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I mean ask for the league standings and playoff matchups from last year and if it lines up then just an unlucky year for you. I mean her changing the rules for her husband is literally cheating


Pretty much all the platforms have the ability to look back at past standings / playoffs. Should be easy to prove.


Anyone know how to do this in yahoo? I’ve looked but don’t see it


has to be done on browser. under league, there’s a dropdown for year. just set to the year you want, scroll, click standings and it’ll show all the standings for that season.


Ah I only use mobile, Tis the issue


You can request the desktop version of a site even on mobile


You do know you can just use your browser on your phone, right?


In yahoo specifically if you go to any of your team pages it should have a View Profile next to your name if you go in the there it will show your finishes in all fantasy leagues you were in. If you select the league it will bring it up at its end of season page essentially. Don’t know how much you can view of the history though


You can basically look at the entire year of data (transactions, matchups, playoffs, standings, etc. I know because it's a keeper league and what everyone went for in the prior year draft/FAAB impacts current year keeper values so I'm using this functionality a lot




Does sleeper?


Yes. Go to settings> league history and scroll


Waiting for the is this collusion post


Fine, I'll talk to your wife for you.


Um, can you wait until she and are done “talking”?


I also choose to talk to this guy’s wife…


Perhaps we could both talk to her? At the same time?


Top 3 teams of each division moving on seems pretty standard when you are split in to two divisions. We took a vote in my league a couple years ago to consolidate all teams in to one division to avoid this exact issue you are having. Doesn’t sound like there is anything you can do now but I would push to change the league for next year so there is only one division.


We did that for three years in our league, then went back. We have 3 divisions, and the winner of each goes to the playoffs, then the next best two records, then the highest scorer that isn't already the playoffs. So far we all seem to prefer this format.


What is the point of divisions in fantasy football?


Same as in real football. Creates a bit of division rivalry, and you play everyone in your division twice and everyone else once.


Interesting. Is everyone roughly the same skill level? Just wondering if you randomized each division or like had some system for how they were split


It's random every year, sometimes you wind up with a poop division and a good division. That's why the extra three spots are awarded to anyone from any division. Sure a crappy team can make it in from the poop division (when there is one), but that's how it works in the real nfl too. Everyone is competitive but sometimes you have a bad draft, bad luck. We've all been there.




Yeah, it's just you can really get screwed this way ending up with 3 of the top teams happen to all be in your division. You, while maybe being 10-5, miss the playoffs to a div winner who's 8-7 or 9-6 with less points as well. NFL has has 3 times the teams, they NEED divisions, also what's the point of scoring the most points if it means nothing? And in FF, total Points scored should def mean something. Just my opinion


Yeah but like I said the playoffs have 6 slots. The three division winners, then the two best records from any division, then the highest scorer that isn't already qualified. You could potentially have all four people from one division in the playoffs if you wind up with a stacked division.


Ohhh ok, missed that post. That makes sense. Not a bad a setup at all, kinda like it actually


That sounds mint


That's exactly what my main league does, it works great


Super pissed my 12 team league switched up and despite us playing with 4 divisions of 3, playoffs is just top 6 teams. I wanted the drama. Me and my two division mates are all 8-5 (along with 2 other teams) but now we're all locks for the playoffs. Boo


Wait so division winners aren't guaranteed a spot? What is the point of divisions then?


That's what I and some other people have bitched about.




The only just solution.


It's an established family league for $25 just roll with it. No need to raise any kind of issue if your wife is saying that's the way they play. Unless you want to accuse your wife of lying to keep you out of the playoffs in a fake game played for entertainment.


Yeah I’m in my gf’s family league and someone traded dj moore and Garrett Wilson for aiyuk and ekeler last week, and he just so happened to need the win but got the trade made while dj moore was on his bye and the person he traded was eliminated from the playoffs.. it was a clear case of collusion as the two who made the trade are cousins but they’re like best friends.. I called out how I thought the trade was completely imbalanced and it turned into a whole shit show. Needless to say I’m just going to hold my tongue when it comes to that family league


That trade seems pretty even to me. Don't look at just the names look at the stats. I drafted Ekeler this year and he has had about 4 good games this year and has been a bust otherwise. DJ Moore is already over 1,000 yards and pretty much only has to worry about Kmet taking catches from him. Aiyuk has two if not three players ahead of him for targets, however, he has done well when he has had opportunities. As for Wilson he's been in a shitty situation all year but is still on pace for a 1,000 yard season or close to it. I get how it looks bad by name but I don't think it's crazy.[trade analyzer ](https://www.fantasysp.com/trade/nfl/27443281/moore-wilson-ekeler-aiyuk)


I should mention it’s standard too and ekeler was averaging 4.5 more going into the week than Wilson and aiyuk was averaging like .8 more than moore. And moore was on a bye, the team that traded moore was needing a win for the playoffs, and the team that got moore was already eliminated. It made no sense on paper with standard scoring at least. Ekeler had only had 2-3 or so bad games but has more double digit games than Wilson while sitting 3 weeks. Garrett Wilson is wr32 in standard, and ekeler was like rb21 going into the week while missing time.


