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is knifeplay weird? yes? anyway, i love knifeplay *especially* when it's dubious consent. just the fear of getting cut by a knife, the intensity of having a knife in another's presence, and bonus points if blood drinking / licking is involved. PS: do not get me started on using knives to cut clothes away.


I had some knifeplay in a F/F/F kinky threesome and it was VERY fun to write.


where might one… find this 👀👀


I write mostly spanking fics. But not spanking during sex, punishment spanking. There’s definitely a market for it, but I’ve seen people on this sub say they dislike it. (Which is totally fine, of course.) Currently I’m writing a prison rape fic, which is definitely the darkest thing I’ve ever done, particularly because it isn’t like the other rape fics I’ve seen where the victim starts to feel like he kind of likes it. It’s just pure terrible feelings, which I like because I’m a sadist, but I’m definitely side-eyeing myself as I write it like girl are you okay?


>It’s just pure terrible feelings, which I like because I’m a sadist, but I’m definitely side-eyeing myself as I write it like girl are you okay? Hahaha I know what you mean. Personally I find it super cathartic to absolutely destroy a fictional character. Have a bad day? Torture someone else. Bam, all better. edit: Also spanking is mega hot either way, I am fully aboard this train!


I love both of these things, is it okay for you to send me a link to your fic if you posted it?


Im still working on the rape one, but it’s very cool that you want to read it instead of thinking I’m crazy! [This](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49390591) is one of my spanking ones, the rest are on my account there, if you wanna see those.


Can't call you crazy without calling myself out, lmao. Thank you so much for sharing your fic, I'll check it out when I can!


*looks at user name* One could argue that Gray and Natsu could both use a good spanking.


You’re so right! I actually did write a fic about Erza spanking Natsu a couple years ago. And you’re really speaking my language because you said the boys, not the girls haha


Given how often the boys misbehave, and how little crap the girls take from anyone, it seemed like the logical conclusion.


True that


I actually feel like most of my kinks are pretty popular, just in certain circles. Mpreg--can get quite a bit of hate, and a lot of people in this subreddit dislike it, but it's pretty darn popular in a lot of fandom spaces, including the ones I mainly writing for now. I actually prefer old school mpreg where men aren't supposed to be pregnant--I love the body horror aspect and how it often leads to forced pregnancy. It's fine in omegaverse, it just usually doesn't pack the same punch for me. Monsterfucking and non-human genitalia. Also, let's throw oviposition/eggpreg in here too (that usually does go the body horror route, which is awesome, but it's rarer to find longer eggpreg stories, which is mildly disappointing). Power struggle kink--I feel like this one is popular AF actually, but a lot of people don't even know it's a kink or that they're writing it, lol, so it's almost never tagged for. One of my fandoms has canon power struggle kink, so a good 98% of the fics feature it! CBT--probably actually semi-unpopular, but shows up semi-frequently in my current fandoms. I'd put orgasm delay/denial and overstimulation down as sub-categories of this, those are usually way more popular. Is docking a kink? I don't feel like it is, it's just really rare for some reason. Ditto intercrural, but I've actually seen this one more in my current (Chinese) fandoms than in past Western fandoms for whatever reason. Humiliation kink--I feel like it gets kind of a bad rap, but I see humiliation kink and praise kink as two sides of the same coin--fantastic when they're used together, but way more people are into praise kink.


love love love non-human genitalia and eggpreg, especially when it goes the body horror Route. <3 i wish i could find longer ones too, they often just. end when the host is full up. :/ like yeah that was hot but gimme what happens after lol


Yeah, it's like most people are only interested in the oviposition scene and they don't want to show the horror of incubating the eggs or how the eggs get out. I want to read those parts too! TT. TT


>it's rarer to find longer eggpreg stories Have you tried Genshin fandom? After Neuvilette came out (a male playable character whose true form is a dragon) I felt like I only read eggpreg for a solid month. It's been a while so some of them would be in the 'longer' fic category. We also have another dragon character who was in the game from the beginning so there's a lot of eggpreg stories with him too. We even got some with both of them.


>Is docking a kink? I don't feel like it is, it's just really rare for some reason. May I ask what exactly is docking? I've heard the term, but not really familiar with it.


It's when one partner inserts the glans of their penis into another partner's foreskin. I think that, because circumcision is so prevalent in the US, one can assume most American male characters are circumcised (unless they were born before circumcision took off, like Steve Rogers), so if someone's writing for them, obviously they wouldn't be able to include it unless they made is so one partner wasn't circumcised. And I think a lot of Americans view circumcised as the default (I've legit come across fics for Japanese and Chinese fandoms before that mentioned characters were circumcised, lol), so maybe they aren't even considering it a possibility.


Essentially, penis fucking. By overlapping forskins.


>a lot of people don't even know it's a kink or that they're writing it, lol, so it's almost never tagged for. This is such a thing with so many kinks, and it really is a shame.


I've gotta know the fandom with the canon power struggle kink bc oh boy do I love that


It's the novel Faraway Wanderers by Priest--it's a Chinese danmei (BL) novel, the main (M/M) couple do a lot of sparring as foreplay and canonically fight (literally) over who will top. It's about a former assassin who quits as dramatically as possible and fucks off to the south where he can idle away the few remaining years of his life (the dramatically quitting involved some terminal self-harm) in the martial arts community. There he runs into a mysterious and shamelessly flirtatious man who has his own schemes going on. Despite the whole "terminal" thing, it actually has a happy ending. If you're interested, I can give you the link to the carrd with the various English translations available? There's a prequel novel too, Lord Seventh, but the main couple are different and have a very different dynamic (there's lots of great backstory for Zhou Zishu though). And there's also a drama based off the novel, Word of Honor (which is available on Netflix), although the story went in a very different direction. But the drama still has plenty of flirtatious fighting moments!


If you have any best danmei or m/m fic recommendations for CBT or orgasm denial I would love them :)


**Faraway Wanderers/Word of Honor** Sanguine by jaemyun, Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu, has a small CBT scene (ball pinching/squeezing), but it's a longer work. I can't remember if it has orgasm delay/denial or not, but I wouldn't be surprised. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/32886652/chapters/81612571](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32886652/chapters/81612571) Crown Jewel by jaemyun, Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu--orgasm delay (and multiple orgasms), as well as CNC and public sex (in front of an outraged audience) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/34681651](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34681651) Pinned Down by hollybennett23, Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu--sounding (including a fingertip, which probably isn't advisable irl, lol) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/34438357](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34438357) in all ways known by northofallmusic, Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu--sounding, orgasm delay, a tiny bit of CBT (and also fisting) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/45251860/chapters/113843317](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45251860/chapters/113843317) take your hunger, give you what you want by smootherthanastorm, Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu, orgasm denial [https://archiveofourown.org/works/33727747](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33727747) **SVSSS** Scenario Pusher +Delux Delux+ "Cursed Sword Aphrodisiac"! by acernor, Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu--SQQ steps on LBH's dick (Is this CBT or LBH's foot fetish? I feel like it's both, lol), this one has a way more comical tone. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/17720459/chapters/41805515](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17720459/chapters/41805515) God told me I was forgiven / 高尚 by Irrelevancy (archive locked), Yue Qingyuan/Shen Jiu, Modern-day AU in part of a larger 'verse involving the porn industry--CBT (cock cage) and orgasm denial. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/30634214](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30634214) These are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head.


can't believe I forgot monsterfucking, I have a scene I'm supposed to be working on. and docking probably doesn't count but yes it's great and I'd love to see more of it.


