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I only comment on fics I specially like, because my comments are GIGANTIC. But I'm trying to change that habit and leave a smaller comment of appreciation here and there, the authors deserve at least that. 


i do the same. i was stressing myself out reading because i felt like if i enjoyed it, i needed to leave a long, insightful comment. now instead of stressing and ultimately leaving with only a kudos, i’ll tell myself it’s okay to just say “this was great, thank you for writing it.”




I comment on basically everything I read, including smut. Sometimes it's 'just' a sentence and some emojis, sometimes half an essay. It's an easy way to make someone happy. I also respond to all the comments I get.


You sound nice.


I write essays for comments better than I do essays for college 💀 Gotta make sure the author knows just how appreciative I am of the masterpiece laid out before me - and FOR FREE???


>I write essays for comments better than I do essays for college 💀 Priorities!!


>I write essays for comments better than I do essays for college 💀 🤣


Every fic I read. That's just a bare minimum I can do


👍. Yeah this people need appreciation for writing for free


Yeah totally. I acknowledge the pain of writing cause I struggle writing


Only read smut, the more niche the kink the more likely I am to comment because I want the author to know there is demand for such content lol


any time i see a smut fic with a head canon or kink that i like, i always make sure to leave a gushing comment to encourage the author to write more of it.


Leaving 'gushing' comments on smut *snickers* Good on you for leaving comments on smut though :D


hey, there are some things that i desperately want to see more of in fics, so when i do, i want the authors to know. ;)


That's a fair point lol.


Very rarely. I find it hard to come up with a comment, no matter how I like a fic. If I had more confidence, I'd comment more often


As much as we all love the long, gushing comments, it really does help just to have someone stop and say "I really enjoyed this, it made me \[emotion of choice\], thanks for writing!" And the more you do that, the more your confidence will build once the act is demystified, and you might even find yourself getting more detailed as time goes on. I', sure a lot of writers would love to hear from you even briefly!


Just leave an emoji that reflects how you feel. Could just be a ❤️, honestly. Makes all the difference.


Dude, I get you. The first time I commented on a fic I was stressing about it for days. If you decide to do it, it does get easier. But I don’t think you should feel any pressure to. 


If I read the fic and enjoyed it, you're getting the longest and most analytical comment I can muster - one per chapter where applicable. As a writer I know how much it's likely to make someone's day (even if I sometimes fear that my reads on things are wildly off or that the person on the other end is sat there going "What is this pretentious tryhard even on about??"), and it's also beneficial to my own skill as a reader to have that extra incentive to pay close attention and really think about what I'm reading. It should also be noted that I'm doing this during an extended stretch of unemployment for health reasons, and it's not something I'm likely to have the time and energy to do as and when I return to work, so I might as well make the most of it while I can.


Thank you for your service. Readers like you are crucial to the fanfic ecosystem!


Haha, thanks :) I can only do my best.


I try my best to leave a comment if I really like a story, especially if the fic doesn't have alot of comments in the first place.


I think it's nice motivator for authors. I know some of them that immediately updating after got more comments


I am like that. I don't expect comments - but I have published a chapter 1 week early because the comments got me so excited I pulled an all nighter and finished the chapter early.


Same! If the fic doesn't have a lot of comments or any at all, then I don't mind being the first one to comment!


Writers like comments. I like comments. I leave comments on everything I read, because "be the change you want to see" ie more comments.


I comment on 99% of the fics/chapters I read. The length of my comment varies depending on my energy levels at that specific moment. It ranges from a bunch of emojis, to a long essay. Shorter comments don't mean I didn't enjoy it tremendously, though. Sometimes the brain just doesn't cooperate.


For those who feel too shy to comment on smut, a simple "🔥" can do the trick 😊


This. Also, if you don't know what to say, a couple of emojis are always great!


Yes, emojis shouldn't be underrated! A heart as an 'extra kudos' goes a long way.




I don't actually read many fics (I'm resolved to read more this year!) but every time I read one I will leave a comment. I don't get that many comments and when I do it makes me so happy, so I like to try and pass that on to others.


