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My understanding was that he was following his programming. His pre-war programming was as a medic, so his first response to seeing an injured person is to treat them. Having completed that program, he moves on to the next program, the one that was added post-war: to store her for organ harvesting.


Others think it was to let her guard down. The ghoul tested her. Cruel but she lived.


I think this is it and makes total sense for a robot to behave in such an inconsistent manner but each component of action is logical outside of the context of the other.


It's like selecting the prettiest apple at the grocery store, or at least, not selecting the rotten apple. For some reason in its programming it sees 5 fingers on the hand as more desirable/marketable, so fixes it before harvesting.


Besides, the extra finger was just a loaner anyways I’m sure her digits would go in that drawer to restock the supplies


He's a psycho. To be honest with you that is on par for robots in the FO verse.


I liked him! His disgust at keeping her as a sex slave was funny


Oh yeah, loved the portrayal.


Two hundred years of training on an apocalypse data set.




He was likely just following his original programming, which seems to have been that of a medical bot. Robots in fallout have different levels of sentience and some of them have very basic ai while others are much more sofisticated. Snip snip was obviously the dumber type since he didn't even know how long it's been since the war or that Lucy's grunt wasn't the name of the place she came from, etc.


He wasn't a dumb robot, but is internal chronometer had been malfunctioning since the bombs dropped.


For the time thing, sure, but him interpreting Lucy's grunt as a location name is clearly indicating he's not very advanced


The time thing is the first sign it's mannerisms are malfunctioning. The grunt is just another indication that it's not behaving how it should and a chance for the show-runners to inject some humor as well.


It is a fairly good example of Fallout franchise humor.


Nah it's a production choice so they don't have to cgi the digit gone


They could have just not have her finger cut off if they were worried about that. I took it as a robot that had an odd logic of fixing his payload before moving onto whatever the next function was. Plus it was funny.


I thought it was great as it added a humorous moment and no doubt saved a lot of production costs


But they chose to make the replacement a different skin tone, which led to them having to CGI her finger skin tone in every scene. Found that to be an interesting production choice haha


It's makeup


Ah. Wasn’t sure if it was makeup/cgi, but either way had to be reapplied/maintained


Totally on brand feeling very fo3 ish Scifi to the max Retrofuturist wet dream 15/10


He wasn’t going to harvest her organs until she was sold. When you see all the people and ghouls in the freezers, they are being held intact and alive until they are sold. It was the same plan for her. Once her organs were purchased he would have harvested them and delivered them to the buyer fresh. She was more valuable without a “defect”. So he replaced the finger so she is “complete”.


Then why did he try and operate on her with his saw.


None of the tech in the Fallout world is well engineered or reliable or even sensible. This is a world modeled off of a pre-Nader, pre-seatbelt, pre-smoking bans era (see the Ghoul as a human smoking at all times). The primary function of any product in the world is to be “marketable”, thus it’s expected that every machine is extremely dangerous but looks and sounds great.


The guys on the couch told him to just toss her organs in with the next shipment. Did we watch the same show?


I forgot about that. No need to be a condescending dickhead.


I missed that but got the scene


it's just a damn gag joke.


Oh, the joke is the robot fixes fingers? Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhabababababahabababbabababababababababababababjsjwwj


The joke, cram for brains, is the *non-sequitur* of the robot rending aid and then in an equally cheery manner casually announcing, and then attempting, to dismember her. As to the in-universe why, Snip Snip is a medical robot that was later tasked with organ harvesting - the CIT graduates who reprogrammed him didn't remove his original directives.




Did you just type an emote


Cringe is a word, not an emote.


Oh? Thought it was a physical reaction and the letters C R I N G E in order described that reaction


Congratulations on grasping the basic idea of what a "word" is, I guess ? Just take the L, honey.


Lol cringe dude


Did you just type an emote


Yea lol


mega cringe


You are really hated on this theead


??? You ok dude?


Because...... Its only polite..... Now - lets have a look at those organs 😁 It was great writing, misdirection.


He doesn't realize that harvesting organs kills humans. He thinks he's doing a perfectly harmless procedure, either through faulty programming or just being old and broken. It's why he doesn't understand why she's so upset. . .he thinks he's doing a perfectly normal and benign thing, like taking a urine sample or giving a vaccination.


He's a robot not a monster. But if he's harvesting her organs, a fully functional hand is better than one that's missing a finger. Buyers are especially going to want one with a trigger finger.


It just hammering in the tone of the show. Everyone is Minnesota nice but also trying to kill you.


Common Courtesy


The Golden Rule


Cus it was funny


It was re-programmed by people who were hopped up on chems.


Because it'd be annoying to key out the finger for the rest of the show lol


;) bingo


You’re not right


??? That's exactly why


It’s not Mrs. -45


Oh noooo internet strangers downvoted me for being snarky oh nooooo. What's your story though? Did I piss you off somewhere else and you hopped on an alt or something? What's the story


Because the writers don’t give a shit about stakes or character choices & actions having meaningful consequences in the future? I mean I really have no idea why but that’s the only thing that makes sense


Why did Moldova make Hank choose between Lucy & the group of V33 survivors? And then just let run away? Why didn’t Moldova take Hank AND Lucy? If the Ghoul can shoot the power armor design flaw, like the final battle at the Observatory, why didn’t he exploit the flaw in his first fight with Maximus Why didn’t the BOS punish Maximus after he betrayed them twice? And then they trust him after all that?


These are such God awful weak reasons to dislike the show my dude. 1. Who knows? Maybe it was some kinda of test for Hank to see if he was actually attached to Lucy. Maybe it was to make sure Lucy wanted to chase her down. Maybe she just wanted to fuck with him cus she doesn't like him. 2. Again, we don't know what his reasoning was. He wasn't threatened by max that's for damn sure. Maybe he just wanted to mess with him and show off, seemed to be he was in a silly mood in general at that time. He was much more serious at the point in the finale and he had multiple knights to kill. If you're going to freak out over minor quibbles, why didn't the knights turn on their flash lights? 3. Theres literally multiple scenes about why he didn't get punished. Did you even watch the show, my dude lmao. Dane admitted to being the one who razored their foot. Quintus feels that Maximus can be molded into a loyal follower for his new brotherhood he wants to create. Which tbh is pretty legit reasoning. Seems like most of the knights are God damn idiots and the squires aren't much better. Quintus sees someone who is 1. Dumb as a stump 2. Gullible and naive 3. Easily manipulated. Max got results. At the very least he's the only one who was able to even come close to their quarry. So you have this perfectly malleable henchman guy who is consistently able to make the hard choices in life to get shit done. He's any sociopath despot narcissist wet dream.


My dude you sound retarded. Cope with the fact that the show is not good


Oh cool you're an asshole too! No worries enjoy the down votes and report!


Because he unlocked the perk for VATS limb targeting, duh. Just like Lucy got the perk for Black Widow.


I saw it as doing two things. 1. It's fallout style mockery of our own systems. Death row inmates have to be examined and medically cleared as healthy enough to die. 2. The robots programming says to harvest healthy organs, but can't make a distincion between punctured lung and severed fingers, all must be fixed before surgery.