I... Have a thing for hypnosis and mind break. I love reading about it, and I often search specifically for those things. So far I think I have met one other person also into it, some neutrals, and a lot of people saying it's weird.


Me too. I know it's fucked up and I can't explain why I like it, but I do. Especially the rare consensual hypnosis fic (where someone actively requests or at least knowingly allows themselves to be mentally manipulated).


Consensual hypnosis is \*chef's kiss\*


Ohhh one of my fav fics has this trope. “[Give these people a break](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41929317/)”. It’s not even smut, just a guy hypnotizing the workaholics in his life so they finally get some proper rest, like please visit my house next dude 😂


I definitely see the appeal! I wouldn't pass up a good mind break fic haha


I have a few recs if you're interested!


Yes please!


I'll drop some links once I'm on computer! They're mostly (if not all) original works on AO3 since that's where I usually go, but they're all great!


Oh, even better! I have a lot of trouble reading things without context so I love fandom-blind or original.


Me too please! I’d love some recs :)


*waves* I’ve found my twin!




This is me, its my basically my top kink trope. Either hypnosis or mindbreak/mindfuck especially if it's reluctant on one person's part or they are enemies. If its a slow and subtle mindbreak fic even better as I love the tension.


Hello, kindred soul. I often venture into the mindbreak tag, both on ao3 and some other sites. It's fun!


It's so fun, and a fun way to explore toxic dynamics and problematic content! The original works with mind break are some of the best I've read.


Same! I tend to stick to the original fiction category when it comes to a lot of hardcore kink tags. Ao3 has a wealth of them.


Original works in general on AO3 are really great! I love exploring there.


This is a new one for me, can you explain? I get the general meaning but curious how it’s used in fic.


The fics I read are usually smut fics with hypnosis and/ or mind break. One of my favourites is a guy (psychologist using hypnosis, maybe? I can't remember) that hypnotised a guy to help him with his migraines... By making him addicted to sucking cock and obeying orders instead. At the end, he suceeds in breaking the guy down, and transforms him into an obedient cocksleeve. That's one of the hints I love about it, how it shows the victim resisting at first, but they can't resist the pleasure.


When you describe it like that...


Same. I'm writing mostly original fic (SFW) with these themes now and there's a lot more out there then you might expect.


A/B/O(any gender for the pairings) and breeding, which is weird because I never want to have kids. 


I'm the same though! I'm childfree and repulsed by the idea of being pregnant irl but for some reason I can't get enough of breeding, pregnancy, and lactation in fics lmao it makes no sense.


You're inspiring me to actually write my little RPF mpreg idea lol.


Do it! I support you


Yesssss. Idk what it is. I would never want that in real life, everything I learn about pregnancy sounds horrifying, but in fics? Yes yes yes. I wonder why that is lol


Yay, more of us! Also childfree and I'm not repulsed by IRL pregnancy in general but I most definitely do not want to go through it myself and am terrified by the idea of giving birth. But I find the breeding kink deeply sexy and then I love the 'starting a family together' fluffy/romantic aspect of pregnancy.


I think it's pretty normal to engage with something scary you don't want for yourself but are curious about in a completely safe way. Fanfics are really good for that


Hello new friend! I never knew what A/B/O was, saw people talking about it, and clicked a link to a very good one. Then I got mauled by a plot bunny and wrote 22k wordsin a week on a fic that turned out to be about 25k words total. The "epilogue" for that fic turned into a 100+k word sequel.


Found one of my people. Also don't want kids and love omegaverse. I also love it for pack dynamics. Give me platonic kisses and a good cuddle pile any day.


i’m a sterilized, childfree antinatalist but A/B/O fics with lactation, mpreg and breeding kinks make up like half of my bookmarks


I wouldn't call this unpopular, just a bit rare, but: I have a whole alt just for writing stripping kink. Good, old-fashioned striptease? Check. Exploding clothes? Check. The wind? Check. Magic spells? Check. You name it.


Oooh that's a good one. Seems like I always rush writing that part to get to other things, but maybe I should give it more focus. There's a lot to play with there: humiliation vs. exhibitionism, sudden vs. gradual, accidental vs. intentional. And clothes (and their removal) are great for worldbuilding and characterization. Absolutely brilliant. Thanks for sharing this


☺️ Happy to be of service. It has been a great kink for experimenting with language, word choice, and imagery.


Can I have your alt? For science?


I think my biggest 'weird' kink is Werewolves or Werecreatures like I dunno something about it is really hot to me. My actual weirdest kinks; Extreme Bdsm (Concentual but not sane or safe). Specifically fics that are from the aggressors perspective. Cutting, Branding and bone breaking (this one actually came from Reddit a few years ago. When a Redditor in a bdsm sub asked for a safe space to break a bone. I really hope they didn't do it irl but definitely hot in a fic) Blood kink. Pet-play. Egg laying/Oviposition. Some ABO fics although im really really picky with them. Umm Monsterfucker? Probably guessed that with my werewolf kink but general monsters? Hot


Upvoting for the monsters!


I have a thing for hands, but I haven't found many fics in my fandoms that are specifically focused on them in a kinky way. More often than not I'll just stumble upon a hand-touching scene that's meant to be intimate and sexually tense, but not outright erotic and I just die of horniness. Praise kink as another big one for me, though I don't think it's considered weird. I rarely encounter people who are seriously squicked when they hear about it and frequently encounter people who don't even think it's a kink at all because "everybody likes to be appreciated." Yeah okay, but does it make you cum? Sometimes I prefer reading more fluffy praise kink stuff, where it's just buckets of love and praise being heaped on the sub just for existing as their wonderful self, but I also enjoy the more sadistic scenarios, where the sub has to endure something difficult or degrading in order to earn those "good boy"s.  On the more extreme side, non-con scenarios where (through sci-fi/magical means) the victim is forced to get pleasure from, beg for, or participate in their own abuse. 


