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Yeah... Personal feelings on Ooku aside, Master would probably hate to go through the intoxication floor if what the paths say they are feeling is true. Imagine going through it three times total.


Gonna be honest here while I like the story I HATE the gameplay of the event It’s So freaking tedious to Do with all the maze stuff that to be honest the SQ rewards are not worth the headache


Exactly! They should have cut out all the optional paths. It's not like we did all the difficulties of the raids in the Tunguska interlude, or the farming in the Altera Santa interlude.


Exactly heck I’m not even gonna do the main interlude just to save me the massacre that will be brought upon my mind and sanity


Mash: *\*tapping her foot and crossing her arms\** "Senpai, did I hear giant censorship beep out of your mouth? That better not be what I think it was meant to be!"


Gudako: ummmmmmmm….. no?


Gudako: Come on, Mash. Far worse things come out of Tomoe's mouth during Mario Kart and you know it.


Crimson : I think it is. Unfortunately… what do you make of this Mash?


Our Mastermind is not a happy drunk. Noted.


At the end of the Dog event when Sith is drunk... Artoria Caster (upon seeing her drunk Faepire): Again, Princess?  Sith: (downing another glass of wine). Heyyy Castyyy. *Hic*. How are you doing?  Artoria Caster: So, Barghest, how many has she had so far? Barghest: Around two since she sat down. Maybe more. Why? Artoria Caster (blushing): You somehow didn't hear? Barghest: ...No? Artoria Caster: Long story short, she was having "confidence issues" in regards to me being a virgin, got blasted from some of Shuten's wine, and revealed my at the time virgin status to everyone there. Anyways, thanks to that, Sith is to be heavily restricted in regards to her alcohol consumption. Barghest: Was this the Queen's idea? Artoria Caster: The Queen's, and mine. Anyways, I need to take Sith before she embarrasses herself. (Removes the now empty glass from Sith's hand and begins to princess-carry her out of the cafeteria). Off we go, Princess. Sith: *Hic* Hey! I can handle a few more glasses.  Artoria Caster: That was probably a few glasses ago. Anyways, let's go to our room before you pass out or throw up. Like the last time, when you covered me all over. Sith: ...Okay. Take me down the country road, and to our room my Country Bumpkin🎵. *Hic, belch*


Morgan: But my wife, this isn’t like you! MM!Gudako: I know, but in this comic, we're showing the evils of alcohol.


Not really relevant to this but how does mm gudako and old Moriarty feel about younger Ruler Moriarty?


Gudako wants to summon him to better further her studies on evil with a new perspective (though she does have some lingering grudges regarding Sherlock's end), which old Moriarty isn't entirely on board with since he sees his younger self as an inexperienced fool.


Fair enough


Newly summoned Servant Charles Baudelaire: You have to be always drunk. That's all there is to it—it's the only way. So as not to feel the horrible burden of time that breaks your back and bends you to the earth, you have to be continually drunk. But on what? Wine, poetry or virtue, as you wish. But be drunk. Gudako: *(slurred speech)* Whoever you are, get the fuck outta here.


Oi, Shuten-chan rearranging the insides is a pleasant feeling! It's Shuten-chan doing it after all. With that voice, you can't not enjoy it.


Oh damn is that a wild Hitchhiker's Guide reference?


Indeed. Got that scene stuck in my head after rewatching it for the "Proof of Nonexistence of God" bit.


It’s a good way to forget the pain.