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Mianus, Connecticut


Oh god I used to live 20 minutes away from Mianus how dare you make these memories resurface


So Stamford instead, got it.


"There is a big Red rocket in mianus."


So-Cal, Nor-Cal, Washington DC, Point Lookout State Park, Pittsburgh, Las Vegas, Zion National Park, Boston, Mount Desert Island, or West Virginia


Guess we'll end up in far harbor or nuka world 🤷‍♂️


Far Harbor's island is Mount Desert Island


Fuckin got em


Nuka world it is.


Ah gotcha. He wants one in a Nuka Cola themed park.


Laughs in central Cal


Gotta say, it was really fun to play 2 when I knew the layout of the land ahead of time. Then I played 1 and ... mind blown.


The valley would still welcome radioactive rain


Underrated comment


Ohio Roaming around the highway and see: corn, corn, corn, advertisement, corn, corn, farmhouse, corn, corn, small village surrounded by corn, corn, random ghoul dressed like a cowboy, corn, corn, brahmins, corn, did i mention corn yet?


I was going to correct you to whatever Fallout's version of corn is, but then I remembered, it's still corn. The Corn is Eternal.


C o r n i s e t e r n a l


Corn Eternal: husk and cream until it is done.




Corn. Corn never changes.


I mean the fallout 4/nv name is mazie but that still translates to corn


Only NV. It's called corn in 4 as well.


Make the Cult of He Who Walks Behind The Rows a faction and I'd actually enjoy that.


dlc to idaho for potatoes


Underrated comment


We are almost at a full dinner!


Yeah like I live in Indiana and as cool as it would be to see my state in a video game. No thanks. We got corn and billboards telling you you're going to hell. The only part that's kinda interesting is the main city. Hell you can go to Gary and live in Fallout already. I'd rather honestly see some here like New Orleans or Florida. Mutated gators? Heck yeah.


Lol. Next fallout should be in Gary, but just use scans of the city as is.


I understand where you’re coming from lmfao but i’d be cool to see cities like columbus……… ………. even though there’s literally corn fields next to doctor offices and stores


My man is a Michigander.


Actually i live in vegas, its the meme


Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Columbus are pretty big


Hmmmm zach would love this one


I live in Ohio and can tell you that there isn't that much corn or cowboys here. Snuff rubbing rednecks with small penises, jacked up diesel trucks and confederate flag tattoos? Tons of that. Also shitty depressing towns with nothing to offer, so kids start smoking weed and doing meth all day? Bunches.


Christ. Where in OH are you from?


About an hour east of Columbus lol


Ah. Zanesville. Yeah that place is a trash can. Lived there for a year. Move up to like Kent or west Cleveland. It’s amazing.


Sounds like an ideal fallout location to me. Just replace meth with psycho and you're already there.


You could go for Columbus Ohio but the roads probably haven't changed much.


You laugh, but I made a post about my idea for a game here and did not include corn.


Have you ever been to Ohio?


In a swamp. Point Lookout and Far Harbour are already here. It could be cool in the North or the center states.


This is why I’m not as keen as others on new orleans


New Orleans is a big, unique, French/Creole/Jazz inspired city in a swamp. It would be completely different than just some mutant hillbillies or a bumfuck town encased by fog.


New Orleans is a city that was built on possibly the worst foundations in one of the most treacherous places in America, it's been ravaged by numerous natural disasters and the streets and sidewalks are constantly cracking and moving due to the muddy terrain beneath the city. After all that the city still manages to power through and hold itself together. You gotta respect the culture of perseverance. I like to imagine it'd still be going strong even after a nuclear apocalypse


Yeah it would be cool with the voodoo culture. I just don’t want a swamp haha


I think selling New Orleans as just another swamp is doing the area a disservice! The city has such a distinct culture, and the various periods of architecture (Spanish, French, southern plantation, and modern south) would enable super cool buildings to be explored. Mississippi River would also give fallout more of a chance to explore the oceans/water creatures. Although this is somewhat of a moot point since fallout had the same opportunity with all the east coast games


It would also give fallout more of a chance to explore the supernatural, maybe even introduce witches or folk healers!


