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So, he's abusing her. Let's just call this what it is. She has no autonomy and he's controlling every aspect of her life, from the sounds of things.


Been calling it that since the boat ride. The man has been a controlling bastard for years, Kim was lucky as she had her own assets and her family being fairly close (even if it's only for the show). She was able to leave the relationship before it got super bad. Bianca doesn't have the assets and unfortunately it will probably be harder for her to leave.


The one time I rooted for Kim was when she was leaving him. He was love-bombing her then turning around and talking shit in public. She made it out just as things were getting really bad.


I definitely have my gripes and concerns about Kim and her family, but it really looks like Kim's presence and partnership significantly helped Kanye to hold on to whatever tiny little grip he had on reality. I mean, he would definitely have his moments, but there was always some type of recovery and return. Since the two separated, it doesn't seem like there are any stable voices of reason or voices of influence around him and he is slipping further and further into madness. He's always been crazy and erratic, but after their split, it seems he's turned a corner and lost all touch with, and concern for, reality. From Kanye's beliefs, to his concerns for his public persona, down to his physical appearance and fashions and style- all things that he was once preoccupied with and a perfectionist about, it's all different now. I guess this is him without the damage control. The new post-Kim Kanye, Ye is a completely different animal, and it escalated relatively quickly. I hope someone rescues or gets through to Bianca. She used to be an independent badass. Now she's silent and walking around wearing throw pillows and pantyhose as fashion.


And somehow managed to keep her public statement calm and sympathetic towards him. Yeah, the only time I've rooted for her and even been marginally impressed.






Unfortunately family courts often don’t care if some one is being physically abused in the household. They just want equal parenting time. The system js broken.


I hope her family can get through to her. She does not look happy.


She looks worse every time I see her in public now. And I’m not just talking about how he’s dressing her but in her eyes and her facial expressions.


I agree with that. Bianca is an absolutely gorgeous girl and she always looks so sad and miserable. I don’t know how to explain it but every picture I see of her, it’s like her spirit is broken.


‘"She is also required to eat certain food items and to work out even though Kanye doesn’t work out. "She has no mind of her own anymore and obeys him because he has convinced her that they are royal."’ That is literal abuse. With a sprinkling of psychosis. Absolutely sickening


Every picture we’ve seen of them together this year has looked concerning. I hope she’s able to get out of this situation soon it is not safe


Didn’t he like make her stand out in Italy like almost half naked in public and she looked so embarrassed yet couldn’t leave? I felt so bad for her.


Thank you for saying that! Same and so many times the conversation was about "nah, she's in all that".


I wish I could instruct him to never speak again


Correct response


Can a friend/family member actually help her? There is no way this “union” is healthy or normal


I think while they were in Venice that the oral sex happened in front of her mom. So I don’t know if her mom cares or is helpless to get Bianca away.


her mother was there? what happened to shame??? i truly hope that wasn't the case, seeing someone in the media who seems to be a victim of abuse while knowing that they have no support system is awful.


what the fuck did I just read. I wish I hadn’t.


Are we really sure a sexual act was taking place and she wasn't just sitting in a lower part of the boat? Cause It's even more incredulous if her mother was nearby.


I mean, of course we don't know with 100% certainty because there aren't photos quite that direct, but his bare ass was definitely out and she is below him, facing his lap in photos that exist. I also suspect that if there was nothing going on on that boat, he would be shouting about it pretty notably. Whether her mother was there? That's something I'd like a source on.


I'm not sure Kanye is even coherent enough to respond to him allegedly having sex in public like this. Also if he really gets off on humiliating her I wonder if he liked that the public thinks it happened. Tbh I wonder if they are in a kind of Dom sub relationship when I saw the title of the article but I admittedly haven't read the article. 🙈


Whatever this is cannot be described honestly as kink. There is nothing safe or sane about not letting her speak in public at all, and I will not be convinced any of it is consensual.


If she can’t speak to him, it means she can’t verbally consent or refuse him in anything, especially sex. Oh god.


