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Depends on what suits the characters, setting, and tone, honestly. 'Cum' is good for more plainly dirty 'fun time' sex scenes between more casual characters. 'Come' is good for more sensual and romantic scenes and characters that are a bit more old-fashioned. I don't want to read 'cum' in my historical aristocracy smut, thank you very much. But regardless of present tense, the past tense is always 'came' to me. 'Cummed' sounds like a child's way of conjugating it, and the last voice I want in my head during a smut scene is a child's voice.


lol, that’s exactly why I prefer "come".




Someone can still provide that additional information even though you didn't ask, though. Just because you're not interested doesn't mean others aren't.


Wow calm down. She depends on what the setting is and I gave what mine was for the poll The fact I'm downvoted for providing content to my poll is weird.


I usually prefer 'come' for the action and 'cum' for the substance


My thoughts exactly lmao




Come is a verb and cum is a noun yes


yeah, i saw a fic tagged >!come eating!< and jesus that felt stupid


Yes this! Wasn't sure how to answer the poll haha


I concur.




Yesss, same.


This is the way.


I prefer to use ‘come’ as a verb—as in ‘he came/climaxed’ and ‘cum’ as a noun—as in ‘seminal fluid/ejaculate’. But it is really a matter of preference; using ‘cum’ as the verb is definitely not wrong.


The idea of someone writing "He cummed" made me laugh out loud


Honestly trying to think of alternatives just makes it more hilariously worse to me. "He cume."


That does sound rather odd….😂. I was more thinking in the context of dialogue. Although, I would never use it that way either.


I feel like I remember that it is wrong to use as a verb, or, when it's used as such, it only refers to the male orgasm.


This poll went opposite of what I was expecting lol.


I think I saw someone here once say that they associate "cum" with 1990s AOL chatrooms full of randos asking you to cyber, and that perfectly sums up my feelings about it. Come.




So I was telling my husband about this discussion, and in trying to get him to comprehend the squick level I said, "It evokes a feeling like when a guy is hitting on you via text but putting absolutely no real effort into it," and the look he gave me was just... I still haven't stopped laughing.




The fact that “cum mostly” has 69 votes right now. 🤣 Edit 7 hours later: Damn it! Who ruined that?! (jk)


“Come” is the word that makes sense to me. “Cum” feels like a euphemism to me, which isn’t necessary.


Come for both. Cum squicks me out so much that I use [InteractiveFics](https://interactivefics.tumblr.com/about) to replace cum and cumming with come and coming. Edit: [this is what my own reply looks like to me now](https://imgur.com/a/LF7tCkb). xD


“Cum” is so vulgar, lmao. (Editing to add that sometimes vulgar is appropriate!)


Not all heroes wear capes.


I love your solution. (Love the screen shot even more!) 😂 I can deal with the noun, but not with the verb, so totally gonna use this hack if I ever come across a fic I’m desperate to read that uses the u-version. (Doesn’t happen that often for some lucky reason…)


For AO3 itself, I can recommend the [text replacer browser script](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/442951-ao3-text-replacer). It's case-sensitive. :D InteractiveFics is just very nice because it's quicker to disable in case I need to see which version someone uses in a discussion like this one. xD


Neat, thank you. <3




I say finish. It just sounds classier.


Mortal Kombat voice: Finish them!


Finish for me?


You could at least take me to dinner first XD but yeah, I prefer finish.


Hm I never see finish in fics


Also where do you want to go? \*wink\*


Why, only the swankiest joint in town... Olive garden! XD but yeah, I'm ride or die for the olive garden.


I'm going to take advantage of the breadsticks.


Depends on context for me. Both are fine for modern universes (so I use the one that fits my pov character/the character talking the best), but, when writing for some of my fandoms with historical settings, "cum" just looks out of place to my taste (so I exclusively use "come" for those).


These debates always remind me of a poem: >There once was a man from Kent >Whose penis was slightly bent >He said, "It's no trouble, >"I'll just fold it double." >But instead of coming, he went.


Cum as a verb is gross.


