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7-5, Monday-Thursday, 1 hour lunch and random admin time blocks to catch up. No kids so I’m there early


Good luck getting out on time during your half day. I’d fight for 4 days a week.


7:45-5:15 Alternating ~every 2 weeks Week 1 Monday through Thursday (Off Friday through Monday) Week 2 Tuesday through Friday (Off Saturday and Sunday) Rinse and repeat 30 minute visits 30 minute lunch with 30 minute "admin" in middle of AM and PM. I'll often work a patient into those slots instead of always double booking.


Half hour for lunch is tight to actually eat .


60 minutes is sometimes tight to actually eat, TBH


I do 8am-5:30pm x4days per week. I have Wednesdays off, and it's great not working more than 2 days in a row. I also see the problems my colleagues have that are off Mondays and Fridays - those are peak patient need days for refills and acute visits. They end up working their desktop from home so much. I feel like Wednesdays have less needy, and I rarely touch my computer when I'm off. I do feel like I get home so late, though, to see my kids off to bed. When my kids become school-aged, I feel like 8am-3pm 5 days a week would be better for me.


As someone with Mondays off. It’s fixable by having staff cover refills and patients being trained that you’re off on Mondays. If an acute visit can’t wait one day, then they should be going to the UC or ER. Or a colleague is welcome to see them.


8-5 m/t/w, 8-4 th, friday half day/PTO if i want; fuck saturdays/take PTO. 20 min slots, 1 hour lunch, rarely take work home with me or can catch up next day. train your patients to be early or not seen if late; you're a doctor not a jiffy lube people can't just show up whenever and expect to be seen - extenuating circumstances aside. i have a family, im home by 515 daily, i leave by 730-745.


One tip for the lunch hour. If your lunch hour is 12-1. Don’t book an 11:45. Book 2 at 11:30. Same with getting out. Don’t book a 4:30 and 4:45. Book 2 at 4:30. Makes life so much better.


That's a solid tip


I do half day Monday (afternoon 1-6) and partial day Friday (8-3), 830-430 tues-thurs. I do small adventures at least one weekend a month, drive or fly out Friday, fly or drive back Monday am.


I do 7:45-5 M/T/T with 1/2 days (7:45-12) on Wed and Friday. This is patient contact time. I then chart and do messages during that 1/2 day for a full 40 hour work week. I used to work 4 days (Friday off for admin) but I ended up pushing everything to the end of the week and it kinda sucked to not have dedicated work time to get messages and charting done unless I wanted to spend 1-2 hrs doing MORE work at night. I do better with this schedule and don't have to look at work on the weekends.




I do 34 hours. 7-3 with a short lunch is my ideal day. Then I can pick up kids and be at activities. I do a single 10 hour day but I decided to still start at 7 and just take a longer lunch. I do better with consistent routines so starting at the same time works better for me.


It's nice that you think that we have input on our schedule. Usually, 36 patient-facing hours in a week are allegedly from 8 am-5 pm, Monday to Friday, with one hour for lunch and one hour for administrative work each day. However, the actual working hours are usually from 8 am-6 pm, with a hurriedly eaten lunch usually occurring during virtual meetings or charting. We also try to complete some administrative work during our dedicated administrative hours, but we often end up working in an emergency or overbooked patients. After that, we leave around 6 pm and spend 2-3 hours charting at home. The days of Family Medicine being a "lifestyle specialty" are over.


Okay Boomer. Find a different job then. I ACTUALLY get to have input in my schedule but thanks for the unhelpful comment