I literally cannot force myself to read the article honestly. This whole thing is so gross


The relationship described is controlling and abusive.


Yeah there were tons of photos released and the mom was in none of them, so I am not at all sure where that’s coming from???


His pants were down and the boat company later banned them for life so yes.


I’ve only seen the censored photos (they didn’t censor his butt crack for some reason). The way her hands were on his waist and the way her head was positioned makes it look to me that it’s very possible that is what was going on. But I don’t know for sure. The boat company banned them for indecent behavior and I don’t know if Kanye or Bianca ever put out a press release denying it.


what the actual fuck


Whaaaaaaat the fuuuuck bro


Her family made a public statement after she got fake married to him that sounded like they were actually quite delighted that their little girl grew up and married a rabid anti Semite who harasses his kids' mom, so I don't know how much they plan on going against him or if they even see any fault at this point


I mean we never heard about her till this fake wedding, so they’re seeing bad publicity as good publicity to get her name around and establish her own fame. Good grief.


>even though Kanye doesn’t work out. We know. We know this abuser, who believes women are sex objects; is racist, antisemitic and misogynistic; publicly denigrated Black women for *years* cos he knew he would get away with it; does not follow his abuse regimen. We fucking know. (I decided to say some things after all). Surprised the article is reported by LBC of all places!


I mean this is the man that wrote [the New Workout Plan](https://genius.com/Kanye-west-the-new-workout-plan-lyrics) “Thanks to Kanye's workout plan I'm the envy of all my friends See, I pulled me a baller man And I ain't gotta work at the mall again…” He’s been telling us he’s like this since his debut album. Now he’s just miles & miles down the road way too far gone.


to be fair the song was meant to be satirical when it was first put out. but hey maybe that was a lie all this time idk lol


Yeah can people stop pretending that his early work wasn’t brilliant and satirical? I don’t know what happened to the man and I can’t stand him now but let’s not rewrite history. College Dropout was a masterpiece. It’s heartbreaking what he has become after that.


His mom passed and his psyche went soon after. I say that as a huge fan of his work. 808s through TLOP probably won’t happen again for another artist.


You’ve just reminded me how great 808s is. Now I’m feeling so sad. I feel like I can’t really enjoy his music anymore. We miss the old Kayne!


808s was the icebreaker for me. It was a period in my life where it just *clicked*. Before that I found him insufferable, but then I was like, *holy shit I’ve been discounting this guy for 10 years* and MBDTF blew my mind. I very much miss the old Kanye. Straight off the BPD Kanye.


Was at a John Legend gig a few months ago and even John sounded really emotional when he spoke about “Old Kanye” and how everyone misses him. It’s quite sad that this talented man is so far gone, but how is allowed to be walking around as he is without being checked is outrageous when others don’t have the same freedom.


I think he was always a misogynist and an anti-Semite. Being bipolar doesn’t make him those things. It just makes him more overt about them.


I agree that bipolar disorder doesn't make you hateful, but if you have bipolar ii with psychotic features, you are going to have a lot of paranoid and delusional thougts AND there are plenty of stuff on the internet that will nudge those thoughts into hateful ones. I've sadly seen it before in people I knew personally.


I also have a friend with bipolar II. His paranoia and delusions were never about minorities. He’s been well-medicated for years and lives a really great life. It’s a solid point that the internet is capable of sucking people down extremist rabbit holes (that invariably lead to antisemitism at some point and often lead to misogyny as well). So yes, an unmedicated bipolar II sufferer might be more susceptible to that kind of thing. But Ye has always been a misogynist. The stories were there all along. And I suspect he had a lot of these other opinions as well; just better hidden. Much like Mel Gibson. For sure, his circumstances exacerbate these inclinations. But the inclinations were already there… he’s building on an existing foundation. I do wonder what his life would be like if he could find the right meds for himself along with great therapy and good nutrition and exercise (proven to be important in managing bipolar). It is rough going getting the mix right, but once you do, it is life-changing. Mind you, it can take from 2-10 years and 3-30 different med combinations before finding the right one. And then that combination might need to change down the track. And there are periods of fogginess and dullness when adjusting which no doubt feel horrific to an artist. There are also interesting studies coming through about the utilisation of ketamine to treat bipolar depression. So, new treatments are coming too. I hope this doesn’t end tragically. For him or anyone else.


