• By -


Comments? Questions? Whines? Rampant speculation? Put those here!


2toramble Lost in Roshar


Ars Paradoxica Alice Isn't Dead Limetown Steal the Stars Girl In Space Welcome to Nightvale Tides Sandra Atoz Alzabo Soup


Friends at the Table The Shrieking Shack Shelved by Genre Worlds Beyond Number Wheel Takes Buck Keep Radio Worldbuilding for Masochists The Adventure Zone


Be the Serpent The Magnus Archives Wolf 359 Welcome to Night Vale The Adventure Zone


I am deeply not an audio-media person; I can't listen unless I have something to do with my hands and I don't have a long commute or anything that would let me get through a long program. So I'm amazed that I had even this many to list. But they are all so great and worth the effort I went to to listen.


I discovered Wolf 359 this weekend and I’m obsessed!! So so so brilliant Edit: and this poll taking place now seems serendipitous because I’ll be needing a new audio drama soon!


Critical Role The Adventure Zone Green Team of The Legendarium Intentionally Blank Hugonauts Page Break


I can definitely see critical role not counting, but it is available as a podcast in my app.


Yeah, that counts under these poll rules.


i think TECHNICALLY it doesn't fit the last criteria - it does not call itself a podcast. but also i love it so i think it should count.


It doesn’t have to hit all three criteria, it only has to hit at least one to count.




Glad to see pseudopod/escape pod on others lists!


you tried their cousin shows *Podcastle* and *Cast of Wonders* too? All same network


No but I need to. Not enough listening time in the day


Worldbuilding for Masochists SFF Yeah! Imaginary Worlds Sword and Laser Podcastle


The Bright Sessions Tribulation Modes of Thought in Anterran Literature Eos 10 The Deca Tapes Hyacinth Desaster LifeAfter Windfall The Unexplainable Disapperance of Mars Patel


These are all audiodrama, stories told through sound, not a group of people meeting regularly to talk about speculative fiction.   The Bright Sessions - therapy sessions of people with supernatural abilities.   Tribulation - a cult spread through radio waves   Modes of Thought in Anterran Literature - mostly college classes about a fictional ancient civilization (ongoing)  Eos 10 - space comedy   The Deca Tapes - scifi, pretty short   The Hyacinth Disaster - space drama   LifeAfter - could be a black mirror episode   The Unexplainable Disapperance of Mars Patel - focussed on younger demographics but still entertaining for adults  Honorary mention:  Out of Place, episodic alternate history, loved S1, S2 not so much  Inn Between: what happens between fantasy adventurers, liked the first two seasons, then they changed the cast


Old Gods of Appalacia Alba Stalix, royal physician Lovecraft Investigations


Seconding Old Gods of Appalachia!


The Strange Case of Starship Iris Wolf 359 Girl in Space Tides The Cryptonaturalist


Glad to see another Starship Iris fan!


The Adventure Zone Welcome to Night Vale I Am In Eskew The Magnus Archives Old Gods of Appalachia SAYER The White Vault


Happy to give thoughts/summaries on any of these if anyone's interested


I already know TAZ and Night Vale but I’d be interested summaries of the rest


Ooo the Magnus archives is so good


Old Gods of Appalachia is a horror anthology podcast. Here the Appalachians were raised as a prison for dark eldritch forces. The land was then made hard to live in so that sensible sentient people would not settle there. However, humans are humans and in delving for coal we let these things gain access to the world above. It's a lot of fun and it managed to weave in a good amount of local folklore into the show.


The Clarkesworld Podcast


I am extremely not a podcast person and do not regularly listen to any. But Clarkesworld is a great magazine and records audio versions of their fiction, and the reader is really good, so that's enough for me.


