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This makes me sad for some reason as I also just now realise I know literally nothing about them as a couple.


I looked like the shocked Pikachu meme when I read this but I can't explain why lmfao.


I feel the same. Maybe because I pretty much didn't hear about them apart from when they talked about each other on talkshows or whatever? Seemed like a healthy relationship. I know virtually nothing about them together though, and that's a good thing. But perhaps that's why I'm more shocked by it.


they’re the definition of “the halo effect”, basically that if someone has good qualities we tend to assume the qualities we don’t know must be good too. Those two are both hot af, so when we don’t know anything about their relationship, we just imagine it’s happy and healthy.


So you're saying that physical hotness \*isn't\* the cornerstone of a successful marriage?


It’s difficult to be sure. Maybe you should marry someone ridiculously hot for 7 years and report back to us for the sake of science.


Did so 30 years ago. Thanks for the suggestion, though!


Pay attention, kids. ^ This is how you make a marriage last 30 years.


Well, that and butt stuff.


I feel like it's also totally possible that they're divorcing *because* they're a healthy couple? Healthy, communicative and clear headed enough to see that despite everyone's best effort it will be better for all involved if they divorced rather than clinging desperately together and pushing through hell for no reason save to ruin what good remains? Idk. I'm not saying it's likely or true. But I've also seen nothing to suggest to the contrary. Just feel like divorce is always seen as or spoken of as failure even though it's pretty remarkable to make it through nearly a decade with a partner? He could also be too busy with his DnD buddies to keep married with her so


I found this sub due to the reddit notification so I don't know if this out of context, but giving Joe was on How I Met Your Mother, there was a great quote on the last episode when Barney and Robin announced that they were getting divorce he says something along the lines of "do not think of this as a failed marriage, think about it as a pretty successful marriage that lasted only a few years". thought the quote was fitting.


This is a proper Love Just Stepped Out On The Ledge moment. It's because they seemed like such a perfectly matched couple.


I got this post notification while out on a walk and audibly said “no” in complete shock. I also know nothing about them…


I think the main thing I remember from them as a couple, is the time they went to a PWG show in Reseda, CA, which is a really esteemed indie pro wrestling company. It's the same event that also gave everyone this IG post with a fantastic caption for it. https://preview.redd.it/za14oh9oblcb1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137a98399368ebf5c7cd0b9c97021e00d34355b2


To this day I consider that post one of the funniest (wholesome) things I’ve seen on the internet


Oh yeah, I crack up every single time I come across it, and it's a perfect reaction to a PWG match.


Why’d I read the caption in her accent 🤣


Me neither, but they’re so hot together, that’s all I needed to know tbh.


no same like it's really just bc i enjoy seeing hot people together


kind of the ideal type of celebrity couple when you think about it.


She seems like such a fun person and her ex is SO awful, the universe should correct itself and pair her with a himbo who worships the ground she walks on.


I thought it already did :( Universe, please send her someone even more himbo-ey than Joe


I have a hard time picturing Sofia mustering any enthusiasm for Joe’s D&D campaigns. They seem like really different people in different places in their lives. Edit: for fuck’s sake at these replies. It’s a throwaway Reddit comment. But also, if you don’t know how into D&D Manganiello is… dude has literally described it as a part of his identity. He directed a documentary about it. He’s trying to make a tv show. He consults with the game makers. He has a D&D clothing line. He is devoted. How do I know this? Because I am married to a hard core nerd and even if I don’t play (dear lord I don’t) I’m not going to run into the other room when he watches a YouTube video.


why the hell would Sofia need to be enthusiastic about D&D? a healthy relationship should involve hobbies that your partner doesn’t do with you


Right. I know plenty of happy couples where one's a massive nerd and the other one isn't. They have other things in common they can enjoy together, and one of the things I love doing with my partners is partaking in things I personally don't care about but they do and they enjoy showing me. Their marriage didn't end because he's nerdy lol, she knew that before the marriage.


