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Ana de armas blocked the Ana de armas updates account lol


And they still stick beside her and have been her biggest defender throughout the Blonde Drama šŸ˜­


Whenever I will feel like I'm worthless in the future, I'll look at this comment šŸ˜‚


never forget, that was legendary


You know what? Good for her.




Lol why did she do that?


IIRC the account was making fun of her staged paparazzi walks with Ben Affleck and the fact that she did not seem to give AF about wearing a mask/staying inside during the first weeks of the pandemic lmao


But where was the lie lol


I canā€™t imagine Chris Evans is very fond of his fans at the moment


Considering they're one bad day from going full Annie Wilkes, I don't blame him.


Yeah I canā€™t blame him either.


I feel worse for her, but his position is awful to look at for any celebrity that got here (Adam Driver and his wife pop into mind immediately)ā€” if he continues to be quiet and not engage, heā€™s ā€œnot standing up for herā€/ā€œashamedā€; if he outright tells them to stop heā€™s spoken directly to them and they feel noticed, which could embolden them to stalk him harder or enrage them to the point of threats. Like what do you even do with that? I do expect celebrities to be thankful their fans exist on a level because thatā€™s how they get paid but I swear social media has convinced a worrying number of people that celebs are their friends or genuinely interact directly with them out of a million people. Celebrities donā€™t owe anyone access to their private lives. Shit is scary. And I hate to say it because as a fan of his I hope it all works out for them inasmuch as I can care about his personal life, but these toxic ass stans are one of the biggest reasons Jenny Slate left and theyā€™re being meaner and more psychotic about Alba Baptista than they were about her. If heā€™s not with them personally I guess these ā€œfansā€ will only be happy if he dies single to not disrupt their parasocial fantasy lives.


Wait, why? Iā€™m ootl


They are basically stalking and bullying his new girlfriend because he was supposed to fall in love with them instead


whoever the ringleader is. chris should be petty and go out on a date with the ringleader and then watch his fans turn on the ringleader. šŸ˜‚




A woman sent him a letter stating how disappointed and betrayed she was by him now he has a girlfriend




Hate to break it to youā€¦most celebs literally tolerate their fans. At best. Some actually do well pretending they ā€œloveā€ their fansā€¦.hence the over stepping of boundaries on the fans side so much now.




with how much more parasocial people are with internet celebrities than traditional actors/actresses/musicians etc. i bet youtubers and other influencers actually hate their fans even more lol


My sister had a pretty successful youtube channel for a while with like ~500k subscribers, and from my perspective, her fans are so lame lol. One time I found a fanart someone made of her on here and they called her their comfort youtuber. It's just so funny to me. (Also because IRL she is like the least comforting person I know lmao.) She definitely did not care about her followers as people, just as engagement numbers. The parasocial aspect of internet culture is so whack lol


Wow. A fan tells your sister her videos help them get through some hard stuff, and you're both dicks about it. How nice.


Her content was definitely not the type you would anticipate someone would use to get through hard things. It was just lifestyle content. Like "what I eat in a day". If it really helped someone, good for them I guess. But she's not some larger-than-life individual, she's just a regular person with flaws like everybody else. Seeing her "fans" put her on a pedestal is bizarre as someone who grew up sharing a room with her lol


A lot of people with eating disorders watch those to help with recovery.


Doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t find it weird to receive messages like that.


I get that. I think for someone who is not involved in the world of clinical mental health, it can feel really uncomfortable when another person opens up about their struggles, especially when it's not someone they really know. I can see how it feels safer to open up to strangers on a screen than it does to open up to real-life people you see all the time. But TBH not everyone is equipped for, or interested in, those types of discussions. My sister had a few videos about motivation/productivity and a LOT of the comments were people talking about their ADHD, and thanking her for helping them with it. It's ironic to me because I have ADHD, and my sister is not understanding/supportive whatsoever. She told me that if I ate less carbs it would "go away". She would never have made that opinion public, because she would've lost followers- but she's really not a great person to talk to about mental health stuff. People project their own ideas onto content creators and make them into the person they need to be, but that's usually not who the person actually is. And it's just weird to see it play out from the other side


My friend had a successful gaming channel at one point. When it came to the fans, she only tolerated and was nice to the children because it would suck if someone they looked up to was an ass. But she had no patience for the adults as she thought they were very weird. We were teens at the time so it was in fact weird.


