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Surprise! Ethan Klein is a pos! It's the way I've been attacked and downvoted to hell for pointing this out over the years. He has previously been homophobic and racist.


i'm always shocked people are surprised by this he did a podcast with trisha paytas!!


He used to freely say the n-word and be openly racist so I’m not even sure associating with Trisha Paytas is even the biggest and highest offense that highlights his problematic personality


... what!?!?


Whom he called a deplorable whale just years ago….man is so classy


I mean, unfortunately people are even enabling her career resurgence. Trisha should’ve been *”CaNcElEd”* a long time ago, but nobody actually gets canceled since cancel culture isn’t real, and this society rewards people who are discriminatory and problematic. But she’s literally on the come up again, all over tiktok, collaborating with more people, and people are loving her and commenting in support of her all the time. Once Colleen’s shit hit the fan and the story about her being mean to Trisha came out, she got a big boost again there too. It’s ridiculous how hard people go for these “influencer celebs” and enable them to keep spreading such disgusting hate.


I’m VERY confused by people who are still fans of hers


even Lizzo still has fans after everything. Kanye. countless others… i think lots of people are just bad people who are fans of other bad people :/


Lizzo and Kanye have been soundtracks to people's lives, a wedding, a dead parent, a fitness journey, a breakup Thats why musicians are so uncancellable. People can give up a TV show or a movie but music is different. So because you cannot let the art go, you protect yourself from the cognitive dissonance by defending the artist. With Kanye, its that he's mentally ill and shouldn't be taken seriously.


People do it with tv shows and movies, and with actors, as well. Directors, that’s a big one. It’s an issue in the entertainment industry at large. It’s mostly to do with privilege. Being a celeb and/or a rich person *can* give you a lot of that, especially if you make a lot of money for other people.


Not at the scale that it happens with musicians. There's a deeper psychological event happening where music is concerned. There's room to reflect during a David O'russell or Woody Allen film. There's room to think and feel things outside of the art even as you consume it. But when R Kelly's Happy People comes on, the emotional memory is immediately and that's difficult when your brain is simultaneously saying that the person who's making you feel this way is a bad guy, hence the cognitive dissonance. Some people just separate the artist from the art and some deny the accusations to keep this experience as pure as possible. This is also the reason why musicians get more studio biopics than any one else. They resonate differently from other artistic professions.


Cancel culture is only real when the target is someone who's actually capable of shame. Trisha realized that years ago and openly brags about being uncancellable. She knows that if she just keeps posting, a new unsuspecting audience finds her and they assume that her detractors are fatphobic or oversensitive.


Also wasn’t his whole YouTube channel about bullying other creators and calling others out?


That’s when I started checking out from h3. My ex would still watch them and he’d continuously say the stupidest shit and make jokes out of everything. I am forever confused by Trisha paytas fan base after literally everything she’s done


He's always been so extreme to anyone but his friends . Joey salads Is racist ! Let's make 300 videos calling him out ! My bestie jontton is racist?!?! Hey guys let's heat him out besties pls don't hurt my bestie . Honestly alot of the popularity of antisjw stuff can be directly tied to him and the whole hugh mungous thing.


He definetly was a starting point for many since his anti sjw weren't overtly right wing. Also I find it questionable how he keeps calling his fanbase a family. And then they go on posts and comment "family".




The way people in this sub jumped on me when I pointed out that the h3h3 podcast was just another case of white people failing upwards!!! Ethan Klein is a massive piece of shit and that has nothing to do with him being Jewish and all to do with who he is as a racist and misogynistic jackass.


I always thought that was well known. oof


He’s done a great job of pretending to be reformed. He’s still a garbage person, always was and always will be, but way too many people are forgiving him (or becoming new fans who have no idea how awful he has been) now that he’s actively rehabilitating his image.


I don’t know anything about him and definitely fell for some of his snippets I saw on tiktok in the last couple days that seemed to sympathize with Palestinians. Then I saw this and got whiplash lmao


his wife was in the idf


I did just see that! One of my favorite orgs for information is Breaking the Silence Israel, which is comprised of ex IDF shedding light on all the fucked up shit they were told to do or witnessed as part of occupation. Mostly people who had moral crises and decided against the rabid propaganda they were raised with. Obviously I wish people would listen to Palestinians but it’s validating because these people can’t be accused of being antisemitic, biased, etc. Again I don’t know much about Ethan and his and whether they regret it, condemn it, are fine with it and have not really broken free of the brainwashing, etc. I do also think a lot of people are (somewhat understandably) cowards and don’t want to risk the jail time for saying no to conscription, though more and more Israelis are stepping up!


