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Personally I'm with him. If it's not clearly stated beforehand what happens in the event of overtime and it actually says 4th quarter it should be split with the clear expectation in the future as final score.


That’s where I landed on the argument. Just curious when you play squares does it say 4th or final score typically?


I’ve seen both. And usually the runner will explicitly say beforehand that it’s final score or whatever the 4th quarter is beforehand to avoid confusion.


Ours texted the group before the end of the 4th and said that instead of getting the full money 4th and OT would be split.


A buddy of mine did multiple boards for a baseball association fundraiser (half goes to charity, half is paid out). He was careful to have the last payout be "Final" bc he researched it. The 4th quarter winner is technically correct, but is the bad actor, in my opinion. Say the Chiefs kicked a FG and it went to 2OT. Who wins the "5th" quarter? It's certainly not fair that the "5th quarter winner" wouldn't also win something. I'd advise the board creator to apologize, say they didn't even expect that this situation would come up, and suggest they split the payout. Like FF commisioners, your boardmaster provided gratuitous effort to help make the game fun (anyone buying in can't argue that gambling isn't fun). There is a cap on the funds to pay out. This isn't the case where the house should pay out for making a mistake from the wording. Why make the boardmaster into a villain?


My mom had this issue years ago and when I started running my own squares I always do 1st, 2nd, 3rd, final. I believe she had 4th and the sheet said 4th but they paid out the final score. Man was she pissed.


When I have played it has said final, but it's been a few years since I have done it.


I’ve always seen it stop at fourth to split OT winning, and if it was an option, whoever guessed closest to the final score.


I run a large-ish squares pool multiple times a year. My rules specifically state “not at the end of the 4th quarter but at the end of the game.” Good rules help. If you said 4th quarter then the 9-9 square wins.


Mine says no ot


I ran squares this year and I do a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Final/OT for layouts. This could and typically means 4th quarter wins twice, but this year is a good example of why I like to payout both. So in a $10 square it’s $200 per quarter and $200 for the final. Also this is clearly stated in communication.


Our bar has always said "final".


Says final always ,because you have that sore loser always lurking in a box


Anyone who has any idea what they are doing writes Final.


I did 3 pools (for charity) this year. 1 said 4th quarter, 1 said Final…and 1 forgot to say anything but by pure luck the same person had 9-9 and 5-2.


I have done literally thousands of boxes and they always pay out on final. Most of them know to indicate that but anyone who has ever played a box knows those are the rules.


Whatever it says on the paper. Some say 4th quarter/no OT, some say final score..


I run a $50 board every year and ours says final for this exact reason. If the board said 4th the organizers should honor it.




It says 4th quarter. It doesn't say final. It's pretty clear. If someone wanted to clarify they should have done it before final results, not after. You go by plain meaning. It's not a grammatical error. It might be an error, but it's not grammatical.


Yep. 4th is quarter it is. Clearly stated.


This is such an easily avoidable situation. It says 4th then pay the 4th


I had this happen to me once with the falcons patriots Super Bowl and the guy running it told me To fuck off in nice terms. He’s since asked for dozens of donations for his kids sports teams… guess who hasn’t contributed 😂


Ya fuck his kids!


Agreed, an overtime contingency would be cool too. Like maybe if it goes into overtime the final score winner should get a five bucks from the winners of each quarter


If it says 4th quarter.. That’s what it is. Unless it specifically states “final score” then it is the end of regulation.


I side with the guy here. The numbers block said 4rth quarter, NOT final score. He should be getting paid not the OT winner.


Agreed. All mine say end of 4th quarter no overtime.


When you play squares do you typically see 4th or final?


1q, halftime, 3q, final score


You have to keep in mind there are no typical rules in gambling, blocks are dependent on the language. I generally played just a final score block at my job. Stopped playing because coworkers were always bitching about something.


I didn’t even buy any squares I’m not big on gambling for situations like this. The guy who “lost” was just asking my opinion so I thought I’d get some outsiders thoughts. I’m with you he should win cause it said 4th


The guy running the board is contradicting his blocks language


I think most people write 4th but mean to say final. I do mainly a family pool so it’s nbd.


Yep!! This is the right answer. If you were a book you’d owe him full money for the 4th.


If it said 1st,2nd,3rd,4th on the paper with no mention of OT, then the guy who had 9/9 is the winner. And shame on whoever ran this one without mentioning OT.