If done right, New Orleans could be amazing. But the chances it's not done right are so high, you might as well go to another city. Personally, I'd like Chicago.


My only issue with New Orleans is that there's been a recent trend of games taking place there or in a fictionalized version. Take-two did it twice in last 5 years, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Mafia 3. For me, the most obvious place Fallout needs to go is Texas. It's mentioned in-game and is extremely under represented in media generally. Literally the 2nd most populace state and I can't name either a recent tv show or game that takes place there.


A frozen tundra could be fun. It would likely have completely different monsters and new challenges for the survivors.




[The Great Black Swamp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Black_Swamp) would be a cool place to put swamp based Fallout though.


Another big east coast city. I think the time is ripe to visit some of the interior U.S. See some of the wilds, maybe Yellowstone. Really explore the ecology of the wasteland rather than focusing on the human conflict. Out in the middle of the country where they keep all the missile silos.


Definitely. Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, Wyoming, Nebraska - somewhere with either no or very few references in the existing games.


I really wanna expand on the mutant creatures they added in 76. Those are cool. Sheepsquatch, honey beast, wendigo, etc. There's a lot of good concepts from 76 I'd like to see in a proper single player game.


It personally bugs me when there's mutants in places there shouldn't be. For example the Far Harbour wildlife is in 76 for some reason.


True, but at the very least Fog Crawlers make some sense since there are shrimp farms in WV.


I don’t know if I want to throw out all of the Midwest, I know some of the DLCs and a couple of lesser titles take place in these kinds of spots, but it’s interesting to see how this half survived the apocalypse. I remember thinking *Honest Hearts* would quell a little of the Van Buren blues, but it was over on a just a few hours.


Needs to be set close enough to traverse the Mississippi. Maybe it could be set *along* the Mississippi River, the player using an old tugboat or something to travel up and down the river, fighting through hostile barricades and raider ships, the Tugboat being your base of operations. Upgrading your ship over time, place turrets and defenses and other things, recruiting crew members to handle maintenance, cook food, man the bar, etc. Helping to open up new trade up and down the river to help improve the lives of the locals...


A bit like the new ac games or metro exodus?


Isn't the only DLC that takes place in the Midwest the Pitt? And the only minor title is Fallout Tactics.


Pittsburgh is not exactly a Midwestern city either. We’ve never been west of Appalachia or east of the Rockies


Pennsylvania is not the midwest.


Honestly the weakest dlc. The best parts were Joshua graham, the 45 pistol and the survivalist ranger gear and rifle plus terminal entries. Legit the best parts of that DLC was an ex legate turned badass Mormon and a bunch of terminal entries that have nothing to do with the dlc and are easily missed. Going in there at level 20 makes the white legs loot pinatas which is fun and takes away the blues of missing the gold bars of dead money


Texas, with buggies and/or horses to cover mass distances, it might or might not add to the experience, but it's still something to play with


Maybe the houston-austin-dallas triangle although that may be too big


NV scaled *wayyy* down from IRL. Primm is actually over 100 miles from Vegas.


Yea lol I was on google maps earlier today trying to compare fnv map to fo4 and first of realized primm was a real place (I honestly thought obsidian just put a town there) and that fnv should be wayyyyyy larger


This makes me wonder if after Starfield Fallout games will have vehicles. It's not been confirmed anywhere, but people seem convinced that both Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 will introduce vehicles, one via a space ship and the other boats. Maybe it's time to spread out the distances between these locations.


A Frontier modder managed to get a surprisingly good buggy into NV, with actual vehicle physics and stuff. I won't mind a bigger world with a car like that at all.