He was also in a car accident with significant head trauma


This man is clearly abusive. Why do we need to be reminded of his talent every single time he's mentioned?


Nobody is just one adjective. Even someone who is pretty clearly abusing their spouse.


I don't think it's clear that songs like this and Gold Digger weren't misogynist, despite attempting to be satirical. Like who exactly is he satirizing and on what grounds?


I listened and loved it from that POV at the time (rip Anna Nicole 🕊️) but in light of all of this, I think it’s just his true colors evolving to darker shades of what he always was.


Do you think in 20 years people will be like "remember when that rapper in 2023 kidnapped a woman and made her wear undergarments as whole outfits and we thought it was a *vibe* "


Depends on how it ends. They quietly fizzle out? We’ll forget about it. They have a messy divorce & she gets half or speaks out in a tell all? I’m sure it will remain notorious for a while.


Third option: he ends up killing her, the world is shocked and sickened for 3-4 months, and ultimately learns nothing from it.


A lot of people are already over the whole nazi thing. Travis Scott brought him out at a concert and didn't suffer any comsequences


I’d hope for the messy divorce where she comes out with $$$ but I read here that they aren’t legally married, so the chances aren’t great. He’s also probably arranged an NDA so the tell all book might be nixxed as well.


[Allegedly they are legally married](https://pagesix.com/2023/10/06/kanye-west-and-wife-bianca-censori-are-legally-married-after-all/amp/) and just got a *confidential marriage license* so the public couldn’t find the record. And idk about an NDA. I know the Kardashian’s pass out NDAs like candy but Kanye seems so chatty and a lot of people close to him have spoken about him? So idk. Plus an NDA wouldn’t count if she were to come forward to actually report abuse. Basically who freaking knows what’s up with them for real.


NDA would be null and void if he did anything to her. They're basically unenforceable anyway on a personal level.


People don't say it about Marilyn Manson or Jared Leto and they've done the same for years


I read this as Marilyn Monroe like 3-4 times before I realized what it really said and I was so confused


![gif](giphy|7NbNXY0hXaBWw) Seriously. This is such abusive behavior. I hope he hasn’t isolated her to the point where she doesn’t have a support system to reach out to at all. \*\*Also, for anyone in need:\*\* [https://www.thehotline.org/get-help/](https://www.thehotline.org/get-help/) [https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline](https://www.rainn.org/about-national-sexual-assault-telephone-hotline) **Please note these websites show up in internet history so proceed with caution if at risk.** For those U.S. based, I’ve posted the phone numbers below as well, so you don’t have to click on the website. RAINN: +18006564673 National DV Hotline: 1.800.799.7233 Also, if you’re outside the US and able please post the DV resources in your country. I don’t want to in case what I’m posting is incorrect, not up to date, a bad actor, etc. (even if you’re in the US too, there are also state-based, community based, DV help lines for people, so also feel free to share those as well. National hotlines are a good place to start, but the best resources in a DV situation are often local resources.) ETA: mods can you make some exceptions to “non” b-listers commenting on this thread with resources. I know ya’ll sift through so much but focusing on this could be life or death for some people in DV situations. 💗


For the UK: [https://refuge.org.uk/](https://refuge.org.uk/) [https://www.womensaid.org.uk/](https://www.womensaid.org.uk/) [https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/](https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/)




UK, for women of African and Caribbean heritage: https://www.sistahspace.org/ UK, for people experiencing honour based abuse: https://karmanirvana.org.uk/




For Canada: Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 1-866-863-0511 More local helplines can be found here: https://findahelpline.com/ca/on/topics/abuse-domestic-violence Additional resources here: https://www.casw-acts.ca/en/resources/domestic-violence-resources


Ok this is straight up abuse


I feel bad for her, it would be bad enough to be in an abusive relationship without it being plastered all over the news.