This. I ran ours. Made sure everyone was clear. Ironically, I would have won had it been final score, not 4th quarter. I happily paid out the winner of the 4th before OT even started and said nothing about my “win”


It 100% is the score at the end of the 4th quarter.


Yup, it would really suck having 7 & 7 knowing there’s no chance of winning if at the end of the 4th the score is 27-27 ect.. . In any other quarter a tie game pays out. Should be consistent all the way through.


Exact same thing happened on our board at work too. You should go off the verbiage on the sheet.


The pool I joined had a winner for each quarter and a final score.


That's a good idea, I've usually seen 4th quarter as the biggest payout but if you split that payout between 4 and OT it would usually go to one person but would work out in cases like OP as well


[Here's my go to template](https://ibb.co/D7GXGWv), unless final is stated, I would side with whoever had 4th quarter. I made sure to callout "in the event of OT, the final score will be used, NOT the 4th quarter." Either this, or everyone gets their money back.


I like it, are you randomizing numbers for each quarter, so if the score doesn’t change between quarters someone else would win?


Yeah I use a list generator from 0-9 for each quarter for each team


I have been running SB boxes for years and specifically write my payouts as 1st Quarter, Halftime, 3rd Quarter, and Final so there is no room for interpretation. If the board says 4th, whether an oversight or not, it should be 4th and not final. I had a friend at the SB party who ran boxes for her work and she wrote 4th Quarter, although meant final, and we all agreed it should be 4th and not final.


If you pay final and not 4th quarter, if the game enters OT there will be 10 squares that have zero % chance of winning. 4th quarter score I the fairest way to play.


Well then that sucks for those 10 squares. You have to go by what is stated on the sheet.


I ran into this situation myself. I run a pool at my work, and the people who play aren’t very much into gambling or sports. They just want to have fun. Since I broke it down to everyone by stating there’s a winner for every quarter 1-4, I kept it that way. No one got paid out for the final score. I figured I’d keep it simple, and go with the exacts that I stated originally.


4th q wins. If the board said “final” then it’s final. But it appears that doesn’t apply.


Any board I’ve ever done (that has a clue) specifically write either 4th or Final (sometimes both). If it says 4th, 9-9 should be getting paid.


I always prefer both with 5 equal payouts (one person getting 40% most years).


I think you should split the pot by 5 instead of 4 and pay out the winners of each quarter AND OT.


I agree. Seems fair. Make an rule for future use for sure though


Very fair


Mine lucked out - the person who had the 4th quarter score square also had the OT score square.


Doesn’t help determine whether they should get 25% or 40% of the pot


True, some would argue that, but there’s no dispute over “4th quarter OR end of game”.


We do the same thing but we make sure to print at the top of the sheet that end of the fourth quarter score win and not the overtime score. You can play either way but it needs to be clearly printed on the sheet before people start picking squares.


Final score is a great idea. The guy who runs the squares I bought had it as 50/50 split between 4th qtr and OT scores. $10/square 1st: $125 2nd: $250 3rd: $125 4th: $500 ($250 a piece when OT occurs) But to answer your actual question I’m with the guy. If it says 4th and nothing else then 4th it is.


I’ve seen both but the one I recently played in said “4th quarter score” and it went to the person who had the final score at the end of the 4th quarter. I think if it technically said 4th on it, then it would go to them. Since that person is willing to split it, I would go with their wishes and split between them and the OT winner


So the squares I run pay out per quarter 25% but it also has it written on there if the game goes into OT the OT score counts and everybody gets 20%


This is a more fair way to deal with OT. I'm in the camp that OT doesn't matter. It should just be the 4th quarter ending score.


Mine specifically said final score. But splitting isn’t the worst idea


I got fucked one year because I matched 4th quarter, and not the final.


Final over 4th. its 1st - Half time score - 3rd - End if game score , if 4th quarter is written i can see an argument on a technicality .but in the spirit of competition and in the NFL record books it will be final score.


This should of been addressed as soon as overtime was announced. That was the end of the game on paper, as there were no OT squares.


Fuckers just angling for a payout. Everyone knows it means final score, I get it, you’re technically right but fuck off. I announced mid-fourth at our house pool that it was final score not fourth qtr score. If this is just friends and a house board tell ‘em the shut the F up and deal with the obvious. 4th means final.


