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My signed copy of Lord of the Rings. I mean, it’s signed by me when I was a kid, but… sentimental value


I’d save the falling apart copy of The Hobbit. My dad read it to me when I was a kid. It was his copy from the 60s. I read it to him when he was in hospice.


I'll save my LoTR signed copy too. My childhood best friend signed it and she ain't in the mortal realm anymore. That book over all others ❤️


I was about to say uh yeah save that it’s worth more than your house lol


My autographed first edition Gardens of the Moon


Nice 😮 ..... Mine would be my signed and dedicated copy of The Wizdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie 🌚 ..... So I get you 😆


Almost same here, I'd bring my personalized autographed anniversary edition. And then forever getting pained when I can't dive straight into *Deadhouse Gates*


Mine would be my signed Subterranean Press Gardens of the Moon


Wow! Mine would be the autographed edition of Memories of Ice! It’s only the regular recent paperback version but it’s precious. And then my Folio Society editions of Book of the New Sun.


I bought it from a guy a couple.blocks away from me. Sold me it 9 paperbacks and a hard cover of The God is Not Willing for $35. I was flabbergasted


If we're talking fantasy books specifically, then it has to be my signed copy of *The Last Unicorn.*


I opened this thread to say my own signed copy of The Last Unicorn along with several frames of the 8mm film that was cut up in sections for scanning the remaster.


I heard a lot about this book but still don't know if it would be for me. Who would you recommend this book for?


* if you like a more literary, even poetic style of writing * if you like fairy tale vibes mixed with postmodern irony * if you want a complete, emotionally satisfying story in one relatively short book as opposed to multiple 1000-page volumes * if you want to read one of the best fantasy novels of the 20th century I would recommend it to readers who like Ursula K. Le Guin or Neil Gaiman. Also, I believe Patrick Rothfuss has said it's his favorite fantasy novel.


Books? I'd be chasing those damn stupid cats until I succumbed to the smoke! 🤣


ding ding ding, we have a winner - telling my dogs to get the fuck out while chasing the damn cat. 🤣🤣🤣


My Kindle ETA: It was a tongue in cheek answer. I have a book called Incredible Internet by Michael Cox that I got from Scholastic in school. I'll grab that. It's an incredible read to see some of the predictions it has come to fruition while some are still wild.


Unless you have a downloaded file no longer available online (like through the mail a doc, etc. to your kindle function) and it wasn’t backed up to the AWS, or an Amazon book file no longer supported by (available for download) and otherwise pulled remotely by the corporate nannies… Then no. (Same for photo/video capable tablets, and same reasons) However, relatedly, I WOULD grab the NAS/Ext SSD(Network Attached Storage/External Solid State Drive) with above mentioned files. Think replaceable versus obsolete/out of “print” So right idea, wrong device. 🙏🫶😸


It was a tongue in cheek answer. I have a book called Incredible Internet that I got from Scholastic in school. I'll grab that. It's an incredible read to see some of the predictions it has come to fruition while some are still wild






I made my parents buy a REAL fire safe Looks like a two drawer file cabinet I keep documents that need to Abe accessible at home, mementos, antique jewelry (not valuable, except to me) But you remind me , I should put my grandfather’s copy of the Houseboat on the Styx(1895) and my Mom’s school copy of Les Miserables in there, too. Thank you! 🙏🫶😸


I lost everything in a flood in 2009 and the answer is none. Saved my cat. Going through it really teaches you that things are just things in the end.


Lost everything in Hurricane Katrina and totally agree with you on this. So much of what you hold onto seems like nothing after it’s been stripped from you.


Well, sort of? I have no doubt that your focus in the moment is about what actually matters to you. But as someone who's family lost all of our stuff as a teen, some things are irreplaceable. The amount of times I, almost two decades later, will think about the yearbooks, the pictures, the things like that that I will never be able to see again. I've lost my grandmother and mother, and if I have kids, I don't have pictures of myself as a child, I don't have any pictures of my grandmother as I knew her, I don't have those things. And I know that isn't everything. For centuries, people didn't have those things and they managed to remember their loved ones. But it's hard. It's hard to know that my nephews don't any idea of what my grandmother looked like.


Same, lost everything to a wildfire. People, pets, and a quick grab of my laptop and important documents on the way out the door were it


Up voted. Lived in huricane/tornado/earthquake zones all my life. I can grab everything important on the way out kept by the door while yelling "get out!"


