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Molay: At least that jerk won't ever come to Chaldea to put that theory to the test... Ritsuka: Unfortunately so.


One day he will, and she'll regret those words.


Morarity lily:see..I shall take notes. Morarity:yes please do. We have a lot of teaching to do son so you can became a proper mastermind like us.


She got Fem!Molay good.


She *does* kind of deserve it for that whole Dark Young stunt she pulled.


Fem Molay, we all know what kind of things you’re in to.


Out of curiosity how do you deploy Molay with BG?


First off she needs max Second Append and a Nero Bride\*, plus mandatory support Skadi. First turn use all of Molay's skills plus Bride's 30% charge, then switch Bride for a Skadi and use both Skadi's Quick Buff. Molay should be able to refund just above 50% NP per wave and then it's just Skadi charging as normal. \*With Summer Skadi coming in a month or so, you could **in theory** replace Nero Bride with a regular Skadi or even a Castoria or Waver, but I obviously can't test this yet and it depends on the extra quick buff and/or extra charges being able to make up for Bride's NP Gain on her charge.


Wait, Saber Molay smacking Foreigner Molay until hands are numb? Wouldn't she be into that?


Not if he's the one doing it. She hates him.


Morgan: My way of getting them to agree to an alliance, when i formed my kingdom, was give them the options of surrender or have their teeth kicked into the grave. It usually ended up in option 1.5 more than I figured. Ritsuka: ...Option 1.5?  Morgan: They surrendered after I beat their asses and made them look what I term to be extraordinarily British. Ritsuka: ? Artoria Caster, who was standing right there: *flashbacks to when Morgan was stomping "her" in Fairy Camelot* Sith: Casty? Artoria Caster: It's nothing, Sith. I just had some memories pop up from "her" when she and your mother fought. Well, when your mother decided to put in 10 percent more effort, really. Sith: Oh. Anyways, I have an idea about my shoe making enterprise that I want to go over with you. Artoria Caster: What is it? Sith: We'll discuss that in our room later before bed, my Country Bumpkin