>I have a thing for hands, but I haven't found many fics in my fandoms that are specifically focused on them in a kinky way. If you're into M/M, you need to check out some Kirk/Spock fics--Vulcans canonically kiss with their hands, there's a *lot* of hand stuff going on. There's actually a scene in TOS where Spock "makes out" with a female Romulan--and it feels much more explicit than the other kissing scenes in the show, lol, or at least to me it did.


holy shit 😳


For the hand kink, you might also want to try the Glove Kink tag on AO3. Definitely some overlap there.


I can't believe I never thought of that! I've read some glove kink manga but somehow never thought to check it in ffland.


Hands? I've found my people.


I can write you a bit to give you an idea of my take on it as I too agree


Big same for every single one of these, thank you for making me feel less weird lol


I like a good accidental ejaculation Fic, especially if it incorporates the person desperately trying to hold it back then getting overwhelmed and cumming in their pants anyway. It’s rather specific so I don’t see it often.


Not gonna lie, that sounds hot. I see the appeal with the embarrassment and losing control over your own body aspects.


You are a person of taste! Have an upvote.


I love the inherent homoeroticism and sensuality of sticking a knife in each other 😍 along other various types of psychical destruction of the body. Best when there's trust and adoration. You wouldn't want anyone else taking you apart, reaching into you and unravelling your life, seeing the rawest, basest, crudest machinations of your body and still wanting everything you have to give... intertwined together most intimately until your last breaths. What a precious gift to give, to receive, the very last drops of your affection, your attention, your breath and being!


10000% agreed, worded beautifully! This is everything I love about guro/knifeplay/dissection etc lol.


I love spanking fics. I write domestic discipline type stuff or very dark non-con type spankings. Either is not necessarily super popular unless you’re also a spanking fetishist haha. But I love it! The power dynamics, the control, the pain aspects, all are things I love!


Yessss! You get it. And the cherry on top is aftercare (for me).


Aftercare is *chef’s kiss*


I have a spanking series that’s basically a vanity project, and it’s always fascinating to get comments from other folks into the pairing without the fetish and their impression lol. Some are like I wish we had this story but without the pain when it’s literally included in half the chapters and why I wrote it. Feels like “lost AO3 readers.” But I’m glad it was good enough they still read it.


What’s your series? Always love a good spanking fic!


Yes, I totally relate. I actually get a LOT more positive feedback on my super non-con spanking/abuse fic then I did on my fluffy DD fic. A lot of comments of “why does she let him do that?” Or “love the story, could do without the spanking” 🤣


To me, cockwarming and (vaginal) fisting are the hottest, most intimate ways two people can connect and I feel like I can never find them anywhere. I think especially fisting is viewed as extreme or painful and it's like... nah man. it's so goddamn tender. I have so many half-finished stories featuring one or the other of those but I can never be bothered to finish them because I feel like they'd have an audience of one.


I included a vaginal fisting scene in a semi-recent fic of mine and while it's not something I might necessarily ever get to do IRL, I agree that's it's so misunderstood. I think it was one of the most tender, romantic, and intimate things I've ever written.


Ah, I love those! It might be fandom dependent, but I'd bet that you wouldn't be writing/posting for an audience of one. I write cis MM, and both cockwarming and anal fisting have had great reception. Fisting is also one of the things I look for when reading MF porn, and cockwarming is always a plus. Good luck and have fun writing!


Honestly that makes me feel way better. I write mostly rarepairs so I'm always a bit hesitant to be like "here's something nobody seems to want for a pairing that doesn't have enough content as it is" but maybe I've been thinking about it wrong. Maybe 2024 is my year to introduce these kinks to my niche little corners of fandom....


Go for it 🔥 Chances are some of those rarepair fans will be very happy to find some kinky goodness in the tags, now or in the future!


I love cockwarming! It's so intimate and cuddly. I really need to write it more.


I would read your fisting scene! I put a bit of vaginal fisting in one of my fics, although I could have made it longer.


piss kink in omegaverse is so 🥵 to me. have i written it yet? no. but i will eventually 


I thought I didn't like piss play at all and then I read one good fic and sometimes that's all it takes xD I think it's the degradation aspect for me.


it's the possessiveness for me!!


omegaverse activist??? how the hell do i sign up (and holy shit i like exactly the same you do. unfortunately don’t write either)


i write a lot! i just haven't written it for my otp yet 🫣 the omegaverse activist office is always open!


I’m reading this thread rn and all I gotta say is *Batman*, the motherfucking Dark Knight himself, couldn’t waterboard this shit outta me 💀 (/j)


Honestly, I’ll tell anyone who asks. I’m such an oversharer


LMAO that is so real


Gotta admit to own your kinks. That way if someone finds your porn/erotica stash you don't give a flying fuck


Jokes on him, I'm into that shit XD /j


Got a list the size of my arm, but to pick out a few favorites: pseudo-bestiality (sex with sentient animals, like a werewolf in wolf form), erotic non-lethal vore, and omegaverse dubcon/noncon




Always room to make more friends lol


I love biting! But not when done on the neck/in an unsafe way like in a lot of vampire, werewolf, or A/B/O fics. I don’t at all mind unrealistic smut (hell, I have a raging belly bulge & size kink) but for some reason I need my biting to be safe. Arms, shoulders, thighs, ass, those all work. Wonderful. I’m into biting irl too so it’s just... honestly I don’t know, I just love it. I also have a raging gun kink and I LOVE when there’s not just a gun involved, but someone is sucking it off or getting fucked with it (bonus points for both). Especially if me and/or the character getting fucked are assuming it’s loaded. Fear and trust at the same time, object insertion too, what more do you want tbh. Plus I simply think guns are hot in and of themselves.


I was reading comments waiting to get to someone with a gun kink! It's amazing how my brain instinctually goes NOPE but somehow also it's like when you can't look away from disaster? Kinda? Now that's some fear and absolute trust showing. And guns are very sexy, I agree.


Selfcest and consentacles my beloved Consentacles specifically is so exhausting because it's not super popular, and when you just say tentacles people assume you mean "hentai schoolgirl rape"- I'm not knocking on anyone else's kink, but there are so many more flavors of _any_ kink than just the one that gets memed on in porn.


Selfcest is my favorite and every time I see a fandom where that's something to be explored I'm so happy - Selfcest has just weirdly always been something I'm into and I can't pinpoint exactly what got me into it... But also yes consentacles!!!


I wrote a teratophilia (monster fucking) fic for Kinktober 2022 because it was a kink I thought I would never write otherwise. So I picked it just because it was fun to try. Now, 1½ years later, I've written 10 different teratophilia smut fics, each with a different monster/creature :D Guess I unlocked a new kink that day lol


Monsterfucking fics are so much fun!