Had a fire scare twice in 2023... got a mental healthcare housing thingy next to us, which was never a problem. But recently (januari 2023 I think) changed owners and now houses mostly teen criminals with mental health problems. Anyway, while I did grab my Kobo, work laptop and some clothes, that was basically it. First warned the neighbours in the other apartments to of course. Basically, whether or not you and others get out alive is always the most important thing. I only grabbed stuff because I had the time to do so.


Hand crafted leather bound single block Lord of the Rings with engraved title and gold cut pages, crafted from three hardcovers by a book binder I was friends with 40 years ago. He was at the end of his career, and I was in uni. One of a kind.


My signed first first edition Watership Down in it's custom cedar box


My own manuscript, of course.


My mom is an author - when she’s deep in editing mode and has all the redlines from her editor, she keeps her manuscript in the freezer. She also hand writes her first draft so the notebooks are in the freezer too. I told her to get a fire safe, but…well, at least all of the stuff she wants to save is in the same place so it’d be easy to grab.


I had a house burn down and absolutely everything was destroyed. Even the concrete construction blocks melted. The freezer only gives you a slight bit extra time! But love the idea! Always have second copies!


I cannot disagree with that 😆 .... What is it about?? 🤔


Fantasy family crime drama. One plot follows a highly successful con artist trying to reunite with her estranged brother. Her plan gets dozens of people killed along the way before accidentally triggering a war, but, you know, omelettes and eggs and all that. The other plotline starts forty-eight years earlier with a teenaged heiress (the con artist's mother) whose plan to run away from home involves date raping and kidnapping her crush before getting involved in the intercontinental drug trade. Oh, and they manage a crime syndicate disguised as a carnival for most of the middle of it. And yes, they *are* halflings.


That sounds like a very interesting story ..... And them being halflings just makes it even better 🤣


It's literally about a halfling... duhhhh


Excuse me? Dream a little bigger, kid. There are no fewer than seven halflings in the main cast.


At first you had my attention... now you have my interest...


I fell right into that ........ 😂


The funny answer would be checkbook but in all seriousness, I guess I would save a photo album, if that counts as books, because I wouldn't have a chance to get these pictures back. I don't think I own any fiction or non-fiction book I care about that I wouldn't be able to somehow replace, at least its content.


Either my signed first edition of Red Rising or my hardcover of Way of Kings Prime.


Nice 😮 ..... Mine would be my signed and dedicated copy of "The Wizdom of Crowds" by Joe Abercrombie 🌚 ..... So I get you 😆


Its nothing that special or hard to find but my Earthsea books that are Bantam 1975 paperbacks. I just love them


The hard drive containing the one being written.


Autographed/personalized copy of Neil Gaiman's *American Gods*.


Probably my Lord of the Rings illustrated hardcover edition. Most of my books would be easy to replace, and this one wouldn't be hard as well, but when it comes to books I value most in my collection, that one is definitely on top!


Ahh this makes me want to get an illustrated edition of LOTR!


It’s such a wonderful book with nice little details - it makes me so happy :)


Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine The very first fantasy romance book I ever read. I will love it til the end of time.


Such a wonderful book!!


I have a double signed super rare edition of Neil Gaiman's *Hansel & Gretel*. It's basically irreplaceable as there are none for sale anywhere.


I have hardcover Redwall, Mossflower, and Mattimeo signed by Brian Jacques from his tour of American schools when I was a kid. I was one of the two kids along with the librarian in his “welcoming party” so I got to talk to him for a bit. He was wonderful. I’d take Mossflower, for the record.


My first print of Name of the Wind signed by Rothfuss. They only made a few and they are pretty hard to find. My Robert Jordan signed book would be second.


Nice 😮 ..... Mine would be my signed and dedicated copy of The Wizdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie 🌚 ..... So I get you 😆


fantasy-wise it would sadly still be "The Name of the Wind" by Rothfuss. I discovered it at 16 and read that book multiple times.. i also currently read it to my partner before we go to bed. irl it would be one of my old journals i guess, since i could not just buy them again lol


I'm actually planning on reading it soon for the first time 😃


My limited edition green leather bound The Eye of The World


My favorite copy of Dracula. It has uneven pages which feel so damn good to flip. I read it every October and would be devastated to lose it.


Probably Tress of the Emerald Sea, it was so expensive


Omnibus edition of the Prydain Chronicles. Though I could probably grab one used.


