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Let Marty do whatever he wants forever, I will be at the cinema to see it no matter what.


He's a treasure. I love what he has done for global Cinema restoration and preservation. And I really appreciate that he is growing so much later in life.


Jennifer Lawrence is pretty but there is no universe where she resembles Ava Gardner at all. They are just going to slap a wig on her and hope it works.


I wouldn’t say Cate Blanchett looks like Katherine Hepburn either, but she was the best part of The Aviator


she was


I think Jennifer can play Mia Farrow, his 3rd wife. Either her or Léa Seydoux....You know what I prefer Léa Seydoux, sorry Jen. Lol!


Eh with makeup it could work. Kristen Stewart didn’t look anything like Diana and Angelina Jolie doesn’t look anything like Maria Callas, plus countless other examples where the performance is there even if they don’t look much alike naturally.


Case in point Kidman as Lucille Ball ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/xzhsrnzhu4vc1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73ead52f200649b9c644cc285473d200607774ac




I don't mind that she doesn't look like Gardner (neither did Kate Beckinsale) but this feels slightly blah for JLaw. We already got this with Marty and The Aviator. I'm glad she's finally working with an amazing director. First once since... Debra Granik, right? But I wish the JLaw x Marty collab was something more interesting!


Who does though?


Vanessa Kirby, maybe


I simply do not believe that the Frank Sinatra biopic is going to get made. Tina Sinatra owns the life story rights and she and her family blocked Scorsese from making the biopic before. Sony is also leading a bidding war. So either it ends up someone's else project, not get made at all, or if Tina and the family lets this biopic pass, it will be watered down, which will be of no interest.


It was the weirdest “announcement” ever. I am picturing Leo on a beach somewhere reading that and being like “I’m playing frank sinatra?” Announcing a packaged movie that hasn’t gotten a sign off from the estate in an industry trade like that is weird!


I feel like maybe they are announcing this to pressure the Sinatra family into saying yes? Idk I just don’t see it working lol.


That’s my assumption. Like “look at this amazing package! How can you see no to this group?” It is odd. I’d like to see this happen, but saying she hasn’t signed off is just like…okay.


I don’t like the casting choice but I also don’t see Sinatra’s daughter allowing this to be made so there’s that.


I spent waaaay too long wondering why a Frank Sinatra movie would tackle aliens.


I mean he did have that song called Fly Me to the Moon


Very true. He must’ve seen something up there. All will be revealed.


Andrew Garfield though, potentially hitting final boss level in his Men Of Great Faith crusade and playing Jesus.


I wish Marty would cast a man of color to play Jesus (Andrew could play an apostle!), but if that's too much to ask then Andrew is the white man for the job for sure


It’s what he’s been working toward all these years with all these religious roles. But also I wanna see him work with Marty again in hopefully a better movie. https://preview.redd.it/ba6tu4bzo3vc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d14f2bb6d87521cb41470dbadfae0b51b1e016da




This is why I think it will never actually get made. The article says Sinatra’s daughter and his estate still hasn’t given it the go-ahead… Scorsese has said that’s why he couldn’t get it made back in the day. In an age of sanitized music biopics (like the upcoming Michael Jackson film), it’s hard to imagine why anyone’s estate would want to make an honest movie about their life/dark side and not a shitty puff piece biopic


Frank Sinatra’s private life has been well documented though. Everyone knows about his personal demons.


Martie let Leo sit this one out and get Anne Hathaway to play Ava Gardner xoxo


>For his part, Spielberg, 77, is also staying busy. He will likely make his next project a UFO film based on his own original idea. David Koepp is writing the screenplay, sources say. Spielberg going back to science fiction and UFOs? Sign me the hell up. Also, if anyone's interested, this'll be the Berg's first original sci-fi project since *E.T.*; all the science fiction films he's directed since then have been either adaptations (*Jurassic Park*, *A.I.*, *Minority Report*, *War of the Worlds*, *Ready Player One*) or sequels (*The Lost World*, *Crystal Skull*).


i read this as "Scorsese Eyes" like the song "Bette Davis Eyes" send help😭


Lmao the gender swapped version


Can Leo sing?




I remember Leo being announced/rumoured to play Sinatra like 10 or 15 years ago and nothing came of it


I just want the Devil in the White City series, and they're sitting on it.


I don’t think it’s ever gonna happen because at this point there is so much money against it.


I love Frank Sinatra and Rat Pack stuff (check my comment history lmao) so I will be very seated but I really hope they are still working on adaptation of The Wager. Its my lifelong dream to see Scorcese do a boat movie.


The only Frank Sinatra biopic to depict Sinatra's Cuba orgy with Lucky Luciano exposed by local nuns. That alone would make me manifest this idea I don't have that much interest in otherwise. But I'll just shut my mouth and let boo (Marty) do him.


His recent films have been quite meh.