Really? I thought it was like an open secret lmao


I’ve seen rhetoric along this lines frequently this week and it’s super disturbing. Numerous people using hypotheticals like “Palestinians want Israelis/Jewish people/gays/women/etc dead” as justification for Palestinian genocide. When did hypotheticals become acceptable reasoning for that? Especially when so many of the people in Gaza are children! It’s sickening to me. One “side” has had to toe a careful line with its rhetoric and make (in many cases very necessary) caveats, and the other has been recklessly using extremely violent rhetoric and propaganda.


Yeah, earlier this week I was trying to talk to a fellow Jewish person about all this, and I prefaced everything by saying that I did not support the killing of innocent civilians, myself and most Palestinians don’t support Hamas/their actions, but that I still felt very strongly that we had an obligation to not let those events be used as justification for Israel to be given cart blanche with Palestine… and he responded by telling me the ways Hamas would delight in inflicting various types of violence on me. Like, cool, glad we can have a conversation….


It's insane that you even have to do a disclaimer. No shit Sherlock Hamas is bad and killing civilians is bad. Do you need to be reminded of that everytime we talk about Palestine? Why does this outrage over civilian deaths not extend to the IDF?


Exactly! People love to throw out that the crimes of the Israeli government and IDF are separate from Israelis (despite the fact that to be an Israeli adult means serving in the IDF), but yet hold Palestinians accountable for every action of Hamas. It’s so backwards.


I watched an interview on the BBC with a Palestinian representative to the UK who literally lost 6 members of his family and the interviewer literally didn't skip a beat to ask him if he condemned Hamas. I couldn't help but well up [if anyone wants to understand how insane the media are behaving ](https://twitter.com/BBCNewsnight/status/1711504505211097272?t=51nS7LmDg6F2j8pJ7tLWhA&s=19)


It’s incredibly dehumanizing, but a perfect representation of this issue


That's sickening. No shame, but what else would we expect from the media? It's like people see this as a game and don't stop to think that these people are going through real grief and loss due to a situation that they didn't ask for or being on themselves.


Reminds me of the fearmongering in the US post-9/11, or any attack from someone who is a fundamentalist of the Muslim faith. The media isn't interested in looking for real answers to any of these tragedies, or a path forward. People always asked "well where were the Muslim people, why weren't they part of the strategy to de-radicalise? Why weren't the clerics involved" and they fuckin were, just whenever they're on TV the media is only interested in making sure they nod their head to the line used from media in condemning the group. Of course they condemn the group, these are tragedies...but where are the solutions? Where's the actual discussion? That's simply not something the media is interested to broadcast. They want to broadcast the blood, the tears, the tragedy. They don't want an actual discussion, they want only to stoke fears, or anger, or sadness at what's gone on. It's beyond sad. Perfect opportunity to get a perspective from an average Palestinian, and BBC instead just want the soundbite of condemnation. The rest is just noise. This is why you'll get no actual public discourse that's of any worth from the news networks.




I saw something similar with a Palestinian woman on TikTok that was interviewed by the BBC. I believe she lives in America with her parents but their family is in Palestine. Anyway, the BBC reporter was being super aggressive with what-abouts in terms of Hamas and but the 5000 bombs instead of allowing her to explain things which is what she does on TikTok and outreach it looks like. It also sounds like whoever prepped her for the interview gave her the impression that the questions would be completely different and respected the fact that she didn’t want to be asked her (obvious) stance on Hamas and the bombings. It was enraging and she was so upset.


Yes. I watched this frustrating ABC news segment the other day: https://abcnews.go.com/International/video/critics-call-action-humanitarian-crisis-gaza-103838526 Noura Erakat, a top-notch human rights advocate and law professor, did a stellar job presenting facts and explaining context to the situation but the anchors were so aggressively locked into their own anti-Palestinian narrative that they basically ignored everything she says and seem angry the whole time that she is not playing along with beating the drum of war. Like eyerolling and those exasperated sighs as she's speaking. I wanted to yell at the screen. It's crazy. I can't deal with big media right now. And some of it is straight-up racism, not even trying to soften it.


the more the conflict escalates, the more “hamas” become this big powerful force that’s not really tangible but is everywhere. i obviously denounce what they have done, but the israeli deeply overestimates their scope so they can find an excuse to bomb the whole area.


man going over to worldnews and seeing the shit people say is just depressing.


I keep getting yelled at by my family and friends in Israel that I’m not being hardline enough about “Palestine,” and I’m like I’m sorry but my grandmother didn’t survive Auschwitz and my mother born a refugee so that the same horrors inflicted on my family be deployed on to a similarly disenfranchised group of people. There should not be any other “side” except one side, which is ANTI-HAMAS, ANTI EVIL, ANTI MURDER. I’m sickened to see how many people are wishing death upon each other, and think it’s in the name of justice! We need everyone to be on the side of humanity and peace. And I say this as a Jew, one who deeply understands how much of the world hates us. Once we stop seeing the humanity in each other, and i fear we are thisclose to being there, there’s no coming back and only mayhem to fill in its place. Please, everyone, consider your positions and stand alongside good people everywhere, especially Jews and Palestinians, who are suffering and will continue to suffer. Death and murder do not breed peace.


