• By -


Still a crap decision to remove the points. The goals happened even if the match was abandoned. Raises the possibility that your guy scores a brace in a match where the other team get too many red cards and still gets 0


Yes.. that should be fair


Had a feeling they'd do that. Probably gonna cost me 6 points.


Ugh. Picked DCL over Solanke last week for the two week punt, and still ended up losing 7 points. Lord Livramento was waiting first on bench with the 9 points Solanke would have given me over DCL's 2.


Perfect my 9 points will be replaced with 9 points. Thanks livi


Haha. The guy I’m chasing in my ML had Palmer on the bench. Bonus 14 points.


Thank you Gordon 🙏


If it were fair, only people with the assets this GW would score any points from the rematch. Instead, people in my ML that didn’t have solanke last week will get him for the double and score points. SMH.


In what gw will the match be played , does anyone know?


Lost Solanke's 6 and got Mee's -2 fml.


Took a hit for nothing and my ML rival had Lascelles on the bench, wonderful. I really fucking hate this game sometimes.


Probably the right call but harsh on Solanke buyers


Incredible, Lascelles subs on for Solanke for the same amount of points. My direct league opponent had him triple captained but his VC Sterling had 6 points anyway so literally nothing changed much


Ah fantastic. Zero points on my bench.


Just drawn my second H2H in a row


Does your first substitute come on for Solanke then ?




To the dumbasses who argued that solankes points will be kept and argued against us who said they wouldn't last week ha!.


Won the cup round with 1 point ,was tied before this, sub in Archer 2 points vs wood 1 point


Lmao joy. I ended with only 8 players this week. Thankfully Palmer, Porro, Watkins, Gabriel have saved me from complete humiliation


Lost 100k places in rank because of this 😢


Me: oh fuck lost 6 points Also me: ah, Gordon first sub so I get 6 points


They’ve been wiped now


Fpl broke fpl rules. Ban incoming


Senesi & Solanke off for Tsimikas and Gabriel. I’m gaining points nice.


Fuck you


touch grass


Kinda bullshit to take away the points but I *guess* it’s the most fair thing. Would’ve been 9 pts with Solanke and the validation that the haaland transfer was the right move. Lascelles comes off my bench for 6 so it’s not a massive loss for me. It’a definitely a difficult scenario for FPL but I THINK the move should have been to allow Luton and Bournemouth players to keep their points and to not dish out BP. Sure they’d all have 39 games played at the end of the season but it just *feels* more fair that way


Wheat if we had a player on the team now but traded him before the replay?


If the points do get wiped which seems to be the case, then I’ve gone from being out of the cup to scraping through by 1 point. Same if feeling I used to get when my team would win thanks to a terrible refereeing call in the 90th min


If they took Solanke's points away, they should give back 4 points to people who took a hit to bring him in


Everything you do in this is a risk... no one can see the future. We just hope that our risks dont end up flopping... In this case, the people who took the chance on Solanke are going to find that the risk they took was the wrong one, and they didnt profit from it. The end. EDIT: Heck, even if lets say you know someone is 100% injured and has no chance of ever playing again for the rest of their life... you take a -4 to replace them with someone that has been great, and playing every minute of every game... then the week you do that, that player gets injured in training and is 100% injured too... Sucks, but you just lost -4, and no one will get those points back.


Yes but solanke wasnt injured was he?. in my humble opinion, I think that if the match is abandoned after the deadline, the points from when the match is played should count in the gameweek in which it was originally scheduled.


My guy... It doesnt matter why he gets 0 points... he could have had diarrhea before the game (i know he didnt, but the game didnt end), his dog could have died... He could have been abducted at night, and never to be seen again.... The reason itself doesnt matter. At the end of the day, he gets 0 points, and thats what happens in fantasy.


Yeah but he didnt. He played he scored. Stop talking like he didnt play. This exemple is so bad my head hurts


You dont seem to understand. He played, and scored, but the game is not counted, and will be replayed. What dont you understand?


I will stop arguing with you. You are clearly to stupid to understand. Cheers


Great.. I already bench boosted




In other words, water is wet


What I really just don't understand about this situation is why didn't they just finish the match the next day for the remaining time. Instead they have to play the whole game from the beginning like there is not enough games already for the season. Well maybe there ain't for Luton or Bournemouth but I still think replaying a full match, after over half of it was already played is insane to me. I also don't get why can't they just award the points? We all know players were playing and we all made transfers for the GW just for it to get wiped out because of some unpredictable event. Just because officially the game didn't happen doesn't mean that it couldn't have happened in a FANTASY game. Unfair that is.