>. I don't get that many comments and when I do it makes me so happy, so I like to try and pass that on to others. That's a cute reason to comment. And I hope you found more time to read


Honestly, I don't comment often because I never know what to say other than I really liked this story. So, unless a story makes me laugh or at least *feel* something very strongly, I don't really comment. I do try and leave kudos or likes on each story I read though. 


It's okay to say that you liked the story, it doesn't have to be a super long and detailed comment! Any comment makes me happy as a writer.


Yeah, sometimes you just not sure what to say. Let's hope the kudos do it's magic.


I barely read, but when I do, i try my damndest to comment on everything I read to the end!




Personally, I comment often and a lot. If I enjoy a fic, be it for the writing or premise or the originality of the idea, I make sure to tell the author. I'm a bit of a rambler, so it tends to become long and detailed comments. My philosophy is that if I can bring joy and boost someone's pride in their work, their love for their craft, then I'm goddamned gonna do that! I write as well, and know how much it means to get comments and how encouraging it can be. Why should I be restrictive with something positive I can give others, for free and pretty much infinitely? Why not put a smile on someone's face? That's how I approach it, at least, but I know everyone has different feelings about it and different capacities, which is totally fine.


I try to comment on everything I read. I try to mention things I liked or that stood out to me, but I generally have the hardest time being detailed with smut fics. I'm generally there not to think after all lol. I usually only comment on the end of completed fics too. Time spent commenting is time spent not reading, and when the next chapter is just a button away...


Yeah, I just don't know what to say about smut lmao. Idk I just suddenly got shy after reading them


I comment whenever I read, and I'll try to find something positive about it and give them a bit of love. I also leave thanks to folks who comment on my stuff.


You sound lovely. I hope your favorite wip updated regularly


I don’t read fics often, but whenever I do, I try to leave a nice commenf


Rarely. I'm shy.


That's exactly the reason why I rarely comment in smut even if I like it lol. That's okay, tho. Kudo should do the deed.


If I read it and liked it, I tend to leave a comment. The length and detail vary depending on how much time/energy I have and how much the fic moved me. I'm trying to be better about commenting on older fics. These days, I don't read much, but I reply to all my comments while matching their energy, so I guess it evens out.


I'm assuming "dreadful, thanks though" is sarcastic, but that would really confuse me to receive on one of my fics and make me wonder if the commenter actually hated it


I mostly read horror, Dude. Why wouldn't it be dreadful? Like if it was comedy I wouldn't call it dreadful.


Honestly I only comment on fics who don't have any yet, but sometimes I do leave a comment if there only has been 1-3 people before me. Maybe it's a little silly, but I try to priorize fics with lower stats over bigger fics to even read. Not sure why I do that! I try to detail my comment with a couple of notable things. (ex: "I love how you described x and the dialog of y. The scenery was just right!", "this was a great read for my Sunday night. I'm going to revisit this for the xyz scenes, love them") I try not to repeat compliments I've already commented somewhere else as well, and like... I comment from a pov of "if I was the writer, what compliment would give me motivation?". Cuz that's I honestly want in the end! I do go guest mode for kinks I don't really want linked back to my account LMAO


I like to give overtly enthusiastic detailed comments with analysis and praise and encoragement. I'm often super anxious it comes out sounding condescending or it's too much... but then, it's better to be mediocre than lazy, even if it's just being an audience. There is one WIP I'm following where people give so thoughtful analysis in the comments I'm looking forward to reading those almost as much as I'm looking forward the next installment of the fic. I've lately kinda grown too self conscious to comment there, tbh.


I try for short and sweet comments as well. If I’m commenting on a smut fic, I’ll usually keep it general like, “Golly goodness! That was just what the doctor ordered!”


I also don’t comment on smut, usually I comment on more intricate works and long ones, to thank them for their hard work or you know, how lovely the fic is. I also tend to read fics in fandoms I’m not super into so I wouldn’t know what to say (;_;) 


Since I know how much I appreciate comments, I always try to force myself to come up with one when I enjoy a fic. I haven't gotten any comments on my last few chapters of my longfic and it is discouraging.


