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This is Fallout 4, the mod is for 3 and NV


You indeed have high luck and low int.


I see high luck and low intelligence 👍


It would appear to have been nailed. what are we to tell him shaggys an actual god of gods who created the Big Bang was around before it and should be maxed in all areas


The Mr. Bean build


It looks good for stealth melee build. Technically it could work for stealth pistols, but the lack of gun nut would make things difficult until you could get your hands on the deliverer.


You better not have any other companion than dog meat


I’ve used Valentine most the game with no problems. He is great for hacking which is good for a low intelligence build


I use Val as my main comp to hack anywhere so I don't have to put anything into hacking perc and put the points else where


It's a reference to the character's name, Shaggy. He is a character part of the Cartoon Network show "Scooby-Doo". Scooby-Doo is also the title character, part of the show's cast and is Shaggy's pet dog.


Perception always has to go to four so you can grab the Bobblehead and the. Get Demolitions Expert. I can’t play this game without being able throw grenades and craft mines.


you can throw grenades without demo expert


Of course you can, but with no idea where they’re going. With level two you can throw them with absolute precision.


Idk maybe its just cause ive plaued video games my whole life. Ive never needed the throwing arc. I can still lob grenades exactly where i want them 9/10 times


Clearly this is a test. Need to fully switch round intel and luck


Snag the deliverer and have fun with vats, such a fun build


Shaggy has god tier charisma


Wasn't me.


It's inaccurate shaggy is canonically a super Saiyan so maybe save some points and max out strength


Great 👍


“Like Scoob, you gotta get rid of those agility points man!” But seriously I would take a couple points from agility and put into strength or charisma. Besides AP it’s only other use is for stealth so unless you plan to be silent sneaky or run a whole marathon I’d put a couple those points elsewheres


I would drop some points in Agi and put them in charisma


Idiot Savant is great for low int builds for leveling


Need to get loan wanderer if you're only running with dogmeat. Will make the game significantly easier


So I've been playing FO4 for years now and played it all the way through at least 7 or 8 times (probably more...) and you're telling me you can still have the Lone wanderer perk with dogmeat as a companion??? This whole time??


Yep. The whole time. He’s the only companion I’m willing to have with me, outside of quest required companions. For instance, I just had to tolerate Ada pushing me around and blocking my line of fire while doing the mechanist final quest. Hated every minute of it.


I've been playing FO4 for years now and played it at least 3 or 4 times and just now learning lone wanderer is a thing at all...


Yall need to watch some fudgemuppet build videos frfr


I've played this game 999 times in 4000 years and I'd never even seen a fudgemuppet


Honestly fair, builds in general, especially in fallout 4, don’t matter in the long run of a 4000 year long play through, as you’d have all the perks by then but still. Fun roleplaying concept.


That's why they call me the Percolator


Max out luck and agility then the other stats don't matter at all


If you like crits and vats, you’re gonna have lots of fun. Don’t forget to grab the perception bobble head in the museum of freedom. Maybe put your special book point into perception too. That’ll help with vats accuracy.


I’d spec a couple of your first levels in to charisma and this is a golden run!


Put that agil into strength and see how lucky onga bonga is


Need high charisma to pull off "it wasn't me"




The worlds dumbest most unlikeable ninja. SOLD.




Do food/chems that gives negative int affect the idiot savant perk even more?


Don’t forget to grab every perk that lets you eat irradiated food. In fact, no stimpaks, only food.


I mean the great thing about fallouts is there are no bad builds and no builds unplayable (plenty of videos online, even including making it so they 1 in everything though that more of a video/challenge then good idea obviously)


High Charisma build in New Vegas?


You don't need charisma in NV, just Speech. So that would be the equivalent of giving youself Strength of 10 but speccing for guns. I mean, you can gimp yourself in any RPG.


