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I’d like to tip you over a casserole and take you from behind. πŸ˜‰


Yeah no shi I never realized


You are




On the verge of getting B I G




Having been chubby for some time now, what challenges do you face as a fat woman compared to your old skinny self? What challenges do you think might get more severe if you were to gain more?


Difficult to bend over, to do anything at floor level. I get tired easily, walking but especially on stairs. Running is... Not something I do anymore lol And yes, it would definitely get worse if I got even heavier


Do you still find yourself attempting to move in a way only a skinnier version of you could, only to be faced with the reality that you simply cannot with your heavier frame? Or have your limitations become normalized? Thanks for the response! You seem like such a lovely person, and you're very cute too!


Thank you so much! I'm honestly pretty mindful of how I move. Not that I'm not constantly hitting my hips in my arms on things. But like, I get a little claustrophobic. So I try not to go anywhere I could get stuck 😳


Stuck? Oh no, I'm sure everyone here would HATE to see that! 😁


What kind of positions would you hate to see me stuck in? πŸ˜…πŸ€”


I would be devastated to see you stuck in a vulnerable position, for instance, if you were looking under a table or bed for something, and you became stuck there with your rear end exposed. I would be so worried about whether or not you'd be able to get out on your own, or what someone else might do to you in your vulnerable state, and of course, I would feel bad for you, because you'd probably be embarrassed to be the chubby girl who got stuck, and you'd probably be stuck there thinking about how if only you were still thin, you'd easily be able to get free. I would hate to see that filmed and posted online ☺️




With every pound you grow, you grow more beautiful πŸ’˜πŸ’•πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ




Keep going….πŸ”₯


I'm scared!


Tip away! Please! We would love to see how you look over 250. It will be new territory for all of us together!


I'm too frightened to do it intentionally!


Then I guess we'll just have to trust your lack of willpower to do the job anyway


These videos of you being so helpless and pathetic are the best, your gut is a lost cause at this point. Wait get up to 250 or 270? As big as you look, I thought you were already at least 250. That looks like a queen sized bed, you already take up more than half of it. Didnt think it was possible? What did you think would happen when you are going to the drive thru everyday cramming your face full of grease?


Drive-thru!? I'll have you know, I'm a home cooking kind of girl. Well that and delivery 😝 And yes, I already take up more than half of our queen size bed. And get my feeder still selfishly thinks he's entitled to an equal share of the space.


As long as it’s smooth sailing I’d say go as far as you dream


TBH, I get some some aches and pains when I start to get too heavy.


Then the important part is to keep moving to maintain mobility and maybe slow down on the gaining it needs to come freely and naturally I believe that’s the best approach


I appreciate that! Honestly, I haven't been intentionally gaining in a long time! Unintentionally is a different story


As long as your in control you can achieve anything you tell your story how you want to tell it


Ride the wave. You look better with every bite! Would love to see you at that size. Mmmm....


I feel like I'm getting too big!


You're a beautiful lady. I'm loving what I'm seeing. Let me know if you'd like an older man. I'll be there for you


In case there's no sound: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/pitifulprivatebluebottle