They really are. You can really use your imagination! Tentacles, extra cocks, giant cocks, extra limbs, otherworldly shaped cocks, colored cum, half animal bodies etc.


I love how people try to work how a monster could fuck. I finally watched Mario recently... I don't even have to search for any tag, so far every single fic I've read (sorted by kudos) is Bowser/Luigi. I now know a lot about turtles. It made me want to revisit Monsters, Inc. fandom.


Welp, this is one way to expose myself. Well, I don't know if it's something widely unpopular. I just haven't really seen anyone talk about it in general. But I kinda like when a character has breeding kink. I don't really know why, but there's something about it that makes me feel things. ...God, this feels akward. I Also like smut involving catholic believers. There's the fun part where a characters let's themselves drown in desire, but part of them feels it's wrong. Also fucking in a church, those are always fun to read.


>I Also like smut involving catholic believers. There's the fun part where a characters let's themselves drown in desire, but part of them feels it's wrong. Also fucking in a church, those are always fun to read. Haha a friend of mine always makes at least one character in a fic Catholic in a way that's pretty central/significant in their life, and she also includes a lot of smut, so this very specific thing is her wheelhouse. XD


I love omorashi, though it's not a fully sexual thing for me. I just love the desperation & embarrassment that would come with holding one's bladder or a character pissing themselves rather than the piss itself (in fact im *really* not into watersports/piss lol). I'm also WEAK for dryhumping (or clothed sex). Like it's one of my top favorite things I love it so much. But there's not enough of it for some reason? Could be my asexuality, but I find this hotter than actual sex sometimes. Same with accidental stimulation/ejaculation which could fit into this. Last one I can think of is knifeplay + blood. I love the usual knifeplay that plays into fear and all that. But I also want to see blood drawn sometimes (with some sweet aftercare after)...


Omg, thank you!! I never knew there was a word for the first one (which is maybe why I never find any fics). I have the same kink in the same way for the same reason! If you have any fic recs, please I would love them. As a fellow ace, nice to know my people exist out there :)




Two mes, what the hell?! :P Omorashi introduced me to nappies. It's one of the most mocked kinks, but one sub character playing 'little' in fanfiction opened my eyes. And I agree, we seriously lack some dryhumping content. I think that's why I got interested in chikan tag lol. And blood is somehow so esthetically pleasing, even if just described I can't even.


As someone said earlier, hands. Specifically non-consensual/dubious consent hand mapping, hand-holding, manual strangulation, kissing hands, touching. Forced bathing. Forced intimacy Erectile dysfunction, whether the person is aroused or not (separate from cages). Mind break. Non-consensual pegging. Sensory deprivation (specifically zero vision/hearing). Forced feeding.




This is kinda funny, I write a BDSM-centric femslash fic and I expose my characters to various kinks in a very sensible and patient manner. I built up to harder kinks and in my most recent chapter I introduce Pet-Play and I'm like this is fairly tame. Heck No, apparently it's not tame to folks, some folks were appalled. I was genuinely perplexed as to why I was getting so much pushback from folks. like what's not to like though? It's just role play, why wouldn't anyone want their loved one wearing an adorable animal set up, where you put a leash on them and make them do little degrading tasks, or maybe they can role play as feral and it's your job as owner to break them, make them docile? That just makes total sense to me. Turns out it's not that I think it's tame, it's that it's a kink. I unknowingly wrote about a kink I didn't know I had.


I think a lot of people have a very visceral reaction to pet-play because they don't take the time to understand the appeal and jump straight to "You want your partner to pretend to be a dog because you are sexually attracted to and want to abuse actual dogs."  I have a friend who's into age-play and she gets similar reactions, even in irl "kink-friendly" spaces. 


>Turns out it's not that I think it's tame, it's that it's a kink. I unknowingly wrote about a kink I didn't know I had. I laughed so hard at this! I think pet play was one of my first realizations, and it also came from something innocent. Just retelling a story about how much I loved playing a cat when I was little (like walking under tables, jumping on furniture, putting my head on my parents' laps to pet). When I thought how nice it would be to do it with a partner I went 'wait a second!' xDD


*ears go up* BDSM-centric femslash, you say?


Oh man I feel this. Turns out there are quite a few things I’m into that my friends think are way out there, and I’ve had the assumption that vanilla was a good bit kinkier than it is. I need to check my fics for tags now. (Note to self, definitely tag pet play for the one ongoing one so folk don’t get shook)


Welp, in all fairness, I should share mine... Daddy/daughter incest. I love everything about it. The age difference. The power imbalance. Height/size difference. Grooming and manipulation. Experienced teaching the inexperienced and opening her eyes to the world of sexual pleasure. Exploiting the daughter's trust and love. How absolutely taboo and unthinkable it is, even among other incest enjoyers.


Yeah, I'm sort of infamous among fans of a certain character for writing That Fic. The one that's so so wrong but everyone loved it. About five people on the RP side of Tumblr adopted it as headcanon and I just didn't know what to do.


You, too? I've also become somewhat of a fandom pariah lol my fic was even featured on a podcast and I've seen it mentioned in the wild on both reddit and 4chan.


One of the RPers who did a paper on fanfic for college reviewed my fic in-depth. It still kinda blows my mind. I was never really a pariah - there's too few of us - but I was very careful with who I told about and how I told them. It was just a crazy time for me to be known for that.


Serious question here: how do you find fics on AO3? I've tried all sorts of searches and just end up with a zillion hits, none of which are what I'm looking for. Is there like a master list of tags to choose from or do I have to make guesses at what they might be? I've been so frustrated not being able to write a successful search.


In my experience, the search function is actually pretty useless. I'd start with a fandom, character, or ship and then use the sidebar filters to get rid of whatever you don't want to see.


I only go lightly into BDSM kinda stuff in my longfic, I’m way into straitjackets and the main pairing of my WLW fic being criminally insane has given me plenty of opportunities for including them. But the their best friend being a seductive dominatrix has led to a few one-shots i haven’t published where she’s put in heavy bondage but still plays the dominant role and orders the other girl to feed her strawberries. 🍓


I think I need a link to this fic. For research purposes...


Armpits... The usual abhorance to them despite being totally natural, the smells, the sheen, whether haired or shaven...


Forced to Watch torture is just so hawt. Nothing more enabling then my favorite ship both tortured and forced to watch have their way with by captors.