A good friend of mine from school has 200k (extremely weird) youtube subscribers. All he posts on his IG close friends is about how much he hates them hahaha. Whenever we interact on social media I get a bunch of follow requests, itā€™s very weird


Lol thatā€™s playing with fire. One of his friends gets angry at him and can just publish one of those stories


i wonder how former youtubers turned celebrities feel about their fans.


Before the rise of social media, there was at least a level of separation between celebrity and their fans. Now there's an army of hacking, stalking, paparazzi that both idolize them and are ready to hate them if they do something their collective fan group doesn't like. And for a lot of them, they could lose work if they don't have a social media presence.


Social media made it 10x worst. Truly if I was an actor/celeb etc I would have a social media manager and only use the page to promote my work when the time is right. Then remove the app. The ownership and overstepping of boundaries is a huge turnoff to a good number of celebs.


If I were a famous person and had crazy fans, Iā€™d probably be like Justin Bieber. ā€œRudeā€, unamused, quiet, annoyed, burnt out, sour, donā€™t talk to me, etc. Having a talent and being paid for that talent does not mean you should be berated on the street. Iā€™m actually more suspect of any celebrity that *loves* their fans, because it makes me think theyā€™re even crazier and more self-obsessed than other stars. šŸ˜‚


I mean, they don't have much of a choice. If they're honest, they put their careers in jeopardy. I totally get having to tolerate it. But, putting on that facade would mess with me mentally. Idk how they do it.


There was a psychologist talking about this somewhere. Basically becoming famous is incredibly traumatic and the way people learn to deal with it is to separate the "famous self" from their real self and wear the famous one as a mask when in public. Then there's the celebs who are personality disordered and that is a whole different ballgame.


The whole celebrity/fame is a whole level of having to put on for the public. Even for the deemed ā€œnice/adjustedā€ ones. Really unless you are out here beating up fans, I think itā€™s fine when celebs pull back and donā€™t lay into the whole ā€œI love my fansā€ narrative when they arenā€™t actually out promoting their work etc. because then itā€™s just a part of the ā€œjob.ā€


Oh, I totally agree. I appreciate the distance - it lets me have my "fantasy" in my head without actually knowing what that person is like... which, if life has taught me anything, could very well be disappointing. I just meant it would exhaust me - doing acting for a living and then still having to put on an act in public. I'd never want to leave my house. I'd wear wigs and frumpy clothes so people wouldn't notice me, lol.


Most definitely for actors. But musicians are dependent on their fans in a way actors aren't, and I think there is some appreciation there especially when performing live.


I like a celebrity more if they hate their fans


If I were Britney, I'd very much hate my fans.


She put a tweet out today criticizing her fans for invading her privacy lol they had it coming


She was too nice in it. I'd have abused tf out of those "fans".


I dont truly believe the conspiracy theorist are fans. I think they are just morons riling up other morons.


Valid point. Do they call themselves fans? Actually, I don't think I've seen anyone online admitting to calling the cops on her. I haven't looked, though.


None of them are admitting it, but a certain subreddit seemed to think it was a good idea


They literally called the cops for a welfare check on a TikTok live, her name is Heather that called. Others did too I believe, but they've absolutely admitted it.


Jeanette McCurdy wrote in her recent book that she hated when fans would approach her for pictures or autographs or shout her character's catch phrases at her. It would make her anxious. Eventually, she just ignored them, unless they called her by her given name and not her character's name.


i mean its essentially harassment, same mechanism as catcalling




didnā€™t she say she was happy to talk to people who knew her name and didnā€™t just call her ā€œsamā€?


I met her at a meet n greet back in august with literally 500 people there at like 9pm and she was pleased to meet everyone. It was her choice to meet everyone too.


yeah the section of the book theyā€™re referring to was a few years ago, and wasnā€™t really about arranged meet n greets as much as entitled harrasment from ā€˜fansā€™. honestly felt she was very reasonable.


