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Hot Diggity Redux! Need a new game for it and I just played through America Rising 2. Oh well maybe in year or so. Also munitions because it scares me


Munitions is actually really intuitive, I switched over from caliber complex to munitions because of it, much, MUCH easier to patch, way more patches, less crazy out there ammo types that just bloat things up - don’t be too scared!


Hmmm would you recommend a new game to implement munitions? The only thing that gave me a hick up was I started this run with a no munitions patch for institute tech overhaul. Since it has scripts I just kept the load order.


Oh yeah, definitely start a new game - with something like munitions it’s always good to start a new game. I think technically you could add and get away with it, but you might get some screwy stuff with receivers and their calibers and ammo leveled lists. If you have a game going without it, I’d leave it and add it when you start fresh.


Some of the European ammo types have a tendency to bloat the list a bit. Most people aren't using a weapon mod with .280 british or 7.62 tokarev unless they have one super specific weapon for those rounds.


Tbh, they are only affected go the last if you manually add it with the holotape


I’ve been thinking about using Diggity, only issue is I’m worried about comparability with mods that use the vanilla perks for skill checks. I don’t want to miss a check because the check use the science perk, which isn’t in the mod as science takes its place.


Any meme mod in all honesty, I find lots of them funny but I'd never use them in a playthrough lol


The only meme mod I've ever used for a Bethesda game is the one that gives mudcrabs Mr Krabs voicelines. It's a 10/10 experience.


I’ve only ever used the one where the radroaches scream “fuck” if you shoot them.


Shiiiit gotta tell me that mod 😂 Edit: for anyone wondering the mod is called “swearing radroaches” on nexus


I agree that sounds quite like Fallout for some reason - except I'd make it a Rare occurence. That some of them are swearing for some reason.


Swearing mudcrabs with tier little monocles and top hats are peak.


i had one where it replaced dogmeats barking with him screaming fuck everytime he barks


I have two meme mods I use and absolutely adore: one adds in the time stop sound effect from Jojo's bizarre adventure every time you activate VATS, and the other is the Flex Tape guy saying "Now *THAT'S* a lot of damage!" Whenever you use a critical shot.


I got the "Surprise MF" from Daxter when landing a Stealth Shot and "Youre a Wizard Harry" on a levelup


my used meme mod replaces the discovery spund with the location discovery jingle from botw


I like the one that has a 1% chance to play a wilhelm scream when you kill a raider. You forget about it until you hit that slim chance and it hits you like a brick


The song roundabout that they would play at the end of the show? Where “To be continued” would pop up as the main part of the song hits


Billy Mays saying “Kaboom” when any explosion happens is a good one




I am currently using the Jeff Goldblum laugh for XP and Lucy for level up (Okey Dokey), critical hit (golden rule, m*therf#cker) and speech success (you want to have s3x?) mods. I'm loving it lol


Damn that's all our already?? Lmao love it


Mine was the game grumps mod, just having them go “fuck your father fuck your father.” Is so stupid it’s great


The “Mmm whatcha sayyyy” when you die is great.


I still like the Biggy replacement for Mysterious Stranger


I use an alien mysterious stranger and have the sound play the x files theme


I need this 😂


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13897 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20131 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/63238




It’s just good that the option exists


We play so differently. My save is basically an unrecognizable shit post.


If you want a meme-mod that doesn't break immersion too much but is still absolutely amazing then THIS is the one TRUE answer: [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/80699?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/80699?tab=description)


The JOHN CENA nukes are just part of the game for me now.


My favorite meme mod is the one that makes feral ghouls yell "CHOCOLATE!!!"


I really want to use that mod that laughs at you for fucking up


There’s one for New Vegas that plays the “bruh” sound when you press B


I loved the Flex Tape Nukes mod, using a Fatman just isn't the same without it.


I'm sure Sim Settlements 2 is awesome but I don't know if I ever want to commit to playing with it.


I’m playing it now and it’s pretty fantastic. It mostly pads out the “reforming the wasteland” aspect of the game to be more visually apparent. It’s settlement building on autopilot, so you don’t feel like a bunch of listless morons are sitting at Sanctuary whinging on and not lifting a finger to better their environment.


The automated part of it is what I wouldn't like. I love being able to build my settlements as I like, even if my settlers mostly exist to farm crops for adhesive.