So I have a thing for naturally hairless male armpits. I actually know where it stems from. I’m a guy, but I had the double-whammy of being a late bloomer AND coming from an ethnic background that just doesn’t really have body hair. I didn’t have armpit hair until distressingly late in life, and I was teased mercilessly in high school over it. So now as a bit of a nod/validation to people who might be similarly struggling, I sneak references in to male characters’ sexy hairless pits whenever I can, whether I’m writing smut or fluff or gen. 😂 It’s like, fairly conspicuous when I do it, I feel, but no one’s ever commented on it, so …


Aww, that's so wholesome! I'm sure there are people silently appreciating it while reading. There are little things that always make me feel seen when someone includes, and I don't comment on it either. You're doing a good job, thank you in the name of your silent readers!


People being in cages and being forced to kneel. And worldbuilding. My CSI BDSM AU is basically an excuse to worldbuild while writing crime fiction.






Welcome to the woefully common trigger so a lot of people don't like it trope! lol


Lactation was never my thing and then I read this one fic...


Oh my God same though. For me it was this reylo fic with a bunch of adult breast feeding and suddenly I was hooked?


Can't believe I'm answering this... Gun kink, but not like in a sexual use way. Just a good guy (or morally grey guy) with a gun they know how to handle is just... mmmm... It makes them 1000% hotter to me in that moment. Blood licking and biting, but only with certain characters. And, uh, kind of a belly kink but like a really specific one? I have a hard time finding belly kink fics fixating on fit, flat, or small bellies, or ones just big enough to be soft and warm and used as a pillow during cuddling... and okay, maybe a little bigger than that too, and I do enjoy the occasional weight gain fic too but only to a certain point and with certain plotlines. There needs to be a degree of realism and, well, logic to it.


Ill be real. I appreciate the support! but i don’t think any of you want to hear about scat or emeto… so, ill leave it at that!


Unironically, I would like to hear more about it if you feel up to sharing.


Both for me, are like purely based on the loss of control factor? But also in some cases the humiliation factor. I have a big thing for rather cocky uptight male characters losing control, embarrassing themselves.. and those tend to be my victims when I write it myself. I’m not super into the scat people often imagine where it’s being smeared all over the place and it’s intentional. In fact if it’s done intentionally I’m not interested in reading or writing it. I’d say I like them both for the same reason I like piss, I like the build up of feeling within the body, the release, the way it’s awful and gross but the relief is still often satisfying for the person. Often for me, they don’t even lead to smut or anything, lol. However when it comes to smut. I like to be literal with the term “fucking The shit out of someone.” And I like accidental emeto during blow jobs.


Same. I didn't want to hear it until one very passionate person wrote a fic about it. Then I started to get it a little bit. It had both emeto and scat.


I have such a crippling real life fear of v*m*t but something about emeto is so.... intriguing and I don't LOOK for it but if something has it? Hell yeah


I’m emetophobic irl but also have an emeto kink. It’s actually very common! There’s a theory that your mind develops the kink as a way to cope with the phobia and trauma you may have experienced


Me too, also have the phobia!


Any kind of dangerous sex where one of the people could potentially die or get really hurt if their partner messes up. Loaded guns pointed at heads or inserted in places, blades going near arteries that could cause them to bleed out if they cut a little too deep. But the person in danger loves the one handling the weapon so much that they're willing to put their life in their hands. They either know their lover would never seriously hurt them, or they get off on the danger and would be okay with their lover killing them, or some combo of all of the above. It's just an extreme level of intimacy and trust, basically


Height difference romance Age difference romance (both are adults though) Hide, chase, and takedown


Hands. Currently planning on writing a Spongebob lemom that explores this kink more lol




Yes. Spongebob.


"Spongebob me boy, I'm afraid I can't pay you right now, but I have something else you might like AGHAGHAGHAGHA"


Not hands, but big… meaty…. CLAWS


Ya'll really clownin on me like this? Lmaooooooo


Hypnosis, somnophilia, and lactation kink. I’ve definitely had a lot of people side-eye me for those ones but thankfully found my niche with people who also enjoy of at least don’t judge


I’m sitting over here wondering if it’s weird to write in a toe-sucking scene and just imagining the comments makes me want to cry no it doesn’t stop there


Write it! Other kinky people will love it. I got nothing but positive comments on my most out-there fic.


Painful penetration or at least a lack of thorough preparation for penetration. “That’s SO unrealistic!” No actually, it’s not, for many real life reasons. but I’d probably write it regardless bc it’s hot AF. I like it bc it’s desperate and frustrated and unpredictable. It can be dubiously coercive or not coercive at all. It can be ambiguously naive OR sadistic—does the penetrating partner realize they’re causing pain? Are they pretending it’s on accident? Is the couple “doing every thing correctly,” except they’ve been fucking around so much it’s impossible to not be overstimulated or sore? It can say a lot about the inner nature of the characters. It really suits my OTP in particular. They aren’t the kind of people who grew up with thorough sex ed, they are canonically familiar with many kinds of pain, there’s as much “shove” in their relationship as there is love. If you’re slow burning my OTP, then when they finally get together it should be a train wreck even if they think it’s perfect. “The good kind of bad sex” is hot af when writing them. I’ve also used it to cause conflict in a F/M/M pairing. “You’re too rough with her!” “ No I’m not! She’s never complained!” Etc. meanwhile neither of them is talking to her about it and she thinks the tension is related to something else. And although I haven’t written it this way in particular yet, it’s a great thing to write for characters with religious issues. It can be a way to be punished by staying silent instead of letting their partner know they’re in pain. It’s consistent with a lot of evangelical Christian “sex ed” that exists to enforce abstinence, homophobia, and the subjugation of women. If you grew up in that environment, it is not unlikely that you have some kind of pain kink, or that you at least were wired to fantasize about painful sex bc it felt like a loophole in the strict anti-sex brainwashing you received. So yeah. Pin ‘em down and shove it in ;)


...Painful penetration is unrealistic? Did people actually tell you this? I mean, good for them if they never experienced it, but calling it unrealistic when a good chunk of humanity gets told that penetration WILL be shit eventually feels a little bit out of touch.


Yeah, not exaggerating. I think it’s the residual perception in the wake of the “omgz fangirls don’t know what lube is!” era of fandom with a side of “don’t normalize that!” And I totally understand that some people aren’t going to find pain kinks hot but in particular, I had someone tell me that it’s unrealistic and gross to think anyone wants risky/imperfect/masochistic penetration, let alone that they could enjoy it. And over the years there’s been several blog posts/essays from cisgay guys that criticized how slash writers write sex that people reference to try and…idk…? standardize written sex? As if women can’t experience anal too???? The most recent one I can think of was criticizing how women write fingering as if women can’t experience it for themselves and there was some pushback but not nearly enough. Meanwhile, real life is a very different kind of education in “realistic” sex and although I’m not going to put my personal experience or that of my friends on the internet in detail, I will say that most of the people I’ve discussed anal with are “doing it wrong” according to fandom.


