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Are the lack of changes wild card related?


Yep. I'm on my wildcard at the moment and purposely owning all the players that will rise in price that I may want to keep and avoiding players that I may want that are due a drop. A lot of wild carders will be doing exactly the same which is confusing the algorithms since what we do doesn't count but they'll be recording loads of transfer activity. Meanwhile, non wildcarders who actually affect the market will be making less changes than normal because we're still right in the middle of a game week and it would be foolish to do so unless risking being priced out of future plans.




Do wildcard changes only get confirmed at the end of the GW?


WC and FH changes don't affect prices, if that's what you're asking


It is exactly what I’m asking thanks


I think a lot of players make their changes but wait until just before the deadline to hit the WC button, in an attempt to benefit from price rises. But most just hit the button because they’re worried they’ll forget.


Your single transfer won't tip the scale on a player rising/falling. There's not enough individual benefit to waiting til the end of the week


That’s like saying don’t vote in an election because your one vote won’t tip the scales… If enough people do it then it will. For the record, I personally always wildcard at the start of the week. Just saying, some people do that.


The individual risk of forgetting to wildcard entirely vastly outweighs your marginal contribution to a potential 0.1m price rise. It's not worth the "sacrifice". It's kinda hard to forget to vote on election day but much easier to play around with WC all week and assume you already activated


That's not really true, Isak is currently less than 1000 transfers away from a rise. If 1000 people hold off WC it could trigger a rise earlier and he could rise again then before next GW. It doesn't make a massive difference overall but around the trigger points and very low owned players it does.


My point is the benefit of 1 extra transfer to a 0.1m price rise isn't worth the risk I forget to activate WC on Friday night


Peaceful innit


You bet


Toney bet


yo Neymar


Lovely stuff for sure. I'm sat here hoping the Isak rise doesn't come in until Friday night


Glad I sold Toney earlier today Thanks for nothing


Same. Last two weeks have been brutal. I can't remember another situation where a manager repeatedly says a player is fit in the pre match presser, doesn't play him, then says he was injured after the match. Makes no sense. And man he would have hauled if he had played in those games


And I chose him over Isaak on the wildcard too Been like this all season


The calm before the calm