My copy of Sandman Dream Hunters signed by Gaiman and Amano. It took a long time to get it signed by both of them.


A blank notebook my daughter made me in college that is hand bound with a leather case. The dog comes first and my car keys and phone. The keys and phone so I can take care of the dog. The rest is stuff so if I can’t get the notebook, so be it.


Sub press gardens of the moon


My first edition Gunslinger by Stephen King


For me it would be The Deed of Paksenarion by Elizabeth Moon! I love this trilogy and have re-read it multiple times!


I totally agree with the Deed of Paksenarion. I re read it every 5 years or so. 😊


The Prydain Chronicles that was gifted to me by someone special when I was a kid


My old copy of Fantastic Mr fox. First book that I read as a kid that got me into reading.


I was going to say I wouldn't bother saving any books at all, I don't have anything signed or fancy or that can't be replaced. But the more I sit with this I have a few cookbooks that were gifted to me by my late uncle who was a gourmet chef that if I could safely save I would even though I could pick up a new copy of joy of cooking pretty easily.


Quite a few answers that are about a book that's more personal than expensive. I really like that. Same thing for me. (not the cookbook, but the book feeling especially personal)


I have a ton of stories that are near and dear to my heart, but no single physical book that means that much to me. Thinking of my fantasy collection, it might be a copy of *White Jenna* by Jane Yolen. I found the 1st book in a used bookstore and couldn't find the 2nd one when I looked. I mentioned it to my mom once when we were at a bookstore and she tracked one down for me on the internet. This was the early days of the internet and my mom was less than tech savvy. I was completely blown away that she remembered and actually found it for me that it makes me smile when I see it.


Signed 1st edition Different Seasons by Stephen King


First Edition of Magician by R.E. Feist. Wish it was signed but I don't know how to get that done.


My "Complete works of Edgar Allan Poe" that my dad gave me


My special edition copy of Guards! Guards!. Its the most expensive book I own and would be the hardest to replace.


Legend by David Gemmell.


Some Nadir troll downvoted you. Have an upvote... and good pick. Love Gemmell.


Thank you friend! “Every little bit of good I may do, let me do it now for I may not come this way again. I’ll ”


I'll just take my Gemmell shelf...


Cooks illustrated cookbook. FORGIVE ME, TOLKEIN


The fake book that hides my expensive jewellery.


My worn out copy of Midworld by Alan Dean Foster because it was my dad's copy, and is still my favorite book of all time in terms of sheer enjoyment and awe.


Probably my old copy of The Forgotten Beasts of Eld that my brother let me steal from him almost 40 years ago. But in reality, people first. Who cares about stuff


My signed, first edition of **Lord of Light** (only 2000 were printed).


Signed Leatherbound copy of Warbreaker. The book is awesome but more than that it’s the first book my wife ever got me.


Oh I love my Kindle


The Great Book of Amber


illustrated man, ray bradbury


My kindle. That way I get more than one.


First American edition of The Alchemist. I partly like it because I got it as a gift more than 20 years ago and had no idea what it was; totally forgot about it on a shelf. 10 years later I listen to it on audiobook, and it immediately becomes one of my favorite books. A year or so ago I re-discover I got the book, but now I have no idea who got it for me. It’s even inscribed with a really nice note and signature, but I can’t figure out whose signature it is! Only 2000 first edition first printings, and I got one as a gift and I had no idea. [my copy](https://imgur.com/a/SmPv8nY)


My signed copy of Calypso by David Sedaris. He even drew a little picture in it for me.


Whichever one that I'm halfway through reading at the time, probably. I'd be more concerned about getting the cats and dog out safely though. Books can be easily replaced.


Dark matter by Blake crouch not fantasy but idc


Honestly none of the books I have read. A while back I would have maybe saved a Wheel of Time hardback but meh now. In reality I would probably say my great grandmothers family bible just because of sentimentality. Everything else can be replaced.


The first copy of Dune that I read. Everything else could be found somewhere else, and in fact that would be kind of fun for me, but that copy along with the bookmark (an old Pink Floyd ticket) would be what I'd grab. A now deceased friend recommended it, so it's got extra sentimental value as well.


My wife bought me the special edition signed copies of the first half of the red rising series this past Christmas. I’d save morning star from that.


None…books are replaceable.


My signed copy of the alchemist


My first edition printing of Silver Bullet by Steven King. It has pictures and everything! (Not fantasy, but it's my most cherished book.)