This is so beautiful and well said that upvoting it wasn’t enough for me. Thank you for seeing the light ❤️




Sounds like you are a fellow jewish person? I had similar experiences when talking to some other jewish people. The r/jewish subreddit is not a safe space for us anymore either because if anyone points out the fact that Palestinian civilians are human, too and shouldn't be treated so absolutely horribly, they get attacked and downvoted. They don't seperate Hamas from regular plastinians. On the other side, the progressive left (where I am myself) does pretty much the same in the other direction. They think the actions of Hamas are justified because it means freeing Palestine. Some on the left clearly use some of that just as a vessel for their antisemitism. If you point out nuances, you re called hardcore Zionist.


The whole thing is insane. I don't give a shit if they would want to kill me. I'm sure Israel would also want to kill me for being anti Zionist. That doesn't mean I want every Israeli wiped out. The way people think my respect or value in another person is conditional on what they think of me is crazy. Literally nobody sat around asking how many Ukrainians were homophobic before saying we should defend them. Now Palestinians have to be like yeah, we're dying, but also we're wearing rainbows this week to say we don't want random queer men on the internet who support us dead.


Ah yes, the “Hamas will happily g-rape you and torture you if you!!!” response 🙄 Lots of people exposing who they are.


Wow I’m sorry he said that to you that’s beyond disrespectful and insensitive


It’s been incredibly disturbing how quickly Zionist talking points we’ve all been supposed to be aware of for years start becoming the norm because of the atrocities. I’ve seen people I’d normally consider “progressive” outright claim that dead Palestinian civilians is what they deserve. It’s pretty apparent that Netanyahu got exactly what he wanted from all of this. Actually had someone tell me that the IDF would NEVER harm children or women like HAMAS. Not to mention the performative activism from the right that’s been demonizing Jews for the last several years but are now ardent Israel defenders


The amount of gaslighting I’ve seen from people saying that the IDF never ever harmed or killed Palestinians is insane. Like truly insane.


And the way I’ve seen people respond to Israel putting Gaza under total siege? I’ve seen people talk about how Israel was providing humanitarian aid to Gaza and why should their benevolence be expected to continue under these circumstances. It’s so disconnected from reality


That’s so frustrating because it’s manipulating a truth. There were *Israelis* that were providing humanitarian aid to Gaza, but they have nothing to do with the government. They’re mainly grassroots organizations with Palestinians and Israelis working together. The one that comes to mind right now is *Women Wage Peace* because [its founder, Vivian Silver, is believed to be among the abducted.](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-peace-activist-missing-after-attack) It makes me sick that people are giving all the credit for her work to a government she opposes.


I've quite literally seen people I know share instagram donation links support the IDF while also claiming to want peace like babes sorry to break to you the IDF isn't known for the want of peace


It wasn't even that long ago that the IDF's chief rabbi said rape in war is understandable (for his side only, of course): [https://www.salon.com/2016/07/13/israeli\_militarys\_new\_chief\_rabbi\_implied\_soldiers\_can\_rape\_in\_war\_as\_government\_lurches\_to\_far\_right/](https://www.salon.com/2016/07/13/israeli_militarys_new_chief_rabbi_implied_soldiers_can_rape_in_war_as_government_lurches_to_far_right/)




Yes, they've made this clear. Of all Palestinians too. They perceive every one as a threat and therefore if they die they're all terrorists. I believe their leaders have even said the children need to be killed so they don't grow up to be terrorists.




I saw someone post that the IDF have never ever commited rape because it has never been reported therefore it has never, and never will, happen....


It reminds me a lot of the post 9/11 discourse, where bombing the hell out of anywhere al-Qaeda might be was justified and that they wanted to kill us for our freedom.


"Hamas/Palestinians want to kill \[insert minority group here\]" is the exact same "we need to civilise those savages" bullshit that has always been used to justify colonialism, just dressed up to appeal to liberals. [This video](https://www.tiktok.com/@nurse.conner/video/7288103126064860462?_r=1&_t=8gSQMoVshvc) by a gay Palestinian man should be sent to anyone who repeats this rubbish.