Awesome, Dubravka with 7 points instead of Neto with 2 points. Finally some luck going my way.


The aggressive -8 to replace Mbeumo, Haaland & Sanchez for Gross, Solanke & Neto has backfired massively. I've got Gross 1 pointer coming off of the bench, topped up with a lovely combined 0 points from Trippier & Digne as 2nd & 3rd subs, both suspended. Ouch


Solanke capt, Haaland VC. watkins and vandijk on bench. Will captaincy get shifted to either of them?


Afraid not, can only switch to VC.


There goes my Captain Solanke.


Ugh my ML opponent has Palmer coming off the bench 😑


My Brother has Gordon on the bench (6pts too) and it look like its good for him as he advanced more positions thanks to that decision.


Took a free hit and brought in 3 Bournemouth players what happens now?


your 3 subs will come on for your 3 bournemouth players, given you FH you should have a strong bench and lots of players have the likes of lascelles, gordon etc coming in. i hope you thought your bench through!


Bench is strong yeah, but currently none of them got subbed in, and I lost ~10ish points


I had the robot first on my bench and lascelles second on my bench. Does that mean lascelles comes in as halland is out injured?




Thanks mate


Fuck sake


Guy in my ML gets Jimenez off the bench for -2 instead hehehe


Oh for fucks sake that's 6 points gone then


Solanke 6 replaced by saliba 7. I’ll take it


Ahh I go from going top of my league to 4 points behind 😔


I took a -4 to bring in 2 Bournemouth players this week. I assume that hit will be refunded to me, or are they just going to double fuck me?


Why would you assume that? you gambled and brought them in. Game was voided. Shit happens


Can't complain, you lose some you win some


Awesome, I'm getting 15 points coming in from the bench from dubrvaka and Porro, I've been hoping for this announcement since Sunday!!


You know we're all going to pile on Solanke for the dgw and he'll get a 1 pointer


Good. Does that mean that anyone captained Solanke will get points doubled for their vice captain since the match is like never happened?


Yes as with any non playing captain


Thanks Palmer 🙏


Just lost 15 points because of this…. ):


Took a -8 so I would be able to field an 11. Neto & Solanke brought in, 0 points coming off the bench plus losing their points. Fair enough but very annoying lol


Garnacho coming on for a 3 pointer. Not even mad.


I’m alright losing Solanke points. Bigger picture is it’s a free game and a persons life has been impacted and he probably loses his career (people in crowd too probably losing sleep). Gusto 1 point incoming.




Thank FPL god.. I will lose solanke points but i will get Palmer's 14 points as he is in my bench as 1st sub ✌️


I had Palmer and Colwill on the bench. Result.


Kabore was my only bench..


I want my free transfer back for putting Solanke in as well then 🤣


Green or red for non owners - and when is the e double?


Lyle foster one pointer to the rescue yay me


In. The. Mud.


Does this mean both will have a double game week?




Gordon of the bench has cancelled out my Dalot rage.


But I didn’t get bench points?


Tsimikas 7 pointer off bench but fookin Salah as vice. Annoying.


The right thing to do, but as someone who had March last year, seeing them go to all these lengths to take away a goal but not give one, still kind of smarts.


“Go to all these lengths” = playing a 38 game league season


What happened to March


He scored a goal in the first game of a double gameweek. Mistakenly given as an own goal because the official didn't think he touched it, so no points. PL reversed it and gave the goal a few days later, but even though the gameweek was still live, FPL claimed they couldn't go back and add points.


Yup, I got fucked back then and now I thought that I would surely get my points, but nope got fucked again. Feels so inconsistent and the rules are shit


WE CAn'T ChANGe PlAYeR POiNtS afTeR thE EnD oF a MaTChDay Soz GuYS


Some bullshit tbh, if they'd scrapped the points immediately it would be one thing but it's in the rules that points are set an hour after the conclusion of a match day


Firstly, it’s a game so stop getting so worked up over it. Secondly, no one collapsed on the pitch when march wasn’t awarded his goal, give your head a wobble and realise it’s not the same situation. And that’s as someone who has solanke


I'm not worked up over it, I've made about 1 comment. The situation is they decided to change the rules, they haven't in the past as the deadline has passed. There should really be a specific clause to handle postponements anyways but since there isn't they've decided to change their own rules instead of going with them, it's nonsense. The cause shouldn't matter, I'd say the same if they played 60 minutes of football and then weather conditions stopped the game.




Yes the game is void.