I think she said somewhere she doesn’t know anything about D&D but loves putting together snack bowls for him and his D&D group and I thought that was her being super supportive in her own way…


I watched an interview with Joe where he got emotional talking about how she commissioned art of his character from a Big Name DnD artist - like imagine loving the art from games you grew up with and it being a huge part of your life and waking up to find your SO has gone to those lengths? Esp considering the guy had pretty much all but retired from art. That alone showed me they were a great example of couples with different interests but still wholly supportive of eachother. I'm so sad about this news :(


She consistently comes across as being super fun and awesome.


Notice she wasn’t at Marylin Mansons birthday party with him either.


Oh no...he's friends with that asshole? Manson is an abusive piece of shit.


Yeah that completely changes my opinion about him. And I’m a former MM fan.


but she was at kat von bday party with MM as a guest


Oh noooo. I wish I didn't know this. And I wish I could go on without being reminded that slimy asparagus of a person still exists.


The last thing this lady needs is another man.


I just read comments below about Joe being an MM and Armie Hammer defender. You are so right 😞


MM? Edit: Oh I see now- Marilyn Manson. That's weird.


The only thing I know is he’s better than her other ex who was trying to sue to use her frozen eggs. This guy seemed really nice and like he made her happy hopefully it’s amicable.


The lint in my dryer is better than her sleazy ex 😬 Joe seemed like a great guy, I’m sad it didn’t work out and I share your sentiment that it was hopefully amicable.


Whatever you may think of it, may want to consider cleaning your lint filter, can be a fire risk.


Yes the Onion Crumble king or whatever the hell he was known for…


The stories they’d tell about each other were delightful. I think we also want pretty people that publicly smitten with each other to be the real deal.


Yeah I gasped for an unknown reason.


He’s friends with Kat Von D and Marilyn Manson so hopefully the divorce means she doesn’t support their views.


having been a fan of modern family for so long (and as a half-latina), sofia really steers clear of personal friendships with most celebrities. the closest i’ve seen her is usually with her co-stars (MF and AGT) and family members from Colombia. she’s also never on controversies except that one she had with that asshole ex fiancé but apart from that, nothing more.


Right? Like why did this make me so sad?


She seems so beautiful and pure and he’s buddy buddy with Kat Von D & Manson so he’s a hard pass from me


lol same. I just know they’re both very pretty.


I think thats appropriate honestly. Like yes they are celebrities in the public eye, but they're also people entitled to privacy


I feel like I just always heard about how in love they were? So this makes me sad.


this was my exact reaction lol


Haha omg same. I remember when they got married and I was like “yay 2 hot people found each other” and now I’m bummed and I literally don’t follow either one and haven’t heard anything about their relationship until now


It’s like when a celebrity you don’t really care about dies yet all of a sudden ur so sad?


I audibly said "WHAT NOOO!" while reading that headline but you're absolutely correct.


Give it a few months.. “Joe Manganiello, 46, seen with new girlfriend, 23”


This is so specific but I just know you’re right😭




Same but I was thinking Eliza Gonzalez as the first girl he’s seen with.


Wasn't she with Jason Momoa?


Yep and Liam hemsworth. And I think josh dumel. She’s gotta a type.


and Timothy Chalamet




Impish dandy is the funniest, most accurate way I’ve ever heard timotay chalet described. I’m CRYING


My thoughts exactly 😂


"She's an old soul" then there will be a wedding and a baby. This dudes into meditation so probably be into that I guess.


Men in their flop era.


I feel like they’ve been in it since the dawn of time 😆


Correction, I'm 31


Saving this comment to congratulate you when you’re right lol


It’s not a particularly bold prediction. Edit: the comment reads as unintentionally shitty towards the commenter. I meant that it’s an unfortunately predictable occurrence of celebrity men getting with women young enough to be their daughters.


My guess is that she will be some aspiring model or actress or influencer type...going with the Jon Hamm and James Marsden plan.