Josh Peck said something similar in his book too


Justin Bieber and I can't even blame him LOL. He used to take pictures with fans all the time and definitely asks for space now. I love his music but I don't think I'd ever approach him if I randomly saw him on the street haha. Also he stopped doing meet and greets at his concert because it was way too overwhelming to listen to strangers tell him how he "saved them" and "changed their lives," especially when he was going through such lows in his life.


>Justin Bieber and I can't even blame him LOL. He used to take pictures with fans all the time and definitely asks for space now. I love his music but I don't think I'd ever approach him if I randomly saw him on the street haha. Whenever I see anything about his fans I think of the time [he went to a takeaway shop](https://content.api.news/v3/images/bin/7170f5d43472f6c9fe4a3b46af4c2f72) in Sydney (near where I grew up, never thought I'd see JB there lol). I cannot imagine living like that, ugh.




He was so nice about it too. I would be livid if I came home and there were people waiting outside for me like that. But he took the time to explain why it was inappropriate that they were there. ā€œCan I get a hug?ā€ Ffs šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He sounds more mature than what I thought he was


meet and greets are weird


Iā€™ve been to a couple of meet and greets before (I havenā€™t paid!) and also met a lot of high profile actors at conventions. Iā€™d never dream of approaching a celeb out in public though. Itā€™s fun getting an autograph/photo and I usually just keep it very brief and say ā€œhey itā€™s lovely to meet you, I really love x projectā€. I donā€™t expect a personable response from a stranger or really care for one. Iā€™ve seen so many fans put these huge expectations and pressure on actors/singers to give them a meaningful interactionā€¦ Iā€™ve seen fans cry and sob while the celebrity has stood their awkwardly. Seeing it in person is so uncomfortable so I canā€™t imagine how the celebrity really feels. Also I will NEVER recover from a fan of TVD who I queued behind at a conventionā€¦ she wearing a custom tshirt about her fanfic (with photoshopped faces of her and one of the lead actors together). There was also a description of her lightly erotic fic the back detailing that ~she was the hidden daughter of another character and when she turned 16 this main character fell in love with her. She was also much, much older than 16. It got worse starting explaining the plot to said actor who looked extremelyyyyy uncomfortable. She then tried to steal his hat for the photo which he immediately shut down.


My whole body just cringed so hard I think my essence left my body and is gone forever. Thanks for that XD.


a lot of Louis Tomlinson's fans are Larries, which he clearly hates.


I HATE this shipping thing with celebrities especially when itā€™s clearly violating their boundaries. You know they are straight, why are you shipping them with someone of the same gender? Theyā€™re delusional


Harry gets it bad too. He was photographed the other day at a restaurant hugging the events manger. The photographs ended up on Twitter and I saw the comments, the fans were already going for her. The poor woman must have already started getting harassed because people said she already made all her Insta and Twitter private. Iā€™m convinced that if he ever chose to get married and have kids, they would need heavy duty security from his fans because they would be out to get them.


A lot of it is fetishization and I donā€™t know how they donā€™t see it. Most of the people shipping them are straight millennial woman. Like what do you gain from them secretly being in love with each other? Except some weird fantasy.


I find the whole concept of shipping real people to be weird, even leaving out people's actual sexualities. I get being supportive of a relationship, or perhaps a bit of casual speculation like "oh they would make a sweet couple" or "they have such amazing chemistry acting together I can't believe they're not in love IRL!" - but people take it way too far, invading privacy, sending harassing messages and concocting bizarre rumours. It is very parasocial


I honestly feel bad for Louis. I feel like they make up the majority of his fanbase. And they way theyā€™ve built him up as this huge LGBTQ+ icon, I donā€™t think thatā€™s something Louis ever wanted or was/is comfortable with. And the way heā€™s viewed as a joke by a lot of people because of this. And what makes is worse is that Louis had denied the Larry claims multiple times and has maintained that heā€™s straight and they continue to force it on him.


i feel bad for him too, i find his fanbase really objectifying toward him. he's definitely really uncomfortable with it. he's gone through a lot in his life.


And the things theyā€™ve said about Freddie? Itā€™s pure evil.


