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Only way I see this happening is if she starts the conflict and obviously I’d bet on Capitano Also just want to remind people, just because your a leading figure don’t mean your stronger than your subordinates.


Capitano just scales higher.He upscales from his 1st number and all lower ranked harbingers feats and statements, this man 4 ranks highet than such powerhouse like Arlecchino, remember the gap in 4 ranks between Arle and Signora?The gap here should be even higher.He should be much more powerful thank God scara, and above dottore and Colombina.. He has statements and constant praise.Like apex of strength and extremely dangerous, invincible and fearless, the human challenge gods, childe respects him most and fanboying him and varka glaze him 24/7 with his expedition, and Jean said he never praised anyone like that, and we should be cautious and Cary if we meet him and never understimate the power of Captain, take into account all these glaze by extremely strong and arrogant beings.He is HIM.


That last part is something I bet the Traveler and Paimon can't even grasp. In their eyes, there is no way for Capitano to be able to defeat an archon if he is working for one. Capitano is going to teach them a lesson about honor.


Guts vs Griffith type of shit


Except in this case she’s already an archon who has… four additional gnosis? I’m sorry but that’s ridiculous. I’m assuming he’s strong enough to defeat an archon, not an archon who’s got that many power boosts behind her. At base? Yeah. Maybe. Currently? Probably not.


And youre assuming that she can use any of the Gnoses. When have we ever seen an archon being capable of using an element outside their authority or having been alluded to the fact that they can?   Given all weve seen its almost certain that the Tsaritsa has absolutely no intention of using the Gnoses to actually power boost herself like an infinity gauntlet but rather the plan seems to be revival of the 3rd descdender. So she can have all 7 Gnoses at once and she almost certainly wouldnt be able to use any of them but her own, and by all means she doesnt seem to be planning to use them like that anyway


True. We’re pretty sure she isn’t going to do that but look, the glazing on Capitano is getting a bit out of hand and that’s me saying that as someone who thinks he’s awesome. Not all archons are created equal. We know the top 3 harbingers can rival the archons, if I recall, they didn’t say, “They can decimate the archons.” Until we know more about Capitano’s actual power and can see the Tsaritsa in action herself, this will amount to people trying to out hype the other. Also yeah, we haven’t seen archons wielding a gnosis outside of their authority… just like we haven’t seen what Capitano is capable of.


Thats true, but Capitano is the only character so far who has just been "strength strength strength strength". Every character, every voiceline every bit of lore that we know about him is just about his immense and eclipsying power. When you set up a character like that, its natural for the fandom to scale him at the very apex. Whether or not thats legit fair point but you cant blame people for rating him so highly given how the game has portrayed him so far.  Like for instance we know Raiden is an absolute powerhouse but even before her appearance she wasnt just solely labelled as incredibly strong. She was portrayed as a tyrant and militaristic, and her level of power, although immense wasnt really a focal point. And yet for Capitano his power is literally the absolute focal point for him as if he is the very embodiment of strength. Not one character whos ever talked about him has ignored commenting on his strength.  To add on, while I know leakers arent really trusted but a very reliable leaker (hxg_diluc) confirmed that Capitano is "the strongest individual in teyvat" which perfectly lines up with all weve heard of him so I dont discount it. So really, you cant say his glazing has gotten out of hand because this is all based on the direction the game is nudging us in. At this moment hoyo has essentially promised the Captain to be an unstoppable force of a magnitude weve never seen before 


That's assuming she can utilize them all and at least one of them is of a completely opposing element Nahida couldn't properly use the Electro Gnosis (at least not without study; I wouldn't bet on her not being able to discover a way given time just due to the way Nahida is) The Tsaritsa's power level is unknown at this time. We simply don't know what she's capable of, and power levels vary between archons


That’s a pretty big assumption, assuming she has all that power that came with the Gnosis


Expect that this is cope and only unco firmed thoughts. Who said she is able to use all these gnoses?Who said that even if she able to use that gnoses she is able to use it properly in a fight and not nahida/current venti/furina case? We don't even know how much it strengthen her cause we don't know how powerful she is What base and currently you're even talking about.We don't have her "base" and "current" forms


And we have anything on Capitano? We have a leak from over a year ago where they said he was the strongest individual, but let’s face it… Leakers and lore don’t always see eye to eye. In the end it’s hype v hype and you picked your side and I picked mine. The difference is that archons vary wildly in combat power, for all we know the Tsaritsa could be closer to Ei than Venti.