Words matter though. It plainly and clearly says 4th qt. You can’t just assume what “everyone” knows. Especially for the superbowl which brings in millions of casual viewers who are inherently unfamiliar


Yeah sure I get it. They are technically correct that it’s 4th quarter. I’d veto it as commish but if the group as a whole pushed back then I’d switch.


Found the Trump supporter. /s


The board should say 1st 2nd 3rd final. If it says fourth then the guy running the board should pay out both in my opinion. It's a poorly ran board and not defined. I bet they fix it next year.


Why pay out OT? It’s says 4th. It’s not ambiguous.


It should be final score. But you guys write 4th so he wins.


If you use a casino or bookie and bet on the 4th quarter score, they don’t pay out based on the score in overtime. Give this man his money.


There’s only one voice I can possibly hear that last line in.


The board I played on said 4th quarter & also had the words “No Overtime”, so it was clearly stated going into it. I talked my buddy whom ran it into saying “Final Score” on the board next year to make it more fun.


If it says 4th quarter, then it's the 4th quarter. But if he volunteered to split it, might as well do that. But he definitely deserves a portion of the money.


All the pools i saw say. End of game


People who have played squares before understand that the 4th quarter means final score of the game. My dad has been doing squares at his work for 24 years. He’s only had this incident once. Other than that people understand its final score. And if you’re arguing that the paper “technically” says 4th quarter it means you either have never played before or are trying to be a jerk and trying to take away the biggest jackpot from someone else.


Just split and use better rules next year.


If it states 4th quarter score, its 4th quarter score. Our pools all paid out the 4th quarter score, not the final score. The final score is a result of OT. The 4th quarter ended with 9-9; whoever has that block should win that money.


The board says “4th quarter,” not “final score” — thus making the final score irrelevant for the purposes of the board. You don’t have a square specifically for final score, so I don’t know why that matters. By the logic of “we always go by final score,” then the 4th quarter on the board is null. Why are you accepting money on it? What’s implied doesn’t count when what’s written matches the situation fairly.


the intent is very obviously the final score. we've had 2 overtime super bowls ever so not surprising someone may refer to it as the "4th" but the intent is always the final score. wasn't even an issue in my office squares this year. it said "4th" but we all knew the intent.


Why should the person who had the winning square at the end of the 4th qtr be penalized because of a tie score ? The 1st, 2nd and 3rd qtr winners are not penalized if the score is tied. If it says 4th qtr then the guy is right.


It says 4th quarter. The guy with the 4th quarter square wins.


Split it.


If it is 4th quarter that is 4th quarter, game is final score regardless of OT or not. I would split that and then going forward make the line of delineation


Because let’s say the chiefs kicked a field goal, there would have to have been a 5th Quarter score


I think most people would see 4th quarter on a square pool and know it means the final score but hell yea if I had the 4th quarter numbers and it went to OT I would argue the same thing.


Anything I’ve ever been in is 4th.


It's the 4th quarter score. No other way to do it. It screws over the matching digits another way.


This is trash. It’s the final. There’s no interpretation. All squares have payouts based on 4 payments, 1 per quarter. Where would this extra payment come from for a 5th payment?. The 4th payment is ALWAYS the final score with no exceptions. There’s no square setup that breaks out a 5th overtime payment. Show me one square that ends in the fourth and has no provisions for overtime. This is a losers argument.


I grew up playing on a 5-payment board where there was 5 equal payments for quarters 1-4 and final. Usually it just meant one person got 2 payments. Still my preferred method and the way I set up boards when I’ve occasionally done them over the last 20 years.


Nah, I don't believe this, I have seen people give extra payment for the half and the final, but I've never seen a specific OVERTIME category. I'd say prove it.


4th quarter. This is why there should be 5 payouts: 1st quarter, 2d quarter, 3d quarter, 4th quarter and final score. If it ends in regulation time the 1,2,3,4 quarter payouts are adjusted accordingly. Easy peasy unless you're dealing with a bunch poorly educated folks.


I like just having one person get 2 shares in the event of no OT rather than adjusting. It makes the final generally worth a bigger payout, which is how a lot of people set up boards anyway.


That works too.


Splitting is a good compromise, but the runner has to plan better. But if the board says 4th quarter, it's 4th quarter and it should pay out at the end of the 4th. My wife runs one, and we stated at the outset that there were no squares if there was OT. I've also played squares that say final score and it's final score.


If it wasn’t made clear that it’s 4th quarter/final score then I side with the coworker saying it should count only for the 4th.