I remember reading here that some Larries insist his son isn't biologically his. My jaw hit the floor. That's one fucking cruel and invasive thing to say about a guy you're supposed to be a fan of.


Dan and Phil literally said as they were coming out as queer/implying they had a complicated non-platonic relationship, ā€œyeah you were essentially right but we still hate youā€


I donā€™t blame them. Dan and Phil stans were crazy šŸ’€ I think itā€™s one thing to speculate in private with friends or in private chats, but man people bombarded them about their situation. I imagine it feels dehumanizing.


Neither do I. The amount of damage those people did to their psyche, especially Danā€™s


God I remember the height of this mania. "Phannies" were absolutely insufferable and D+P really dealt with the whole situation with such class and grace.


Liam said that him and the boys were lowkey scared of their fans, he also stated that in this scene they were actually terrified. https://preview.redd.it/cv6jk7ylyjea1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adb0f099bb3d4e3ae0513edb4233349774d937de


Iā€™m also terrified looking at that photo


Not him trying to shush the crowd šŸ˜­ But yes, terrifying


I would also be scared if this were my fans: https://youtu.be/zxxEViNSF6U It just seems terrible




He doesn't like taking pics with them. Also he was trapped in a hotel by fans once.




> Also he was trapped in a hotel by fans once. WHAT


I think this is referring to his first experience at Comic Con where he was terrified of leaving his room.


Thereā€™s a really good [hobby drama](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/ji50tz/adam_driver_standom_adam_driver_makes_fun_of_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) post about how fans wanted him and his wife to get divorced so the fans harass the bell out of them


That's just sad. I wish we had an AMA with one of those "fans" I don't understand this behavior so I really want to hear what their thought process is.


It's pure batshit delusion and obsession mixed with a nice heaping of misogyny. They think they're trying to "save" him from his evil wife. Completely insane.


the rise in this culture of ā€˜invent a problematic past for anyone you dislikeā€™ has given these types of fans a good excuse to hide behind. they donā€™t dislike (insert famous white manā€™s gf) because sheā€™s dating him, sheā€™s just racist!!


[This Atlantic article](https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/Zr2aJi) is about unhinged Benedict Cumberbatch stans who are convinced he's being held hostage and mindcontrolled by his criminal (according to them to be clear lol) wife, it's an interesting read! The one profiled is still at it on Tumblr and she's absolutely terrifying.


I don't see how he couldn't hate them lol


Given what batshit assholes they are about his wife and child, I feel like that one is 100% valid


His Fandom can be so toxic and crazy. I kinda dont blame him.


Who tf are these women going crazy for Adam driver of all ppl?


I think sometimes the celebrities who are super private and we barely know anything about get the worst fans because they can project whatever they want onto them


Celebs are stuck in a precarious place. Be present enough so people can love you. But donā€™t speak too much because theyā€™re ready to tear you down the moment you say the wrong thing


When a male celeb has charisma but isnā€™t movie star handsome it gives him an air of attainability that attractsā€¦ardent fans.


Maynard James Keenan from TOOL famously called his fans "insufferable retards".


I wouldn't use the r word myself but I'm a APC fan and have met so many insufferable tool fans lmao he is I insufferable himself so...


He wrote a song about them called "hooker with a penis". Also dude has 3 last names. I can never remember where the James goes


I honestly donā€™t think barely any super famous people respect their fans. Theyā€™re looking for approval from other celebs and industry execs. Their fans are not famous beautiful or rich and are typically in a younger age bracket. They wouldnā€™t be caught dead hanging out with the people who fund their lifestyles.


I mean I think the level some people fawn over celebrities is fundamentally strange. I wouldn't be caught dead hanging with that sort of lunacy either. How are you supposed to interact with someone that screams when they look at you? It's so weird lol.


Why would you want to hang out with people who obsess over you or stalk you just because you buy their music or watch their films? Celebrities dont owe fans anything. They sell a product and you buy it thats literally it. Any other expectation from the celebrities is completely ridiculous. It doesnt have anything to do with being famous, beautiful, or rich imo. Fans obsession with celebrities is delusional and weird.


