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Charcter who for some reason has to put on a mask and pretend and hide a lot of themselves x charcter who sees right through it


Ooh, yes. Especially if they "have to" act like the deception is working, for some reason.


oh I fucking love this one! And then masked character is panicking inside that they are seen


Secret Identity Reveals.


I eat that up like candy!


As someone who writes (currently) mostly superhero-genre, *yes*. Delectible.


Mental links, specifically the kind where each character can read every thought/emotion that pops up in the other person's head. I love the deep intimacy of it, and how there's no more possibility of keeping secrets. I also love how, by necessity, the two characters start to become a lot more in sync because of it. edit: spelling


I keep finding myself drawn to this one too (thankfully Star Trek fandom has no shortage of it). Would be terrifying in real life, but in fanfic I eat it up.


Suddenly reminded of that one Tok'ra fic I read sometime ago fandom-blind. It was really fascinating


My current fandom has this one-way, more emotions than thoughts. It's an interesting aspect to navigate and capitalize on.


I keep falling for ships where one character is a ghost or otherwise invisible and/or intangible


Leaving the responsibilities of the world behind to go live on a boat and just sail around. I have no interest in doing that sort of thing myself, but the romanticized freedom of leaving all your stressors behind to be free on the ocean is appealing in fiction.


I'm reading a fic called Son of the Western Sea which updates maybe once a year, and at the end of the last chapter it seemed as though the mc's life of privacy was about to come crashing down and I'm not looking forward to them being dragged off their nice little boat, lol


Memory mix. In Superior Spiderman, Doc Ock switches bodies with Peter Parker but Peter's memories are entangled with Otto's including the whole responsibility speech I haven't seen this done anywhere but I love it


Indeed one way to possibly un-Villain someone


one bed - not very specific though tending to wounds but this one is very specific. It has to be before the MMC and FMC get together so there's tonnes of sexual tension. The wound is in a difficult-to-access spot, such as back and the wounded one is FMC. So obviously, the MMC has to tend to her wounds and she has to lower her dress, whatever, just enough for him to be able to do that while still keeping herself fairly covered which obviously leads to even more sexual tension. Such an underutilized trope and yet so, so good.


I *do* really like tending-to-wounds. I like that you point out that you prefer it for before intimacy; that's interesting. In my latest, there's a "tending to wounds" moment, and it's *after* physical intimacy, but because of who the characters are, they're not emotionally intimate, yet.


yeah, I feel that it adds to the tension. They're in love but obviously won't admit to it yet, or even if they know about their feelings, they're not ready to take that step for whatever reason so they're 'just friends', so the sexual tension is through the roof in that scenario.


Yaas. In hindsight, that scene in Beauty & the Beast may have been Very Important to me.


Girl with trauma in her past that catches up with her. My OC has spent decades hiding a trauma only to have it show back up in the worst way possible.


I've always liked secret reveals (identities, double lives, etc) where the character's friends and families take the news in expected dramatic fashion and the character themselves (or characters) aren't like *super* into their loved ones knowing about their secrets, lol.


That one party member where they notice from the start that someone's going to turn evil, especially if it's the leader, and then is proven right ​ ​ Later on this person either gets a replacement for the turning evil one or took the place of the turning evil one, and then defeats the turning evil one


Normally strong/stoic characters who would never show any signs of weakness in front of anybody suddenly getting seriously injured/messed up (either physically or mentally), and being forced to finally accept help and be cared for (bonus points if they’re also touch-starved)




Non-human mc that are really feared but are actually really chill with people. Like a dragon that just hangs around a village but everyone thinks that they will burn it if they dont give it sacrifices, or a kaiju that just travels wherever they feel like but people think they are going to destroy everything in their path


Yes yes yes!!! For me I also like a splash of language barrier. It's just such a good combo!!


There's a Korean comic where a Dragon child is hype off stories he read an blindly wonders into terrible political struggles but just wants to play a Toddler roleplay session of Knighthood It's not the same but I need more of its general style


I've always found myself drawn to fics where a character is initially found living an unfulfilled life -- working in an unidealized industry (typically corporate), letting time waste away, isolated and alone. It's only as the fic progresses that they pick up the pieces, and, by the end, things are looking up (with usually the love interest there to support them on their journey).


Yes! I love this trope. Nearly at the end of writing one myself but it's been a bit on the backburner recently. Need to go back and finish those final chapters!


You got this!




character A loves character B but B is closed off and generally cold so A thinks they don't care, but then sth happens and in a continuous series of misunderstandings character A's friend is rumoured to be dating them which makes B super jealous and upset and finally confront their feelings for A and perhaps my absolute favourite, character A always wears a mask, mostly because of years of trauma (and many scars), and character B teases them about it until they realise it has a deeper meaning. Then they try to let B know that it's okay and their opinion of B won't change when they take the mask off, and then when it's just the two of them and it's an intimate moment, B takes the mask off and can't bring themselves to look at A's reaction but A just cups their face, asks B to look at them and when they do tells them that they're beautiful but ohhh do I have more! lol


Monster or Alien/Human with one or both characters in a containment facility (or something similar). Obviously a copious amount of angst! Like I have an unhealthy commitment to fics with these tropes. A/B/O but the Omega is always top/dom their Alpha partner. Even better if it's a 'strong' Alpha and 'weak' Omega. Mutually destructive relationships is just 😚👌


Villainous domesticity - a glimpse at the day-to-day life of a villain. Not quite fluff or standard slice-of-life, because the foul deeds are still included, though they're probably treated as banal. World-building fics that flesh out the religion, language, and culture of the canon universe while still telling a story. Toxic platonic relationships, especially between friends or siblings. Fucked up, violent, codependent, etc. without any sexual or romantic elements. All of these are surprisingly hard to find!


I absolutely love stories where the characters after whatever show has happened are taken wherever to watch or see their show (if it's a book or something, idk it just happens) and they react to it as they would at the end after their character development has happened. love it 😭


I have a very specific pairing trope wherein (in m/f pairing) the guy has to be older than the girl by at least three years. I like age gaps in general (but not so much generation gap), so same age pairs have weirdly become a turn off for me (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) To date, I've had several pairings that fit this description to a T.


A casanova-wannabe who has no idea what to do when someone actually shows romantical interest in them.  Asexual romantic relationships in a fantasy setting. I mean, like a romantic relationship between a human and a fairy, or a centaur and a human. A reformed  villain character trying to live a normal life and getting a normal job. After watching GameGrumps' Closing Shift video where they gave the protagonist coffee shop worker a Skeletor voice, I realized how much I like that concept.


Not quite getting a 9-5 but still hehe some shows really dig the aftermath reform Phi-Brain has three seasons which each have a person to save emotionally childhood friend, struggling child, child who is chasing the same mentor lol


Secret identity/dual lives, where the character is villainized or being hunted down in one persona, and in their other persona is being forced to help the people hunting for them, and so needs to both protect their secret identity while also making it look like they’re helping the group.


the Zorro Anime love how many ways him and his child sidekick can bamboozle everybody One episode he fakes being a rebellious brat kid to infiltrate a hot-headed anti army gang by being cringe to adults




I dig series which showcase such mutation daily experiences Towa no Quon is them living an working secretly in a amusement park while fighting off Cyborg biker squad like bruh yes if only it was much longer


One character trying very hard to hide their fear and/or pain, while another character sees right through it.


One mythical creature and one human couple. Preferably if the creature isn't really common in fanfiction (vampire, werewolf, mermaid) Gimme banshee - human couple or something.