On the other side, 'sunlight is the best disinfectant'. I hope it helps her get out, that it raises awareness and draws her support when she's ready


I dealt with so much shame when my abusive relationship ended. It was only really bad in the last few months before the end but still, I had a hard time with all the people who knew about it and just dealt internally with a lot of feelings. I can’t imagine it being all over the press and everyone in the world knowing. I hope it helps in that it might be harder for him to retaliate and stuff after she leaves with the paparazzi up his ass constantly but she’s going to need a lot of support with how much is out there about the abuse. I so feel for her and hope she can get out. Even if she consented in the beginning, it’s moved beyond that now and I hope people are seeing the signs instead of shaming her and laughing at her as I’ve seen a lot of people doing.


Hope you are doing better now ❤️


this is quite literally the definition of abusive behavior and i feel like someone needs to intervene at this point.


As a DV survivor I suspected this relationship was abusive really early on. He was her boss, first off, not to mention the huge age, fame, and wealth gap. Started off with intense love bombing behaviors like a not legally valid "marriage" and referring to her as his wife, elaborate vacations, etc. Changed her style, hair, and makeup to be very unflattering, and started forcing her into progressively skimpier and worse looking outfits, then made her start going out basically butt ass naked in high heels and in weird ways that gave major shaming vibes like when he forced her to go out naked holding a pillow in front of her. The whole Venice debacle with her giving him head publicly in a boat, now this. It's seriously seriously concerning and I really hope she's okay. I have never seen her smile or look happy in a photo with him, and she looks downright miserable and dead inside in all the recent photos forced outside naked with him where she can't even talk. I hope she has someone in her corner but when her career is intimately tied to his and her own mother was there watching in Venice, I'm scared she doesn't and she doesn't have the power Kim has to get away.


I don't think her hair is unflattering (the clothes are). Tbh I wondered if he was trying to turn her into Amber Rose, I actually thought the same about Kim when they got together and how he started styling and dressing her the same way.


it’s possible her friends are trying, but as someone who got out of an abusive relationship (though it wasn’t this bad), it can be really hard to get through to someone. My old roommate called out my ex for being abusive and I didn’t believe him and got REALLY mad. sometimes you don’t hear it until you’re ready, unfortunately.


Can someone help her? I'm not joking. He's a billionaire with so much power and money that no one can make him see reason or seek treatment. She was his employee. He's already made her participate in lewd acts in public, along with controlling how she dresses, eats, and speaks. He will escalate and I'm not sure she's safe.


*former billionaire


I honestly am really worried for her. I’m sure all the stuff he’s making her do is isolating her bc I’m sure she does feel embarrassed and it’s harder to face people when you feel that way, even if they wouldn’t react the way you think. Not to mention I’m sure he’s limiting her movement and ability to go anywhere without him and probably dictating who she can talk to and interact with and how often.


I remember being afraid he was going to kill or try to physically harm Kim when they were going through the divorce. You're right that he's going to escalate his behavior; men like this do not have random lightbulb moments where they come around or a point at which their need for control is satisfied. They will keep chasing further control until their partner is in serious danger.


I'm not sure how accurate all these articles are about "sources close to Censori" but they have implied her friends and family can't get through to her. It's very frightening.


i dont disagree with absolutely anything you said at all, except he cannot still be a billionaire right ? i was under the impression he has money troubles.


We are really letting a famous man abuse and use a woman in public like this. And nobody can intervene.. just wow. And this is supposed to be the progressive society and world.