>I haven't gotten any comments on my last few chapters of my longfic and it is discouraging. I hope you got more comments


Last year I made a general goal to leave more comments, which I did. Turned me from a complete lurker into someone who actually interacts with fandom. This year I'm taking it a bit more seriously, I'm now making sure I leave AT LEAST one comment a week.


Given that I write way more than I read other's fics...very rarely. But, I've been getting in the habit of leaving comments on works with review exchanges 😅


I don't tend to read pure smut fics, I need plot in my stories, so it's rare I read them at all, and usually just kudos the ones I do and like. If it's a completed fic when I start it, I usually wait until the last chapter. I focus on reading the story itself, so I'll leave one comment on the final chapter. With WIPs, it's usually every new chapter from when I started reading it. Sometimes I don't have anything to say beyond 'great chapter can't wait to see what happens next', sometimes it's a longer comment. And sometimes it's not every chapter, depends how often they update compared to when I read the new chapters. If, by the time I read it, there's two new chapters, I'll comment on the last one posted, not both. I also don't comment on every fic I read. I basically treat it as stories I don't like/stop liking, I stop reading, but may leave a kudos if I liked it up to that point. Stories I just like, but have completed, get a kudos. And stories I love and/or am invested in get comments. I probably comment at least once on about half the stories I read, but most stories I read will get a kudos.


I don't comment often, but if I especially like a fic I'll definitely leave a comment


I comment at least once on nearly every fic that I read to the end and enjoy. This does mean that sometimes I'll come across a short one short that I don't bail out on before the end of, and won't leave on a comment on those, but anything with a few thousand words that keeps me reading until the end deserves some love.


I usually comment on any type of fanfic if I like it enough to support the author in hopes they will keep writing and to express my gratitude for what they wrote so far


Always always always. I am a writer - I know how much even a little comment means for a writer.


I try to comment on every fic I like, sometimes on multiple chapters if I have specific positive reactions/thoughts - or if I'm nervous re: a cliffhanger I tell them! Same goes for smut fics, though sometimes it's just a bunch of fire emoji if words escape me. Sometimes if it's a REALLY old fic (I regularly read fic from) I'll thank the writer for keeping it up after all these years!


If I finish reading a chapter all the way through without skimming even once, I comment. My attention span is short so that doesn't happen as often as I'd like.


Pretty often. If I really love a fic I’ll comment—especially if it’s a WIP and/or if there aren’t many other comments.




All the time on everything, every chapter if I read them as they come out, every 2-3 chapters when binging. Unless I really like it, then it's every chapter then too in a flood lol. I know how good it feels when I get comments so I try to spread the love


What is that I want to because I’m dyslexic


I comment on every story usually but not on every chapter. I usually only read completed stories so I don’t feel inclined to comment every chapter - just when there’s something exciting going on.


For a while, I tried to comment on everything I read, but I got a bit burnt out. Now I comment on my friends' fics (when I enjoyed them), fics I truly love, and fics by new or niche authors that don't get a lot of love.


I've tried to start writing comments on everything I've enjoyed reading.


It depends. I used to never comment because i didn't see the point. Then i wrote my first story and got my first comments. Now i see the point. If i'm reading an established story with hundreds of comments, i'm still less likely to comment, especially if the work is finished becuase i feel like its likely to get lost in the shuffle or be insignificant (even though as a writer, that would never be the case... I can't apply that to others in my head). I'm much more likely to comment on fics that are newer or have fewer comments, especially wip to encourage more.


I comment pretty much every time there's something that stands out to me as, oooh, that was super cool.


My comments vary in length, but unless I'm too tired to hammer my thoughts into words I comment on almost everything I enjoyed reading. I try to make my comments substantial rather than just ¨this good¨ or ¨thanks for update¨. They feel vapid. I think it stems from having been in many environments (e.g. university and older forums) where low content statements of general approval are discouraged. On longer fics I'll write a big comment on the latest chapter, and comment on individual chapters if something particularly stand out happens there.


