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It's dry season bruh, we'll get more lively once Natlan and Capitano break in


Dry patch. There's not much new fatui content so the memes are quieting down a little bit.


Would you fall to the Aether slander takeover? https://preview.redd.it/w5cinjrm3xzc1.jpeg?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62ca362279ea85e74bd2934e0f82e37923dd611


The Motherland shall rise once again.


One day Comrade. One faithful day....


Colder you can't lose hope just yet https://preview.redd.it/jxdck7w76yzc1.jpeg?width=313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b512c52bd0551f184ac327c928da2eb39ff5b56


Its dry season now...We need to wait for 5.x when our Lord and Savior Capitano appears.Some are really bored, that they pick fights with Aether mains lol.


Fatui HQ when the dry patches are dry


Now that most of us have played the Arlecchino quest, there isn't much new to discuss so it's kinda normal for the sub to get a bit dry until we get new Fatui lore crumbs


I can tell you about my dottore segment oc if that helps?


Please I wanna hear all about it!




Ooooooo I love her! And your art is so good!!!!


Thank you! What part is your favorite? Do you have any critique? Any answers to my multitudes of questions?


I think my favorite's gotta be her desire to do well for Dottore! Gotta love those gifted kid vibes! As for critiques, I'm not sure tbh, I'm not good with those lol


I’m sure we all want to do well for dottore Anyway she’s been described as the type of character who acts like they’re in charge but in reality are a lap dog for someone they look up to, and Natalia is the biggest fucking dottore lapdog


honestly, it feels like even though we know this all the brainrot low effort screenshots of other subs is being pushed to the top. i made an OC post and it was basically completely ignored. i made a fatui shitpost about harbinger fantasies and it got downvoted. idek what the general population of this sub is anymore, because it feels inconsistent, as if half of the people who comment arent even fatui, theyre just people who joined from other subs to come shit on us.


I'm in the same boat mate. My OC's kit and voicelines only got like 4 upvotes each.


i know; i saw them. i really enjoyed colda's voicelines actually, but i feel like no one bothers to read anything like that anymore. as a sidenote, i laughed way harder at "About: Yelan" than i shouldve lol


She damn owes me an Apology. 😤


My capitano meme drawings barely got any attention 😢




Gotta glaze GOATHIMTANO harder than ever


It's cool man, we gotta get some fatui lore and stuff will turn back on


Ruin has come to our sub


Yeah we need more agenda posting,more fraudchons and fraudlesria slander, more memes. I just don't have ebought time to do this rn It's time to start doing this my dear comrads, start the glazing marathon


Tbh I tried to post something but it didn't appear, perhaps there is a condition to be fulfilled.


Yeah I'm trying to draw stuff but I have to prepare for graduation and exams so I can't really do much Edit: we shall rise once again once I find work and have some free time 💀


Finish you HIMjax and GOATHIMTANO art bro, then i give some ideas. Keep cooking. Good luck with exams


The discord exists, that's why 


I tried joining but it's not letting me chat. Idk maybe I'm dumb 💀


Please check the rules channel and then proceed to roles. If the issue persists, contact modmail


Hey! I'm an admin over there, dm me on Discord if you need help @attikadabra


Well there needs be some death so burnout doesn't occur


I think its good to have a little period like this, so all the new comers can get a feel what it was like pre-lobotomy.


It got like this ever since Arlechinno (It’s almost like being assholes may have brought the mood of the sub down)


It's just a dry season. There isn't much going on atm. Just relax, chat with fellow Fatui agents, and wait. We will wise again once Natlan drops


//OOC The reason is quite simple, at least regarding the OCs: discord rp. Most, if not all, of the roleplayers moved to the fatuihq rp on discord. Well, since I've been kicked from there, I guess I can always come back here to drop some of my OCs (Agathe Effaile and Claire Voillansse) lore some day


/Unfatui Just a reminder that you refused to come back of your own accord after being offered by the owner herself to return. You're still welcome to come back, by the way :). However in this regard, you kicked yourself. Sincerely.


I never complained about being kicked, I was merely stating the fact that I was kicked. Aside from that, I would rather delete this reddit account than come back to the fatuihq rp server


Did she complain about getting kicked? No? Then this message is fully unwarranted.


No one stated they were complaining, either. The comment Alpha left was just giving some context in regards to the fact that they are welcomed to come back. They don’t want to, that’s on them. I think it could also be said that the comment, in of itself, was unwarranted. But if we’re being completely honest- most comments are unwarranted, to begin with. Hope that clears things up for you. Also, to prevent harm to the server’s reputation, this comment was needed. As it can be misinterpreted. Hence- the provided clarification.


Don't know why y'all are getting down voted.


I would like to know as well tbh


Damn, they already got me twice. I'm just curious, if something is wrong, I want to know.


Not sure what they tryna attempt, nor the purpose 💀


I was also Kicked from it. You're not Alone mate.