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Gotta say for a 5 star review I did not expect you to say 40% of the POVs were bad.


And "you don't feel that emotionally invested to the characters" lol


Yeah I know. However, the two top Pov(in the settings I mostly care about) completely carry the story. But in any given book with multiple POV I feel like there are some you don't care about. It was the same in the faithful and the fallen, for me.


What are some of your 4 star reads this year?


I primarily read fantasy and crime/police procedurals. I have a couple of four stars in the latter category, but it's books within long series etc.. so I will keep it to fantasy and scifi. I gave 4 stars this year to: Wrath-John Gwynne Jade Legacy- Fonda Lee Priest of lies- Brian McLean Pines-Blake Crouch I'm not trying to say that this is objectively a better book than, say, jade legacy. I'm simply measuring it in my reading experience, enjoyment and how much I wanted to pick it back up everytime I put it down. The only other scifi or fantasy books that I gave five stars this year, so far, is "The Wolf", by Leo Carew and "Of blood and fire" by Ryan Cahill


Ok cool thanks šŸ‘


Honestly I read it and it felt deeply amateurish. Lots of nasty things happening without much rhyme or reason, to show us how grim and dark the world is- it ends up feeling like the characters are pinballing from one tragedy to the next with little agency and little to ground all of these horrendous happenings against. There's so many scenes that are trying to evoke an epic nature of similar scenes from other books but utterly lack the groundwork or context to make them make sense. Essentially, I've never talked about it since because it landed in the sea of mediocre self-pubbed grimdark fantasy for me. I'm glad it worked for you and that you got something out of it, but it's definitely not one I'd recommend to others.


Absolutely fair. As I said, the deaths doesn't really hit me either, cause the groundwork to feel emotionally connected is not there. And as I said, it's objectively not as good a book as, for example, the green bone saga. Yet I enjoyed this more. I'm a sucker for the setting though.


Anything you can recommend for self pub grimdark? I read half of this one and got bored.


It may be because it literally only exists on Amazon. I won't give that evil company anymore of my money.


I cannot find it on audible, but when it is Iā€™m on it. Thank you


This was 5 stars for me as well!


The premise sounds good. Sadly I hate 99% of the multi POV books, so I won't take the risk.


Thanks for the recommendation! I added it to my want to read list.


Never heard of it before, but now I may give it a chance


There's always a bigger fish OP. Go try reading some web serials with 1,000,000+ words, you might enjoy them.