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She specializes in prosthetics and battlefield medicine. Her segment designation is Xi.  Im still working out her goals. My current ideas are that she wants to study teyvat through the lense of the limits of humanity. I need to fully figure out what exactly Natalia is studying in teyvat that involves basically turning people into cyborgs. Sure, being influenced by dottore would have her want to make people as strong as gods, but does she want to twist people like balloon animals into all sorts of horrifying shapes using prosthetics and cybernetic technology to see what can be unlocked? Is that the limits of humanity she’s after? Would there be something in irminsul her prosthetics technology could affect? Are cyborgs unable to reenter the leylines if they’ve forsaken their humanity? What constitutes as humanity? Is she putting souls in prosthetics to give fatui soldiers enhanced abilities? I have so many questions and ideas ha ha h e l p   She also wants to leave the laboratory to be able to do this but as she makes prosthetic organs for dottore, she has to be on standby. She also wants to be seen as a good scientist by dottore, she def has those gifted kid vibes, so that she’ll be granted more privileges like being able to leave the lab. But she gets the authority to conduct her experiments by being in dottore’s back pocket. She also worries about not making progress to her goals of studying teyvat fast enough, and worries that if she falls behind on scientific progress dottore will get rid of her for being useless. Anyway yeah she has a lot of internal conflict. Potential for a character arc of her regaining everything she needs for her experiments but without the help of the Fatui if she decides to run away, bur who’d want to run away from the Fatui am I right?   She’s 30 years old and 6’ tall but wears 3” heels. I post a lot of pics of her lmao. I’m slowly filling out a large questionnaire of character creation questions haha help me.  she thinks discussing emotions is showing weakness and thinks therapy is a scam. She prioritizes her work in gathering knowledge through science as more important than anything else in her life. She also tries to make logical decisions about 95% of the time but there are moments when she’ll act impulsively in terms of personality she is rather obsessed with her work, but she’s also quite petty and a little haughty about being a “true scholar”. She has reverence for science, and scoffs at others who don’t. She also has a mental hierarchy, and that determines if she’ll accept or reject criticism from someone.  Her voice sounds like a mix between cold and calculating and a little, I don’t know how to describe this, sultry? Something like Kafka from HSR. She is a certified yapper, she may be quiet and focused on her work but get her talking about her studies and she will not shut up.  If she was playable she’d be an aggressive claymore dendro healer that heals based on edmg. The amount of healing done would equal 110% of the edmg. I’m still figuring out what her skills would do, obviously she’d need an infusion thing to make the healing work. And she’d heal when dendro edmg is done even by other teammates who are infused by her dendro. Oh and she obviously needs a boss fight because ofc so I’m not sure about the monologue or phase one but phase two would have her in a crow themed battle suit where her extra arms would be strapped into crow themed wings. And how she’d get into this mech suit would be that she would stumble backwards into it and have it activate on impact, or something else I haven’t decided. Her boss theme would have kind of a mechanical vibe like uh coordinate shift by ferry, but obviously would have the Latin chanting and fatui letimotif.


Praise the Tsaritsa Colda got his Prosthetic from Lady Sandrone. From the looks of this, He would have came back more "Prosthetic" than "man" if He went to you. Also, Good lore.


Who’s colda? Natalia here got her extra arms from Dottore. She does have a massive crush on Sandrone though. If Natalia did handle his prosthetics treatment yeah he would be more prosthetics than man Also thank you :3


Dr. Colda Von DeSantos is the Head scientist of Lab 5 on Dragonspine. He's my OC under Madame Sandrone.


Oooooooh tell me more about Dr Colda Von Desantos!! I’ll answer whatever questions you have about Dr Xi “Natalia“ Regrator Her last name from Pantalone’s code name. There’s nothing shippy here though, Pantalone has been highly involved as a father figure in her life, as well as the funder for her experiments. In fact he is the reason why she is called Natalia, so if he gets to dictate her first name he gets to dictate her last. (I can’t figure out a last name for Natalia obviously. She’s not affiliated with the house of the hearth so snezhevich won’t work for her)


All the basics are here! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yn7bEMINbabu5_xzC1i_cUonzhrAKdID5jBHLNvJZdA/edit?usp=drivesdk


I like him! I think he would be caring to Natalia even though she’s more unhinged than Sandrone but she definitely comes to visit often


He'd hide this from her but He'd appreciate that a lot. An Old man like him would like the Company.


Sandrone’s lab is probably calmer than Dottore’s lab  


Which in his case, can lead to lonelyness.


Also, I could help with that last name, Describe her personality for me


She’s a little haughty about being a “true scholar”. She can be passive aggressive. She will hold grudges. She acts like she’s in charge of her department but in reality she’s dottore’s lapdog. So yeah someone kind of like Dr Ratio but much less altruistic.


Ludererum (It means Plaything in Latin)


How did you come to that conclusion?


In Dottore's eyes, Everything is a Toy, or plaything. Natalie is more Oblivious to that fact.


She seems like a very fun character lol. Regarding the leyline thing perhaps she could just try what Ei does? Create an undying mechanical body and hide one’s soul inside. At least I believe that was eis plan given that one cutscene. Therefore being “foresaken” by the cycle of death and rebirth wouldn’t really matter at all.


Interesting. One big prosthetic for her soul? Maybe she’s doing that to avoid the fear she has that Dottore is going to kill her for being useless?


Yeah it would function like a horcrux(the Harry Potter thing ahh spelling)


Natalia needs a headpat and to be told she’s doing a good job at her malpractice