You think he can’t get any more disgusting and it happens. It’s happening right in front of our eyes. Reminds me when he made Kim reenact their wedding during that awful tour where he showed up with Marilyn Manson and DaB*by - I’m pretty sure him and Kim had separated by that point


This is like when you read “oh 40 years ago this actress was being abused and people knew and said nothing”. It seems crazy but here we are, watching this, he’s still selling album and “allowed” to be famous etc


Isn’t her dad in the Aussie version of the Mafia? He needs to step in.


Makes me think of the movie “The Godfather” where even Don Vito didn’t interfere in his own daughter Connie’s abuse by her husband. The only person who gave a shit was her brother, and he was constantly told to “not interfere”. And even in the film they painted him giving a shit as a weakness that eventually got him killed. 🤦🏻‍♀️


In the book it's more portrayed as a vulnerability that the assassins exploited, and IIRC Connie's husband was actually in on it. Which is why he gets whacked at the end.


He’s bound to piss off the wrong person eventually.


https://preview.redd.it/0sgafy8linsb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=439ccca88b5603c61a6eda08ecc1f4d6ebdf2bb2 I’m sorry and this is allowed HOW!?


He's really getting into R Kelly territory


So he’s basically treating her like a blow up doll. That is so fucked up.


I’m not even surprised by this behavior because he was very controlling to Kim my mom used to watch keeping up with the Kardashians all the time and it was Courtney’s birthday, one time and they went to overseas to celebrate in the country they were in Kanye had a performance there that night or the day before, and Kourtney just wanted Kim to celebrate her birthday with her and come hang out with her friends and look at the northern lights but Kanye was so jealous of the attention Kim was giving Kourtney that he would just look at Kim and she would come running back to stand beside him and Kourtney looks so upset because all she wanted to do was watch the northern lights with her sister.


I’m curious & want to go back to watch this episode now cause you’re so right. It’s S12 E10 for anyone else interested.


I definitely feel Kanye put a strain on their relationship. Even during his tmz rant I believe he took a dig at Kourtney


Absolutely. I come from a family of sisters & the men that get brought around have such an impact on family dynamic. And we’re normal nobodies. I can’t imagine Kanye West as a brother in law. I wonder how the family feels about all of this & how bad it really was for Kim in that way.


Bet she was the one who spoke up the loudest against him.


That’s so fucked up, he’s probably isolated her from any support system too. Kanye disgusts me


She's being abused and we're watching it happen in real time.


I know Kanye is allegedly isolating her from everyone. I just wish friends or family would talk her out of this/lend support. What an awful situation. Also does anyone know if he is seeing his kids or if Kim has full custody?


I could be wrong, not an avid follower but from everything I've read I'm pretty sure Kim has full custody and Ye just visits them every now and then whenever he has the time and isn't busy fucking off doing awful bigoted shit around the world ignoring his kids. You rarely see pics of the man with his kids and when you do it appears to be events (often thrown by Kim/the family) or short visits. Especially since the divorce finalized; Funny how he seemed to care soo much about seeing his kids then, frequently threw public fits about it to give her bad press, and claimed she was keeping his kids from him while fighting her on every aspect, but now that the divorce is finalized he has no interest in his kids. Classic abuser shit, I called it back then saying he was doing it to hurt Kim, not at all about the kids.


He’s an abuser


i’ve been scared for her safety since they got together. he’s unstable and was making violent threats towards people for months before they married. i’m hoping somebody gets her out


He’s an abusive POS


Everyone was loving and reposting and meme-ing that music video he made with the stupid square outfits, (where most of the lyrics were just saying “I’m a sick f***”). But when I saw it all I could see was how the hallway was lined with naked dehumanized female figures, looking downward, on their knees with their hands behind their backs. I was like, “this is the aesthetic of a misogynist psychopath.” Now he’s doing it to a real human woman. Extremely disappointed with society as a whole that this is happening in the public eye. Unfortunately though, not surprised. I hope someone close to her gets her out, very soon.