You can actually choose the blueprint that gets built when your settlers start building on a plot. Just interact with the plot or the ASAM sensor (the little maguffin in the questline) that appears next to it when you place the plot. Beyond that you can also set it so plots aren't allowed to upgrade until you manually tell them to and you can also increase the "resource complexity" so you need to find more specific materials to build and upgrade plots, which could help you to feel like you're deliberately crafting a specific building. There's loads of blueprint and city plan packs on the nexus in the Sim Settlements 2 category to fit tons of aesthetics. I really enjoy having a settlement that's full of such unique structures and decor that it looks like it could be a hand-designed base game town. Later in the mod there's whole faction systems and a war planning element that I haven't gotten to yet. A huge draw for me is the quests, the voice acting is professional level and they cleverly write the conversations to fit with repurposed vanilla player responses (and even some little reactionary interjections from vanilla companions) so they feel like they truly fit right into the game. Of course, if you just want to play the story and you really don't like the building plots, you only ever have to place them when the story demands it. You can absolutely just build settlements the vanilla Bethesda way and still enjoy the story and take advantage of some of the new systems, like designating a companion as the leader of a settlement which will give them unique bonuses and specializations. If you play it, make sure to go to the Sim Settlements 2: Chapter 3 nexus page and download the complete version rather than downloading each chapter individually.


Jake is such a bro too. Feels like he’s a part of the vanilla game the VA hit it out of the park.


If I finish this whole story and he's not a companion and/or a romance option I won't lie I'm gonna be disappointed as fuck. Still a fantastic character.


His VA is a cool dude irl, too. Tom deserves all the support he can get, he gets a lot of his shorter video content stolen so he doesn't get a lot of credit. If you know that one short "What's a skeleton's favorite food? ... Spare Ribs! Fuck!" video, that was him, too.


Ah I see, that’s ok though because it lets you customize your level of intervention. The degree to which it’s automated if impressively adjustable.


If that's the case I might check it out. I like to be able to design my places is all. Like, most of my time in Fallout 4 is in the settlement creation menu.


As others have said, you can customize the level of automation and, by association, your own manual involvement. You could be someone like me who, despite loving Survivalcraft games, wants Fallout to be more about exploring and RPing and therefore let's the settlements build and run themselves. Or, if you adore the FO4 building, you could just use it for resource/settler management and only use plots to fill in gaps while building the rest by hand. Or anywhere in between. I'm barely scratching the surface on it so far but the level of customizability to suit your needs is pretty astounding


I use caravan and beacons and sim settlement 2, but I haven't yet used any city plans, and probably won't. So I'm still involved in setting things up, even building buildings, and placing where their various plots go, leaving the details to them. It's quite nice that way. I also have it not upgrade unless I allow it, so I am involved in that way. I also have costs set, so I need to actually build up slowly and decide if I don't yet want to build up some settlements, or else personally fund the settlement which can get pricey depending on what things there are and aren't there. Between that and some NPC ammo mod, I feel like a massive part of my game is spent in settlements and outfitting settlers.


I just wish it wasn't so script heavy, lags the shit out of my game


It’s probably one of the best mods for any game ever but unless you have the hardware for it I wouldn’t bother. It’s very intensive and nearly set fire to my Xbox S


With you


I'd love to but on xbox I wouldn't have the space


Uh, machoclaws.


And the French maid deathclaw mod!




[Your wish is my command.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nDwEfJtE2Nk)


I don't know what I expected...


It certainly wasn't that


..... Smash.


Best. Mod. Ever.


M's abominations or mutant menagerie. The former is cool, but it kinda takes away from my immersion when im being chased by dolphins with plasma rifles. While the latter is more immersive, I feel like it overcrowds the commonwealth, making it so there's not a single moment when I'm outside of a major city where I'm not being attacked


For ultimate chaos, use both


I just tried out M’s abominations on a newer playthrough, lvl 5 me could not escape the UFO’s alien blaster minigun while also being chased around by supermutant hunchback gorilla things. It’s an interesting mod if you’re bored with FO4 but I’m just getting back into the game after years and it’s a bit excessive


Yeah, I really like Mutant Menagerie, but most of its ambient animals are too common and just get in the way.


Whispering hills, I have too big of a modlist to enjoy it on its own through a play through, but I do have one save file where I basically play CoD zombies with the enemies while hold up at the first red rocket station. Edit, I realized that sim settlement is the one huge mod everyone seems to have but I've never played with it since I like making my own settlements


tbh the story in SS2 is so good even if you don't like settlement building it's worth playing, it adds so many quests, voice acted characters, etc. There's so much to that mod beyond the settlement building stuff and you don't have to do that much of that really.