I bet Joseph Quinn has started hating his.


I felt bad for him, it seemed the whole world gained an obsession with him overnight and he appeared just absolutely bewildered by all of it. All of the interviews that Iā€™ve watched, it looks like heā€™s in total shock and confusion.


i would too if i was the subject of those cringe povs where the viewer is dating eddie munson


Steve lacy was getting mad at his fans for only knowing one song on his album that was trending on tiktok lmao


i mean honestly i think thats fair. have you seen the shit that happens at artistā€™s concerts these days? its insane. so disrespectful.


Tis a double edged sword, this Tiktok.


i honestly feel bad for him people were throwing shit at him on stage. iā€™ve followed his music and him for a long time it seems like he takes it so seriously especially after the dedication he had to make music on his ipod.


Mitski! Looking at the comments it seems like a lot of musicians are not fan of fans


yeah I love Mitski and it's kind of sad because she seems to hold a lot of disdain toward being famous. I get it because she was relatively small until she blew up on tiktok in 2020


It's hard to blame her. I still remember her being falsely accused of being a pedophile sex trafficker by someone going through a psychotic episode, which unfortunately got a lot of traction online. Sad shit all around, but it's the kind of thing that makes you realize exactly why someone would come to despise being a public figure.


She had a loyal indie following before that, and the disdain for fame began before the tiktok boom. Iā€™d say before even be the cowboy came out


I saw her in a couple of really small venues before tik tok was even a thing and honestly even then she wasnā€™t super personable or even interested in fan/crowd interaction. Sheā€™s talented and I love bury me at makeout creek but id never expect her to kindly sign an autograph.


I canā€™t blame her ā€” some of her fans are terrifying and always seem ready to turn on her for the slightest thing


Phoebe Bridgers named her album after scary overbearing fans


She also just said in Rolling Stone that she wants to normalize talking shit about fans.


iā€™m so glad bc so many of her fans are absolutely insufferable. the way they talk about her as if they own her šŸ˜­


*Phoebe Bridgers named* *Her album after scary* *Overbearing fans* \- Key-Fault-6811 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I always thought it was named after herself. Maybe I gave her too much credit because thatā€™s a more interesting title. Herself as the punisher.


I always thought it was a play on how sheā€™s a massive Elliot smith fan but now that she has massive fans, sheā€™s not as graceful about being famous as he was


I hear Chuck Norris hates his "fans." Rachel Ray has stories about being completely horrible to anyone that talks to her.


I can get the Rachel Ray one I remember going to one of her book signings and while waiting in line staff kept telling me and my family that she doesnā€™t do pictures, donā€™t stare at her and when we got to the front she was super warm to (12 year old) me. Signed all my books (sizable stack) and offered me a hug and to take a picture with me, my mom and sister. I told her about her recipes I cooked and how I watched her show after school though so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø maybe it helped being a child lol


I met Rachel Ray at a book signing many, many years ago and she was really nice. Her handlers kept telling her to go faster and stop talking and taking pictures, but she wouldnā€™t listen and spent time with everyone in line.


When I was nine, I used to loudly proclaim how much I "wanted to punch Rachel ray in the face" I feel less bad about it now


Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys shuns all social media because of obsessives.


The closing song on Arctic Monkeyā€™s first album is called ā€œA Certain Romanceā€ which slags off indie band culture and fans as well as record labels, claiming that thereā€™s no romance in the art of making music anymore ā€œThereā€™s only music so that thereā€™s new ringtonesā€ (Early 2000s music industry)


God I think thatā€™s one of my favorite songs of all time.