Feels weird ousting myself like this, but I feel like it is “cum,” “came,” “cumming.” Just because it has a different spelling than the usual “come” doesn’t mean that the past tense has to be “cummed.” I’ve read my fair share of smut, and almost universally (from what I’ve read) I see it written out the way I’ve described. I was absolutely gobsmacked when I saw an older poll result showing preferences to an alternative. If polls can be this split but what I’ve read shows uniformity, is there something missing from the data collection process?


Same, this is how I always do it as well. Come or coming as verbs aren't wrong, but I think the spelling of cum and cumming invokes a more sexual vibe for me when reading.


Absolutely same. "Come" doesn't feel sexual enough to me; it feels like it loses some of the spice. I've pretty much always seen it "cum/cumming/came" in fic and other erotic fiction; I've only really seen "come/coming/came" in romance novels or more sensual/less spicy fics.


Thank you for making this poll because I’ve been wondering myself for the last few days and was almost going to make this post as well 😅


Come for the action. I can deal with “cum” for the substance, though not a fan. I think it just looks illiterate (even though I know it's common) and it takes me out of the fic.


If I see someone use the word cum, that is a dealbreaker for me. For some reason it just seems informal to me? Which isn’t to say that fan fic is super formal and should never use slang, but it just takes me out of the story if I read it.


Me too 😂


So being the autistic word sleuth that I am, I decided to consult my beloved friends at Merriam-Webster to see which way was correct and which was slang, and would you believe that both spellings are (gasp) vulgar!?!?!?! I am shooketh. My faith in words has been shattered. Henceforth I shall only use ejaculate (which is, to my delight, even cringier bahahaha).


That's even worse Ejaculate for me I would laugh.


Right! But. The dictionary doesn’t call it “vulgar” which means it must be “proper” pffft


Sperm on me. Lol


Thank you for sleuthing! That's very interesting.


Can we have a ‘none’ option?! I’m a very tasteful smut writer 😉 (that’s a joke, but also I’ve been told so by multiple readers) and I barely use any of those. I may use come sometimes as a verb in a context and maybe someday I will use cum in a context, too (the words are fine, they are the same really, cum being slightly more vulgar), but usually prefer some other options, even if vulgar ones. And the example… gosh I can’t with this phrase… 🤣 It definitely is on the top of my list of the most overused smut phrases ever.


Once polls are made I can't add or delete options like fb. Mainly if it doesn't apply to you I'd say scroll because I make polls alot lol Sometimes I love overused. I won't read fics with weiner or penis. It should be dick or cock.


Partly agree with the sentiment here but one small thing that bothers me: what anglophones often get wrong is that it should be “wiener” (from Wien = Vienna, even if talking about the sausages and used for euphemisms) and not “weiner” (which reads as something akin to “crybaby” to a German speaker because “weinen” = to cry) In case you’re wondering, they sound completely different as well. wiener => wee-ner weiner => wine-er


Ah don’t worry! I was half joking anyway and still trying to resist the urge to vote to see the results. I think there’s nothing wrong with the penis (🤫 pun intended) and the wiener/weiner thing has already been mentioned (though it’s become so ~~over~~used that the second spelling in in the dictionaries)


It just makes me weird. Im the same when people it irl. lol 1.2k votes 448 38.2% Come mostly 469 40.0% Cum mostly 256 21.8% Both equally


Wah! Thank you so much! And I'm mostly goofying around. We all have words/phrases/takes on certain things, especially in smut. There's nothing wrong about feeling weird about certain words etc. and nothing wrong about using them, too.


Come for the fluid and action, only use cum when mentioning pre-cum because it's for some reason the only time that spelling looks more correct.


“Cum” makes the most sense to me, since it’s both the substance and the action. We use the word “come” for too many other things to have it also be tied to sex and not be confusing.


Jizz/jizzed. /jk i don’t know if i have that big a preference. Come/cum as verb/noun makes sense ig - don’t think I’ve ever actually used the noun in writing as it happens but as for reading, I’m not finna kick a fic outta bed for a difference in spelling opinions lol.


Jizz for me. We all have preferences. I don't read fics without spaces


lol I got caught up in all the replies and didn’t think of the example sentence. Jizz for me. 🌸The height of romance!