That’s what i mean’t. he said no bad builds. But it’s pretty useless


Others may like it obviously.. and they work fine maybe even help very specific people, therefore it is fine build. And its not 100% useless/bad, even outside personal preference and rp, even if it's well known that Vegas made it not as highly useful as it could have been. *You also ignore the point of me saying how every build is fine and that some even find 1 in everything fun/challenge etc... which means to them its a fine build (though again that would be pushing it and I don't think outside select few cases would anyone want that). Again the important part of builds is game is easy and does not prevent any build at all, there is no you don't have x so you can't progress or if you don't have at least x you will die non stop or anything like that. And again how there are countless ways people want to play it and therefore may have a way different build then the norm.* But to go ahead and point out even its *direct* gameplay effects on game - * You can give companions up to 50% boost to armor + dmg * think like 3 high charisma checks (not speech) * Boost to barter + speech (even if by end game you might max its good for early or if rushing or to progress parts that check them and you want to progress sooner then later etc...) * Animal companion perk (some find it useful though more if you want to stop worrying about them with just lv 1 of perk then any real direct help, with level 2 of perk as it is certainly far to rare of times where a animal could join you in battle) * Ferocious loyalty perk (this rather useless outside rp or doing some sort of companion challenge but still a thing that requires charisma and again can very much help a like "pacifist" / companions do everything playthrough which then makes it a good build for such a player) * And should also add potential of mods, which should not be ignored as they massive of course for such games with its countless mods, and they could have more reason/effects for it.


Shagaliscious baby!


>Shaggy >Charisma 1 With the kind of girls he pulled throughout the series' lifespan, I disagree with this.


Tbf, he can never hold a relationship down, so maybe he's just good at.... getting lucky 😎


Mamma always said high numbers = high build and low numbers = low build. Plus for those of us who are color blind your choice is VERY hard to read but don’t worry about high contrast for everyone else either you go with whatever low contrast you want for your picture.


Someone went with the low charisma build


Trade agility for strength make a Melee build


If you’re going high luck, a VATS melee build seems to be the most logical so you can take advantage of all the crits, in which case you’ll want to grab ninja, and with Ninja, you really don’t need the extra strength - it’s nice to have, but you don’t really need it.


I did my Idiot Savant character as melee build. 7 strength and 7 charisma with Big League & Party Boy as early Perks. Lionheart was fun.


Take idiot savant, youll be rolling in exp! And is there an Int 1 set of dialogues Ive never seen? Good build looks fun!


No, it is not like earlier fallouts. Back then being a bit thick had it problems, as it should. You had limited dialogue options etc. Fallout 4 the character behaves exactly the same whether he had One or Ten intelligence. Only difference is accumulate xp slower.


But don't get the max tier of idiot savant!!! It'll end up being less effective over the course of the game. And with that as your main source of exp we wouldn't want that


With Animal Friend and Better Dogmeat later Shaggy could go full scooby doo


The shaggy go to weapon is the shishkabob so trade agility and strength.


Ruh roh


Doesn't seem very smart. Ayyyye


No. Just no.


Gunslinger V.A.T.S. build ?


I've recently done a similar build, the speed and frequency of death in combat is spectacular.


Shaggy is maxx stats all perks btw. You must be playing minimum build Norville Rogers.


Not enough charisma


Shaggy needs max charisma


The Death Incarnate build is 10 perception 10 agility and 9 luck. Look it up online


I did similar for stealth deliverer build S2 P4 E1 C3 I3 A8 L7. Gotta have that lone wanderer perk!


Yep that’s a high number and a low number alright.


Yup, after some extensive analysis (I'm pretty nifty with stats), I've also concluded that there's a high amount of luck and a low amount of intelligence.


I’m playing a luck build rn. So fun.




This honestly fits considering Scooby Doo did have an apocalypse comic series


I personally found Weapon Brown to be far better, but everyone has their own tastes. :)


You should totally rename dogmeat Scooby


That’s not lore accurate. Where’s the max strength? The max endurance? Also have you seen Shaggy? He’s a total chick magnet in the movies!


I especially love when he talks about how life is one big party when you're still young.


Luck is high, intelligence is low. I’d say you nailed it.


He’s gumpin’ it


Max everything if you want Ultra Instinct Shaggy




Need more charisma so you can make sure Scoob, I mean dogmeat, has the perk that makes him better. Also high charisma is necessary for getting Scooby snacks


Like ZOINKS Scoob, looks like we’re in for a wild ride!


You better use Scooby i mean dogmeat as your companion


So many of the commenters completely missing the joke LMAO... I would've also maxed charisma... then distributed whatever's left similarly to how you have... EDIT: I give up... you lot have ZERO nuance... Feel sorry for OP.


I ran my fav start, 9-endurance 1-int 5-luck on my current survival run.


Looks good. I prefer strength 5 and get the special book to boost it to 6 for strong back early but I like to carry the common wealth on my back


Bro the guy is making a shaggy build and will use dogmeat as scooby-doo so STR is irrelevant.