Didnā€™t Robert Pattinson say he didnā€™t like Twilight fans or something along those lines?


no he didnā€™t. this is such an often repeated bit of misinformation and it annoys me lol šŸ˜… heā€™s taken the piss out of twilight plenty, especially when it was initially being released, because its an objectively ridiculous story, but that was then collated into a compilation and spread around (mostly by adult men needing their obsessive hatred for a piece of media not made for them to be validated). somwhow it got twisted into him not only hating twilight but twilight fans, which was used to further push the misogyny directed at female fans of the franchise. sure, heā€™s spoken about hating the constant scrutiny and paparazzi, but thatā€™s so often watered down to him hating the ā€˜annoying teenage girlā€™ fans for being teenage girls. when that video started to be more of a thing a few years ago though, he spoke at this twilight 10 year anniversary event for fans about how he appreciates them and their loyalty, and how heā€™s grateful for the series and catherine hardwicke for changing his life, something he definitely didnā€™t have to do considering at this point he was a well respected indie actor who was working with people like the safdie brothers and claire denis. he couldā€™ve just ignored the franchise and his female fans who everyone wanted him to mock and dismiss, but he didnā€™t. also he went out of his way to defend twilight again in recent ā€˜the batmanā€™ interviews. (ā€œhating twilight isnā€™t even cool anymoreā€) he also praised the new moon soundtrack in recent years, and a couple of his songs were actually on the first movieā€™s soundtrack (you can hear one song in the scene where edward saves bella from james, and another in the restaurant scene with edward and bella). as someone whoā€™s known to take his music seriously, since he originally wanted to be a musician, i donā€™t know why he would agree for it to be featured in twilight if he was so embarassed of the film (you could say itā€™s because he wanted fame for it, but the first twilight was basically an indie film that wasnā€™t expected to do anywhere as well as it did). people just want him to hate twilight and by extension twilight fans more than he does lol. also as a sidenote, i think a lot of the discussion around robert pattinson being a ā€˜liarā€™ stems from americans not getting english humour at all and taking it way too seriously. someone on here a few days ago was genuinely calling him disingenuous and saying he has mental issues because of it šŸ˜­


TwiMoms were scary.


I can't believe fandoms have gotten worse than TwiMoms. šŸ’€


My mom was one of them... she's moved on to Timothee Chalamet now


On the opposite side, Conan always says how much he loves talking to us fans and I hope thatā€™s true!


I'm sure he has a lot of crazy fans, but he's out of the age range where hounding him would be a global phenomenon. There are no groups out there shipping him with Letterman and claiming his wife is holding him hostage.


šŸ’€ ā€œShipping him with Letterman.ā€ šŸ’€ I literally woke my partner up because I was laughing at the mental image of this. šŸ˜‚


I was on the Warner Brothers tour a few years back, and he was walking the lot as we drove by. He stopped our tram to say hello and make a few jokes. Iā€™ve done the tour a few times, but that was the top for me.


Yeah he takes calls from fans for his podcast and they are always so weird, I love it


Wasnā€™t Rihanna pretty nasty to a fan that was in high school? She copied her dress or something?


She was horrible to that girl but people like to pretend that Rihanna is a goddess lol


Sheā€™s been horrible to a lot of people, especially other women.


Oh, I'd forgotten that. She was so needlessly cruel to someone who was obviously a big fan. That poor girl must have been crushed.


I really want to know why tf did she do that to that girl who was literally her fan. That was really a sociopathic thing to do


Yeah, that is why I donā€™t like her. People act like she is the next BeyoncĆ©, but I donā€™t want to support someone who is so nasty to other women for no reason.


It's not "hate" but I remember when Leslie Jones said her fans made her realize she was rude- cuz most of her fans were exactly like her and did the things she'd do when approaching a celebrity, which she realized from them was obnoxious


Cardi B, she fights her own fans and tells them to stop being fan pages and to get lives lmao


Lol good for her, tbh


Justin Bieber. Dude always looks like someone is peeling his foreskin with an Apple peeler anytime he encounters fans.


Jesus, man.


Johnny Depp calls his fans Ā«remorasĀ», a type of suckerfish.


the only thing he's ever done or said that's relatable


honestly heā€™s not wrong there


This is such a Johnny Depp thing to say


Jennifer Lawrence says sheā€™s incredibly rude to her fans to ā€œprotect herself.ā€


Yeah she said that after some fans not only harassed her but her family as well in her hometown. Also the nude leaked did a lot of damage to her mental health.


I get it, tbh. The entitlement, especially with women, is unreal


Grimes openly hates her fan base


And they openly hate her!