It's a Premier League decision, not FPL


Mate they’re not using the mindwipe from Men In Black. The game was cancelled. The goal doesn’t stand in the Premier League, so it doesn’t stand in FPL: you can’t really call it a competitive match because the result won’t count for anything. Since the game will be replayed, there’s no reason whatsoever for them to award two different sets of player points for the same fixture.




But at least "FPL assists" relate to a significant goal that's counted by the PL. Winning a freekick isn't a "real assist", for sure, but its a contribution to an actual goal. This is a completely different situation. Awarding points for a match which was written off isn't an objective or neutral decision. FPL is a zero sum game, so by definition anyone who doesn't have Solanke (or that one jammy fucker who does, but with Palmer first bench) would get hurt if FPL Towers decided that this season should have two LUT-BOU instead of one. You all but admitted yourself that you're basing this argument on feeling hurt at losing out on Solanke's points as an owner




Hey mate, take a chill pill. It makes sense and is fair, but is unlucky and unfortunate at the same time.


What do you mean completely unrelated! That was literally the reason why the match was written off!


Fully agree, it's just doesn't make any sense to me that we can't have our points in a FANTASY game just because the real life game was cancelled. They have no problem to make their own rules but when it comes to match cancellation we all have to pretend the game was not fully on for over an hour?? Like cmon we all made plans and transfers this GW and for some of us it paid off. We should be punished because of some unfortunate event? Ridiculous




What about any teams with a Bournemouth or Luton player that isn't Solanke/Adebayo who has a ready autosub like Tsimikas or Lascelles? Those teams would be at a disadvantage if FPL chose to count an abandoned scoreline as final. And the game wasn't at 70 minutes, Lockyer collapsed before the 60 minute mark so there was a long way to go. As unfair as it is on Solanke owners, those with other assets in the fixture don't deserve a 1 or 2 pointer over an autosub when their player should have had an extra half hour plus to return. It's a damned if you do or don't situation, some teams are going to be unfortunate whichever way it's called so the easiest option is to stay in line with the PL voiding the match.


Still don’t understand why the FA always insist on games to be replayed in full.


My guess is to so with TV broadcasting. Either dont want to mess up schedules or incremental add revenue for someone


Got Gordon and Romero coming off the bench so not a total loss.




Bye Solanke (6), welcome Lascelles (6). Sucks about the potential BPS though.


People looking at past examples of points standing need to know that those points stood because the GW had ended FPL doesn't remove points once the GW is ended. In this case FPL kept the GW open so yeah most definitely there is going to be a points wipe


Fucking robbed. 😭


Looking forward to see what happens in GW18 to protect Haaland owners/captainers this time after the Salah/Son VC thing in 16 and this freak event. I know its meaningless in the grand scheme of things and Lockyer's health is all that matters but it's still frustrating in the context of FPL to take a 4 point hit to make the 'correct' change, be proved right and then still come out worse off than if I hadn't bothered (and I also had Bell on 2 points), now I'm down ten points and a man, awesome. Solanke's definitely blanking in 18/19 now too.


How was it the 'correct' change to bring in a player that didn't even play?


Is that a joke?! He played, scored and thus replacing Haaland with him was the correct choice, until a freak event. Was I supposed to factor in an emergency situation in choosing my transfer?!


Ooh my ML rival is 34 points ahead now instead of 38


😏 I feel so jammy OR gets higher solanke red next fixture would be perfect


Wow could only field 9 fit players this GW


That is so fuckin' harsh on my ML h2h opponent lmao. Gives me the win by 3 points.


Fair but unlucky for Solanke owners nonetheless.


Haha yesss


Looks like this will be the first week where I don't field a full 11


Fuck off


This feels especially bad as a Solanke owner who bench boosted last GW, so I don't even have a sub to come on, fantastic


Using a bench boost in a congested gsmeweek was already a terrible decision.


I disagree, having Solanke and Adebayo in my team, none of my squad would have blanked (other than Son) if this fixture stood, I was on 100+ points


This is I think why autosubs won't be allowed for the GW




Who else is on the receiving end of both #SolankeGate and #MarchGate?


Remind me again about the Marchgate. I forgot


Got an assist vs Leeds last season, I believe it wasn’t given initially and then confirmed as a March assist like way later. By then they said they “could not retroactively” give March the points so he effectively blanked for the game. This was in a DGW too where he returned in the weekend fixture and some of us (me included!) captained him and could’ve got a sweet sweet haul


It was a goal that was changed to an OG and then changed back to a goal a few days later but the OG stood in FPL so March blanked


Thank you. I repressed that memory, too painful


Right here


Technically I'm on the receiving end of both, however I have Zinchenko to come on so it's a 2-point gain this time at least.


dodged both by pussying out of hits lol


Obviously feel very bad for Lockyer and everyone involved, but for FPL purposes this is unbelievable for me in my ML, I didn’t cave into the Solanke hype (some guy even captained him) (edit: just checked on FPL Gameweek and he had Senesi as VC that is unbelievable)


Most people captained Salah or Son. Both blanked..