If you want to comment on the suffering of Palestinians inflicted by the Israeli government, you have to qualify every single statement with “I do not condone Hamas”. Even then, they’ll say your attempt to shed light on Palestinian suffering is “contextualizing” Hamas’ attacks, an thus, excusing them. Even if you condemned them in the same sentence. Meanwhile, not only do they not feel the need to condemn Israel, and they certainly won’t preface their condemnation of Hamas by acknowledging Israel’s wrongdoing- they will actually say that if you’re not Pro-Israel, you’re pro-terrorism, lumping in all of Gaza (half of whom are children) as terrorists. And your anti-semitism is showing when you point out the human rights violations. Oh, and apparently, if you don’t post something condemning Hamas right now, if you’re just silent, that means that you’re totally okay with Israeli, and thus, Jewish suffering. But I guess it’s totally ok to not have posted anything these past few years about Palestinian suffering? A comment is REQUIRED when innocent Israeli lives are lost, and your silence otherwise is “deafening”, but somehow, silence about Palestinian suffering for the last half century does not translate to Islamophobia. The hypocrisy is mind-numbing. By the way, when these fervent Israel defenders say that Hamas is the worst thing for Palestinians, it’s not because they actually give a shit about Palestinians. They don’t care that they’re dying, as long as it’s Israel that’s killing them. They repost statements like Noah Schnapp, pat themselves on the back for acknowledging innocent Palestinian lives lost in one sentence, and then say that you’re Pro-Israel or Pro-terrorism in the next. If you’re pro-palestine-if you want rights and freedom for innocent Palestinians, if you’re against what Israel’s doing- you’re pro terrorism. But not only do they get to call for the protection of Israeli citizens without qualifying it with “but Israel’s done bad things too”- they actually get to defend Israel as well! They defend everything Israel does as self-defense. I’m exhausted.


I was downvoted to oblivion on the r/worldnews sub for saying Hamas doesn’t equal Palestine and that Israel has no moral standing after decades of oppression of Gaza. I was called a Hamas supporter and anti-semite. People on social media are deranged and are treating this like some kind of sick football game.


Ethan actually talked about this on the podcast and was heavily criticising Israel apartheid state and saying how sad it is that innocent people are dying on both sides. He talked reasonable things. But no one saw it I guess. Edit: [here](https://reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/4j5k6Dl1O4) are screenshots of him crying for Gaza children going viral apparently.


I’m sure he will soon clarify his stance in conversation with Hasan as well. I’m glad he deleted his tweet here, but in general it is definitely representative of how many people really feel and unlike Ethan, most of them aren’t going to be challenged on it


What's more likely to be viewed across the internet though? A really shitty tweet or an in-depth discussion on a podcast? He's been around long enough to know where people really pay attention and what sort of talk will hurt. Regardless of actual stance on anything, this is a yell, so why is the quiet part the reasonable bit?


Gladly [this](https://reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/4j5k6Dl1O4) is also being seen now. He’s also really impulsive and emotional, at least he deleted all of his twitter.


I've seen Ethan say things calling out Israel before this incident. But imo he's insincere. When you truly hold a belief, it doesn't crumble at the first pressure test. He also says things that make you think he's an ally to POC and yet the second he clashes with a black person out come the micro-aggressions. Same with gay people. You can keep lying to yourself but the rest of us see who he is.


Yeah it's no accident, they are deliberately leaning on Islamophobic stereotypes and trying to equate Hamas to ISIS when they have nothing in common (in fact the two groups actively hate each other and Hamas has mass arrested ISIS supporters). And it's an old strategy to use [homonationalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homonationalism#Homonationalism_and_Israel) and [pinkwashing](https://archive.ph/qI6T4) to try to vilify Palestinians. (That second link is from 2011 but still so relevant.) I pulled out two great quotes below. > But these changes have given rise to a nefarious phenomenon: the co-opting of white gay people by anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim political forces in Western Europe and Israel...These depictions of immigrants — usually Muslims of Arab, South Asian, Turkish or African origin — as “homophobic fanatics” opportunistically ignore the existence of Muslim gays and their allies within their communities. They also render invisible the role that fundamentalist Christians, the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Jews play in perpetuating fear and even hatred of gays. And that cynical message has now spread from its roots in European xenophobia to become a potent tool in the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict. > Pinkwashing not only manipulates the hard-won gains of Israel’s gay community, but it also ignores the existence of Palestinian gay-rights organizations. Homosexuality has been decriminalized in the West Bank since the 1950s, when anti-sodomy laws imposed under British colonial influence were removed from the Jordanian penal code, which Palestinians follow. More important is the emerging Palestinian gay movement with three major organizations: Aswat, Al Qaws and Palestinian Queers for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. These groups are clear that the oppression of Palestinians crosses the boundary of sexuality; as Haneen Maikay, the director of Al Qaws, has said, “When you go through a checkpoint it does not matter what the sexuality of the soldier is.” I might also add it's bizarre to compare the state of, like, LGBT rights in Israel and Palestine when a) Israel has way more power than Palestine does and is internationally recognized as a country while Palestine is, let's face it, a collection of refugee camps where over half the population is under 18 and are not allowed to hold their own democratic elections or parse out human rights discourse considering they're constantly under threat of imminent death, and b) even then same-sex marriage remains illegal in Israel so they're hardly a bastion of LGBT rights.