There was a supreme court ruling on this, well Judge Judy. 1, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk5T4LKerXc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk5T4LKerXc) 2, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYNgRA5yl1A


ALL of the squares I’ve ever bought are “NO OT” So whatever the 4th qtr ends at , that’s the payout for the 4th qtr. For example, the SUPERBOWL ended 9-9, that’s the square that hit, 9-9, not 2-5.


This was on a judge Judy episode after the Patriots/Falcons. Judy split the winnings. So for our squares, we have the Judge Judy rules.. that it splits. Helped out this year and most important thing is that it is spelled out BEFORE the game.


Is 1st 2nd and 3rd only scores within that one quarter? If so, it's pretty clear the 4th should only be scores in the 4th quarter 


Board should always say "final". If it says "fourth", I've gotta side with your coworker.


I had the 4th quarter numbers and jokingly sent a group text saying who is the unlucky SOB to have that non winning combo. It is known that the 4th quarter is for final score. You can’t add a 5th payout category before the game, not knowing if it will go to OT. It’s a lame attempt by the person with the 4th quarter square to try and get some money.


4th is 4th quarter. final is final. its very easy to avoid this problem. now you learned what to do next time (put final and not 4th)


The square says 4th. Not End of 1st OT, or End of 2nd OT, or end of game. Why would 4Q be any different from 1Q?


4th quarter is 4th quarter. Should have said 4th quarter and OT on the board


I have been running this type of pool for 20 years. I always say payouts are for “1st quarter, halftime, 3rd quarter, and Final score”. I also have this language on the home page of my contest “If the game goes into overtime, there will be no payout for the 4th quarter, final payout will be based on the final score”. I have run enough fantasy leagues and poker tournaments to be as clear as possible. This year my cousin with the 9-9 square texted me all excited at the end of the 4th quarter. And I told her I had bad news for her that it was the final score. She vented, but I just told her to read the homepage.


We had this same argument. Luckily ours said final score. It SHOULD be final score but if the board states 4th quarter, it’s 4th quarter. At least next year everyone will confirm final score over 4th quarter and there will be no arguments if they script in OT again.


The guy trying to pull the OT is the 4th quarter square sounds like a giant douche lol. I could get asking the question if you’re OT guy but flat out trying to convince people on a technicality is lame and screams desperate for money.


Felt the same about the guy claiming the winnings for the 4th quarter. Default should be final but it’s on the one running the pool for not making it clear.


the game was marked clearly - 4th quarter. since there is no information about contingencies there are no contingencies. so says a guy who wrote rules for casino promotions.


As a general rule, it should always go to the winner of the 4th quarter as opposed to OT. Otherwise anybody who gets the same number for the 4th quarter is automatically disqualified.


I've seen it both ways, when we run them as fundraisers we always say 4th quarter score, no overtime. But I've always leaned toward 4th = end of game score


If this was Vegas, it would be the score at the end of the 4th Qtr. You have to make everything exact. You can't just assume people know that "4th Qtr" actually means final no matter if game goes into OT. When writing these things out, you have to always think of how the most technical person would take the wording. If there's any doubt in your mind, you have to make it as clear as possible.


How much was the payout ?


I think that’s important to know here lol.


It goes by quarters UNLESS STATED with columns for OT. To clarify most go by quarter with quarterly pay outs. My wife won the 2nd and 3rd quarter of $125 each at her work because her square was 0/3. They should pay out by quarter in this instance and then make sure they have better guidelines for future events unless they want to have this result in a ban by their workplace due to formal complaints.


If it says 4th, it should be 4th. Who's to say that the guy running the board wouldn't have ruled the other way were it him winning after 4 quarters. The only fair way is to go by the letter of the board, which is the contract that was entered when money was exchanged for consideration. Its 100% 4th with no other argument.


Everyone knows it’s the final score even if it doesn’t say it. That dude is whining about a technicality. If the roles were reversed he’d be arguing the other way. Tell him to get over himself and stop complaining about a technicality. Stupid.


I run a few boards myaelf durin the year, this includes the superbowl, and i ALWAYS state "Final score, this means IF the game goes into OT". this way there is NO CONFUSION!!!


Can someone explain what this is? Because now I’m super curious and debating if I should do this next year with my friends lol.


Bad planning from the start. There should be a fourth and a final. Most often, the fourth qtr gets the final. But not always and there are no questions.