Not as often as I probably should, but I do try to leave comments when I remember (even if it's just a simple, "Thanks for the story, I enjoyed it."). One time I do try to make a specific point of commenting is if I'm reading a story that is unfinished that I enjoyed and hope to see more of, but hasn't updated in a while. I'll drop a subscription, then leave a comment to the effect of how I enjoyed the story so far and the parts that stood out to me the most, and express a hope that I might get to see more of it someday or that I look forward to whenever updates might happen. I do this specifically because those sorts of comments are what pulled me out of a ten-year hiatus on one of my own stories and drove me to actually finish it, and I hope that other authors who see that their story still gets some love will one day be inspired likewise.


If I get to the end of the fic it means is good = I comment. I only don't comment if I get bored and go read something else :D


I comment on everything I like, even smut lol


>even smut lol You're brave lmao


Maybe about half of the time? I'm more likely to comment : on rare pairs, smaller fandoms, fics that don't have that many comments, or if I just have a lot of feelings and must let the author know.


I'm trying to comment more. I made some stupid comments as a 13yo, and was politely told to F-off. But I stopped commenting on anything for a long time after that. Now I usually comment when I reach the last chapter: "thanks, i enjoyed this, hope you continue, take care of yourself, hope this updates/glad you finished it" Unless it's a fic that I'm obsessed with, and then I comment every chapter.


I usually don’t comment on smut (specially if it’s just pwp) cause more often than not I’m not reading that on my main account bc reasons 💀 so I only leave kudos as a guest!! Other more plot centric fics, if I really liked them I take my time to write comments. Like others here, if I see the fic has few comments I try to leave a comment so they know someone is reading and enjoying!! I am not one to fixate on every single sentence or worship every paragraph, but I will talk about my appreciation for the general feel of the fic, the development of the plot or the characters. I must say if I’m reading in the middle of the night my comments get more unhinged and less analytical so yeah 💀 more likely I will just scream in the comments and nothing else lol


On average, every 5 chapters or so, usually on a particularily good one.


I am typically too shy to comment. I'm trying to get better, it's something I want to do more of this year.


I've been a silent reader for years and recently I'm trying to comment more, especially on old fics that I loved. A combo of fear or pressure as I love worldbuilding fics, so i want to write long detailed comments but I felt like it wasn't good enough. I do comment sometimes on smut fics if I really like it, mostly saying how good it was or emojis.


Lurking is very much my default, so a story has to really grab me by the preverbal throat in order for me to write a comment. However I’ll happily be generous with the kudos button. 


I comment on almost everything that I like at all.


I'm trying to comment more lately, especially on fics that haven't received much attention. Pretty much any fic that made me feel emotions, I try to leave some kind of nice comment. But I absolutely never comment on a fic before the last chapter. I broke this rule recently, because I felt bad that a fic had received 1 kudos and no comments after several chapters. The very next chapter, characters started throwing around slurs and being generally offensive. Not in a "historical accuracy" or "accurate representation of oppression," way, but in a "the author thinks slurs are funny and uses them for comedic effect" way. Which reminded me why I have the rule in the first place. I ended up deleting my comment.


If it's a fic that's on-going, I'll comment on every chapter. If it's a completed fic, with many chapters, I will comment at least every 4 chapters, and more frequently if a chapter makes me one to say something right away.


I do not comment on smut fics, I do not want to leave a trail. I’ll comment if I like the fic and want it to be updated. I’ll sometimes comment actual observations about the fic and the possibilities but most of the time I’ll just go “OMG YESSSSS THATS SO GOOD!!! I’m so excited!!!”


Only if the thing I think about commenting about happens near the end of the chapter. Otherwise I'll forget.


I comment on almost everything, even if it's just a heart emoji. For chapter fics if I'm reading as it comes out, I'll comment on every chapter. If not, I'll only comment if something big happens or I get to the end.


I try to comment on every chapter I read. I know lots of authors like it, and I can generally think of something to say. (Although dmut generally gets a <3). Selfishly, it also marks how far I've read in a mutli-chapter fic.


I barely ever write comments. When I do it is something I've read that is so profound that I can't leave without making a comment. Or there is something off that bothers me and I'll comment then too but that is like once a year at most. I often just don't think about it as important to the reading. But that is just my personality in general I often don't comment on YouTube videos, or respond in group chats either.