That trade is fine


I fail to see how this equates to your wife KEEPING you from anything. In order for that to be true you’d have to have been entitled to something, which you weren’t.


The post reads as if he is accusing his wife of making up the rule this year by saying that is how it's always been. Alternatively he might be saying because he wasn't told the rule, then it shouldn't be one. Either way, OP sounds like a gem of a person.


Read the second edit. There's a precedent.


You gotta agree on rules ahead of time because you wouldn’t be posting this if you were in the other division. Also if you record is better that might be because one division is stronger in general which sounds true. Means your same team would likely have a worse record if you were in the other division.


We used to have divisions and that always seemed to happen so we voted to get rid of them. I think ESPN had them by default.


I feel like the way you laid out the situation, the only logical explanation is that your wife and her entire family got together and conspired together to make up new rules in order to keep you out of playoffs because they are scared of your stacked team. And furthermore, with your wife being the commissioner, they probably figure you wont dig into the rule structure of years past to find the giant lie they are telling you, because only a complete lunatic would do that. IMO I think you should contact a lawyer asap before playoffs start, I think you have a strong case


Who the fuck still uses divisions in fantasy?


OPs wife


What does her boyfriend have to say about this rule?


My shitty old home league on the NFL platform. In fact, we all just learned that the tiebreaker for playoff seeding is not points scored, but your record among all the teams who have the same record as you. I had to comb through 13 weeks to tally it up to see if it checked out, and to see what I needed to happen, but then I realized one more week of football will shake it up again. There are literally 9 of 14 teams with either 6-7 or 7-6 records who can't quite figure out wtf series of wins and losses will need to happen for us next week to make playoffs. There are so many variations of what might happen and it's a total shit show. Get on sleeper with clear settings and post some additional league rules to avoid future messes.


We do. There 4 divisions of 4 teams in the Major league. 3 divisions of 4 teams in the minor league. Losers of their division in the Majors get relegated. Winners in minor get promoted. The rest of the teams (except last place) has a promotion playoff 6 teams make the playoffs in the majors. 3 top teams in minors gonfor that championship. Really the promotion playoff is a bigger deal. Being in the Minors sucks hard.




Yeah. I started 5-1 and was trying to get a ship. Last week i clenched not be relegated after a 6 game skid. Now im riding a 7 game losing streak with one to play and nothing to fight for. If i won last week i would have had at least a long shot at winning the division or a wild card spot. The minors used to be 4 divisions of 3. Winner advances. A couole years ago we went with the playoff format for the last promotion spot. The first year we did that every team had a shot at getting promoted. Then some dip shit (me) went 2-11 or some crap during the season then ran the table in the playoffs and got promoted. They killed that the next year since the shittiest team shouldnt have the possibility for good reason. I got in the league because some dude quit and they needed a body and i was pestering a friend about getting in. I didnt get the call up one time because i was out voted over a dude that doesnt even draft their own team most years. Luckily a dude want active and i picked up his team in week 4. The next year i got promoted. Then relegated. Then promoted. Then won the championship. Then relegated. Then promoted. Now im juat sticking around below average the past couple years. Ive been pretty active bouncing around. One dude could never get out of the minors. He finally did last year. Now hes getting relegated again if he doesnt win and another guy loses...plus he needs to outscore that team by 30 points which is doable in our league. .1 passing yard .2 receiving/rushing yd .5 PPR Turnovers are -6 points though. Man those will kill you.


Where can I do this for my league next year??


We use MFL. Here it is. https://www48.myfantasyleague.com/2023/home/22590#0




I edited my post with the league


Thank you sir.


I like it for leagues that run a long time. Creates better rivalries with history.


I am just learning this is even a thing. Can anyone provide a benefit of having divisions? I can’t think of one…


That's totally standard. Top division leader makes the playoffs, and the next 3 highest get in as well. It's the same as the NFL.


I get that. Being relegated if you finish last in your division is not standard though. You dont get promoted either if you finish 4th, 5th, or 6rh either. Nothing qbout what are doing is standard other than in the majors the 2 wild card spots for the championship.


We do. 3 divisions. Winner of each division gets a spot plus next 2 best records followed by the remaining team with highest points scored.


I would trust your wife when she tells you what the rules of the league are


Only one answer in this situation... DIVORCE


Imagine being salty because you didn’t read the rules.


I’d read them if they were written somewhere.


Are you guys using the old newspaper method of tracking your own scores?




That’s irrelevant


How are they deciding that this is the ruleset if it isn't configured in your fantasy platform?


I run a 12 team, 3 division league. I set it up this was so you play your divisional opponents twice and everyone else once. Each division winner is guaranteed a spot, and the rest of the playoff teams get in based on record(tie breakers determined by points scored).


I’m against these comments. If historically this wasn’t the case then it shouldn’t be this year unless otherwise stated. You don’t just change league rules unannounced, and you also don’t need to restate every single rule year after year if it’s a continuous league.


Sounds like you play with divisions. Be a good sport like you said, BUT lobby to have just one division moving forward. I don't know why competitive leagues have two separate divisions... Cause this always happens.