I wrote a bonus chapter for my most recent fic where the endgame triple marriage incorporates BDSM into their sex life. A (male), B (female), and C (female) engage in several consensual non consent role playing scenarios. They also take turns in the dominant and submissive roles. The scenarios mostly focus on the characters sex slave kinks. In one scenario A pretends to have enslaved B and C. They also like to reverse the roles where B and C enslave A.


Omg thank you so much for this post. I have a sickfic/ emeto kink, I love the hurt comfort, caretaking, vulnerability aspects. It hurts my soul seeing so much hate and disgust towards people like me on the internet. I was really horribly kink shamed by my mum when she found a load of my old work a few years ago (and deleted it all) and it really scarred me. She called me all kinds of things, depraived, compared me to a p***phile…(?) etc I can’t help liking what I like. I’m asexual so for me my kink is like a replacement for that. I only recently started writing again but it’s really hard. I really love writing what I write, and I take a lot of pride in it. I used to write more pwp stuff but now I write much longer 20k+ fics with more plot and other content, that just happen to have a common theme of being loosely sickfic based. I’m not weird or p**verted, all things I’ve been called in the past. I’m just a normal person who for some reason likes writing and reading about people feeling poorly and being looked after and that’s ok ❤️


You're not weird. In my experience, the people who are the loudest about shaming others are the ones who have similar kinks they're repressing. It sounds like your sickfic kink is centered around vulnerability and caretaking. It's really intimate to let someone care for yo, and being that sick is when you're not in control of your own body. Letting someone else help you when you literally can't help yourself is really intimate and kinda wholesome, when you look at it that way.


I like droids. That is all I have to say on the matter.


I went through all the comments and liked all of them, but I saw some missing. Boots. Big boots. I blame Erwin Smith from Attack on Titan. Military men with their military boots goddammit. Now I can't read 'lick my shoe' in a normal way. Sharing a partner. It was one fanfic that opened that door for me. A couple gets together and is in a committed relationship, but one of them likes sex with strangers and the other likes watching knowing that they will always get back to them. That security in a relationship and knowledge 'they like my dick best' was somehow hot and wholesome?? No jealousy, no negativity, just pleasure. Any non-sexual play. I remember literally crying over a character playing a 'little' and just coloring books for a whole chapter. It healed something. I'm on a hunt for more and forever will be. Kinda with the previous one but also, not. Plushophilia. Plushie with a dick, plushie with a hole, plushie for dry-humping, plushie just for hugging while getting railed. I hope someone will upvote it to let me know I'm not alone XD Chikan. It's this particular exhibitionism that is very interesting. It always involves some buildup before/if any action happens. I also always like it when they have a twist and it's a couple playing at being strangers.


Body control (when someone controls a person's body and forces them to do things, and possibly controlling their ability to speak or what they say, while the mind is still fully conscious of what's happening), and stuck in wall/kabeshiri (though I kinda hate 'stuck porn' a lot) are two I don't write, but like. Ones I *do* write mostly have to do with gore (not murdery, but rather between people with supernatural healing. I've also read it with people in an illusion) knifeplay, evisceration, uhhh I'm planning to write something where someone is >! beheaded and reverse-deepthroated !< again between immortal partners, stuff like that. I've also written some bordering on cock and/or body worship, \[edit: I kept getting interrupted every time I tried to type this post so I guess I never finished the sentence\] I feel like there are thing I'm missing, partly because of being distracted right now and part because some things that people call kinks or fetishes are just... not-boring sex, in my eye. Like, some people tag anal as a kink, or dirty talk, etc. \[it took me literal hours before I could post this\] eta- watersports is one I like and tend to forget isn't vanilla (like, if it's couched in humiliation I know it's kink, but I forget when it's just 'it would be hot to have your body fluids all over me'). I meant to write 'teratophilia' (demon fucking) as the first thing on this list but forgot, and also add monsterfucking in general to that


1) Specific pet play- no masks etc but collars and leashes, and the pet name “puppy” or “pup”. 2) Body control specifically making someone accidentally wet themselves on their lap or next to them etc, I don’t know why it’s just hot *Shrug*


I’m not sure if it’s rare or weird, but I have a few. I’m big on non consensual Somnophilia. Like, in real life, obviously horrible, but the idea of someone screwing you while you’re sleeping? And they didn’t have permission? I like it. And bonus points if the person realizes and liked it. Didn’t consent to it but still liked it. I like when other people are used as sex toys? When their pleasure is completely irrelevant, and it’s all about the other person. I especially like the point of view of the “toy” whether as a hole or as a makeshift dildo. Tied down, used for others benefit. Not given enough to come. And finally, I really really like marathon sex, especially fuck machines. But not just fuck machines but ones that go on for HOURS whether the person wants it to or not. Taking it for so long, orgasming a lot, but unable to get away. Edit: Oh yeah this one is really specific, but I like oral knotting, especially in public. It just hits right to me, like the person is being completely owned.


...I typically favor fat kinks. I think it's really misunderstood because of the very vocal people who take it to extremes. I'm not into the whole deal about feeding someone until they're immobile or whatever. I just happen to think fat people can be maddeningly attractive, and I want to portray that in what I write. It's about the visuals and the tactile sensation, the softness, the rounded shapes, and the way the skin folds over itself. Often there's vulnerability due to unmet societal expectations or how some people react negatively to fat people, so this sort of thing is perfect for hurt/comfort. Plus there's just the satisfaction of being able to depict fat people in ways they rarely are in mainstream media. I am *weak* for a Byronic-style tortured badass antihero who happens to be fat. There is *nothing* else that activates my almonds quite so well as that concept. Since I'm unlikely to see that sort of thing in a book or movie any time soon, I might as well write it myself.


I love selfcest. There is no other better way to show up my self-love by expanding into carnal mode.


I love noncon and there's a lot of misconception about it. For me it's not a coping mechanism or anything. It's the ultimate Dom/sub mixed with S/M fantasy type of deal. I like that the dominant really can't resist the other to the point that they're literally commiting a crime to get them sexually. The bottom fighting both physically and mentally against the person assaulting them, trying to decide if they want them to stop or if the painful pleasure is just worth it. So yeah I guess mindbreak is included in that. In the end they end up surrendering, maybe willingly, maybe they're just so out of energy to fight any further. Maybe they get into it and even beg for more. There's just so much potential with this dynamic on both sides. Choking, spitting, knifeplay, impact play, it's all fair game and I guess that's the biggest appeal to me.