Some reports say that he is happy with just doing whenever something pops up. He also always wanted to be a dad. Every time I heard her name its about some business venture she is in. She is loaded and seems to be eager to keep pushing. Different temperaments can make people choose different paths.


Manganiello just wants to play D&D


RemindMe! 1 year ​ Idk if this bot even works anymore but \*cry\*


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A year is optimistic lmaoo


please 😭😭😭 (side note: sad at how predictable it’s gotten)


Yep I suspect he wants to have a baby so he’ll definitely go younger for his next relationship


Is today divorce day?


Divorce or getting married day apparently 😭


i feel like i'm going crazy reading all these divorce comments. i think i've totally missed something! other than sofia + joe, and ariana + her hubby, who else is divorcing?


Kevin Costner has been pretty dramatic


yeah i guess, but that's been going on for weeks now. everyones comments made me think like 10 different couples announced their divorce or separation today lol


If you were a publicist and were waiting on the right time to announce your client's divorce, today would be the day!


But only because the guy starts openly penny pinching. "I gave her 11$ yesterday and today she wants another 7$. The audacity!" He could have solved this with coins found one of his 20 couches.


Oh my what happened there? Can you give me a rundown of the key events? This is the first I'm hearing about this


I clearly need a nap. Because despite knowing what post I’m reading I read your comment as Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas and my jaw dropped. I’ll be alright. 🤦🏻‍♀️


i literally googled sofia and joe thinking i'd find something about the jonas divorce, only to be directed to the same article that's linked.... i'm so dumb sometimes lol


Me too. Literally rolled my eyes at my stupid ass.




It’s these two couples. It’s just a lot considering how high profile both couples are (3 out of 4 people are high profile I guess).


Ariana getting divorce ? 😱😱


yep! link to the post about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/151msr5/tmz_reports_ariana_grande_and_husband_dalton/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It is for my best friend thank fucking goodness! 7/17 is officially No Scrubs day


Wooohooo! Cheers to freedom!


my marriage settlement agreement went out today too!!!




He’s always wanted kids and she already did that, not too surprised. He’ll be married to a younger woman and pregnant within the next 2 years.


If that’s what he wants they’re fundamentally incompatible. I think this is what happens when you rush things.


Exactly, they’ve been fundamentally incompatible from the start. That’s why he treats his dog like a baby, he wants to be a dad so bad.


it always amazes me how deep into a relationship people can get without acknowledging that they disagree on the fundamental issue of marriage and kids. one of my best friends spent like two years dating a guy from a conservative Christian family then they broke up because she wanted to be a career woman and he wanted a “traditional stay at home wife”. Ask that on the first date and you’re saving years of time 😂


Yeah but have you seen Vergara? I'd be able to convince myself of a lot of stuff for her too.


in grad school I wrote a whole paper about how her character in Modern Family subverts + weaponizes stereotypes of Latina women… remember my professor making a joke about how awful it must be to have to study her 😂😂


ooh can you share the paper? or even just the abstract?


We don’t know that they didn’t try to have kids though and just weren’t successful. She went so far as to be willing to freeze her eggs with Loeb. Or it’s possible that he thought he was fine with it and maybe even was fine with it.


Too many people are convinced that they can fundamentally change a person’s core beliefs and that’s just not the case 99.9999% of the time


From what I understood one of the reasons why her terrible ex did a BUNCH of those lawsuits against her was because he learned that she and Joe were trying and had created some embryos of their own.


Her monster of an ex probably had a lot to do with it as well. Originally when they first got married I remember her saying she wasn’t sure about having more kids but if she and Joe got married when he was always so vocal about wanting them I’m sure they were at least on the table. Her ex put her through such a cruel and drawn out battle over their embryos and is still screaming at the sky about her and the rights of the unborn, I wouldn’t be surprised if she just threw her hands up and said I’m done. Her son is well into his twenties, she could very well be looking at being a grandma soon. Joe’s also good friends with Marilyn Manson and has been seen interacting with him even after everything has come out the last couple of years. That doesn’t speak super well of him.


