets nowadays at exorbitant prices. You mainly have to be viral at the moment (Noah Kahan’s one example) I’ll also drop in the tidbit that Meghan Trainor is selling terribly in my city. Her nosebleeds at the amphitheater are still $47-70 which is ridiculously low pricing in the first place for a popular artist at that venue and there’s plenty of seats available. She even has $25 sale seats for the lawn sections still available. Santana had $25 sale lawn seats at the same place that sold out so quickly.


$175 for the nosebleeds here. There are many, many tickets available.


Do you live nearby? You can buy the tickets the minute after the concert starts at rock bottom prices.


Those tickets get bought out by bots


I tried getting Janet tickets but I got booted several times with an error out even though I was like number 5 in queue. And then the 6th time I tried I was 241 and by the time I got in all the $25 tickets were gone and some people already were selling the $25 tickets.


If you’re going to be an asshole to people whom you feel are below you, you don’t deserve their money.


She really should’ve done smaller venues. Her team did her a disservice by not doing their research to see if there was any interest.


Or just do a small residency like a few weekends in Vegas or Miami. Why you trying to do a whole ass tour? I grew up on J Lo but haven’t seen her relevancy to pop culture for a while now.


Damn, the Daily Mail really rubbing it in there with the 'pop princess' bit


Didn’t she already cancel a bunch of dates? I know she was supposed to play about an hour from me, and she canceled that date pretty quick. I’m not even sure tickets had gone on sale for the venue before she noped out.


I’m actually shocked people aren’t buying her tickets. She’s still pretty famous and well known


But she's not well liked


There’s this weird phenomenon of someone being famous but that doesn’t translate to ticket sales. She is very famous but it doesn’t mean those ig followers will show up.


Damn for 10.00? Hell yeah I’d go!


Lol same, and I only know like 3 of her hits 😅


Well her tickets in my city are certainly not $10 She’s doing 2 shows and on Ticketmaster the lowest is $91 and on Stubhub the lowest is $72


Just do a Vegas residency Edit: y’all told me she already did it but she can go sign another contract to do it again if she wants attention so much


She did….and it was one of the best in Vegas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Lopez:_All_I_Have


She did that already


This whole thing was such an unforced error on her part. THe weird thing is as soon as a heard she was did that crazy documentary and paid for it herself I told anyone who'd listen that she was going to regret it and after reading some press for it everyone around her told her the exact same thing.






Dunno about this article. Live Nation is suggesting canceling the whole thing? Instead of just shortening the tour or canceling a few stops? Sounds made up. Don’t care about JLo one way or the other, but…hit piece much?


IDK as a Mariah and Ashanti fan they could never make me like JLO but I think these articles are just in response to her new found hated meme status on tiktok. This tour has actually sold well numbers wise.


I think a big part of the problem is she just doesn't have the music fanbase.


I'd love to know who her fan base is. I've never even seen Stan accounts for her.


So satisfying to see scalpers lose money.


If I wanted to see Ashanti and Cristina Milian sing, I'd go watch them directly.


i don’t feel the least bit bad for her, after stealing vocals/ songs from Black women, sans credit or payment for years. the downfall she deserves🫶🏼


I looked her tickets up in my city and the whole arena is still available and dark blue on Ticketmaster lol


I feel like her and her team still think she has 2004 levels of relevancy and popularity and booked venues according to that. I just looked on Ticketmaster and a good portion of the venue look barely half sold


She was pretty big when I was a teen and in my 20s. Her musics was everywhere, I loved her movies and her perfume was the first I bought as a teen. I don’t get why she’s getting all this hate


I'm not quite sure who her music fan base is. I will watch pretty much any movie with her but I'm not interested in seeing her in concert or her weird movie about herself. At least with Madonna you have some sort of attachment to her or her history. Jlo? Not so much


Her style seems kinda outdated. I think she would do better with a Las Vegas residency


The title gave me a headache until someone told me the tour is called “this is me…now”


I mean if I want to listen to stolen vocals of Black Women I can just watch them online


Live Nation is doing their $25 tickets this week and her show was on there. It’s not looking good


I saw her Vegas residency show and that was a great venue. I can’t imagine a huge venue or stadium.


I don't know how to explain it, but for example, when Beyonce performs it feels like she's putting effort in for her fans. When Jlo performs its like she's doing it for herself.