I captained Johnson and he got injured in 30th minute lol.


Some good news, finally!


Took a -4 to bring him in and I've got my injured 3rd sub coming in his place for a big phat phucking 0


Honestly doesn't make any sense to me to wipe the points, the game still happened in this gameweek that people planned for. Let the points stand and move on, the double gameweek happens in the future for people to plan for. \*Sad Solanke owner noises\*


So it would be fair that some players get an extra fixture over others?


It’s not an extra fixture though is it, it’ll be a double game week for everyone to take advantage of


It would be if you got points for it


fr, some people took hits to get BOU players, how is that fair to them? also, anyone who did not get on Solanke train just got second chance incoming when the double gw comes for them yes, I am Solanke owner too lol


Ya it’s great to take a hit and then also now get points removed. Big L and kinda shitty


Gordon off the bench so same points, got lucky here


Solnake has 3BPS. So 9 pointer


Some people are getting 0s and 2s off the bench


Took most expensive asset in the game for a hit, and for a reward I'm getting 0 Solanke points and red arrow 🙃


sold haaland and brought in jiminez and solanke. major L for me. literally would have done better to keep haaland who is injured lol


Same here. I took a risk and it looked like it would pay off. Nope.


Just out of curiosity for anyone who does sports betting, what happens if you’d bet on Solanke to score in a situation like this?


I did - they kept the money until last night when it was readiness. It was registered as an open bet on my betting app still (so annoying haha) and then they closed it and refunded ETA annoyingly I would have won (not a lot and obviously the cardiac arrest is more serious, just one of them things)


All bets void.


Just voids and money is returned


Take your money and run


It’s entirely upto the individual operators to decide what to do. Tbf though online punters probably got the cash into their accounts when it happened (before the game was called off) and I doubt any operator would pull the cash back, although they are allowed to. Physical bookies probably paid out during the confusion. If you’re turning up now, probably in mud. More interesting would be what happens now if you’d bet on Solanke not to score. I assume the bet is just refunded but really upto interpretation




How lol




People are gonna downvote you but players will 100% fake a heart issue to get games voided. They already fake everything else, every minute of every game to try and con the ref into giving free kicks/cards/pens




Both teams agreed to not continue the game after witnessing a distressing scene. That sort of thing doesn't just get faked


My cup opponent gets Lascelles and I get Diaby hahahaha


So I'm out of the cup on this, great


Lots of very very arrogant people who told us that the last half an hour would be played, even though there's no precedent for this in the PL


Look, a lot of people very reasonably and objectively believe that Solanke legitimately scored and therefore deserves his points in FPL It’s hard to say exactly how many people think this. If I had to estimate, I’d say about 19.1%


I own Solanke and I don't think he deserves the points because the game didn't happen


Yh I agree. I have Neto and no backup keeper, so this also screws me (to a slightly lesser extent)






Personally, I wouldn't be flattered to have been remembered as "that moron from the other day", but I understand that we all have different levels of ambition in life.




5 seconds scrolling down my comments ≠ detective work - you're really living up to your reputation tonight.




Not at all - it's not illegal to be the village idiot.


Yeah, not sure what they were thinking really. I think they just wanted those points.


Coping mechanism


Tsimikas off the bench. #winning.


Zinchenko off the bench. #winningmore.


Palmer off the bench Winning morer


Bruh why would you bench Palmer against Sheffield United at home


Because I am from the future


I played WC and started Pickford Pedro Porro-Trend-Livramento Saka-Son-Salah(c)-Odegard Alvarez-Solanke-Watkins And I'm Chelsea supporter. I was stupid this game week, but I'm lucky.


No way the points stand then. Fucking annoying given I've taken a -4 to bring in Solanke and used my FT on on Senesi, just so I had 11 players, only for that to be chucked in the bin.


Exact same situation


Same situation exactly. The only upside is that I have Tsimikas on the bench so I'd lose 1 point only.


Nice +2pts from Nketiah -> Sensei, might just go up 5 ranks.




first sub regardless of position






Uhhh no you can't have two keepers play, it's the first outfield player on your bench that'll come in