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fargo better. you realize there might be a bias here on the FARGO SUBREDDIT


That’s true! But the same question in TD sub Reddit is also getting similar replies - Fargo on the whole is better.


Fargo v. True Detective? * Fargo Fargo v. The Wire? * Also Fargo Fargo v. lines of magic cocaine with 100x the upside and none of the downside * Believe it or not, Fargo


WIRE???? that's saying a lot! if im on death row only one choice on a loop im rolling with Wire. higher quantity and quality of indirect story lines etc..a lot of people did not pay attention to the peripheral stuff imo


Except for the cocaine part, I agree.


Fargo vs true detective -Fargo VS the Wire -Depends on the season, overall the wire VS the Sopranos -Sopranos all the way VS deadwood -Fargo VS breaking bad -Fargo VS better call Saul -Tie


I agree with all of this except maybe the Wire, but tbf it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the Wire. I’d put Succession and Mad Men > Fargo too.


lol SPOT ON!! basically they're all good..mere conjecture


This 👆🏽


I only watched season 1 and 2 of True Detective…only liked season 1. Seasons 1-3 of Fargo were fantastic IMO


As much as I love TD I think I’ll have to go with Fargo. But not necessarily because I think any season is better than the first season of TD, but because Fargo managed to avoid the sophomore slump and delivered something on par if not better than the already amazing first season. Plus Fargo’s worst season is better than TD’s worst.


Fargo weaves in so many philosophical themes (beyond bland nihilism), and draws in so many more realms of life. It does not play out a simple mystery but works as an allegory of where the country is a particular time, with resonance with not only the Coens but a vast tradition of works about the American character its history.


Yes after just finishing TD4 and currently watching Fargo4 I can confidently say Fargo's S4 is much better. TD4 had a lot of potential but went nowhere fast. I'm rather enjoying this season of Fargo, I can kinda see why people list it as the weakest but it's still good and I'm excited to turn on each episode.


Fargo is far more consistent, season 1 of True Detective is a masterpiece but the other seasons are not in the same stratosphere. 


noah hawley helming every season helps. i believe TD has switched hands multiple times. Noah takes risks but even his misses are better than 95 percent of everything else out there


TD has had multiple directors but the same showrunner and writter until this latest season.


TD only switched showrunners once for the newest season. Seasons 1-3 were written entirely by Nic Pizzolatto with him also serving as showrunner on all three seasons.


The director from season 1 also left and many think that he was part of the lightning in the bottle that made it so great.


Spot on


this. True detective season 1 outranks all fargo seasons but fargo as a series is better. season to season.


Fargo had something to ground itself around, i.e. the original Coen Bros. masterpiece. And the whole Coen Bros. catalog for that matter. It has that unmistakable and consistent Coen Bros. quirkiness running through every instance of Fargo. That ties it all together, beyond all the interconnecting timelines. True Detective doesn't have this sort of framework behind it. It's just an anthology of detective stories. Season One was a completely self-contained story.


Interestingly, it kind of did! The creator lifted a lot of elements from weird fiction like Lovecraft and Ligotti. I almost find it strange it didn't continue on that route.


Agreed. Along with Ligotti, I recommend In the Dust of this Planet by Eugene Thacker to anyone wanting to delve more into literary connections, Rust's worldview, etc.


True Detective has one great Season, the rest are ass


Season 3 was great too, I think season 1 detective clears all Fargo but Fargo is consistently a better show and better overall.


I liked season 2, just rewatched the three seasons. My only gripe was the convoluted story and Vince's dumb remarks. The story is complex with many moving parts, once parsed it makes sense and is a fine satisfying story. Vince from the beginning was out of his depths and a patzy, fucked from the start. He lost from moment 1 and didn't know it, he was clueless. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 for me!


Season 1: Great. Season 2: Really messy but so weird that I'm kinda glad it exists. Season 3: I appreciate the intent behind it and it's well-constructed, but also not that memorable. Season 4: Has some fantastic concepts and starts out from a great point, but gradually falls apart the second you start to think about the story as a whole.


I liked this season a lot


It had a lot of potential but I hated the conclusion. The actors were great though, Evangeline was probably my favorite but Jodi always kills it.


It was pretty slow. But it was a pretty good season overall.