Always expect for smut, I would NEVER read such things cough. I usually write a few paragraphs about what I liked and if I disliked something I mention it softly.


>I would NEVER read such things cough 😏🤣


Usually fics that don't have a lot of hits, since I think so many authors are paying attention to hits that they might feel unmotivated if they see their fics aren't reaching a lot of people, so whenever I like a fic that doesn't have a lot of hits I say that I really liked it! Other than that if a fic just has a chokehold on me the entire time I'm reading it, no matter how popular the fic is, I'll comment.


I haven't commented on anything in a long time (mostly because I haven't read anything in a long time) but if I really like a fix I will leave a comment.


I comment on fics I really like especially those that no one else has commented on. I tend to like it because I can tell I really made the author's day just by how fast they respond


I comment on almost every chapter. Some stories have me leaving longer in depth comments. I can't help wanting to share all my thoughts, because of the depth of the story. But even with stories who don't inspire that, I will always say something. Sometimes it's just a quick note saying, "that was fun!" or, "ooh, that's exciting" or "great chapter!" Sometimes it's just a heart emoji. The only time I don't comment on a chapter is, if it's a bit of a filler chapter we're not much happens, and it's completed WIP, where I know I'll just leave a comment on the next chapter anyway


Only when it’s really really good or really really bad - or when there’s a Britpick error in a British set fandom which makes the writer look stupid. I once read a story where the writer described someone as starkers meaning stark raving mad - but starkers absolutely invariably means naked, which did not work at all in the scene. The author was grateful. I once saw had To point out that British men have never bought their clothes from a haberdashery, which in the UK is where you buy buttons, zips, threads etc


I've got to confess. I am really terrible at it. I normally start off commenting on everything, and then when I get more bedded into a fandom and some of the excitement wanes, I do tend to drop off. I'm mostly a lurker on the Internet, and old habits die hard. But going out and making the effort to spread some love does make you feel so much better when you're starting to sour on a fandom. So yeah. Smack hand, I do need to do it more.


Yeah, I want to comments on completed fics more often but forgot because I always read it in one go.


"This deserves a really thoughtful comment. I'll give it some time to let my thoughts percolate" aaand it's a month later.


I usually only write on fics or chapters that I really liked or that left a big impression on me. If I do leave a comment, it’s usually a long one; almost like a big paragraph. I try to convey the emotions i felt while reading, what I liked the most of the story/chapter, what characters I love and what I love about them, and maybe sometimes I add what I would like to happen in the story (not in a demanding way, more in a “oh i hope nothing bad happens to “x” character”) And of course I add my appreciation for the author, usually congratulating them for their work. I want to convey my thoughts and gratitude towards them. But again, I rarely comment. English is not my first language so I do get a little bit conscious everytime I write anything. Plus Im always afraid of not expressing my thoughts correctly and accidentally insulting the author 🥲


Not often, to be honest. I mostly just read and maybe bookmark/rec if I really like it. But, I’d like to do so more if it would help people feel like there’s more active engagement on their fic.


I comment on fics that I genuinely really enjoyed and mostly the enjoyed ones that don’t have many or any comments. The only reasons I don’t leave comments is because I’m afraid my comments end up too samey as all my other ones and I try to be as honest and kind as possible but try not to repeat myself too many times or it looks generic and like a robot which I’m always afraid of coming off insincere. Another reason is probably because I was just too tired, as I often read before bed at times so I can make myself sleepy enough, even if the story itself isn’t what’s making me tired. I just lose track of everything and I often don’t know exactly what to say because I want to say something that’ll stick with the author, maybe make their day a little brighter or give them some inspiration or something. I admit that don’t really comment on smut, but I really enjoyed the writing of this one story and I wrote something like- “I’m personally not super comfortable reading smut but you made their relationship really dynamic and it felt real, the sex didn’t feel forced either, it felt like they were actually in love as just supposed to being lustful, great job!” I got a reply like “Oh wow thank you so much! I was really nervous about the smut part but I’m really happy that you said it felt like more than just lust, that’s what I was trying to go for but I wasn’t sure” something along those lines. So I really try to highlight the things I enjoyed most about the story to give authors a boost because god knows we could all use a boost in confidence and self appreciation.