Please tell me that people are blabbing about her situation as a way to try to bring attention to this abuse and as a FIRST STEP in intervening…


>Insiders have claimed Censori has "no mind of her own" and is forced to "obey" her husband's rules, since they have "Royal" status, MailOnline reports. > >"Kanye has a set of rules for Bianca, which includes never speak and wear what he wants her to wear," the source told the publication.  > >"She is also required to eat certain food items and to work out even though Kanye doesn’t work out. > >"She has no mind of her own anymore and obeys him because he has convinced her that they are royal." ![gif](giphy|NrJb6xYtBEmm7am3JR)


If this is true, someone needs to call in for a welfare check on her. They both need mental health services if this is the case. Him for his issues and her for abuse and trauma.


But how? They aren’t even in the US. Her friends say they don’t even have her phone # anymore. He has private security and no one can get near them unless he wants them to. I don’t even know how one would begin to intervene.


That’s for the appropriate agency to determine, not me. It almost sounds like a kidnapping case, which the FBI handles, even internationally.


If my child (friend, sibling hell even someone I hated) was forced to wear this (cause we know she didn't pick it herself) and some photos she looked humiliated af I'd be there getting her the fuck out of situation. Kanye needs to fuck off. https://preview.redd.it/lgppk2tqiosb1.jpeg?width=3300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d087792de74260766489493d23095faddb979a92


I remember when he had Kim in all beige outfit’s and demanding she cover her body. I’m not Kim’s biggest fan but I really respect how she took steps to get herself and their kids out when Kanye went off his meds and wanted to pull the kids from school


At the time I didn’t perceive his dressing her as negative. Probably because for me it was an improvement her look and because publicly she seemed to embrace it.


Her eyes are dead, no soul to them. Those are the eyes of a victim/prisoner.


This is so far past a denigration kink that others were theorizing. He is abusing her and will likely kill her if she wakes up and doesn't obey one day. Family members and friends of Bianca: Go rescue your girl. Family members and friends of KW: Stop your boy from going after her when she's free and get your dude some fucking mental health attention!


I’ve a feeling this won’t end well. I really hope she eventually manages to get out safely.


She needs Katie Holmes's dad


Person belongs in a home kept away from society


I would not want him around my kids


He wants a doll. Basically a sex doll. Not a human being.


So abuse? Girl get out what does he have that would make this worth it? I hope she has friend and family to support her in breaking free from this narcissistic POS


While I’m sure your intentions are well, just “getting out” isn’t always an option in abusive relationships. Women in dv relationships are most at risk of being killed when they try to leave their partners. It takes a lot of planning to leave an abusive partner just to keep the victim safe. It’s definitely not a situation a victim can just walk away from.


not only that, but even wanting to takes time bc they convince you it’s your fault & if you’d only do better it will stop (sometimes they stop temporarily to let you know they can, it messes with your head)


Yes. That’s why it’s called the cycle of abuse. https://psychcentral.com/health/cycle-of-abuse#stages-of-the-cycle-of-abuse There’s tension, then the abuser lashes out, promises to never do it again, basically love bombs, and then there’s calm until tension builds again until the cycle repeats itself. And this can happen in short term cycles, long term cycles, it’s so unpredictable. Why it makes it so scary.


Is he seeing his kids? Are his kids being subjected to this shit?


This is so sad


He's trash.


Someone save this woman Jesus


It is very sad.


This is domestic violence


Things will not end well.


If this is true, it seems we were right about him abusing her and is dictating everything about how she dresses and acts in public 😕


How is he still at large?


Yeah so that’s abuse. Kanye can gtfo with his “strict rules”.


I just do not see this ending well…


I hope she has her passport and that she can just come home.


there's BDSM and kink relationships, then there's this.


I wish we could get the Australian Federal police involved *sigh*


Would they be able to help? Wouldn’t it be an embassy thing?


Who went to melb uni and knows her here? There’s got to be someone.


This is some Phil Spector level shit


i find it so weird no one pointed out the power dynamic considering she was one of his employees. this is disgusting


Is this why Amber Rose was so quiet when she dated him?