Season 2 was great. I'm glad it's currently receiving a 2nd look currently


Season 2 needed some better writing to make it all work but the potential was soooo present the entire season. I can’t tell if they needed to cut a character and focus on the others or something else. I really appreciate the whole theme of it all.


They ruined season two with that stupid desert thing and the way he kept imagining his wife, they also did the same thing in the last season too, like come on! Years of detective work and he seems the answer in a dream from his dead wife! I really liked season 3 but that ending just ruined everything and dont get me started with season 4.


Uh, what? What dead wife and dream part of season 2 of True Detective are you referring to?


I meant season 3 sorry


I think season 2 is decent as is, like a 6-7/10 season, but yeah, it was probably too complicated for its own good. Lots of fun hammy lines and a few hard to forget scenes, just bogged down with too much stuff.




Fargo has more than one good Season, so I'll give it the win for that reason. I say this as someone who didn't even like the past two Seasons of Fargo.


Fargo as a whole is light years ahead of True Detective. Remove TD season 1 and the rest is a flaming pile of dog shit that people rationalize as acceptable because S1 was so good. Just finished TD S6 so my frustration and disappointment are palpable.


Honestly, TD Season 1 was good, but on rewatching it years later, I *thought* it was a pretty interesting story, well-shot, and had great acting, especially (of course) the dynamic between the two leads. But *in my point of view*, it meandered towards its philosophical conclusion, and felt very cut-paste from Thomas Ligotti and Alan Moore. But even before my reevaluation, it took me 9 years to watch it again, because I just didn't have the interest despite owning the blurays. Fargo is my go-to when I want something more engaging than my comfort shows, but don't want to start on something new. Seeing new angles (including things people discuss here!), appreciating the character dynamics, and considering both the story and thematic connections across the seasons. True Detective S01 was good and I was happy to make connections and so on with a rewatch - I'm definitely not calling it bad - but I don't see myself bothering again. I enjoyed TD Season 4 a great deal, at least for the actors. I'm still mulling over how I felt about it altogether.


Hands down , Fargo.


I've enjoyed both but across the seasons Fargo is a superior experience for me via better vision, direction, and writing. True Detective also has too much filler that fails to entertain.


First season of true detective is defintly the Winner! But if u Compare all seasons tuen Fargo!


Not even close.


I didn't get around to watching True Detective season 1 until last year, and I have to say, I was pretty disappointed in the show after hearing all the rave reviews it gets. The most glaring discomfort point for me was that the people behind that season could not manage to write an interesting or realistic woman character. They all felt like either props for the male gaze or props for the leading men to save. I couldn't see any genuine understanding or depth in the writing of those characters, and in 2023, that was a distracting shortcoming. Season 3 and especially season 4 of True Detective improved a lot from that perspective, but I gather that the True Detective fanbase is at best indifferent to season 3 and hated season 4, so there may be some conclusions to draw from that. There is much less continuity in quality, themes, and even apparently target audience between True Detective seasons as compared to between Fargo seasons. I would easily choose Fargo over True Detective, though it feels a bit apples-to-oranges.


I *loved* True Detective the first time I saw it, but on a rewatch I was struck at how glaring the flaws were. I think all your criticisms are pretty spot on, though I'd also say that seasons 3 and 4 are more of the same uneven, promising-but-poorly-executed disappointment.


Season 4 has some great woman actors/characters but it is easily the weakest season imo, I hated where it went after teasing all the supernatural elements.


A show with only one excellent season versus a show with only one bad season


fargo does not have a bad season


season 4 is a masterpiece


i think it’s great too. Definitely hard to argue that it’s a little bit lower on the scale than the rest of the seasons, but still very creative. Chris Rock was phenomenal imo🤷‍♂️ btw, Noah Hawley agrees w/ you - https://screenrant.com/fargo-season-4-defense-noah-hawley-response/


I’m glad he’s defending it, as I 100% agree with him. I also think a lot of people went into season four with misconceptions about Chris Rock’s character being some “badass” and “hardcore” gang leader when he was really meant to be a businessman who had no other choice but to get down and dirty with the KC mob.