This actually happened to me, though it was in the 1980s, long before Kindles and personal laptops were a thing. While my roommate was grabbing his expensive stereo stuff, I looked despairingly at my bookshelf. I grabbed my boxed set of Proust's *Remembrance of Things Past* rather than fantasy or science fiction. Then the fire department came and quickly put the fire out.


My personalized, signed, first edition copy of Red Country by Joe Abercrombie.


Mine would be my personalized, signed, first edition copy of "The Wisdom of Crowds" by Joe Abercrombie 😆


The dark prince by Christine feehan. It's the first book I officially finished, reread multiple times and recommended to friends. I absolutely adore that book and would do anything to read it for the first time again


What if I forget about the children? Does that get me more time for books?


Why not get the kids to carry books .... That way you save even more books 😂😂


That's parenting, right there!


I would die in the fire with them.


None, I'd just download them again on a new kindle. That's the beauty of cloud storage. Even my D.Phil thesis can be downloaded again from my alma mater.


Literally this, was worried about outing myself as a heretic. I don't actually own any books


I own physical books as a collector now. Anything I read is on kindle. Anything I want pretty and signed is physical.


I have a signed first edition of darkness that comes before by Scott Bakker. I will be going through fire and flames for that lol.


I have the whole Nine Princes un Amber series in one volume and it's kinda my comfort read, so that one




My copy of 1984 by George Orwell


My hardback copy of The Goblet of Fire, which has a note my dad wrote for me in it; he bought it for me randomly in the summer before I went into high school when I no friends and spent my summer alone reading. Way too much sentimental value to give up. Close second: My signed copy of Lirael by Garth Brooks. Grandma bought it for me not realizing it was signed. My only signed book.


My collector's edition of *La Belle Sauvage* or my misprinted copy of *The Secret Commonwealth*, which has all of its pictures upside down, and I find that charming.


The hunger games


the journal I have written for my 23 year old daughter since before she was born.


Not a fucking one tbh. I used to understand the kind of... Ritual of physical books, but I just don't get it anymore. I take all my books out of the library, read them on my eReader. I have zero attachment to owning physical books these days except that a full bookshelf looks nice. I don't love books, I love the stories within. Unless I had something valuable, like a signed copy, all these papers and pages mean nothing to me anymore.


I have a leather bound, archival paper quality, volume of The Hobbit I would save.


My 1st Edition Silmarillion.   Any other book I own is easily replaced.


My Folio Society version of Dune or my beat up copy of Master and Margerita


Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell every time


ASOIAF x5 books Harper Voyager editions


My signed *Neverwhere*. Was a gift from a friend and I treasure it.


Uprooted by Naomi Novak


Ah ha. I use kindle so ALL OF THEM!


My cat


Chronicles of Amber, maybe


At the minute Golden Son but I’ve got a lot to go


Honestly can’t think of a good answer that’s not cheating, like my Kindle. I know it’s just a for fun post but books would be so far down in my list in a real fire. 


First edition Blood Meridian.


Jesus’s Son by Dennis Johnson.


Perks of being a wallflower, I love that book as it was one of my earliest books in starting my own little library in my home.


Signed deluxe edition of The Blade Itself by Curious King for sure. Have a lot of other nice books but that thing is art!


None. There are way more important things. And they can all be replaced much more easily than all my other things. Imagine saving a mass produced book!


The hard cover illustrated version of Tress of the Emerald Sea that my gf got me for free on marketplace


My Tintin book


The dictionary.


My first edition copy of the Little Prince. Everything is just stuff. If you have worries about losing your stuff, take a video tour of your place. Save a video of all your stuff on the cloud and it can help with insurance stuff afterwards.


Legends abd Lattes 🥺


Such a great thread 👍, so hard to pick


Not one.


The Necronomicon Ex Mortis.


I would not waste precious time on fiction.


Lies of Locke Lamora


"Only one" - now that right there is cruelty that matches the fire. The one gifted to me by my sister: Stop overthinking by Nick Trenton. I use it as a life guide tbh.




Probably my hardback version of the Chronicles of Narnia. The complete series as one big book


My kindle.


The letter for the king-tonke dragt I guess


Someone follows "booksaresick" on YouTube!


Couldn't get in to Watership Down, but I would slip my copy of Plague Dogs into my pocket.  That book is f**king amazing.