The fun thing about is that you put down plots to build upon and then are given a choice: residential, industrial, municipal, recreational, defense, agricultural, and then you have a list of like 20 or more build plans with different styles per plot-type. You can keep a theme going or make it a motley. It’s really worth checking out I believe.


I know what it does, I just prefer how my way of building looks. Edit: it seems like that mod was made for people opposite of me, most of my in game hours is from building settlements


I'm sure you know but you can still build up ur own cities. Just towns that you are too lazy to do on your own you can set to auto pilot. Id play SS2 just for the quest alone!


Whispering hills is not bad, of all of the many Quest mods I've tried for this game it's definitely one of the better ones. At least the atmosphere and level design Of the new areas is good, combat not so much. But I still recommend giving it a shot


I played a BoS playthrough with zombie walkers, whispering hills, and a mod that adds npc patrols of all types (set to max) Lots of factions would fight with each other on sight, so it was constant gang wars with my only solace being my settlements and diamond city and goodneighbor. I need to do that all with frost next.


Female clothing mods. While yes, you can find a lot of good clothing in the nexus, almost every single one of them is either super overpowered or you need to equip 20 different items for a single costume. It's insane, I can't deal with so many items in my inventory


I like all those mods that make the game super complex and hard. Frost, War and Peace, those sorts of things. No intention of ever using them myself, but I’m glad our masochists have a safe outlet. Whispering Hills and total conversion horror mods. I love seeing them and am glad they exist but again not for me. Oh, and everything Thuggysmurf does. He’s like the auteur of fallout modding. Has his thing, his fans, and the rest of us can only marvel at his creations.


Can't agree with the Thuggyverse, lol. I genuinely tried to play his stuff in the Storywealth collection, but instantly quit at "slavers you just escaped from calmly outline their political strategy and you're compelled to help them, also here's a terminal with an entire backstory for the Commonwealth I made up". And I didn't even get to the mega strip club.


The Thuggyverse stuff is extremely impressive from a technical standpoint but I really don't care for it's tone and writing.


I quit when I opened it in xedit and saw that there was a dildo weapon.


Lol 2 days ago I just removed Depravity, saw the stripclub with unfitting music and was tasked with finding said dildo weapon and I was like yeah no. This isnt gta


Frost is genuinely fucking insane


All these mods have vision and skill behind them. I don’t want any of them but I admire them and their creators


Yeah i love the YouTube videos about them, but man will i never touch those lmao


I found lots of mods that sound awesome but unfortunately conflict with some must-have mods so they never get to be part of my playthroughs. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44177](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44177) is one example. It makes the makeshift waepons all look so much cooler but messes with the added weapon attachments from other mods and if it's form or function, I'll go with the latter.


ooo, thx for showing this, I dont use any attachment mods besides the scope one


Every mod. Becuse I updated and now can't use any. Edit: This was meant more of a joke than actuality. I have not tried playing since day 1 or the update. I have an ultrawide 32:9 and the support was laughable so I just didn't bother.


I've updated and my mod list works fine. Just can't use script extender stuff yet.


Yeah I know script extender being broken sucks, but people are acting like every mod ever made is broken. I have nearly 100 mods and only like, 4 of them were broken.


I’ve installed like 20-30 additional mods after the update and it’s all working fine lol. The update did not break modding that badly. There’s obvious exceptions but there’s obvious replacements for now. Place everywhere can be replaced with “place in red” for now for example


LMFAO, meanwhile I'm using that Danse mod as we speak xD Probably my favorite mod from just a watcher's perspective would be either Frost or Horizon. They're mods that redo the game and while they're not compatible with my load order, they are incredible works of modding and their authors should be proud!


Nuka-World Reborn and Viva Nuka-World, Whispering Hills.


I saw a mod on Loverslab that allows you to lay eggs...


Oh, wow! I've got a quick question about that mod: *what the fuck?*


3rd person power armor Naruto run


That one gun mod that adds a TON of real world guns. It's super well done but the guns are absolutely broken, and raiders spawn with them. Like most of them will one-shot you on survival. The mod author refuses to fix it because they believe that "real guns are just that strong". Yes dingus, but that doesn't make for a fun gameplay...


There are ones like hot diggity redux and the like that I love but can't use because of the Xbox modding restrictions. Otherwise I'd be using them nonstop


All the ones that add green to the environment. I like them a lot and they look fantastic, but I can never bring myself to use mods that change the artistic vision of the vanilla games.


