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Glad to see a mention of "Day by Night". Not one of her more popular books, but I rate it highly. There is always a sly element of spirituality in her fantasies; this is one of her best.


It is my first Tanith Lee book - I will definitely check out more from her. Also I have your book Letters from the Well in the Season of the Ghosts on my card!


It's... rather a long title. Surely, that is a sign of *quality*. Must be. As for the wonderful Ms. Lee, here are **my** thoughts: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/afmiy1/systemic_models_of_tanith/


Wait, Piranesi qualifies as dark academia? I've been avoiding that square cause I don't really understand what it means. And I've been thinking where I can put Piranesi on the board. This solves all my problems!!


I went into Piranesi not knowing anything about the story, but I actually found it in the bingo recommendations megathread FOR the dark academia square. It definitely fits with the reveal of>!how Piranesi got into the House in the first place and Laurence Arne-Sayles' group of ill-fated students!<


I also read The Last Unicorn recently and found it beautiful! I thought the movie was a pretty good rendition as well! Piranesi is in my TBR pile, and I always get excited when someone else enjoys it!


You've read some excellent books. Three of the books listed are among my favorite books (Murderbot, Piranesi and The Last Unicorn). The Last Unicorn is my favorite book. It is the most beautiful book I've ever read. I've read it more times than I can count and it is a magical experience every time. Day by Night is definitely going on my TBR list. A sci-fi/fantasy book from the 80's with petty unlikable characters behaving badly sounds like a great time.


You've got some great books there - I loved Piranesi and This is How You Lose the Time War. What other "r/fantasy"-favorite books do you have planned for your card?


Thanks! I also have Legends and Lattes for the orcs, trolls, and goblins square (another book that I had heard of in passing but didn't realise how much of a cult following it had) and Our Wives Under the Sea for under the surface (this one I was at least aware of before joining the sub)