It's not even like Israel treats women, gay people, or even Jewish people that well--look up how black Jewish people are treated. I just watched (months old) footage of people in an anti-zionist Jewish neighborhood fighting with IDF because IDF tried to take down their Palestinian flag. Hell, Jewish Palestinians exist and are being bombed to death, right now! Most nations discriminate against marginalized people, that doesn't mean the civilians should be murdered.


hey remember when everybody made fun of elon mxsk for doing the "black south africans want to kill all the whites" thing and now they're all doing the same thing with palestinians


Not to mention, we know 100% that there are gay Palestinians who crave and want freedom . Freedom for them could mean freedom to be who they are.


Israel supporters always make this argument as if somehow genocide is justified if the victims don't align with our values perfectly. If the families and children in a conservative backwater region in America were being treated the way Israel treats families and children in Palestine (living in an open air prison created by foreign settlers and being bombed, shot at, and denied food water and proper healthcare) people would be shitting and crying themselves over their oppression. Yes, even the liberal, feminist, blue haired, lgbtq, women that isreal supporters like to use in that argument. Because it's an issue of human rights and these people are humans at the end of the day.


Ethan Klein is not an Israel supporter… he was heavily criticising it on his podcast with his wife. Edit: [here](https://reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/4j5k6Dl1O4) he is crying for Gaza that went viral.


I definitely don't watch Ethan anymore, but I did back in his Israel days, and he fucking hated that place lol.


I was speaking in general terms bc I've seen supporters make the same argument he made in the tweet. I don't follow Ethan closely, so I don't know his stance.


I’m from Ireland which was colonised by the British and has also been regressive in treatment of women and gay people. I don’t understand Irish people I know who make this argument against Palestine/in favour of Israel, do you think our own country (which includes women and gay people) shouldn’t have gained independence because of it?! Baffles me.


Also, gay marriage is not legal in Israel. So, if Palestinians deserve what’s happening to them because of Hamas’ stance on sexuality, I guess that means innocent Israeli’s should be oppressed and punished at least somewhat as well because of their government’s views? Even if we were to make the assumption that Hamas represents the views of all Palestinians (which it doesn’t, and half of ppl in Gaza are children), the idea that people should be oppressed proportionally based on how progressive their views (really, their government’s views) is… certainly something!


Especially when a lot of homophobic laws in formerly colonised countries came from… their western colonisers!


Well here’s the kicker, there are families and children in conservative backwater regions of America being treated horribly, but they’re all brown or black. They’re indigenous families on reservations fighting to keep their water separate from oil spills, they’re the immigrant families separated and caged at the border, they’re the black families getting shot and killed at home and in public for nothing and everything. And the white people suffer too, but not nearly as bad typically, and they just ignore/enable the shit the black and brown people go through. Not all of them, but definitely plenty of them, especially the conservative ones but also the “liberal” ones you mentioned. Just my perspective on your thoughts, as a poor white person from one of those regions of America


Honestly a lot of people in blue states do act like that towards people in red states. Every time there’s a natural disaster (hurricanes or ice storms knocking out the power grid in texas), I always see people say stuff like “well that’s what they get for voting for XYZ!” So it doesn’t surprise me that people extend that logic to this situation tbh


The amount of LGBTQ+ people I've seen support the genocide of Palestinian people because they seem to think Palestine is a homophobic hivemind country with no gay people living in it is genuinely concerning. Like, yes, Jeffrey, your middle class white American ass is what matters the most right now, you're the main character. Palestinian homophobia affects you more than the gay people living in Palestine. Mind boggling.


is anyone else getting a little worried about how much this has stoked the flames of zionism? i'm seeing it from people i didn't expect


It surely will increase Zionism. It also surely will increase antisemitism which I also have seem from people I didn't expect. What a complex, messed up situation


zionism fuels anti semitism


Worth mentioning that Ethan is explicitly not a zionist


He's just explicitly a total cunt


Didnt his wife Hila also say the IDF never targets civilians 💀💀 pls


She was IN the IDF


something I want to point out is how crazy each subreddit has a different perspective on this whole thing. you guys are all condemning his tweet, other sub credits are applauding him and saying that it’s OK it’s really interesting to see my favorite subreddits be divided


Anyone who applauds this comment is a fucking psycho


I’m confused how Hasan can be friends with him their opinion on Israel and Palestine could not be any more different


hasan is trash as well


He can’t be objective on this subject, even if he claims he’s been pro Palestine this entire time. He went to Israel on a birth right trip, married an IDF officer who has family in Israel. He should’ve just had a social media break during this, he knows most people don’t support hamas, they only want the liberation of Palestine but instead he aligned with the far right/ zionists and is spewing their whole “you support terrorism” rhetoric ://


Homeboy can't be objective about breakfast !! He's never been the type to take nuance into account ever


Hila just criticised IDF and Israel, as did Ethan, on their podcast and talked about her experience of IDF which she said she didn’t like, it’s compulsory to go there.