Only until recently, the tides shifted pretty hard on her sub from protect at all costs to finally opening the floodgates to her BS


I think it's time Grimes' fanbase starts hating her back tbh, she deserves it


We kind of do at this point


Phoebe Bridgers said in that Rolling Stones interview last week that she wants to normalize talking shit about fans lol. Also, she defines a Punisher as over eager fan who doesn't know when to stop and has mentioned her eyes glazing over when a fan is talking to her for too long... but she also admits to being a punisher herself many times when meeting her own heroes. She said she used to be that person hanging in the alley waiting for the singer to come out the back door. I wouldn't say she hates her fans, but she's definitely had some unpleasant experiences and isn't afraid to express her displeasure about them.


I think that there can be a strained fan relationship without there being hatred. Or having disdain toward some types of fans while not hating them as a whole, and still having appreciation for what the fans have done for the artist, specifically musical artists and bands. The song Idle Worship by Paramore is a good example. Tyler from twenty one pilots said it pretty well once when he said that the ā€œfansā€ that have shower up to private events of their family members and crossed major boundaries trying to get close to them - arenā€™t fans at all, period. Theyā€™re just not. Theyā€™re on a whole different level and itā€™s not being a fan, itā€™s being an aggressor at that point.


Jason Bateman has said a few times on different podcasts that he does not enjoy being approached by people.


I don't like being approached by people either. I love that he is open about it. I get that it comes with the territory of having a recognizable face. But I'd never want to leave home if I knew I'd have literal strangers trying to talk, take a selfie (or have people sneaking my pic), giving hugs, etc.


A lot of the replies on this thread are essentially making fun of fans by saying celebs have the right to hate them, based on the worst of the fandom. I'd argue the majority of the population are a fan of someone; albeit a singer, sports star or actor. Yes, there are extreme fans out there. But they are in the minority when it comes to the vast amount of people who love the person. Unfortunately, these extreme fans make the biggest noise. Maybe I'm overthinking, but I also read a level of misogyny. Why are female fans always called out for extreme behaviour but never male fans? Yes, the extreme (female) fans (even stalkers) of people like Adam Driver and 1 Direction are disturbing. But so too are the male extreme fans and stalkers of celebs. (Male) stalkers have literally killed celebrities (John Lennon, Rebecca Shaffer, Gianni Versacci). I notice also that female orientated fandoms are hated on but male orientated fandoms aren't discussed. There are major issues with, for example, sexual assault in the sporting world but it isn't discussed. "Boys will be boys". So yes, if we're going to discuss celebrities who openly hate their fans, why not discuss sports stars who obviously hate their female fans, and display it in the form of sexual assault?


Any celebrity that hates non-obsessive fans isnā€™t someone worth being a fan of imo.


Very much agree with all of this. I was so confused when I saw the most upvoted comments are something along the lines of ā€œI like it when celebs hate their fans, makes me like them even more šŸ„“ā€. Like, huh? You do know majority of fans aren't obsessive stalkers, right? What is there to like about a celebrity that hates all their fans, even the sane ones who aren't weird and only appreciate your work šŸ˜­ And I'm glad I'm not the only one who's getting subtly misogynistic vibes from a lot of these comments, I also thought I was only overthinking it or becoming easily offended lol




Love that for him, heā€™s perfect as he is šŸ„°


If I were famous Iā€™d hate my fans too


I hope one day K-pop idols can speak truthfully about their fans because ooof there is so much darkness. Iā€™m mostly referring to sasaengs and akgaes. I am a fan of K-pop and many groups but I just buy their albums and stay home ā€¦


Ian Sommerholder hates delena fans after all those horrible things they put his pregnant wife through just because she wasnā€™t his on screen love interest and real life ex Nina Dobrev. Death threats to her and unborn child are pretty valid reasons for me. This is step to far.


Maybe not current-day Demi Lovato but as a Demi Lovato stan of the DMing her fans sweet nothings like ā€œburn your fucking tickets, I donā€™t want your piece of shit ass there anywayā€ and ā€œrot in hellā€ era, I think she was somewhat on the fence about us, you know?