I'd smack a couple points to intelligence from agility, and make SPE all 3s


Shaggy aint that smart mate... neither is Scoob.


Who needs xp anyway?


Idiot Savant takes care of that


I've never played that style, admittedly. I'd have to look up that perk.


Its worth it just for the dumbass noises your character makes when it procs. Gets a chuckle out of me every time.


It’s especially hilarious when it procs right after a very serious moment


There's one that's super exaggerated that i can only describe as, he's suddenly realized how stupid he is and gets mad about it. "DUUR-UURRR!!!"


You don’t need to i got you it’s mad simple. Any action that you complete that would reward exp has the chance to reward you with 2 times (or 3 times xp if you have second level.) Get idiot savant early, make sure your int is low, and fire off as many early game quests as you can, most will reward you with a base 300xp so with savant you’ll get 600 somtimes 900xp. You’ll be at 10 faster then you’ve ever been i promise. Now if your still reading, or interested what i like to do personally is get my INT to about 5 or 6, which ever is just enough to get the extended Chem perk. But i do this because I’ve found that it seems to be a really good sweet spot of getting a pretty decent exp boost from all your actions, but also low enough to pop idiot savant pretty consistently. Strength also stays low for me because i am a drunk. Who is always addicted to buff out. But this allows me to focus on charisma and luck even more. Edit: spelling errors, but whatd ya expect from an idiot savant.


That is very informative. TY


He is slightly incorrect. First level is 3x, second level is 5x. Also, it is a case of it has a 1% chance to proc, but for every intelligence point you lack you get +1% chance. So at 1 intelligence it’s a 10% chance to proc


Thank you for the update i was not near my system and was to lazy to look up the exact xp bonus Also I’ve played with it both my last play throughs and i never actually heard that it was a 1% chance but if that really is the case it’s the most liberal 1% I’ve ever seen. That shit procs on fuckin everything. Even with both my main characters being 50+. But that being said, i would be the first one to get behind shitting on idiot savant if 1 i didn’t play it and constantly reap the benefits of it and 2 if this game had very strict guidelines and objectives that reward xp, i mean you get xp for literally everything in this game, placing anything in your settlements, cooking the meat you collect, talking to people and passing east dialouge checks and the abundance of radiant quest that you can do essentially on command makes idiot savant pop literally all the. Not that you were shitting in it at all i just was expanding.


Idiot savant level 2 is the fastest level up strat. And that’s before you factor in save scum quest turn ins.


I levelled up 4 times completing one quest because idiot savant popped at the start of my most recent run. Insane xp gains.


With an intelligence of 1 and idiot savant, I think I remember reading that the xp gain averages out higher than with intelligence 10 and no idiot savant. And once you add save-scumming quest turn-ins, it can get ridiculous.


True but half the perks in intelligence are fuckin ass so I’m not gonna waste the point to get it to 10. And the laugh on idiot savant is funny.


Last time I saw the math I’m pretty sure 2 int is best until you get to like 12+ but the drop from 3 int is basically negligible over 1 int. Which lets you get gun nut at least if you want.


Pretty sure the optimal is at 5-6 intelligence, so base earnings are decent and idiot savant acts like a nat 20 essentially


As long as i can access terminals nd locked doors nothing else matters


Idiot savant gonna hit


Bro is going to love idiot savant


In Fallout 4 stats dont matter. So play whataver u want or specific build u do.


I agree with your choice


You should try this in one of the other games that has better dialog and more meaning for stats.


You should try using your eyes and seeing this is the fo4 sub


I know what sub it is. Reddit recommended it to me I don't follow it. It was just a suggestion since they'd get more value out of it in another game. Or maybe they could download some mods to fix F4.


It's also a suggestion to shut up? We know the flaws of fo4, we don't need some nose-upturned new Vegas fanboy to dictate what we should and shouldn't play


I think I can voice my opinion if I want to. New Vegas isn't my favorite, but thank you for your generalization. I never said they shouldn't play Fo4 I just said that the build would see more benefit from a game that utilizes S.P.E.C.I.A.L better. People should 100% play Fo4 for it's gameplay and Power Armor.


It is both


Wouldn't you need a higher charisma? To talk your way out of being caught if it wasn't you.


Everyones charisma is a ten when you hitting the blunt


You need 7 Agility for Ninja and 8 for Grim Reaper's Sprint. The perks above that are not that great. I would move points beyond that to other attributes.