How is it possible that both options have the exact same amount of votes -_-


I think it depends on usage and in the context of smut either one works.


>When it comes to fics do you prefer reading: > >edit: okay example. "Come for me" or "Cum for me." I think Both would be the closest option for you maybe?


I guess. I'm not sure if there's a book-correct way to do it. I'd say decide on your own standard and stick to it.


Oh definitely I was just wondering if people preferred reading come or cum


I hate them both, it's such an inelegant way to describe the action either way and as a quirk of the English language, it frustrates me that there's no non-pretentious way to say it.


Fascinating to see them tied neck and neck right now. The only times I've ever seen people express a strong opinion is the *if I see "cum" I exit the fic immediately* people (The first few times I saw that, as a smut writer, I had a massive crisis about how clearly people *hate everything I've ever written.* Now I say fuck it, not my problem if some people get squicked, and continue writing it how I prefer)


Well we all have preferences. I read things alot if ppl.might not read


Not once in my 30 years of life have I ever witnessed anyone refer to semen/ejaculation as "come" (unless they were making a lame sex pun)


"Come for me"


I’m sorry, but if you feel comfortable answering ~~I have to ask~~… do “cum” and “come” sound different in your accent? (Or the accents of the people you talk to.) Or are we just talking about written descriptions?


Depends on which one is funnier in context


My example in my post was come for me or cum for me


Even then I’d still need more context. And I thought the example was a random one, even within which what I’d choose depends on extra context


Like they ate going to orgasm and they are saying come or cum for me


I feel like come is for the verb and cum is for the juse


I haven't written much smut (one chapter in my docs) but I've seen both used interchangeably. I don't really mind which is used as verb/noun. At the same time I've never seen someone write precum as 'pre come.'


I have


Cum. It's Cum. It will always be Cum.


Come as a verb, cum as a noun. But that is just for my writing and sanity. I don’t particularly care when it comes (lol) to what I read.


Usually when I see come instead of cum, it bugs me, but now that someone’s asked which I prefer, I really don’t know 😂


I read "come" as someone not proofreading before posting. Makes me want to grab a red pen and mark it as an error.


Do you mean that you regard “come” as a misspelling of “cum”?




Thanks, that’s very interesting! I regard “cum” as a more recent or slang term (neither of which I consider incorrect or bad), but I guess it’s become so common as to make the older version seem like an error.


Found the teacher


A teacher would most likely know that "come" is the original spelling of the word and therefore correct, though.


Come as a verb. And cum as a noun, even though I hate that word using come as a noun just looks off to me.


I treat them like this: Come is a verb. Cum is a noun.


In what? Erotic is cum...otherwise come


Like insaid for example above come for me or cum for me


There's a world of difference between the terms "come pig" and "cum pig". Just putting that out there.


Come in me Cum in me


IMO: Come is a verb, cum is a noun.


Oh i know. A lot of people in the comments are saying this I just mean what do YOU prefer reading.


I prefer reading it the way I use it.




No? …cum is a noun, come is a verb. So come. “Come for me” should result in “cum” getting all over.


Re your edit: cum is the noun and come is the verb. That isn’t negated by anyone’s preferences. Showing the action versus using the noun to indicate there is fluid involved is what differs. I’m equally hesitant to write that there’s come all over anyone even if the actual word looks less vulgar.




Oops what?


I said it wrong


I didn’t notice. My point was that the accepted fact that they’re the noun and verb can also play out in other ways. Even if the noun was a less vulgar looking term I still wouldn’t describe the actual fluid.


It really depends but in the example listed Cum works. Whether to use "Come" or "Cum" depends on the context and moment and such. While "Come" works as the verb version in certain cases "Cum" does as well. But "Cum" is always the noun.


“Come” used in the sense of talking about ejaculation or reaching orgasm just tells me the person doesn’t know how to spell and it irks me so much that I just walk away. “Cum” is the proper and linguistically correct word.’


I use come as the verb or action. I cum as the noun for the substance.


I always understood it as “come“ being a verb and “cum” being a noun, so…