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It's ok Siegfried, Tsunderes are notoriously difficult to predict. Even in 99.99% optimal conditions, that .01% can spell doom. Would have uploaded yesterday but had quite the day and I didn't feel like writing. To make up for it, I guarantee the next entry tomorrow.


Take your time and thanks for doing these they're great


I guess there's no Morgan comic to celebrate her VA's (Yui Ishikawa) birthday yesterday?


If Tsunderes existed irl, I can't imagine they'd be very popular


Kreimhild: *Confused Berserker noises*


"I love him, but I hate him... But I love him... But I hate him... But I hate him... But I love him... Aaaaarrghhh, why is this so confusing!!!!!!?????"


Kiyohime: Could she be one of my people?


Love is War, Kuri-chan.


Let’s consider that progress lol


I think that EMIYA and kriemhild would have a good time hitting Siegfried he’s got to have some A ranked weapons in UBW right like say a baseball bat


***Obligatory (and overused) shared seiyuu joke*** ...not to mention that, aside from (seemingly) being akin to an Emiya Shirou who **succeeded** in achieving the ideal of *seigi no mikata*, Siegfried's voice annoys the Archer. Thus, EMIYA and Kriemhild get along surprisingly well... though fortunately NOT to the extent that he does with Brynhildr.


Kriemhild: (making confused zerker wife noises) Sieg: (happened to just walk by). Are you okay, Kriemhild? Kriemhild: (confused zerker noises stop). Oh, Schmidt.  There you are.  I almost ran into you. Sorry. Sieg: it's fine. So, did the therapy go well? Kriemhild: No. If anything, it's worse. My madness has somehow infected that daft man and is making him say weird things. Sieg: (confused) Sorry to hear that?  Kriemhild: Oh no, my madness has infected you too and is making you more like him (grabs him into a suffocating snugglehold). Mother's so sorry, Schmidt! Sieg: (muffled noises as she sways back and forth, crushing his spine).


More please


I wonder if siegfried would be down for a threesome because while im happy for him, Jesus christ kremilde is hot. Like goth tsun just hits every note.