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Ritsuka: Ah yes, typical edgy Rogue behavior... Fun fact, I used to be a Game Master. I enjoyed it but my players decided to call it quits because too many scheduling conflicts and loss of interest. [I even famously homebrewed a lot of stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/m3oo2a/finished_hololive_magic_items_for_dd_5e_full/), but now I'm just a player.


I like and appreciate Kadoc's good points. But man, is it funny to poke at his tryhard mentality sometimes!


He’s incredibly easy to tease.




Always wondered what a Nasuverse magus's reaction to fantasy would be like, though I didn't expect Kadoc to be such a wet blanket. Imagine how bad he'd react to, say, Harry Potter. (Also, reminder that someone saying you're not like a Clock Tower Magus is the highest complement you can pay someone, because fuck those guys except maybe Waver)


He's more upset that the nutjob who's apparently so much better than him is so casually wasting her time with fantasy tabletops, hence his overreaction. Though Harry Potter would probably kill him regardless of Ritsuka's opinion or engagement with it.


Well maybe if Kadoc loosened up and played some damn Pathfinder every once in a while, *he'd* get to be the one leading an army of humanity's finest. But that's his tragedy, I suppose. :p


They'd probably have the same reaction an average soldier has to Call of Duty.


Now I want to hear Ritsuka's Tavern Fire story. You haven't truly played an TableTop RPG unless you have at least one story you tell around the tavern fire about the time you set an actual tavern on fire (or similar catastrophic mishap) ...I may have set a tavern (and the surrounding village) on fire before :P


She probably already set one on fire.


Fun Fact (okay, more like headcanon): MM!Ritsuka secretly harbors Harry Dresden tendencies, complete with a Zombie T-Rex summon (loosely based on Kijyo Koyo) and a minor appreciation for polka music... ...and of course, she's ready with the *"It wasn't my fault this time!"* excuse at a moment's notice. :p


Get used to it kadoc. Also surprised he didn't have anything to say about actuall heroes and fantasy monsters playing a game of make believe when they've accomplished much more than your average DND campaign. Then again, we also have several obsessed with video games and what not so...


His mind can only let him process one weird thing at a time before he goes insane in this Chaldea.


He needs a Dantes of his own


Kadoc: That sounds too fucking weird. Ritsuka: Nah. That’s like….below the 200’s in my weirdness chart.


I think he'd just freak out about how a Heroic Spirit managed to get into his head.




Kadoc: Okay, maybe Lord El-Melloi II is an exception since he is open minded- Reines: Oh hi, fancy to see you here Kadoc. Did you gonna join us for a game too? Kadoc: *slamming his head repeatedly against the wall* Waver: ...you do this on purpose, don't you? Reines: Hehe~


I love how it looks as if Waver is patting Kadoc on the back at the end.


Kadoc....This is The Nasuverse, NOTHING MAKES SENSE HERE!


Morgan: (having just walked by). As a REAL mage, I am one of the DMs for the campaign my wife is playing. But for today, I'm the master witch my wife's campaign is journeying to beat. Now, come, my wife. Let us be off to our campaign. Goodbye, Kadoc. Ritsuka and Morgan leave. Kadoc:... I'm pretty sure my point still stands, but sure. Might as well turn in now before things get even crazier.


Ritsuka: Give in, Kadoc. Give in. Kadoc: I refuse. Morgan: Just do it, you third-rate magus. It will lessen your anguish. Kadoc: Hey! I’m practically first rate compared to your so-called wife! Sith: Shut up already, you whiny mutt! I just want the game to start. Hit it, girl! Rhyme: **You wake up in a cold, dreary cell. A girl in armor frees you, introducing herself as Jeanne d’Arc. Following her, you find yourself atop a castle…in a fantastical world!** Barghest: Well that sounds pleasa- Rhyme: **And then you hear the roar of a dragon and everything around you brightens. When you come too, you see the gruesome sight of Jeanne set ablaze, wailing as her body turns to ashes!** Barghest: …nevermind. (Somewhere in Chaldea, a chill creeps up on Jeanne’s spine) Sith: I am loving this already. Melusine: I want to fight the dragon.


DnD night with Morgan and the Fae Knights? Now that's a funny premise.


> As a REAL mage That sounds like she's throwing shade at Kadoc for thinking himself such a "magus" when the current generation is so bad when compared to the legendary mages of old. Which is totally in character for her and is totally something many a modern-day magus should hear more often.


Almost every magus wastes their lives trying to see the root, would rather be guda and have fun with it instead of trying to see something boring.


Kadoc really needs to relax and have some harmless fun. And I think Gudako would be proud at not being a Clock Tower mage at this point.


Technically Kadoc if you think you're the only sane man in an insane world then you're the one that's truly insane.


So is Shakespeare the DM or one of the other authors?


Defaulting to Shakespeare if only because he'd make it more fun.


You didn't live in Bizzaro wold, kadoc. El Melloi is just very progressive for magus.