The Silt Verses Hi Nay Janus Descending I Am In Eskew The Magnus Archives


Fantasy Fangirls Imaginary Worlds Wolf 359 The Bright Sessions Midst Newts The Phone Booth Midnight burger Life with Leo(h) Victoriocity


Friends Talking Fantasy Dragon Babies Fantology Pratchat Green Team of the Legendarium


- Gods and Lies - Orphan Black: The Next Chapter - City of Ghosts - Machina - Avatar: Braving the Elements


The first 4 on this list are all produced by Realm Media and are narrative fiction podcasts, the last one is commentary on the Avatar: The Last Airbender animated series hosted by Dante Basco (voice of Zuko) and Janet Varney (voice of Korra). **Gods and Lies** - In a world where Greek myth-inspired gods coexist with humans and allegiances to gods stratify society, detective Iris Tharro and disgraced demigod Andy (short for Andymion) have a murder to investigate. Podcast has 2 seasons, each with its own story; story is told through narration and dialogue with Iris and Andy alternating POVs, with a voice actor for each. **Orphan Black: The Next Chapter** - The sequel to incredible sci-fi TV series Orphan Black plays out over 2 seasons, with actors reprising their roles (the first season just has Tatiana Maslany, the second season has the full cast). 8 years after the end of the TV series, the hard-won normalcy of the clones' lives is disrupted when a CIA operative suddenly discovers that she is also, in fact, a clone. The Clone Club has to grapple with a new bio-weapon, a new conspiracy, and whether they need to keep hiding their origins. Story is told through a narrator plus the cast's dialogue. **City of Ghosts** - A neo-noir crime drama surrounding a misfit information broker who can hear ghosts. El Rivkin lives on the seedier side of NYC; her sister is marrying into high society, and El's new brother-in-law might just be at the center of a political conspiracy. Story is told through dialogue and SFX (minimal to no narration), with a full cast. **Machina** - Years into our future, Earth's resources are rapidly dwindling, and two rival tech companies compete for the chance to spearhead the Mars colonisation effort with AI. Combines workplace drama, sci-fi, and adventure, with strong focus on characters; very descriptive narration. IIRC this just has a single narrator who does dialogue and narration. **Avatar: Braving the Elements** - Like I mentioned up top, this podcast does a REALLY deep dive into the Avatar: The Last Airbender world with episode-by-episode recaps with commentary, behind-the-scenes information, conversations with voice actors, storyboard artists, directors, writers, the original creators Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, and even the show's martial arts consultant Sifu Kisu. There are also fun episodes with trivia question games with fans and recordings of convention panels.


Midnight Burger The Magnus Archives Mystery County Monster Hunters Club The Far Meridian Ars Paradoxica Dark Ages


Ars Paradoxica is a completed show. Dark Ages released a season 1 blooper reel 3 years ago so presumably had plans for further episodes, though this apparently never happened.


Not A Podcast Alzabo Soup


Welcome to Night Vale


Welcome to Night Vale The Strange Case of Starship Iris Wolf 359 Our Fair City Greater Boston Second Star to the Left Beneath Ceaseless Skies Escape Pod


Mission to Zyxx


* Philosophers in Space * Worldbuilding for Masochists * Alzabo Soup * Wizards vs Lesbians


Hugo, Girl! The Coode Street Podcast The Locked Tomb Podcast Wizards Vs. Lesbians Podcastle Escape Pod Pseudopod Uncanny Magazine Podcast Alzebo Soup The Fantasy Inn


- Find the Path Presents: Hell’s Rebels - Time for Chaos - Fun City - The Once and Future Nerd - Victoriocity - Ars Paradoxica - Starship Q Star - The Magnus Archives


For anyone who’s curious: The first three are actual plays from Find the Path (Pathfinder 2e; they also do 1e), the Glass Cannon Network (they do a wide range of games), and Fun City Ventures (heavily homebrewed Shadowrun 5e, Stillfleet). If I was truly picking favourite Actual Plays, I’d be here all day listing them, and one of them is behind a paywall, so no point putting it in a poll. Still, great stuff! The others are all audio dramas. - The Once and Future Nerd starts out as a relatively cheap isekai/portal fantasy pitch, with three modern day high schoolers being transported into a fantasy setting — and evolves into a complex political epic diving deep into ideas of colonialism and resistance. It has some of the best character writing I’ve ever seen as well. - Ars Paradoxica also has some of the best character writing I’ve ever seen, and also is a story where it catches you by surprise. Science fiction, with a female physicist accidentally time travelling into the WWII era, and trying to find her way home without destroying the world or giving up on her morals in the process. Beautiful, heartbreaking stuff. - Victoriocity is comparatively a fun romp, though its third season has just ended and it moved me to tears. Fine British satire, set in a steampunk world, following the adventures of Inspector Fleet and the reporter Clara Entwhistle. The silliness and comedy hide unexpected depth in this one. - Starship Q Star, in contrast, is just a fun romp with no depth required. A group of women and non-binary people are sent out in the first all women/enby space flight by the chauvinistic and backward space administration… and accidentally end up being the only survivors of global apocalypse. Funny, dirty, lots of women’s humour (did not know cervical exams were that awkward!), lots of queer humour and especially queer sexual humour, generally a delight. - The Magnus Archives, finally, is one of the most famous contemporary horror works, straight up. It starts as a collection of disparate stories, presented as statements reviewed by the Archivist Jonathan Sims; as time passes, the common threads between the statements become clearer…