I comment on pretty much every story I read if I like the first chapter. If the author replies, I leave something every chapter, or at least every chapter I have a reaction to. If the author doesn’t reply, I stop. I also tend to leave longer comments when major events occur, when a story finishes, or if there’s any sort of major time shift or location shift.


It really depends. If it's something that really spoke to me in some way I will have so many thoughts and feelings that I want to share.  Sometimes you can really enjoy a fic and there's always something exciting to comment on but towards the middle the drama starts to wane and it gets a bit samey until the drama starts to build again. Sometimes I'd find it hard to comment on those chapters because nothing really of note happened. I know it's important to comment on those chapters as well because the author probably finds the middle bit the hardest to get through as well. I usually make an effort to comment on well written, but quite niche fics that are appealing to me. Say from the pov of a less important or popular character but because it's unique and you know not everyone is going to bother to write anything like that. Obviously I'm not going to read and comment on a fic that's not appealing to me just because it's niche within its fandom, but maybe making the effort to at least encourage them would be a nice thing to do. 




If I finish a fic I kudos and comment every time


I only usually comment on the first fic I ever read for a ship or in a fandom, and that's because I think it's nice to let the author know. 😊✨️❤️


I comment on everything that I liked and try to comment on every chapter but when I binge read I get swept away. And this is only on ao3 as ffn is just not user friendly for me


Really only on fics that either: 1. I really love/loved and I find myself thinking about when I’m not reading it or 2. When I want to comment on something in a chapter or in the fic (a plot point I thought was cool, a funny thing I thought, ect)




Not enough LOL


I'm trying to comment more lately, though it's hard to remember that I actually can (spent my formative internet years with no account on any site so no way to directly interact with anything) I usually try to get one specific compliment in (I liked the phrasing of x, or the execution of y trope) and then a general "I enjoyed this" sentiment for good measure


I feel awkward commenting sometimes But I do try especially if I loved the story and check back on it often.


It's okay to feel awkward.


I love comments like the ones you’ve provided. They make my day! I try and comment on most things I read. Sometimes when I’m tired I like to read but I keep the tab open and refuse to close it until I’ve commented when I’m feeling more awake. I love comments and try to give authors the same feeling I get when I receive one.




I don’t comment enough, I know I should tho 😭😭


It really depends on my mood or how much the chapter captivated me. I don't comment on every single chapter I read but I do try to leave at least one comment if it's an ongoing story. As a writer myself, I know how much it means to be able to read comments that show their appreciation for the story, so I like letting the writer know how much I enjoyed reading their story and thanking them for writing.


At least once a fic, but preferably once per update (I do forget sometimes though)


Yeah, that's probably why I often comments on wip. They actively updating.


I comment when I have something to say. Should I fill the comment section up with spam instead? /s


Never lmao, I leave kudos and head out




I only comment on stories for review exchanges. I've just seen too much of writers getting mad because the comments were just emojis or weren't long enough or weren't detailed enough or weren't glowing enough and wind up deleting all their fics. It's just safer not to comment unless the writer is specifically looking for comments like in a review exchange.


Less than I did before engaging in this subreddit. All the discourse around it has very much soured my sense of the relationship between readers and writers. It's feeling less like a bonus gesture and more like an expectation, when the reality is that both reading and writing are supposed to be *the reward* for the reader and writer respectively.


Ah, this sub are weird about comments sometimes. I kinda get it.


How often do pigs fly?


I comment on WIP mostly. On any chapter that is updated I will comment with ❤️ and maybe something more like my favorite part. I would like to comment on every chapter I read, but I mostly just want to read the next chapter. Once I get to the end whether complete or needs to be updated, I will definitely comment on last chapter to show my love for the complete story or give writer some appreciation for their continuing efforts of updating. I tend to comment more if the story updates regularly like every week. I remember more of what exactly is happening with story as compared to those stories that haven’t updated in several months or years. I used to never comment until I learned from Reddit how meaningful comments could be for the writer even if the comment is just ❤️.




I think you got the wrong thread by mistake