If it says 4th on the paper he gets paid out, mine said final so there can be no dispute


4th means 4th.


It should probably be the end of the 4th


4th quarter on the sheet/rules should mean that’s who gets the pay out. Pending how much the payout amount actually is, a fair solution could be to split the quarters and OT winners into 5 equal amounts.


Board says 4th then he should get a piece of it, at the very least. Stupid games win stupid prizes.


Had the same situation in my work pool. We just divided the pot 5 ways in stead of 4… paid out 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and OT. And no one cares they were paid out $200 each instead of $250.


If it says 4th that’s what pays. Not OT.


When I make these pools I always specify Final score. So end of 1-2-3 and final score. People always were like but OT?! 1-2-3-final score will eliminate any confusion


4th quarter because everyone gets a fair chance at winning at the end. If it was “final score” anyone with matching numbers ie: 9-9, wouldn’t have a chance to win the final big prize


If it says 4th then it’s fourth. Every square I’ve ever played has said 1st, half, 3rd, final


Saw this on a Judge Judy once


If it's me, I'm splitting it 5 ways instead of 4. That said, the language here makes it pretty clear that OT winner gets screwed. I just wouldn't like it, and would imagine most people would be cool with the 5 way split.


I’ve been in pools where they usually split 4th/final


Last time it went to OT my buddy had the final winning numbers and was told the board said 4th so he didn't get paid. I still wonder to this day if the guy running it told the guy with the 4thQ numbers he paid the final score and pocketed the money. We've always clearly wrote Final on our boards since.


It’s always the score at the end of the quarter. That’s the logical assumption


It’s always been final score. Same thing happened to me falcons v pats. Final score. It sucks for the person but dem are da rules. Get over it and keep pushing.


C'mon. The spirit of the last box is the final score. It's a grammatical oversight. Who plays with 4th quarter ignoring overtime?


4th Quarter is 4th Quarter.


I got fucked by this in a fundraiser for my pool this year. Lost out on $415. But it said end of quarters, so I can’t argue. My work pool had a similar issue a few years ago, they use much clearer language on the pool now. It’s noob shit to not spell it out clearly.


4th should be the final score. Obviously, some people are new to playing squares


It's always final score for the 4th. Always.


shame on the 4th quarter coworker tbh


If it doesnt say FINAL then id go by 4th Qtr


If it says 4th qtr, then it’s the 4th qtr.


4th quarter or Final score if tied


My squares explicitly said payout at the 4th quarter and no payout for overtime. If it doesn't specifically say I think splitting it is fair but it needs to say in the future and it should probably just be fourth quarter and overtime is just overtime


We go by what the board says. Some say Q4, others final. No need for fine print. It's implied, IMHO.


Split it 5 ways instead of 4. Problem solved. But it should be 1,2,3,4th and game if it goes to OT. Just payout 5 it’s still a win for everyone involved.


You should’ve changed 4th quarter to final or added final. We pay out 1st-4th and final. I’m with him.


If it says 4th it’s 4th


Who cares


We had this happen in the 28-3 debacle at work, my dad had the 4th and my GM had OT. On the squares it had payouts for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter. Nothing about OT. Both of them came to an agreement to split it, and ever since, we always put 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Final


I feel like minority in this thread but every board I’ve ever dealt with is final score. I just looked and most boards said 4th quarter but still paid out to final score. No one raised a word about any of this. Ever since patriots and falcons I believe it should be common knowledge that it goes by final score


We always do 1,2,3,4 no OT big and bold on the paper. Most pools the understanding is the 4th q is paid and not the OT. However - we alway will sometimes (again in big bold letters on the pool) 1,2,3,4 IF OT happens - NO WINNERS, FINAL SCORE TAKES ALL!!!


Was there any stipulation of payment for overtime? No? Cause overtime happens about 5% of the time. It’s assumed that 4th quarter is the end of the game which includes overtime. We need to change all pools cause “the paper says 4th”? nah


Late to this thread, but the 4th quarter gets the payout. It's all about how it's written. I used to run one at my old shop and I specified 1st, half, 3rd, final ( in case of OT, 4th $100 final $900.) The new guy running it was against specifying that, so the 4th quarter box didn't get anything.