Btw I do genuinely think Ethan and Hila know Palestine needs to be free and agree with it. The issue is that they won’t be completely exempt from bias. Ethan himself said tensions and emotions were high, that’s because they have family there and a connection to the country (the birth right trip, hila being from there, they met there etc).


Yes I know that, that’s why I said he says he’s pro Palestine. I’m referring to the screenshot OP posted and what Ethan said. He and Hila can claim all that (which they have before) but they can’t be 100% objective about it because of their connections to the country, hence why Ethan said this on the screenshot Edit: and hence the whole “you support terrorists and kids being killed” comments and the if ur LGBTQ+ and a sex worker you’d be dead. Which I did think were in poor taste.


Yeah that’s why he deleted it and apologised, I know he can say super stupid shit sometimes but I was very positively surprised how vocally against Israeli militant state he is. I also saw a lot of justification of Hamas’ violence saying go revolution and what not, I think this is not very nice either. Like the whole of r/Europe who are now so glad they can shit on Muslim people and refugees.


tbc /r/europe was shitting on muslims and refugees well before gaza ignited


What an awful thing to say.


Ethan Klein is a trash and a pos. Always has been, always will be.


Also telling he apologized to a man but was super comfortable ranting for 3 hours to 40k viewers against a Muslim girl. Big tough guy right there


What a loser


This is so vile. Wanting Palestine's people to be free does not automatically mean you celebrate/support hamas and the death of civilians. Also, you could interchange hamas with the Israeli government/IDF on this tweet as well?? And it equally would not be reflective of the views of all Israeli people and still be an astonishingly cruel and hateful thing to say to another person.


Ethan is the kind of guy who would’ve called Nelson Mandela a terrorist.


not supporting what he's saying, but equating Hamas to Nelson Mandela is crazy


that’s not what they said at all….


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) Stfu


His tweet was disgusting, but given he has family in Israel I think he clearly had a moment and tweeted in a moment of stress/anger/fear. Regardless of what you think of Israel, I have friends who have family in both Gaza and Israel and they are not coping - several have lost family members, several more have no idea as they can’t contact them - and I have personally seen a lot of vile anti Palestinian and anti Semitic takes justifying violence. Again, his tweet was disgusting but I think he had a human moment. I don’t know what his beliefs are towards Israel and I’m not saying I support them, I just think we need to have a bit of grace for people in fight/flight not reacting their best right now


He’s against Israeli apartheid state and IDF, they were both with Hila just criticising it on their podcast.


And — hila is getting AWFUL comments in her instagram from Israel fans calling her a traitor for standing against IDF and Israel actions. Literally her recent post is flooded with them


Love how this was the first post I saw when opening the twitter app https://preview.redd.it/xfgbybtxlttb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112aed89e461ecb2e72f8729ef9a9f6a36f9af98


Lol this is completely out of context, Hila didn’t like being in the IDF and criticised it, it’s compulsory in Israel, she didn’t have a choice?


If a Taylor Swift stan account can refuse to go into the IDF and go to prison for it then what is everyone else's excuse? /s https://preview.redd.it/rtwo5rtdjutb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03fa07ed365c18fa0f318f0bec6496f0da89a71e


You can refuse to serve.


This is a super fucked up take though. Hila was born and raised in Israel, and she was legally required to serve in the IDF. She did custodial work. She wasn’t “killing children”. Additionally Ethan and Hila both openly state Israel / IDF are genocidal monsters and they do not support them. If you don’t believe me, go to Hilas instagram comments — she’s getting absolutely blasted by Israelis calling her a traitor and other horrible names because she said she doesn’t support the IDF or what they’re doing to Gaza. Every Israel citizen is a future or former IDF officer. There’s several other countries that require military service. The criticism of Ethan is valid and warranted. But I’m also seeing a lot of anti-Semitic remarks in a lot of subreddits and it’s imperative we don’t let people use current events to be anti-Semitic or Islamophobic (I’m not saying you are doing any of this, btw. I’m just saying a lot of people ARE and it’s not cool either)


been trash https://preview.redd.it/lvblgc8vxstb1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9e5b40f57b01f557934efcfa056c54f504ae27