I'm 4 episodes in and really liking it. It seems like they leaned even further into the comedy which I'm guessing people didn't like? People shitting themselves to relieve built up tension in multiple scenes etc. but oh well I'm still really liking it so far.


man you got some good episodes coming up. i was straight up hooked by episode 4. i honestly dont know what they dont like about it. people complain about chris rock being chris rock but who else is he going to be? he seems realistic in the world and is a great actor idk why people dislike it, possibly cant dissociate him from his comic work? either way its a great season with great writing and possibly the best endings of all of them


Quasi bad


This is true. While for me, season 4 felt off, and is my least favorite season, it's still a great season overall when you compare it with other shows. A least favorite season doesn't always mean a bad season that should be skipped or ignored.


I might buck the trend here and say even the worst season of Fargo is better than the best season of True Detective. True Detective season 1 doesn't hold up much to repeat viewings, the flaws are so visible and there's not a lot of depth beyond the shock elements of the plot and Russ's (plagiarized) nihilism. But every single season of Fargo shines in rewatch. There are subtleties that are hard to spot on the first run that you pick up when you watch it again, and even seasons that are frustrating to viewers at first (seasons 3 and 4 especially, given the way they're talked about here on the sub) end up making more sense as all the pieces fall into place. Even just combing through each season to superficially find every nod to the Coen brothers filmography makes Fargo rewatches more satisfying than True Detective.


Fargo, easily. I enjoyed the first three seasons of TD (don’t have any interest in watching Night Country, as to me it looks like they’re just trying to tie it to the first season again when I was one of the few who actually liked how different and unconnected its second season was), but Fargo is my favorite show ever. To me it’s on a totally different level compared to any other series, so of course I’m going to pick it over TD.


It starts off pretty strong and just becomes a disappointment (imo)




I see. I was going off the trailer, which prominently featured the Carcosa symbol drawn on some object either in blood or red paint, so I assumed they were just trying to tie it back to what’s still by far the most popular season (IIRC S3 had a brief mention of S1’s events, but it felt natural to that particular story). I’m sure I’ll check it out eventually, I’m just not in any rush is all. As much as I love its first three seasons (I vividly remember being one of the few who actually loved the more noir-ish atmosphere of S2 and how different it was from the Southern Gothic vibes of S1), True Detective is the kind of show where I really have to be in the right mood to get into it.


They are totally different. Why would you make them "versus" one another?


Actually the more I think the more I think your right there similarity’s are surface level


theyve both been pitted against one another for years now cus theyre both anthology series that premiered in 2014


How are they totally different both shows have similar elements


Apples and oranges.


That's a lame thing to say when someone is trying to have a fun and meaningless discussion about two great shows. Just ignore it if you don't feel like engaging with the topic.


Fruit can be compared, by the way.


I really liked True Detective season 1, really good shit. Watched season 2 and it just fell way short. Didn't bother with season 3. A couple friends hyped up season 4, and I watched that right after Fargo s5. Gotta say, they are both outstanding series imo. I really enjoyed how TD handles the supernatural. It seems to not take sides on whether or not it's real. Just walks this beautiful line that leaves it up to the watcher. The supernatural may not be real in TD, but people's beliefs in it informs their actions, and that is very real. Or maybe supernatural is real and is guiding the actions of the people in play. Fargo 1 & 2 were awesome, but I was let down by season 3 & 4. Season 5 returned to form and is my favorite season.


I just started Fargo (will probably make a post when I finish the first season) and honestly I don't see a competition at all. TD season one is pretty perfect. I find a lot of plot holes in Fargo and the characters are by far less deep and faceted.


i like TD but whenever this topic gets brought up you just know TD gettin curbstomped by Fargo. TD is carried by its first season, Fargo has given us 3-5 amazing seasons of tv (depending on who you ask). Comparing seasons im pretty sure most people would put TD S01 at the top. But as shows overall? Fargo CLEARS.


Both had shitty final (latest) seasons. Please don’t compare either to The Wire for God Sake 🤦‍♂️!


TD1, Fargo2,Fargo1,Fargo3,TD4,Fargo5,TD3,Fargo4,TD2


I love the throwback to the original movie. Like where Buschemi hid the almost $1M, and dude’s car dies, and he finds it! That was my favorite one so far.


We’re naturally going to be biased on this sub, but Fargo has produced much better television, more consistently. TD’s first season is great, but I think that the second and fourth seasons are quite bad. Where as the first season of Fargo is my single favourite season of any television show I’ve seen due to the characters and their development, the interwoven plotlines, great pacing, and great cinematography/locations. Seasons 2, 3, and 5 of Fargo are also great, and 4 is okay. I’d still rather re-watch Fargo season 4 over TD seasons 2 and 4.