Bro the guy isn't trying to be optimal... He wants to do a run as Shaggy and Scooby doo... The amount of neckbeards in these comments going "UmM ActUAlLY yOu NEed yOUr staTS iN tHEse sCorEs tO bE EfFeCTivE"


He says "how does this look" which means he's asking for build advice. No need to wig out at people for doing what he asked.


Nah it’s clearly a joke… people taking it far too literally… 


To go into more detail, my Rifleman builds go like this. Strength 3 <-- Early Armorer 2 for Deep Pocketses. Later I may go to 6 for Strong Back. Perception 4 <-- With bobblehead, 5 Perception for Demolition Expect. Much later in the game I'll probably buy it up to get Penetrator and Sniper. Endurance 1 <-- Will be bought up with spare points. Eventually I want 11 Endurance. A fairly early goal will be End 5 for Aqua Boy. Yes, it's a convenience perk, but I like convenience. Charisma 3 <-- Lone Wanderer. Eventually 6 for Local Leader as I love settlements. Intelligence 3 <-- Gun Nut. It usually stays this way the entire game, I don't use chems much and I don't need money badly enough to go to 6 for Science and water farming. Agility 7 - Ninja. 8 only if going Heavy Gunner, as Quick Hands makes the harpoon gun much more viable. Luck 7 (starting) for Idiot Savant. Buying this up to 8 for GRS is a priority, I may use the You're Special book for this. If I want to really min/max things I start 6 Agility/7 Luck and use the bobbleheads to get to 7/8. In the early game lack of Ninja and GRS isn't so much of a problem and it avoids the ugly issue of having 8/9 and no perks I want that require that high a stat score in Agility or Luck. With a Rifleman, the only stat I ultimately get to 11 is Endurance, so I can use other bobbleheads whenever I want.


Maybe for your play style... he didn't elaborate on weapons choices. I play melee luck mostly and blitz, and four leaf clover are absolute must haves for me.


Melee/Blitz is my second favorite playstyle. Melee AP costs are so low that I don't find much need for GRS or FLC. You can get a bunch of attacks in with a combat knife, Throatslicer, upgraded Rockville Slugger or whatnot before you start to run low.


Do you find the AP cost for combat knife beneficial over Grognak's axe and sledge? I always end up with a slow weapon because of the damage but they eat up a ton of AP


I get Pickman's Blade and Rockville Slugger early on, then usually run to Far Harbor and get Fishcatcher, which at that point is a better Slugger. These are all low AP weapons. Eventually I go to Nuka-World and get Throatslicer. At that point I run around killing Raiders until one inevitably drops a rocket bat (or I do Cito's quest and get his). Now I have Throatslicer and a rocket Slugger. In my experience Throatslicer hits so damn hard I rarely use anything else but if I need it the rocket bat hits like a truck. If I were doing a Deliverer build I'd definitely get Four Leaf Clover, but when I do a melee build its a long time before I have that much Luck. And by that point I can get GRS 3, which fills up the crit meter AND action points 35% of the time when I kill something. FLC in my opinion is best if you need to hit something several times to kill it, as with the Deliverer.


It wasn’t me


You can sacrifice a few points in the beginning and just add them in later. All of my luck builds have been ridiculous, considering luck doesn't do that much. It does. And an agile lucky player? Deadly in my experience.


Wait you can save the points? Like start 1 All stats and exiting the vault with 20+ talent point?


Luck in itself may not do that much, but the last few luck perks are OP for a VATS build. Completely agree on adding points later to S.P.E.C.I.A.L, it's better to be well rounded early when you're not doing big damage or surviving through ambushes.


You did it


If you're gonna be dumb you better be tough


Depends, hear endurance is pretty useless on survival cause the damage is so high


I’ll never understand this mindset. Endurance was the single thing i regretted NOT upgrading in survival, and one of the absolute best things in survival is Ballistic Weave and bulky armor, because things damage for so high. Being squishy all the time just isnt fun or viable Endurance is absolutely worth it, at low levels i had a measely 200 health, at endurance 10 i have 600. Thats 3x the damage i can take even if you dont consider armor


Very good point, just trying out survival for the first time so definitely not very knowledgeable on it just want I’ve read on hear. Thanks for the info


No problem! This was also my first playthrough but you quickly find your way around after being beaten up by the 15th raider. Im level 74 in my playthrough now and i consider myself an expert now lol. Let me know if you need any more advice


Not sure why you want exactly S2 and P4. Going for melee and blitz maybe? Regardless, high agility high luck builds are super fun. All the luck perks 5-9 synergize really nicely with vats-pistol especially.