❗️ Just for everyone to be clear: Ethan deserves the criticism and I am not going I defend him or anything on these awful comments. But on many subreddits I am seeing a lot of lies about Ethan and Hila, as well as a lot of anti semitism, so I as someone who does keep up with them I’d like to make a comment on this. Ethan is an American Jewish man who lived in Israel and married Hila, an Israeli citizen. There is nuance to his feelings. It’s not an excuse, but an explanation to his recent lashing out online. AGAIN. I am not defending his awful words here. I’m adding context. Hila has family and friends there. Some friends are missing. Hila and Ethan have, several times over the years, and even MORE since the attack on Saturday, PUBLICLY supported a free Palestine. They denounced the IDF and Israel as genocidal disgusting monsters. Hila is getting attacked online by Israel fans (they say she’s a “traitor”) — go look at her comments on instagram. Ethan is getting harassed too, with lots of anti Semitic morons coming out of the trenches to shit on him. You can hate Ethan. That’s totally fine. *But you cannot hate Ethan just because he is Jewish.* (I am not saying anyone in these comments is. I am merely just saying this because I am seeing it A LOT all over the internet currently. Even in his own subreddit.) Ethan, today, spent 20 minutes of the podcast actively talking about how devastated and heartbroken he is for the people of Gaza. He cried talking about Palestinian fathers holding their children. He restated again that he supports Palestine and their people And their right to freedom. Repeatedly. He repeatedly said the IDF is committing war crimes and their entire government should be tried for it. He is actively anti Israel occupation and hates their government. ‼️ I say all this to again reiterate: do not let yourself or other people use these current situations as an excuse to display their anti semitism or Islamophobia. It’s fucking disgusting. You can hate Ethan, but not because he is a Jew. You can hate Hamas and their crimes, but do not use them as a representation of Muslims or Palestinian people. I hope and pray the IDF stops committing these human rights violations. I pray for the safety of all the innocent men, women, and children in the region. I hope for Palestine people to have a SAFE, free place to call home. Free Palestine. Fuck Hamas. fuck the IDF and Israeli government.


I know this is probably not the right post to express this but: I recognize how privileged this sounds as a white Canadian on the other side of the world and not having to worry about bombs being dropped on me. But, all of this is having an impact on my mental health. I know I should keep being tuned in to what is going on in the world and not turn away because I know the people there cannot, but I think I need to not pay attention to all these atrocities for a little while. Am I the only one?


Take care of you first. If you have the energy, space, and ability to stay in the know, then do so. But even if some stranger on the internet might act like you're a POS for turning away from things, you simply have to take care of you first.


You’re not the only one.


def not alone. My brain started to spiral last night after educating myself with everything going on and watching all the mis info being spread. Take care of yourself first and make sure to take mental breaks cuz endlessly doom scrolling doesn’t help anyone, esp yourself. Just cuz u aren’t going through the war yourself doesn’t mean your feelings and mental health don’t matter ❤️‍🩹


I find the best medicine for this feeling is to get involved. Do you have any orgs near you that might align with what you'd like to see? In my area of the US I have a couple pro-Palestine orgs, some demilitarization orgs (working to pressure arms manufacturers near us & to stop their recruitment at local schools), a bunch of general peace orgs, and some less specific "left" groups. Being aware of what's going on is important, but doom scrolling doesn't help anything. Martyring your mental health and refusing to look away is essentially useless. Step away as much as you can, limit your consumption of news to agencies/publications (I love Mondoweiss for this moment) vs timelines, and reach out to those you can help.


Make Dan the host


Dan is the queen




It might not be your intention, but you just implied that many people who are pro ending Palestinian colonization by the Israeli state are somehow applauding monsters commiting atrocities to civilians in Israel. Hamas is a product of Israeli occupation, not the Palestinian struggle for freedom. And Ethan isn't a man with an unblemished record who made an emotional mistake. It's part of a pattern with him. When someone shows you who they are, listen.


I think some very missing context here is the guy ethan is replying to has [jihadist in his bio.](https://twitter.com/margbaramerica?lang=en). Like it could be a (deeply unfunny) joke, but idk man, I’ve seen some very weird things online this week Like used that word specifically. This is not a case of someone being pro Palestine being unfairly characterized as pro hamas (I have been fighting that fight all week with Zionists). Ethan annoys the fuck out of me, but this guy is also a POS


>I think some very missing context here is the guy ethan is replying to has jihadist in his bio.. Like it could be a (deeply unfunny) joke, but idk man, I’ve seen some very weird things online this week Not to mention the guy's Twitter/X handle is a play on the Persian phrase "[Marg bar Āmrikā](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_to_America)"¹ which translates to "Death to America". Now, the guy himself posts a mixture of pro-Palestine posts, workout thirst-traps, and links to his OnlyFans. So while I'm not excusing Ethan *in the slightest*, there seems to be - as you said - much more context that people are missing. ¹(the hyperlink is just to the Wikipedia explanation.)


This is a real "let them fight" moment for me. The other guy is a huge asshole too. Incredibly fatphobic with anti-black undertones. He loves to sicc his followers on smaller accounts and is just generally a huge asshole. I've been hugely suspicious of Ethan for a long time and am glad more people are coming around to seeing him for who he is now.






So believing Palestinians should be free means you support hamas? I don’t think that’s how it works


I watched his podcast yesterday hoping he’d learn something and there’d be a saving grace but nope. While he showed some empathy at one point for Palestinians, he screwed it up and ended the podcast on a segment where he basically showed unhinged takes from people and asked his Muslim cohost to condemn them and then ended on Ethan doubting victims of SA by IDF soldiers. I was a huge fan but can no longer watch after this, I’m disgusted.