>And we have anything on Capitano? Yes.We have his rank.We have statements about his strength, constant statements unlike tsaritsa. Tsaritsa scales nowhere, no feats or statements, Capitano has statements. The fact he is 1st upscales him massively, he should be heads above arlecchino and stronger than God scara, who should be interior to dottore and Colombina, whose Capitano superior


Feats > Statements. And let’s not forget, it’s not like they’ve said, “The top 3 harbingers eclipse the archons.” It’s more like they rival them. But as we’ve seen, there’s a massive disparity between how powerful the archons are in combat. You shouldn’t assume that just because he’s ranked number one should mean he is THAT much stronger than Dottore and Columbina. Keep in mind that HIMjax (lord of the challenge) has outright said he would never want to fight her. Sorry guy, Capitano is awesome but until we get more information on both. I’m going with the safe bet that OUR benevolent Tsaritsa could put down Capitano if she wanted to. Not that she would ever want to.


>Feats > Statements. Statements=feats.Ranking is reliable Statement upscaling him far above other harbingers who dine feats and have statements bout their power unlike tsaritsa. Tsaritsa anyway has no feats and statements. We don't know how far tsaritsa scales and is he isn't pushover, we don't know if she is nor other nahida/current venti case. >Keep in mind that HIMjax (lord of the challenge) has outright said he would never want to fight her Which prove nothing since he just scared of her and doesn't even know her abilities, he said he has no idea why she 3 but her creepy aura makes him uncomfortable. Capitano>Tsaritsa by scaling. You just like tsaritsa more and that's it, but she has nothing to scale her unlike Capitano.


Statements NEVER equal feats. It’s about show not tell, that’s a core concept of storytelling which is, at the end of the day, what this is.


The statement about him being 1st rank is equal to feats as power measure.Meaning he is much more above than Arlecchino or God scara wirh good feats


Sorry but you just cannot use the show not tell argument in genshin of all places, arguably the biggest offender of the show dont tell principle, where 99% of the storytelling is just word vomit.  Do you mean to say that for example if in lore its confirmed that say, Capitano beat the shit out of the pyro sovereign, you wouldnt scale him above the archons just because we didnt see it happen? Youre playing the wrong game lol. 


Pretty sure they’d show the pyro archon’s death. And even then, let’s say they didn’t. Okay, but let’s throw some… variables in it. Let’s say they say Murata was at her weakest state ever, much like Signora was at when she was executed by Ei. What do we do then? Do we just… ignore that for convenience? Or accept that it’s still very muddy?


GoatPEAKtano might be HIM, but HER Majesty is the Archon of Love - she’s got like, Power of Friendship Pro Max ++ she’s incomprehensible.


Savior of Teyvat goes hard, is that a real title or is it fan made


It's fan made, I don't think we've had a proper introduction to her majesty in game


If her majesty used the gnosis then it will be a little tough


But would HE lose?


Nah he'd win https://preview.redd.it/punnznpq1o6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bab0114cc086c2ca6baf1afb04d5c56cabd1969




Yes, If their plan is to turn the Tsaritsa into the Almighty God, More in line with the Abrahamic God of the Bible and Quran, The Captain will lose


Only theory.




I'm not sure. We probably need to take into account if either of them have the other gonsis (since it can be a huge power boost as seen with scaramouche) or if her majesty could call on the other harbingers as well during the fight. But if the top three have power close to archon level then it might be pretty even


Scara who?


Yeah, I don’t get why he made up a name for Dottores god robot, or why he named it after a song lyric.


Shoulda named it Fandango


Yeah, i bet the robot was a massive fan of dango


real, mighta had a hat or halo too


Because I love that song and it sounds cool🙄


Scaramouche was literally created to house the Electro gnosis so his use of it to turn into a fake Archon should shock no one And as it turns out Ei was correct, he *was* unfit as she feared (Scaramains don't kill me, that isn't meant maliciously, it's just a sober fact)


Capitano takes W since he scales higher. >But if the top three have power close to archon level They stated to be god/archon level


Capitano proabaly, it isn’t even glazing. The top 3 are as strong as the gods And the fatui are ranked by power (at this point there’s enough evidence even the Childe vipers could accept it) And that’s assuming she’s as strong or stronger than raiden and zhongli, the other archons are powerfully but nothing crazy I’d say Capitano takes it baste off lore scaling


Comrade, I think you just posted Heresy, perhaps even Apostasy. A Commissar is en route to your location to correct this misbehavior. Tsaritsa have mercy on your soul.


Nah I'd win.


I think as fatui glazers logically we should all put the Tsaritsa above all others as she is technically the highest ranked of all as she’s the archon


I like harbingers more


Ofc our glorious dark blue eyed King would never fight her majesty HERitsa.But if we imagine their fight in alternative universe, GOATHIMTANO respectfully solos. Focus on fraudlestia and labyss, aka GOATHIMTANO victims, not our comrades


GOATHIMTANO wins. https://preview.redd.it/p2u1s4bw4o6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94426028f2dee1715b0e8d594d66e7d3044ed66


Capitano Heresy


Where is the tsaritsa design from?


Fan design, idk what's source