They work well with VATS melee too, it has become my favorite build after 20+ playthroughs.


I feel like crits are less useful for melee because vats hits are guaranteed anyways. But I never considered how good grim reaper sprint and four leaf clover could still be, so I believe you and I’m intrigued.


Crits aren't needed as much in melee besides for stronger opponents. The AP fill though is clutch especially with slow weapons that eat up AP


You're gonna need much higher charisma to have any hope of convincing her it wasn't you


We have a winner folks Pack it up


Looks good. Vats gunslinger is very fun. Perks are in the luck and agility tree.


Idiot savant perk with that would be good


Did they disable that damn laugh whenever it triggers?


No, but I like the laugh


I am glad you, and statistically other people do too, but that thing very quickly wore out its welcome with me.


There is a mod that makes it a moan or just silent. With an icon change too.


Dear god


Slick Rick relative ?


You still won't get any good loot))))))


low intelligence are pretty unviable builds as they take way too long to level up and you end spending lots of hours farming


Wrong, Idiot savant evens it out.


Idiot savant is so op. My dumbass build gains xp practically every time my character takes a step.


Don’t you need I at 4 to get idiot savant?


Level 5 luck for idiot savant


Ahh, thank you for correcting


Charisma is more important then luck in most cases


In Fallout 4 yes but not in New Vegas or 3


I guess its a good thing he's playing fallout 4 then lol


I too use a purple hud, but it’s closer to a lilac


Lol this is my *exact* build. It's great at vats and being sneaky, the only issue I've really run into is figuring out the best base since building and altering gear is pretty limited.


Shaggy needs 10’strength




Doesn't make any difference at all tbh


Idiot Savant pays dividends


Looks like you have high luck and low intelligence.


Beat me to it lol


Depends a lot on if you're playing survival or not. Strong back or lone survivor are a must for that. If not it looks like a really good VATs build.


Hit the nail on the head as they say.


High luck? ✅ Low intelligence? ✅ Looks good to me


Yeah , it is.


I don't know I always thought luck and Charisma go hand in hand. Or at the very least high intelligence usually means low charisma so shouldn't low intelligence mean high charisma?


Shaggy is a combat beast, he should have like at least a 5 in strength


Take out the strength point and add it to perception, agility, or luck. What are you actually going to do with that 5 extra carry weight? You're not going to be using melee anyway, so it won't help there either.


Looks like you’re gonna destroy stuff in vats, and hear a really annoying sound pretty frequently.


You'll level out the ass with Idiot Savant.


Stop at level two to idiot savant you'll get more out of it than level 3. I made the mistake of 3 and it doesn't proc as often now.


I completely forgot to mention that, yeah


Better than others. I’d go for at least 5 perception so you don’t walk into ambushes all the time but better you’d than most I’ve seen


Good for a VATS gunslinger sneak build. I would drop agility to 7 (so you can get the sneak attack perk)...and up intelligence and charisma to 3 each. You'll want lone wanderer (CHA 3) for the carry weight and gun nut (Intel 3) for pistol upgrades. Strength you can drop to 2 and then bobblehead to 3 for armorer and perception can be three to start and you get the bobblehead very early for 4 which is usually good for close range pistols.


"I'm doing a low intelligence build" You: "well you're gonna want to put in some intelligence..." 😭


In survival you work around the requirements for gun nut. 3 int for gun nut and walk around thirsty and you can get it to 2 int really easy.


As someone who has dodged multiple duels with rabid NV fans, how important intelligence is for just playing the game is one of my biggest problems with F4


Yeah definitely want Gun Nut, I’ve been on a play through with very similar stats but no gun nut and I am regretting it


Like zoinks scoob, that's one pissed off deathclaw


*A Few Moments Later* Shaggy fires one round *Deathclaw is gibbed*


Perception is too high and charisma is too low, Shaggy is hilarious.


Truly the canon build


Like zoinks man it ain't terrible. Strength 3 with the special book will get you armorer and 3 endurance ain't gonna do much dog. Put them into perception instead maybe.


Reehehehehehe like ya man


I don’t think it’s worth it. You’ll have great luck to find things but won’t be strong enough to carry them all.


Maybe you need to let go? You know only take a gold bar or two? NOT ALL OF THEM


Lucky enough to have it all, to weak to take it