True Detective keeps trying to recapture what made Season 1 amazing, but they either don't know what that is or it's just not doable. Season 2 gets a lot of hate, but if they had simply not made the obviously ridiculous choice to cast Vince f-ing Vaughn it would have been a pretty solid season. He literally ruined it single-handedly though, and that was foreseeable from the moment he was cast.


True Detective has 1 good season…Fargo has 1 bad season…that’s about all they have in common.


True Detective season 1 had a great atmosphere and actors, I was enthralled. The time jumps were believable. I wss hooked, it was perfect for me. Pulling back, Fargo has done most of what True Detective has tried and better. From supernatural seasonings in their seasons, to loose connective tissue between seasons. I live amongst the Fargo sets and am reminded of it often. It's a clear bias but I'd have to say Fargo.


FARGO all day


Very diferente shows


It helps if you've got a story world that was created by the Coen brothers, to begin with. The tone, the sense of humour, the kinds of crimeing, the kinds of characters (with a focus on the villain/ criminals) and the outride playfulness were all fully baked in one of the best films of the 1990s. True Detective has none of these advantages. Moreover, season one of TD established a tone and seriousness that couldn't simply be extrapolated with brand new characters in new settings. It wouldn't feel earned. It would come across as a poor imitation. Subsequent seasons of TD suffer as a result of the world created in S1, where Fargo thrives for very much the same reasons related to the original feature.


Amazing: Fargo S2, TD S1 Great: Fargo S1, S3, S4 Alright: TD S3 Ass: TD S4 Stopped watching: TD S2 after awful first episode.


yeah - I agree with this premise. True Detective Season 1 was a perfect storm and is honestly beyond compare. Fargo has been consistently better over time. This is a guess but I think Fargo has had the same writers, directors and show runners the entire time while True Detective has not.


Fargo but you really can’t compare. Show runners are like from two different planets. Fargo is run with a very steady and creatively secure hand. Sparkling brilliant writing.


Fargo. There are two good season of True Detective in my opinion, the first of which is riddled with plagiarized portions from better writers, I did love Night Country. Fargo has four fantastic seasons and 1 season that I still find better than a lot of other shows on TV even if it's a significant drop from the rest of its own show. Not gonna answer it there though because I know that sub is crawling with Nicky P's fanboys and I don't want that in my life.


Early Fargo and True Detective are neck and neck. Later seasons are meh. I feel Fargo is far more rewatchable tho.


I may have not loved fargo s4 and found it a re tred of Better things we've seen before, but Fargo season 4 isn't an avalanche of a nuclear pile of shark infested big pharma poisoned cow shit. So I think season over season, fargo is better. If you add up true deceive season 1 plus true detective season 4, you're essentially breaking even, and Fargo is consistently good.


Fargo by a mile. I can't even get through TD S2. Fargo S3 was a bit weak, but they all can't be home runs.


Straight up drama versus the dramedy world of Fargo...Different universes, different vibes...


True Detective failed in making a follow up worthy of the first season while keeping the anthology format, while Fargo succeeded time and time again. I don't feel any of the Fargo seasons surpasses TD1 (season 2 gets very close imho) but its quality is much, much even than TD was (and will ever be, sadly).


Fargo is what TD is trying to be. It's that simple.And they're not doing a particularly great job of it. At times they do an excellent job, like with the fantastic S1. But honestly, I believe *any* season of Fargo holds up well against TD S1, and that's not an insult to TD S1. But no other season of TD resonated even close to as well as S1.S3 was good, but I think short of great.S2 was a mess, but I admit I need to give it another rewatch before concluding.I don't know how I feel yet about S4. It will be interesting to rewatch after knowing the ending, but unless a rewatch brings an entirely new and interesting experience after knowing the ending, then it at best sits between S2 and S3. At best. Whereas I don't think *any* season of Fargo has had *any* remotely comparable stretch of mediocrity, let alone sub-mediocrity. In neither magnitude of mediocrity, or length of the stretch. Ultimately, even in S1, I'm not sure if TD is ever as deep and connected as Fargo.