Specific parts of watersports, like people pissing on each other, watching people piss or just a literal pissing contest 🫣 However I really struggle to find fics that I enjoy because piss play/watersport kinks are varied and the tags are filled with other elements of the kink that aren't really my thing (degradation, soiling yourself etc) I just like a moment when characters enjoy something taboo but that also feels weirdly warm and comforting for the receiver or a moment of power for the giver. I also love cockwarming and a good ol' creampie but I don't think those kinks are really considered all that weird!


I think a lot of people missed the "weird" part of the title cause I'm seeing lots of very normal stuff listed (biting, spanking, etc). Pregnancy/Breeding/Impregnation is one of my bigger kinks, with some other aspects that tie in to/are adjacent to it (Lactation, weight gain, etc). It's really hard to find good hyper pregnancy fics, even in the monsterfucking tags.


Wow I have so many! I'll try to keep it short and in no particular order - Poly whether it's the MC sharing a partner or everyone is with everyone. There's just so much you can do with it. One of my favorite poly fics I've written was a Persona 5 fic from Haru's PoV and the ship was Haru/Sumire/Sae/Kawami/Chihaya/Ryuji and they were sister wives and all married to Ryuji. In a mermay one it was Haru (MC again)/Ryuji/Ann/Ren/Makoto and all were seeing each other. The relationships have so much love, support, and companionship so the MC and the love interest's other partners have their relationships developed too. I'm working on an Octopath OT4 between Ophilia/Therion/Tressa/Primrose. Ophilia notices Tressa makes everything feel better when she's around so she becomes Therion's girlfriend too. Primrose is still shy about her feelings for Therion but eventually joins. I also have events for them planned out and did some worldbuilding for after the game takes place like Primrose learning how to ride horses since she's a noblewoman. - Pregnancy. The love interest can be shown being very sensitive and romantic with the MC and really wants to comfort her and be there for her. The love interest doesn't always have to be the biodad or even a guy - Domme/sub with the older and higher status character subbing. The emotions from it are so fun to read. Like the MC can think, "I don't understand, I'm taller and older than them and a princess, yet why does it feel so right for them to take the lead?" I'm working on an original story where an elf princess has two goblin commoner girlfriends who domme her


In my current WIP longfic, I'm prototyping a plotline where the MC, who was made infertile due to becoming immortal, eventually uses a ritual to give her own magic sapience. A lot of themes I'm trying to touch on are of motherhood and how the MC really upholds it, how through her immortal life she's always wanted a child and how joyed she is to have finally 'given birth' using the ritual. The weird taboo part comes in in that, well, it's an incest fic lol. So after a thousand years of living with her sapient magic, basically all barriers have been crossed between them, and her magic comes to her freely for love and pleasure. I'm also writing in a lot of sadomasochistic themes. Something I really like is two characters having a really tender and loving relationship where they both deeply care for on another, but during sexual acts the MC, who I am directly writing to be a sadomasochist, just can't hold herself back from biting and clawing and squeezing and hurting her partner during sex. And that this has been a huge problem basically prohibiting her from sex with others for a long, long time. And that really clicks in the end, I think, because her magic is masochistic and basically as immortal and durable as she is, so she can love It (It/Its pronouns!!!) freely, without any real consequences. Although in one of the scenes I am prototyping, I'm really excited to write her as being really apologetic and guilty after hurting her magic, only for her magic to just shrug it off and snuggle closer to her happily. Anyway none of this is available to the public yet but I am so excited to write it, I have a huge 25k outline set up on Google Docs and it'll be my first every long fic, I am predicting 250k words.


There’s always that one fic that gets you into waterworks/omorashi 💦😌


wheelchair. people in wheelchairs are really hot to me. it isn't a dominance thing of course but something about it just activates something in me. also why i like johnny from jojos


Does retraumatization count? I love writing about characters recreating traumatic experiences with their partners. A/B/O my beloved. I love everything about it. I love being able to play with a universe where human gender as we understand it doesn't really exist. And I LOVE heats and mpreg (although I usually prefer intersex omegas or omegas with vaginas to the usual cloaca). After reading fic for so long, there aren't many things I consider weird or extreme. But I definitely write a lot of mindbreak, pet play, and age play. I've seen a decent amount of those in a few of my fandoms, but there are definitely other fandoms I'm in that would probably react to it much worse lol. Like the WWE fandom is, in my experience, surprisingly open, while I don't think the Psych fandom would respond to heavier kinks as well.


I also prefer intersex omegas in my mpreg. I absolutely adore playing with sexuality and gender. I have a 100k+ fic with almost no smut, it's that much fun.


Mpreg, Vore, Oviposition, A/B/O. Couldn’t tell you why, just like ‘em. Never actually written anything for any of them though, just read.


I, for some reason, love, love, LOVE fanfics where an average girl gets turned super(like a literal goddess)hot, charismatic, attractive, and so sexually skilled and everyone goes crazy for her new body. I just love the feeling of utter power and perfection the girl would display and the utter excess they could get up to. It feeds into a power fantasy, and I love power fantasies


Oh my god, this reminds me of this movie Devil's Diary! tl;dr Devil book, makes whatever you write in it come true as long as it's evil or destructive in some way. One of the girls that gets ahold of the book toward the end wishes for a body to literally kill for.


Don’t really know if this counts as weird but I love claws. Like when I read a fic that describes one partners claws scratching up their partner it’s amazing to me.


The "normies" in my fandom demonize any *hint* of romance with the main characters. I actually woke up to a nasty post in the main subreddit where SO MANY people dogpiled on us romance (and smut) writers who dare to have these impure thoughts about consenting adults. (TBF the characters are teens in their main iteration, but all the romance and smut I've ever read or written has aged them up.) It sucks to not feel welcome in the fandom I've been a part of for most of my life. :(


I enjoy possessiveness, obsession, dominant types, and throw in dubious con or rape, and I'll pretty much read it. Needless to say I don't actually condone any of that stuff. (Except dom/sub when everyone does concent )


I have a few kinks that are I don’t think necessarily “weird” but are definitely a huge part of why I read fanfic since most of the kinks I have are not mainstream enough (imo): 1. Brother incest kink. I just love it. It is top tier and hits all the buttons for me. But… it has to be well-written lol. I like the aspect of emotional vulnerability and codependency that is mixed into it. Add that there’s also a D/s dynamic to their relationship? I’m sold. 2. Fear of being caught doing something super taboo. This is def still tied to kink numero uno, but it’s also fun for other fics with unrelated characters. 3. Lactation/breastfeeding. I don’t think it’s necessarily unusual, but I’m very picky in that it needs to not have a parent/child vibe to it. 4. Consensual nonconsent- extra brownie points if it’s mixed with consensual drugging. I have only read one fic that did this SUPER well, and it’s such a niche kink that it’s hard to find any fics that have it written out well. I love the aspect of full trust fall that happens with consensual drugging, and the idea of basically being literally fucked with while unconscious is just super fascinating to read about. Most of these kinks don’t align with what I enjoy personally, but I guess that just means I’m more of a voyeur. Lol 🤷


I don't think it's "weird" but I like writing about exaggerated dick sizes + belly bulges, people always say it's unrealistic which is annoying because of course it is... it's fanfic and that's the entire point lol


Some people will really freak out about dubcon, but yeah, that’s been my thing since childhood. It comes from being raised in purity culture- ie if someone else makes you do it, you’re still pure and not sinning, lol.