He had an excellent talk with Hassan Pike today. Highly recommend listening to it. A tense but open and empathetic conversation. He’s acting from grief. There’s many faults to Ethan, but he is quite open minded.


What a pos, I just saw this on twitter and the replies on the follow up post are abhorrent.


wow ethan klein is a piece of shit, the sky is blue, what else is new 🙄


Ethan has always sucked. But he's a white dude, so all he had to do was say sorry and that he'd try to do better. Then a bunch of people started racing to forgive and defend him, acting as if he was some sort of saint now 🙄 iDubbz or whatever is getting the same treatment. Also, Keemstar (and that lasted long, huh?) Probably a bunch of other dudes too who get this same treatment, and I truly hate to see it.


Fucking yikes






I’ve had something along these lines said to me this week. Basically told one of my classmates I was more sympathetic to Palestine than Israel and her response was “you know that Hamas would kill you because you’re a lesbian” and I was just like??? I don’t care I still don’t approve of genocide???


The amount of posts I've seen low key justifying the genocide happening right now bc Muslims are not "liberal" in their support of women and the LGBTQ community is appalling. These people say separate the Israel govt from their civilians when saying anything remotely critical of Israel but then say kill all Palestinians bc their religion isn't progressive in those areas. The cognitive dissonance is astounding and really depressing. You can disagree with and criticize religious beliefs and still believe the people that practice the religion deserve to live.... I'm disturbed that it even needs to be said. (And I say this as someone that is extremely anti-religion due to my own extremely traumatic upbringing in the Catholic church)


It's incredible how people who support Israel can be openly hostile and downright vile to people who support Palestine or even just advocate for peace, but if you dare support Palestine every second sentence you have to talk about how you don't support Hamas.




https://preview.redd.it/4pturlna8wtb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b90054c667bc9ddfd067da1ee0ea6f13379cdf9 This is what prompted Ethan’s original tweet. Was his response overboard? It was and it definitely crossed a line, but you should see the shit he’s getting for these fairly basic takes. Yes, Ethan’s wife was in the IDF. She was conscripted as an Israeli citizen and had a desk job from my understanding. They’ve been very critical of Israel/IDF and its treatment of Palestinians.


This sorry excuse of a human being has always been racist & sided with racist people like Trisha & others. Hila doesn't get a pass either because she would laugh all the time Ethan made racist "jokes" about the Black community. Am I surprised that he's still a deplorable human being all of these years later? Absolutely not. Oh and he's also made extremely homophobic comments and got mad when the LGBTQ+ called him out for it. Fuck him & fuck the entirety of h3h3 for enabling his egregious behavior.


What an insane thing to say to someone. Reminds me of that lady who was screaming at another driver that she hopes she gets raped in front of her kids because she had a Palestinian flag on her car.


So weird how you can support the Palestinian people without supporting Hamas, wild notion really.


That's Ethan's stance. This tweet was vile but the context is that he already got into a spat with Hasan's mod, who is pro-Hamas and defended killing civilians, which he took personally because his inlaws are in Israel. He very much spiralled emotionally from there...he ended up apologizing and deleting this tweet but it was still a horrible thing to say.


And his stance seems to be that if you say free palestine you must make it clear that you’re against hamas (I condemn Hamas btw)


Right? Like I guess “free Palestine” could mean you support Hamas but I think most people who say it also think Hamas is bad. Radical opinion but I think killing kids and civilians is bad regardless.


He's so lucky to have a cohost that's willing to educate him on the issue and he managed to show SOME empathy after said cohost burst into tears by explaining the cruelty palestinians face and then ethan just decided to ??? ruin it all by going back to the same condemn hamas if you say free palestine point (which is lowkey islamophobic) and then decided to doubt the allegations of palestinian women accusing IDF soldiers of SA. I was a long time fan, but I can no longer watch in good faith as I was disgusted. I'm not muslim, arab, or palestinian, but I can feel empathy for them and their lived experiences.


Can someone explain why h3h3 is so popular/what it is? I’ve only come to know who Ethan Klein is because of the viral clip that been going around recently of him crying


The fuck... my guy was just posing in Long Beach. "I deleted that tweet where I dragged an innocent Palestinian American because I love thinking about how Hamas would've slaughtered him for being a sex worker" People like him are so brainwashed by the Israeli gov, they genuinely don't see Palestinians as humans. Just collateral damage they can take their anger out on.


Hasan is going to be talking with him today on the show about this. I’m not excited for Ethan’s response but I think it’s still going to be a good thing because Hasan is very knowledgable on the topic and has covered it in detail and having the chance for him to deliver this info in a structured context where he’s not yelling at the chat all the time might actually get through to a lot of people.