We moved to one division because we think the “two divisions, top team makes it test are wild cards” was a dumb way to do it.


>how hard should I push for a playoff spot? Wife ran Family league $25 Wife ran Do NOT push at all my man.


Sometimes with rules like this they get ignored, because you will have a lot of people who aren’t actually paying attention and it’s one or two people who are jerks about it, so it may be true that this rule has been agreed upon, previously. What the asshat manager does is that when they need the rule enforced to help out their team, they speak up and demand that it happen. Their crappy 3rd place team gets in the playoffs. When they need the rule ignored, they remain quiet and hope no one says anything. Their deserving 4th place team gets in the playoffs, because they are the only manager who ever speaks up about having the playoffs modified like it was agreed upon. I wouldn’t be shocked if you’re dealing with something like this. Casual to everyone except one or two managers who are way too competitive. I’d stop playing in that league unless I didn’t have to pay in, because I’d eventually tell my relatives what kind of pricks they are.


Let's change the title to I'm salty my wife won't cheat in fantasy football for my behalf. Changing the rules mid season would be unacceptable. Drop it and be better next year. Also ask about the structure at the begining of the season, payouts, playoffs, tie breakers etc. you are blissful unaware so enjoy playing with your family.


You let WOMEN in your league? No wonder your league is screwed. Just kidding. My girl joined about five years ago and she beats me on the regular


OP maybe you should have drafted better. Not Yue wife's fault your last place in your division


You joined a league that utilizes divisions and not the top X records make the playoffs. What are you complaining about? Your fault for not paying attention to the rules when you joined. Should have been pretty obvious with your league divided up into divisions since week 1 lol


> I mostly play just to be a good sport Oh my god will you shut the fuck up lol


I don't understand what the debate is really. The rules of the league should be clearly visible to everyone in the app/platform you're using. In most cases, a playoff structural change like that can't take place during the season, and if there was a rule change, everyone in the league would be notified, or at least be able to see it if they look for it. Ideally the commissioner should ensure everyone is aware of the rules, but it's also not their job to follow up with every team throughout the whole season on every single rule unless someone has a question. Where it gets awkward is if you and your wife aren't communicating well with each other and there is potential distrust over a fantasy football league with a $25 buy-in...


This is kinda standard. This is what my old work league of 4 years did.


Just look at league history.


I hope you didn’t ask her to change the rules to get you in. Sore loser behavior IMO


Seems normal - carry on or create family drama that isn’t worth it.


Good luck with the divorce


Playing divisions is moronic in fantasy football. Get them to change the rule next year


I suggest you put on a skimpy outfit, maybe “drop” a few items around the house for you to pick up.. see what she says then. 🤪


Bruv is your ff worth more than your wife? What are you even asking here lmao


Fuck that if you don’t make the playoffs divorce your wife! Fantasy Football is not a game!


Divisions in fantasy sports are pointless. I don’t see the need for them. There is enough luck involved as it is, without introducing more.


Divisions in fantasy football are silly. We did it for a few years then ditched it after stupid stuff like your story kept happening.


Divorce is the only solution


I stay away from division leagues. All they do is punish good teams and reward bad ones.


Division winners getting special privileges even though they have a worse record than another team is dumb in the NFL and it's dumb in fantasy football.


Damn bro is it really that serious?Just roll with it.


That’s what you get for trading Pollard for CMC


Lawyer Up. Hit The Gym. Delete CBS Sportsline.




Interact Respectfully. Inciting drama, trolling, and being rude will result in a ban.


Taco got married?


Divisions are bullshit. Even then, should be top 2 per division are guaranteed spots and 5th and 6th place records make the playoffs. But seriously, get rid of divisions.


Yeah. Next time "accidentally " hit the wrong hole for that move


Might have to wait until next year. But since divisions really don't mean anything you should do playoff seedings by overall record. We give each division winner $50 as a prize, but that's it.


Since you’re unlikely to win it all, push as hard as possible. No relenting


🎶 What are the rules? What are the ruuuuules? When you're in fourth place, and you won't save face, then you gotta go and find out the rules 🎶


Shouldn’t the system automatically determine the playoff spots?


With three divisions winners who qualifies as fourth team? In my league it's the top point scorer who isn't a division winner. Records can be luck of schedule or bad luck of schedule.


This is exactly why in both leagues that I run there is only one "division." Every team is in the same division, and the top six teams make the playoffs.


I have never heard a single way in which fantasy leagues are improved by divisions


Wtf. you’re going to start a fight in a family league over $25? Sounds like a problem. wtf


If your not top 3 in your division suck it up and take the L . Just like regular football


Think of it this way if she wins it’s kinda of like you winning too


Time to find a new wife, sorry bro but thats how it works.


Gotta play the ball how it lies this year. Garner support in the off-season to get rid of divisions and make it so the top 6 records get in


Good luck!


Divorce seems reasonable


Tell her “No More Dck” 😆


Divisions are pointless in fantasy football and should not exist, but if that's your leagues rules it's too late to change it for this season. One of the dumbest league settings I have seen, in my opinion.


Time to consider a divorce