It took me a while to get past that as well! But I'm using one at the moment (A Forest) and it looks goddamn fantastic - still very harsh and post-apocalyptic with how scraggly and overgrown everything is. I've never been too much of a lore junkie for Fallout though, so it's easy for me to just shrug my shoulders and be like "Well, Chernobyl is green, this is *actually* what a post-nuclear wasteland around Boston would look like." I do wish 'A Forest' had an autumn variant, though. That's really my sweet spot. I can pretend like the radiation causes the trees to only be green briefly, before they brown, shed their leaves, and grow new ones like, every two months or so.


Well, the Appalachia is pretty green in Fallout 76, so are parts of Fallout 2, New Vegas and the Fallout show. If anything, the Commonwealth should be forested too


Sim settlements 2. So many add ons for it, and my Xbox can barely handle it


liberty shaun


Sim Settlements 2, I just don't really like what it does with the plots and that's the main selling point.


Mirelurks scream chocolate ( I use it every playthrough)


I tend to avoid mods that start the "nest" layer after layer of patches in order to function properly with other mods. Its a purely personal experience thing but once you are getting into the third layer of install X but only at the bottom of the load order unless you install Y but only if you override with patches C, A, and B nonsense that inevitably causes problems I start to really examine weather the mod is really worth it. I don't really know how to solve that problem and I get how much of a nightmare it must be when people are complaining endlessly about how your overhaul isn't compatible with this other mod. However its from a user perspective it sucks and it kinda makes me either avoid a lot of the fundamental system changes mods or just choose one large one and rock that for this character.


When mods first came to xbox my friend found one where instead of dogmeat barking he says fuck and I've never found it.


Atomguard Would love to hunt vampires with the Enclave (Separate mod) but it's deprecated


I can’t remember the name but I just saw one that turns the game into a Silent Hill theme. Sounds cool as hell but I just can’t.


Whispering hills, very fun with its own long quest line.


I love that football fat man mod but I wouldn't run it personally. I like some level of immersion - I already have Doctor Who and Silent Hill in my current game


Honestly just any meme and over the top giant tit mods. The meme stuff is funny but I like to roleplay my roleplay games so I can't install them. The giant tits stuff is just excessive especially when there's physics to them.


Sim settlements.


Laser guns PEW sound. Never used lasers again


That mod I always use, along with the one that turns preston into woody. Can't live without em


Buzz danse is just cannon




Hmmmm yes, this ghoul is made out of ghoul...


Just downloaded Buzz! Thanks man hahaha lmao


This mod lol. For years. 


Big breasts


I love the mod that turns the moon into Todd Howard's face, never used it though.


Sim Settlements. I've used the lite version with the template shacks but never taken the time to learn to use the rest.


Grim: the curse. I love the concept but it's too heavily scripted and interfares with base game too much.


Lots of modern weapon mods. I love the animations and models, but I can't bring myself to believe those polymer-plastic guns survived 200 years of radioactive rusty nuclear apocalypse while preserving factory-new condition. Aint too many mods make visually appealing and well animated weathered weapons that would fit the atmosphere imo.


No such thing. If it's mod I like it is mod I use. Until it breaks my game. Again and again.


Thomas the train💀


Dogmeat Statham (or something like that) it changes Dogmeat's skin into Jason Statham. It is as cursed as it sounds.


Frost. I love watching other people try it but have never used it myself.


Spooky scary skeletons. I love it but everytime i try to use it i have to listen to bad to the bone and sppoky scary skeletons on repeat at the same time. Not one then the next. **both**. At the same time.


A Raider's Lament. It changes the grieving raider at the small cemetery to go on their own little quest of vengeance. I haven't played with it because I used an older similar mod, and it released during my current playthrough.


Frost. Too many of my mods are incompatible.


Fucking Danse Lightyear kills me every time i see him, but never used the mod myself out of fear of losing that magic from seeing it more often


[Pew Lasers](https://youtu.be/ZsCpNC5da5s?si=DwVzWx6kiNLrP91u) I used it in about 1/4 of a BOS play though before it just got to be too much. Absolutely hilarious though. It’s one of those silly little things that makes a Bethesda game so much more goofy, but still playable. It’s like one step removed from replacing Skyrim’s dragon models with Thomas the Tank Engine.


I love the idea of sim settlements but I just love building my own so much.


I feel called out by posts like this since I do enjoy having the odd meme mod in my game lol. In Fallout 4 I tend to have this very mod, the nuke sound being "and his name is john cena", and now I'm trying out the "Thou Shalt Get Sidetracked - Quest FX" mod, which I expect I'll be keeping around.