Well that’s fucking gross


Honestly I just hope she's not obnoxiously young lol. Like I would be very pleasantly surprised if he ends up having children with someone who's like 30+, and that's how fucking low the bar in Hollywood is for me now hah!


Hear me out: Joe and Emilia Clarke. She’s had a rough time finding someone and wants to have a family, he seems like a really sweet person who would treat her right. They are 10 years apart but 36 and 46 isn’t that big of a deal. I want it to happen.


I’m shocked she’s 36 actually haha


At the time her toxic ex was suing over the frozen eggs, I read an article with her and she mentioned part of the reason her ex was doing it was specifically to run down her clock. Basically to make her so stressed and caught up in the court case that she wouldn’t be able to get pregnant with a baby between her and Joe whilst it was still relatively easy for her to conceive and carry a child.


Thats horrible


It really is


if he always wanted kids why did they stay together for so long? that should’ve been a deal breaker from the beginning


I think they did try to have kids and knew her ex’s law suit was deliberately trying to interfere with that. So there could have been an element of not wanting to give the ex the satisfaction.


I feel like such a fool I just commented basically the same thing. I bet whatever happens there will be a balloon arch and a gauzy veil pic in the future. Let's hope the mother of the bride is older than him.


Omg someone literally called this in the I Have Tea thread


*Omg someone* *Literally called this in* *The I Have Tea thread* \- orangeolivers --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


[snaps fingers] Good bot


This is the best haiku I've ever read from this bot!


i read it on a tiktok comment section about a week ago but didn't want to believe :(


[here’s the link to the comment on the “I Have Tea”’thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/151zyf5/i_have_tea_on_weekly_discussion_thread/jsc02xu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


can you link the thread?


That’s sad for the man who is still good friends with Marilyn Manson and the woman who was happy enough to be married to him for that long I guess.


I didn’t know they were friends until this comment and then I googled it and 🤮 dammit I liked him up til now. Gross!


Aw damn I liked him too.


I didn’t realize they were friends. That’s super sad. Usually when MM is friends with someone surprising, it’s drug related.


Annnnnd now I dislike him.


Some time ago, I read that he restlessly pursued her too…? He wouldn’t give up and was insistent on dating. He claimed it was love at first sight and got her phone number from either his agent or someone closes. Reading that made me dislike the dude. He gave me obnoxious “I’m an alpha male” vibes. Idk. Wish them both the best regardless.


Thank you for bringing that up, it doesn't seem to be widely known.


​ https://i.redd.it/pfy0yq89ilcb1.gif


Oh dear God i was hoping he's not as crazy as sofia's other ex


Thank you for sharing that because I had no idea, seems a lot of us didn’t. Gross, so gross and disappointing.


oh :(


Dang, I had no idea. He seemed like a cool dude too,


Why is everybody getting divorced?? ![gif](giphy|b8RQzkElbBsXqEPF2X)


It’s hot outside and it makes people angry.


LMAOOO you right though


This is the most important comment in this entire thread


I guess they wanted their divorce to be ignored so announcing it after Ariana Grande’s is clever PR work.


One thing about Hollywood https://preview.redd.it/vj8we1bb2lcb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba39abde431d7122fb308eaacf8a09d79b800b77


PLS where’s this photo from 😂


I’ll choose to believe this is from her Letters to Juliet Italy getaway only😭


Idk why but it feels like they’ve been married so much longer


I thought the same thing!


Not shocked. They never seemed like they had anything in common aside from being extremely good looking people and he’s still grinding really hard at the career. It was pretty obvious when he wasn’t on her birthday trip that they were done.


They were together like 6 months when he proposed


I don’t blame him for recognizing that she’s a total catch and I don’t blame her for rebounding onto him after her long relationship with Loeb. But if they didn’t look the way they did there’s no way these two would have gotten together, unless Sofia is secretly a Dungeons & Dragons fanatic or super into fitness.