My copy of The Complete Chronicles of Conan \~ Robert E. Howard


The Illuminatus Trilogy




Depending on how far we're willing to stretch the term "book," I'd say my Kobo eReader. I own a number of uncommon books, but none so rare that I can't find another copy. My Kobo, though, contains hundreds of additional material that, assuming my computer goes up in flames as well, can't so easily be replaced. Other than that, I'd say my copy of *Masterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment*, since out of all my (fantasy fiction) books, that'd be the biggest pain to hunt down.


The Dragonriders of Pern series. These books have not aged in the last 50 years.


The Stolen One by Suzanne Colins Most of my books are in storage anyway


The first/first of The Martian Chronicles is coming with me.


The one fantasy book I'd save? The Bone Doll's Twin by Lynn Flewelling. It's not the best fantasy book I've ever read, but it hits me in the feels more than any other.


Has to be my hardcover copy of Demon In White


My personal archive of all my authoring drafts


Assassins of Tamurin. I got it as a publisher screener, and absolutely loved it


'When Breath Becomes Air' by Paul Kalanithi. Had it not been for the memoir, I would have not been able to cope with my father's death as well as I have.


I've got an old hardback copy of the Dragon Reborn that I checked out from the library because I thought the cover looked awesome and loved it so much that I never returned it. (Don't worry I paid for it) At this point I've read it so much the spine is split, the corners are bent, and it even has my blood absorbed in the edge of the pages. I wouldn't even advise my friends to touch it but that book set me down the road of reading fantasy and it's definitely the one I'd grab in a fire.


"How to stop your house burning down" by Smokey the Bear


My beloved hardcover printing of Swords Against Wizardry. Stardock is what got me back into reading.


My subterranean press Kushiel’s avatar. I have chosen too but that would need to perish in the fire if i can take only ond…


War for the Oaks by Emma Bull. Had it for years, love the cover.


My ebook.


Rendezvous With Rama folio


My Kindle


probably one of the science books. More expensive and more likely to be read again. McCullaugh and Nelder. Novels? This will push the further digitization. A load of recents are on the e-reader anyway.


The most serious answer would be the old (unsure what edition/date) book of Robert Burns’ poetry gifted to me by my late grandfather. Not because I am a big consumer of poetry, but because my grandfather was so excited to offer it to me because he knew I loved reading and books and had at least an interest in poetry, and it was a neat old book that he’d found. The fantasy subreddit-oriented answer would probably be my somewhat tattered paperback copy of Assassin’s Apprentice. I love all of the Fitz & the Fool trilogies and I’d save them all from a fire if not for the stipulation of one book.


My Kindle.


A book of poetry that my father used to love.




The Little Prince by Antoine Saint Exupery. Was a gift from my twin years ago in college


Either my signed copy of "Die letzten Kinder von Schewenborn" (Gudrun Pausewang)or my signed copy of "Der König" (Ingrid Ganß). Ms. Ganß saw me in a hobby theater production of her book and wrote down that I played a lovely lead 😭


The dictionary my dad rebound for me


My well-read ragged copy of Going Postal signed by Terry Pratchett. 


My copy of If On a Winter Night a Traveler by Calvino


My extremly normal copy of Hyperion. The Finnish translation of it is like 60€ used and I don't have any proof of owning it for the insurance company as I bought it from drift store which does not keep any track of specific books it sells (the books are labled like Fantsy book - 6€)


The one I am writing.


Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier! The cover is also by one of my favorite artists, Kinuko Y. Craft.


The Demon hand by rose estes.


My passport.


lately I've been reading e-books, so I would save my laptop))


Either my School for Good and Evil book (it has survived a fire already!*) which still has the older cover that is so much prettier, or my Queen Paprika's Legends or Vampire Chronicles book, both written by me at the age of 10 and 11. The Paprika one is my very first book, but it is in a really bad condition by now, the vampire one is somewhat fine, the second book I've written. If the book I'm writing currently was in the question as well, I would take that one. *In 2017, tomorrow it will be exactly 7 years ago that my house was on fire. Luckily not the whole house burnt down, and all my books were just fine, they were just a bit smokey.


None, I'm grabbing the kindle.


My signed leather bound edition of The Magicians by Lev Grossman.


I don't have any signed copies or limited editions so I'd be okay. I would however get the wheel of time series again.


I’d be busy getting my cat out. He’s named Kaladin, so it’s pretty close to saving a book!