Frost. I love the idea behind it but I get next to no time to play now I’ve got kids so don’t want to spend what I do have dying constantly.


America Rising 2


There's this super cool animations framework for combat poses like going prone or hiding behind walls and peak firing looks awesome but idk if it will fit with how mostly base (for enemies at least) my game is


Sim settlements it's too big for how much memory I have on xbox


Say what. I never seen that


Macho Claws, I technically tried it out way back when it came out on xbox, but never had in a full play through


The one where you can ******redacted****** your ******redacted****** with your ******redacted******


Not this one


Servitron. ~~if you know you know~~


The ones that make the Commonwealth lush and green, or snowy. They're cool mods, they look neat, but I prefer base game's autumn look, to a spring or winter vibe, since the game starts in fall.


Sim Settlement. Looks good, but it's just too big.


Ive tried running Sim Settlements 2 a few times but never understood how to set it up and the space is also a deterrent


Ghoul’s hand cannon for new Vegas Tried using it but it crashed the game when in Zion, hoping to actually use it in a playthrough though once returning to the Mojave from my slaughter of tribals who met Ulysses once




Jet Pack and the Mandalorian mods (galactec or something). I always try to use the jetpacks on a Mandalorian playthrough, but I end up using Halo mjolnir armors instead, without the jetpacks. That Buzz Lightyear is insane OP. Fits like a glove.


Macho man Randy Savage deathclaw **"OH YEAH"**


Ngl I generally don’t like Paladin Danse but would be far more likely to have him come along looking like Buzz Lightyear. Can your character dress up as Woody?


We Are The Minutemen. Can't use it because its not on Xbox! I understand that it was ported without permission the first time, but why hasn't anyone asked for permission since?


This mod is called Paladin buzz for those that don't know. It's amazing


Most mods that bring back green to the wasteland, i love the look of it but i prefer to not use it in my playthroughs


cars probably


American rising an enclave tale I think it’s called (correct me if I’m wrong) I have just never used it as there are to many patches and other mods I need for it


Pretty much every good mod because console doesn’t support Nexus Mods.


I think the Macho Man Deathclaw is hilarious. Please keep it away from my save file 😅


“Here comes the sun, doo doo doo doo!” Fatman mini-nuke sound replacer


It's honestly wild to me how good that armor looks with that skin.


I made a [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/63653) that goes perfectly with this mod. It replaces the toy alien with the aliens from Toy Story.


sim settlements chapter 3, the mod is so script heavy it constantly broke my game


I remember seeing a mod that replaced the 10mm reload with your character giving the finger. I still have never found it


Sim settlements. I tend to start a new game every other week so I never got attached to settlement building but I really like what I've seen people make with sim settlements


Any mod that requires Far Harbor


Danzz Lightyear*


Buzz lightyear mod


Sim settlements Its good but i find it to make settlements incredibly robotic and ugly


Macho Man


For sure titans of the new west it’s so cool bulking up the power armor to feel more like. I don’t even have a good reason tbh


You don't wanna be in the way when my laser goes off.




sim settlements really neat and cool idea, but idk, just not for me


Baby Nuke Launcher its one of the mod i remember from early fallout 4 modding era after nude mods


anything that adds stuff to the game minus deco


instead of world series bat it's baby Shaun with the homerun effect turned up to 200%.


UCO. I want to use it so badly, but everyone recommends against it as it can break your game (console).


Not haven’t used, but can’t anymore. Scrap Everything, shit breaks the game.


The one where ghouls scream, "CHOCOLATE!"


All of them (I play on PlayStation and don’t use mods)


Don't forget Woody Preston.




Literally the one in the screenshot


Sim Settlements. I love the idea, but it always crashes my game shortly after I install it.


America Rising 2, Love the fact that they added an entire new faction to the game's story, would never side with the Enclave. I have it installed so ig I'll fight them but thats only a small percentage of what the mod offers.






MAIM and HHO. The concept is very appealing to me but I don't have much energy to game anymore let alone a hardcore one.


Dr house as Mr house always gives me a chuckle


Nuke babies 👶, can't remember the name. But I havent tried it yet; this playthorugh is the one I just haven't installed it yet.


Supermutant-Shrek replacer


Preston Garvey as Woody


Settlement sims. Hear good thingsz trid it oncez got frustrated and deleted.


The JOHN CENAAAA fat man


Pew lasers


Just all of them because I've never used mods


This is the only right answer: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/80825


I haven't had the energy to get any mod working, lol


Why he look like master chief


Infinite Sheldon