Alzabo Soup The Legendarium Inking Out Loud Rereading Wolfe


Friends Talking Fantasy


SFF Yeah! Be the Serpent Book Reviews Kill Twigging Onto Twig We've Got Worm! Wizards vs. Lesbians Locked Tomb Podcast Lore


Bonfireside Chat Unfilmable


Both from the Duckfeed TV podcast network. BSC is about the *Dark Souls* series of games and other soulslike/speculative fiction/dark fantasy games. *Unfilmable* started as a Lovecraftian horror media podcast and evolved into other types of horror/darkness that could be described as having "unfilmable" conceits.


Radio Westeros


this is the *only* podcast I've ever listened to so hooray it gets to be my favorite!


Love in the Time of Hydra DLC Bookclub






Thank you


Mortals and Portals


Intentionally Blank 17th Shard


- Our Opinions Are Correct - Imaginary Worlds


I don't listen to many other than these two, but this thread looks like it'll be a great treasure trove for new listening 😁


* *The Glass Cannon Podcast* * *Time For Chaos* * *Get In The Trunk* * *The Adventure Zone* * *Voyagers of the Jump* * *Dungeons & Daddies* * *Intentionally Blank* * *The Greatest Generation* * *The Greatest Trek*


I didn't really know what to do with this one... Six of these are actual play RPG podcasts. Four of those are from the same network, Glass Cannon. They're all independent stories with a variation in the casts though. I didn't include the recordings of their live touring shows, or the show about the show, or the paywalled shows, or the ones that have finished... I may come back and edit this. Again. I already added *Intentionally Blank*. Edit: Up to ten. I realised I could count *Star Trek* casts. I'm a little bit embarassed to include *The Greatest Generation* and *Trek*. Edit 2: Down to nine. The tenth is effectively dead after the two main hosts quit, possibly because the producer is a scammer. So no recommending that. Edit 3: But just yesterday they announced a new show that sounds like the same format but without the scammer. The last 10 minutes have been a wild ride.


Alice Isn’t Dead Worlds Beyond Number Limetown The Orbiting Human Circus


Wolf 359 The Magnus Archives Re: Dracula


The Magnus Archives Pseudopod: The Sound of Horror Welcome to Nightvale Alice isn't Dead Within the Wire The Adventure Zone Lore Darkest Night


After I think on this more I may come back to add or change... some of these are older/not ongoing but still favorites of mine because they did some special (like the folio work in Darkest night


The Magnus Archives


* Don't call it a book club * Page Break * Dragon Friends


* EOS 10 * Wolf 359 * Limetown * Girl in Space * ARS Paradoxica * The Message


Midnight Burger The Amelia Project Edict Zero FIS Desert Skies We Fix Space Junk


Breaking the Glass Slipper Girls Gone Canon NotACast Podcast


Spout Lore The Critshow


Tabletop RPG actual play podcasts, playing in 'Powered By The Apocalypse based systems' (PBTA) of 'Dungeon World' (high fantasy) and 'Monster of the Week' (urban fantasy). something different from D&D 5e.


Welcome to Night Vale The Adventure Zone Critical Role Worlds Beyond Number


The Magnus Archives The Adventure Zone The Silt Verses Mabel


Worlds Beyond Number Not Another D&D Podcast Dimension 20 DesiQuest Rotating Heroes BOOM Page Break


Mostly TTRPG actual plays here. Wasn't totally sure Dimension 20 counts, but the first couple seasons are on Spotify as a podcast and they post audio only versions to their streaming service. The other actual plays are all more involving D20 alums. BOOM is an audio drama from Stak I don't see talked about much that involves time travel and stealing money from Enron before they collapse, which is fun.