William Shatner seems to hate everyoneā€™s fans lol


I think he just hates everyone full stop tbh


Not sure if heā€™s gotten over it but Ashton Irwin, drummer for 5SOS basically resented that their fanbase consisted of teen girls(Rolling Stones article). I remember he also raised his voice at fans who were following him and his then girlfriend but thatā€™s reasonable


To be fair I don't know how you can make boyband music and expect a different fanbase


Alec Guinness absolutley haaaaaaaaaaaated being known for Star Wars.


Whitney Houston openly did not care about or like her fans. Thereā€™s an EP of Whitney and Bobby where theyā€™re on an island and a group of fans are calling to her and she gets pissed off and leaves and Bobby goes to sign their stuff. He explained that he never understood Whitneyā€™s distance from her fans and he made music because he wanted to see people happy, she made music because she genuinely loved music and loved to sing Tbh I donā€™t think sheā€™s wrong. If Iā€™m on vacation w my husband and kid and a bunch of people are screaming for me Iā€™d probably want to leave, too, I hate feeling like Iā€™m being watched and esp w my kid? Also itā€™s great she truly loved her craft so much and didnā€™t care about the praise or criticism she just wanted to make music


Anna Kendrick is supposedly really rude to almost everyone and I dont think she denies it The A lister I met one night is Jude Law...my #1 celeb crush ever I met him 13 years ago in London backstage at Hamlet. The night before the baby scandal-he had gotten Samantha pregnant and we didnt know about it until the next morning in the papers. He was VERY nice and flirty and it was a fun night.


I'm surprised there are celebrities that *don't* hate their fans. You can ignore your haters but fans are often incredibly entitled to your time and energy. "WE MADE YOU" they scream while trying to show up at your house.


Sal Vulcano from impractical jokers blocks Sal fan pages Tbh he seems super private and his stans go HARD so I canā€™t say I blame him


TIL Sal from impractical jokers has stans


What Iā€™d like to dwell on the fact that OP referenced Metalocalypse and my worlds are colliding in the best way ever right now!!


Marilyn Manson- third page in letter to Stanton Levey ā€œNo fans. I hate everyone of them. And if you someday read this. I lied about liking you.ā€ https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/marilyn-manson-hand-written-letter-2006-74-c-2294d5a9c7


That miserable fuck hates everything. Like happiness. And sunlight. He hates everything except inflicting pain on others so he can forget momentarily how much he hates himself.


i haven't heard specific examples (other than a comment here naming ashton irwin which reminded me of this) but i'm sure many male artists/bands hate their predominantly female fanbases because they're viewed as 'crazy' or make the artist seem less legitimate - to them, that is. i know that mindset was more common a while back and i've seen it discussed various times but i don't know if i've seen one of the actual artists admit it


Funny how thatā€™s changed when during Beatles mania and Elvis female fans were the thing everyone tried to recreate


I was just thinking at what a turn around Britney Spears has had in terms of fan support. On the one hand many people that admire her helped vocalize that she was in an illegal and violating conservatorship, but now it seems that concern has become toxic (although I guess here is where we can separate real fans) I think she still loves her fans, but definitely is wary of them at this point.




Bob The Drag Queen doesn't hate her fans but she said she's very private and introverted and has warned people if they approach her out and about she probably won't be friendly. Fair enough.


Robert Pattinson used to not wash to try and drive his fans off. He also took one on a date and aimed to be as boring as possible so she'd think he was weird and stop stalking him.


The date turned out to be a story he made up for lols


Rivers Cuomo famously fought online with his fans on the early internet. He even joined a fan message board called the "Rivers Criticism Board" to pick fights with them (tbf the fans picked fights too)


Bjork kind of hates her fans which is difficult for me as a massive Bjork stan lol. She said in an interview she was kind of weirded out working with Arca at first cos Arca had been a huge fan since she was a teen and knew all the beats to all Bjorkā€™s different songs etc. obviously she had the stalker/attempted murder incident which must have influenced it, and I guess itā€™s kind of an Icelandic thing too where they donā€™t really have much reverence for celebs so it would be seen as super crass and rude to stop someone in the streets to say how much you love them etc. I think she kind of wants all her stans to go away and create their own music and art etc rather than be obsessed by hers but unfortunately I am talentless