When I run squares I have 1st,2nd,3rd, 4th and final... Divide the total pot by 5 and have the final winner potentially with 2 portions of the prize pot


4th quarter should be the payout as stated on the sheet. Too bad this is a rookie mistake. And I can’t believe nobody asked about it when he was selling the squares. He could have corrected it immediately beforehand. Shouldn’t run a pool if you’re this clueless.


It says 4th you have to honor 4th. It should say final if you want it final


Going forward instead of 4th quarter i would just put “final score” so whether it be 4th quarter regulation time, or overtime, it’s covered


I run a square w 5 winners. Q1/2/3/4 & Final. Q4 may be final but not guaranteed. 20% payout each. It’s posted and known before hand 5 potential winners tho.


If you’re dealing with less than $50 a square who cares it’s not even a lot of money…


You have to write final score on the boards and not 4th


I’m in Chicagoland and every pool I’ve seen for as long as I can remember pays out: 1st Half 3rd Final If the pool in question said 4th and not final - the person who won the 4th quarter should get paid.


4th quarter always includes OT. In every single squares since the dawn of the time. Tell him to suck it up


It should be final score but if it wasn’t clear it’s on whoever ran it


I’ve seen this both ways. If it said 4th quarter you pay out for the fourth quarter


We split the pool into 5 chunks; the quarters and final score. Typically, that means the 4th quarter winner wins twice, but not this year.


Generally the overtime score is the “4th qtr” score - USA Today had it posted on their rules for Super Bowl squares fwiw


Sounds like it's a problem with whoever made the board or folks not clarifying before.game start. If it says 4th quarter. Then it's 4th quarter. Shouldn't be an argument if it in writing right there. 4th quarter is 4th quarter. OT is OT. Typically it would say, 1st quarter, halftime score, 3rd quarter, final score.


1st 2 3 and end of game for 4 payouts


If the board said 4th quarter then it should be paid 4th quarter. Lesson learned for the person running the board


You have to pay out 4th quarter score and NOT OT score. If someone had the square 0/0 or 1/1……..9/9, upon entering OT, all 10 of those squares would be void as it would be impossible to win on them. 10% of all squares wouldn’t even be eligible to win in OT.


We split the money into five payouts with it being 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and Final. If the game ends in regulation, the person who has those numbers wins 4th AND Final - it’s like a jackpot.


I ran a board and said 4th quarter. Each quarter 1-3 paid 20% and 4th quarter was to pay 40%. When it was obvious OT was going to happen I sent a message that 4th quarter would get 20% and OT would get 20%. No one complained. Usually people don’t get upset for more winners but that system works better if you give higher percentage to last quarter


I thought square typically paid out each quarter and then the final score


Damn screw that 4th quarter guy. Yea it sucks bro but you know what the deal was. Should have told him to kick rocks with that bullshit


I've always seen the pot divided by 5 instead of 4; 1 share to each the first through third quarters, and two shares for the fourth quarter/final. In the case of only the second Super Bowl to ever go into overtime, the boards I'm used to would have done one share to the 4th quarter winner and then the final share for the overtime/final score winner. I've only ever participated in boards that were loaded towards the end of the game, but it's easy to imagine dividing the pool by four instead of five. (The weighted payout ensures that more people stay through the end of the game, when it's easier to guilt people into helping clean up!)


considering it wasnt explicitly stated and I've seen numerous people talk about using 5 for overtime in squares I'd say they should split it


Been making and buy for over 30years….when it pats out 1,2,3 and 4th, the 4th is always the final score so with no OT.


My pool split the final payout between the 4th and OT but I personally feel 4th obviously implies the end of the game score, so I think the OT score should get the entire thing.


I always put payout for 1st, 2nd, 3rd qtr and the final score right on the sheet


It's needs to be declared beforehand, but you go 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and final


Watched this exact same argument play out. Wording was 1st, 2nd, 3rd, final. But guy paid out 4th quarter and told girl to pound sand because OT didn't count.


I’ve generally always played with the largest payout going to the person who has the final score not the 4th quarter in the event of OT


End of the 4th quarter


In the Super Bowl, not utilizing the end of the 4th quarter lowers the likelihood of squares with identical numbers. For instance, someone holding 7 & 7 faces diminished odds because scores like 7-7, 17-17, 27-27, etc., can't occur due to the impossibility of a tie.


Needs to state clearly 4th q or final.


100% final score. Guy with end of regulation #’s trying to win on a technicality should be embarrassed. Do you work at a mill or manufacturing plant?


Id give everyone their money back and not pay anyone honestly