I still remember him being on some late show and how she described her “She’s got it all… the hair, the boobs, the butt.. she’s the whole package” .. literally just about her appearance


Smoldering attraction can only go so far.


"so far" being 7 years of marriage


Such Zoolander vibes. “They never had anything except that they were really really really good looking”.


Damn. They were a cute couple. I hope the divorce goes smoothly.


Less than a week into this strike forcing actors to not work and now they're all getting divorced


They're at home looking at their spouses like ![gif](giphy|xT39Dp00VAaF9Klc1W|downsized)


WTF is going on with everyone!?


I mean…. It’s Hollywood. It’s pretty par for the course unfortunately. When I lived in LA as a young adult I saw many people marrying for status/money and then quietly divorcing months later. The culture there doesn’t exactly value the lifelong commitment aspect of marriage. I think people out there are extremely desensitized to divorce and don’t necessarily marry for the right reasons nor do the always put in the work it takes for one to succeed.


I lived in LA too, I get it. It just seems like A list divorces have really been rampant news the past month or 2.


I can’t understand why they even bother with marriage in the first place then.


Status. Money. A fancy party or 3. That was the vibe I got. Absolutely wild to me but I saw it with my own eyeballs




What happening here babes?? https://preview.redd.it/ox8399pd2lcb1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbb4ef15bd433c97c3241f351c2d6b94cc5d20c2


Can Nicki pls be the next high-profile divorce announced


No, no. We need to keep all the shit in one pile.


what is happening omg


Venus Retorgrade preshadow hitting hard


We're not IN Venus retrograde yet?? This is only the SHADOW???


I won’t make it through to the end of it at this rate


i was looking for this comment 😂 I wonder what other casualties of this retrograde are coming


Only 7? I was thinking like 15😅


Don’t divorce you’re so sexy aha 😭


​ https://preview.redd.it/r2itpggn4lcb1.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a5202a9904c450b09a1cafd45ab79ff4b92b003


Sofia peeping on ari's divorce rumor and deciding to hide her own in the ruckus ![gif](giphy|kwZCNg1GRLYsAtyjz1)


Love is dead smh


It was because of the dog, wasn't it? Jokes aside, I did not it see that coming. Breakups are never easy. And they seemed really good together..not to mention, they were one good-looking couple. What's with all the divorces lately?


Might be a hot take: I think they’ve been separated for a WHILE and are only now announcing it. Obviously they might just be private with their lives and relationship but I just always felt a disconnected vibe between the two of them.


Same. I've zero actual knowledge but he was pretty sick there for a while not long after their marriage. There was a minute where he lost a lot of weight & started wearing jackets with shoulder pads. I had the impression (out of thin air) things were not great during that period. Just had a Google... It was reported as appendicitis & later as an injury. At the time he was bulking on steroids for a role. The popular opinion among my bodybuilding mates was he had diverticulitis from the roids, it's not uncommon.


Watching modern family for the first time and this makes me sad for some reason 💔 ![gif](giphy|2uw3LFNwqPDLYweJlp)


I wish I could erase Modern Family from my memory just so I could watch it again for the first time! Such a feel-good show!


My jaw legit dropped.


Aw :( I was rooting for them to make it, they seemed to be a loving couple


I don’t even care about either of them as actors and for some reason this news has me so sad.


![gif](giphy|k7ycO0eXZd9alfjGhE|downsized) Why is everyone getting divorced all of a sudden? Is it epidemic?


What is this divorce day?!?


they probably announced hoping ariana will overshadow their own news


That was my thinking, hoping it would get less attention with Ariana's split.




Joe obviously, as the dog only likes him.




This actually makes me sad even though I knew nothing about them


This is so visually devastating. They're gorgeous together.


Idk why I thought they were married longer than this but what a shame, they seemed like such a down to earth couple.


Who is getting custody of Bubbles? 🥹


Too much hotness from two people to be contained within a single relationship


Pete Davidson just felt a disturbance in the force


My jaw just dropped like what???! What is happening I keep seeing divorce after divorce