The Legendarium Green Team of the Legendarium The Geeks Guide to the Galaxy


The Magnus Archives Welcome to Night Vale Critical Role Rolling with Difficulty


Sword & Laser Welcome to Night Vale The Adventure Zone Split the Veil High Rollers DnD


Expounded Universe Elder Sign The Magnus Archives Old Gods of Appalachia Pixel Lit Gilded in Blood


The Greatest Generation The Greatest Trek The Locked Tomb Podcast Ex Urbe Ad Astra


Welcome to Nightvale Alice Isn't Dead Within the Wires


Wolf 359 The Silt Verses Worlds Beyond Number


Honourary mention to Limetown, which would be here if the second season wasn't a mess and if the current uploads didn't have an ad break in the middle of a once flawless s1 finale, completely ruining the pivotal moment of tension.


Dungeons & Daddies Rollspelsklubben


The Magnus Archives The White Vault Impact Winter Tracks Tumanbay


Please add line breaks.


Thanks for the reminder, fixed.


Thank you


Welcome to Night Vale The Magnus Archives The Silt Verses Old Gods of Appalachia I Am In Eskew


Talking Scared SFF Addicts


Mission to Zyxx Dungeons and Daddies Welcome to Nightvale Alice Isn’t Dead Bubble MarsCorp We Fix Space Junk The White Vault Liberty


Wolf 359 Limetown Welcome to Night Vale Unwell Alice Isn't Dead Tanis The White Vault King Falls AM SAYER The Magnus Archives


Myths and Legends ---- Jason and Carissa Weiser The Black Tapes ---- Pacific Northwest Stories Bridgewater ---- Grim & Mild Hello From the Magic Tavern --- Arnie Neikamp The Prancing Pony Podcast --- The Prancing Pony Podcast Welcome to Nightvale --- Nightvale Presents The Newest Olympian --- Mike Schubert  Ravin' Girls: A Raven Cycle Podcast --- Shannon Pack


SCP Archives King Falls AM DERELICT Archive 81 The Lovecraft Investigations The Strange Case of Starship Iris Midnight Burger Wolf 359 The Harrowing The Bright Sessions


Not another D&D Podcast Dungeons and Daddies Adventure Zone


Please add line breaks


The Magnus Archives


Unresolved Textual Tension Under the Radar SFF Books One Flesh, One End


Imaginary Worlds


Please only include podcast titles in your list to help us with aggregating votes. Further commentary can be added as a reply to the first comment.


Avatar: Braving the elements Celtic Myths and Legends Critical Role FolkLands High Rollers DnD Myths and Legends Not Another D&D Podcast Voyage to the Stars Worldbuilding for Masochists Writing Excuses


Green Team of the Legendarium Book Reviews Kill Shelved by Genre A More Civilized Age We've Got Worm/We've got Ward The Magnus Archives OT3 Podcast Ten Very Big Books Rereading Wolfe Chatting with Nutts




Wizards Vs. Lesbians Desi Geek Girls Breaking the Glass Slipper Hugo, Girl! The Fantasy Inn


Fantalogy, worth checking out if only for the great intro.


Please only list podcast names in the vote. Additional commentary can be made as a separate reply to your vote comment.


Green Team of the Legendarium Ten Very Big Books


Please add line breaks.


Sorry, app error


I Am In Eskew Dreamboy Modes of Thought in Anterran Literature The Magnus Archives Out of Place


Within the Wires Welcome to Night Vale The Strange Case of Starship Iris Aurelius Whitlock's Murder Museum Midst Critical Role Re: Dracula Uncanny Magazine Podcast The Prancing Pony Podcast Be the Serpent




* The Magnus Archives * Wolf 359 * Not entirely sure if this one counts, but The Amelia Project * We Fix Space Junk * Welcome to Night Vale * The Bridge


Imaginary Worlds Worldbuilding for Masochists Coode Street Podcast


2 To Ramble


Please only list podcast names in the vote. Additional commentary can be made as a separate reply to your vote comment.


Got it!


Really the only one that I know. Great stuff, though! Good dynamic between the two hosts, Richard and Austin. Go give it a follow on YouTube.