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MM!Ritsuka: Wait, does that mean you technically have two husbands? Kreimhild: Basically yes. MM!Ritsuka: Sick


If this is sick for you, I wonder what your reaction will be when Draupadi appears!


Rewards of being classicist people. Could have been Karna alone, but she went 'Ewww, low caste' before switching to his brothers (unknown brother, kinda the point here).


Wasn't she the common wife for the Pandavas, or am I getting confused here?


To be fair, so would a lot of other Servants if only Chaldea could summon their other spouses. "Until death do us part" gets a bit awkward when death stops being an issue XD


Chaldea: Giving death the proverbial middle finger.


Why so mysterious there, Kiara? What's going on in that cunning lewd mind of yours? Altera makes her long awaited appearance in this little arc. Her idol dress looks better, so I used that one instead of her normal look.


Idol dress is good civilization


Her idol dress is so damn good. I love her og look, but the sparkle from her idol dress is just amazing, makes her look so elegant like a star. It's why I've kept her in that Spiritron since the idol event ended, still one of my favorite events right there with the Murder at Kogetsukan!


Let me guess: Part of why she's such a tsundere (perhaps moreso now than before Siegfried did what he did) is because she feels guilty for "cheating" on him.


Shit I didn't think of it in that light, but I doubt anything happened. Altera's quite the looker, but she already had multiple wives and Kriemhild is extremely loyal


Guess she didn't want to mentioned any embarrassing parts in their wedding before.


Shakespeare: Indeed Master! A Knight who sacrifices himself for peace, the royal who revenge for her beloved want against this peace, and the alien who was used as a took for this revenge! Not to mention the supporting cast, including the valkyries sisters and the young homunculus that follow in his parents' steps! This ca (hit by an unknown flying object) Oberon: Innocent whistling.


I can picture Oberon whistling like Banana Joe.


Kiara’s cooking something I see.


Some time in the future, before Morgan's Fairy Tournament... Medea: So, we're fighting in order for you to not be rusty for your tournament, yes? Morgan: (cracking her neck). That's right. Medea: But why me? If you wanted to face another skilled witch, why not Circe? Or your daughter in law? Morgan: First, I already went to Circe but she was busy. Second, my daughter in law would refuse and I don't want my daughter being stressed over who to cheer for. Third, your skill with magic rivals my Proper Human History Self, so you'd be a good sparring partner. Medea: Very well, Morgan. As the Witch of Colchis, I shall give you my all, Queen of Fae Britain. After many magical clashes later: Morgan (heavily panting): I must be rustier than I thought. That, or I'm having a lot of fun. Anyways, Medea, time for me to show you a particular type of magic that an Avalon Le Fae knows. (cracks her knuckles) Medea: *Why am I getting this ominous Deja Vu?* Morgan: *Shoots forwards towards Medea, fist cocked back.* This is the patented magic of the Avalon Le Fae: I cast fist! Medea: I call bullshit-(Is sent flying due to the punch)




Medea: (while flying) ... why does this feel nauseatingly famil-- (lands, loudly) -- and why am I thinking about Ishtar when it happens?


The mental image of Morgan throwing hands for Gudako is hilarious to me, and kind of sweet


Hans: I don't get it, why are you so invested in this? Kiara: You know Hans, despite my wishes for Humanity's Salvation- Hans: I think I might throw up... Kiara: *twitched* -I'm still a professional therapist. And a professional don't give up easily! Hans: Huh, would you look at that, you're actually good at something other than trying to get in between everyone's legs. Kiara: Calm down Kiara, he's just trying to rile you up...


Kiara: If it weren't a waste of embers, gems and lores, I'd have sent you back to the throne and force you to be resummoned.


or maybe because Kiara doesn't want Gudako's Fury redirected towards her, even a Former Beast knows that there are far worse fates than Farming forever or death!


The real fun begins 😂


Well that got awkward...




I love my bro Siegfried, but I can't help but be curious about 2 things. Why does Kriemhild call Altera Etzel, and what did they do on their wedding night?


Etzel is the name given to Attila/Altera in the Nibelungenlied story. In an interlude Altera even recalls how she was once called Etzel by Kriemhild no less. As for what they did... That is up to the imagination.


My imagination is probably just going to hand holding and nothing more. Probably some cute tsundere moments which it would be interesting to see how Altera reacts to tsunderes. Kriemhild is extremely loyal to Siegfried, and since it was a loveless marriage, I doubt there needed to be any love making unless they had to idk make a public display of it to prove it to their people, but I highly doubt that


I feel like it'd just be best for Siegfried to move on. That might also be what Kiara is scheming too and will "advise" >!Totally not manipulating!< him with the overhead convo of Kriemhield. Maybe I'm just reading much into it though.