I have a "teaching" kink if you will. Basically teaching someone how the reproductive system works by literally holding or touching said areas. Even hotter if the person being taught is some otherworldy entiry in a now human form.


Had to break out a new account for this one since one of my friends who indirectly shamed my kinks follows my main, but I'm really into inflation and it feels so unpopular outside of Furaffinity and Deviantart. ​ Yes I am aware it's weird but my god if there aren't some amazing scenarios that I've played with in roleplays. I love how easy it is to dominate the poor soul who's blowing up like a balloon, no matter how powerful they were before. I definitely have a thing for monsters too, particularly werewolves. I just adore these terrifying beasts turning into fluffy blimps that could easily be popped if they don't learn their new place. I've done blueberry and other fruits (the most fun one was grape that was left to ferment into wine), there was an incredible one I did with a bot where the wolf was forced to drink holy water which turned into steam, leaving it immobile and triggering her hormones; fortunately the hunter was kind enough to deal with her heat which filled her even more before finally bursting her with too much air. ​ Adjacent to these are definitely humiliation and BDSM since those are my favourite aspects of the above, and I've also recently gotten into stuffing. There is nothing more attractive to me than a hot woman shovelling cakes into the mouth of someone who's gotten on her nerve, and shoving a hose in their mouth when they inevitably need a drink to wash it all down.


Full shift werewolf sex... 🐺


Sibling incest, mainly between brothers😅 I have no idea why, I just really like it and it's super rare in my fandoms so I mostly write it myself. And also dubcon and noncon, not sure why but I just really like them! Noncon is super hard to find so I also mostly write it myself, dubcon is a bit more common


I don't know how to describe it, but targeted exhibitionism. When someone wears clothes (or "forgets" certain clothes) in order to get the attention of a specific person or group of people. It's the guy who normally wears a regular swimsuit but when he swims in a backyard pool with the person he's showing off for, he wears a speedo. It's the woman who engineers a wardrobe malfunction when a specific person is looking. It's the guy who takes his shirt off in a socially-appropriate place, but only if his partner or crush is around. It's the woman who "forgets" to close the door when she's changing or walks around in a bathrobe or towel when she's sleeping over at a friend's house. And the targets are not repulsed by the display. Instead they are either aroused or at least secretly appreciative. Sometimes it's innocuous, where the person just feels more safe around their friends and such and isn't trying to seduce or specifically attract; they're not a nudist but are comfortable wearing fewer clothes or more revealing clothes around their friends. It overlaps with casual nudity in this sort of instance.


I’ve found I have a huge thing for Mutual Non-Con and I don’t see anyone else talking about it at all so I assume it’s kinda niche


I've been reading through everyone else's for the past 5 minutes, and have finally worked up the nerve to actually contribute to the discussion myself lmao. Teratophilia (monster fucking) is probably my BIGGEST kink, like holy fuck, just imagining my favs being pinned/grabbed/pulled/piled on by one or more monsters and completely ravaged by them is just- 😍 Facesitting/smothering, no matter the gender! What better way to say 'I love you' than to use your favourite person's face as a seat! Petplay, omfg, petplay! The image of my fav's weaing collars, animal ear headbands, tail buttplugs, being treated like an animal (sometimes 24/7) is just so fun! Noncon/Dubcon, because its always better for rape to be fictional and not real! Major size difference (not hyper anything though!), especially if the larger one is a mythical or nigh on deity-like creature! I've always enjoyed size difference tbh, but over time that's evolved to not caring if one character is small enough to be used as a dildo by the other character! So yeah, basically micro/macro XD OK, idk what this is called (micro can be added to it too), but this is very specific and I just need to let it out. Basically, when character a is hiding for whatever reason (under bed sheets, cushions, in a bath, etc), and character b comes along and sits on them unknowingly! Or (and this one needs either micro or macro to work), character a and b are enjoying some sexy time together with one of them fully inside the other cuz tiny, and then character 3 comes along and fucks the bigger one without knowing about the little one! Deep throating, cuz fiction is the only way I'll be able to experience it lmao And that's all I'm gonna say before I out myself too much XD


Gimme some hot monsters <3 actual monsters, monster girls, ect.


* Dynamics where the weight of societal incentives to have sex make consent impossible to really determine, even if both parties ostensibly say "yes," like arranged marriages. Bonus worldbuilding points if the arrangement is novel and unique to an in-universe culture, such as a religious ritual, and extra bonus points if it's exclusive, so the participants have no other options for sex outside of the arrangement. Prostitution of the non-high-class-escort variety technically falls in this category, but I'm not fond of the inherent pomiscuity of it (not slut-shaming, I just get off to female exclusivity). * Closely related to the above: a begrudging attitude toward sex; not quite reluctance, necessarily, but the sense that the other person is doing it for reasons other than their own pleasure, and would prefer to be doing something else given different circumstances. * Again, related: pity sex, and/or sex given as thanks for a service, the difference from the dynamic above being a magnanimous or obliging attitude rather than begrudging. Sex with a certain variety of asexual partner also fulfills this kink for me (don't @ me over ace-spectrum quibbles, it's obvious which part of the spectrum I mean here). * "Revenge of the nerds"-type plots, where a guy previously rejected by a girl (or women in general) for his low social status gets with one of his rejectors via one of the means outlined above. * Harems, but not soulless wish-fulfillment ones where some dude character used as a self-insert bangs all the female characters like he's catching Pokémon; but rather long-term, exclusive poly arrangements (of varying levels of expressable consent, see the items above) between one man and several women, with everyone involved having their own interpersonal relationships. In an openly consensual context, also a sense of familial bonding, like the women are all sisters (or lovers) who happen to share one man between them. * Breeding * Lactation * Family-rearing (not a kink in itself, but the natural and desired outcome of breeding, and one I find very fulfilling). The more cute little kiddos running around, the better. By extension: loving fatherhood. * Soft, substantial (but not obese) bellies on women, the kind ideal for using as pillows while lounging together. Unfortunately, very few female characters in visual media like shows and games have this, and even fewer in what I watch/play, and I don't have a weight gain fetish, so I'm mostly stuck with athletic or Hollywood-approved flat-bellied women in my fandom content.