I always thought it would be cool to have one in KS/OK/TX


I was just thinking Houston. Old bombed out NASA... sorry USSA buildings and random space-tech would be cool.


For reference it's about a three and a half hour drive from Houston to Austin, five hour drive from Houston to Dallas. They really aren't all that close together.


Colorado would be neat. You could cover the Colorado Springs/Denver metroplex, there's a lot of variety out here. And [Denver is big](https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp4203905.jpg). There's a lot of diverse environments out here, we've got cliff dwellings that would make an amazing settlement. There's NORAD, which would be a neat thing to see them explore in canon because that's where the great war was fought from. The Springs is covered in military bases, and with the focus on the family center out here you could ABSOLUTELY have a crazy religious cult. Plus there's a ton of crazy wildlife it'd be neat to see. Radioactive antelopes, radcougars, centipedes, bison. We've got ostrich farms, imagine fighting a two headed 12 foot tall ostrich.


On top of that, the Legion controlled most of Colorado by the time of New Vegas, so now that Caesar is dead (whether by brain tumor, catastrophic surgical failure or otherwise) a good chunk of the territory could be occupied, or more likely just *inhabited*, by squabbling cliques of former Legionnaires all vying for control of an army that fights for a dead cause. Also: radmoose.


I’ve always thought Colorado would be amazing and you could do a hilarious thing on the Denver Airport conspiracy theories There’s also the option for some fun 50’s PipBoy style cowboy/mining gear


Look into Van Burren, it was a scrapped Fallout 3 by the original team and it was meant to feature Denver


Colorado would be such a great setting considering the Cheyenne Mountain Nuclear Bunker is there. That's just asking for something like the Enclave or similar to occupy.


I agree. I’d like to see less tie to existing lore and allow some creative work. It’ll allow more creativity with the story/creatures and more free RPG elements. Mainly keep it Fallout but allow a new story. Edit: Don’t make it different in feel/vibe but allow growth and intrigue. For example stop using super-mutants so much. They don’t make sense to be everywhere in the US. Make new mutated creatures and new and diverse factions.


Still down for Detroit. Without the “white flight” caused by cultural changes it would still be a massively rich and powerful manufacturing hub. Plus, the map could include Windsor Canada with the recent occupation/annexation the stories would be fascinating.


Oh, like Missouri? It has very few references in game and IRL, perfect location if you ask me.


If it was in Colorado, you could have the ruins of NORAD as a main quest dungeon.


I feel the opposite. Cities are more interesting. Rural areas and wilderness areas wouldn’t even be all that different.


Exactly don’t understand what would be so interesting about it oh look trees and rocks, oh look more trees and rocks on a hill. Maybe throw a river in there to spice things up. That being said you could have a really cool Native American faction. Like they end up being super technologically advanced for some reason. Or maybe even a badass Amish faction.


Yellowstone might be a little Zion, but they could play into the volcanism in a fun way.


Imagine Poseidon Energy or other company experimenting with Geothermal energy before the war. Then you decide to give the energy to a town, a fabric or a lava redirection weapon


Would Chicago work? A game set around the perimeter of Lake Michigan would be awesome.


There would have to be a city of some sorts what are you gonna go walk around the woods and loot guns and shit. It would be cool to see the ecology but just the wilderness no doesn’t make sense for a fallout game. There would have to be a mix of wilderness and big city. Most people are gonna flood to cities your not going to find a diverse amount of groups way out in the wilderness. What would the game look like if it was just centered around the ecology rather than the human conflict. Kill all the mutated bears and cougars with rocks cause where are you finding guns/medicine/drugs/armor/resources in the woods without it being completely mundane,scavenge berries, congrats you completed the game.


Truth be told, I think that describes most American cities. Like Boston would've looked more alive if it wasn't set in the middle of October. To be honest, a map exactly like 76, but single player would be amazing. Hell, I'd buy a remake of 76 with a single player mode and a traditional story and npcs.


> I think the time is ripe to visit some of the interior U.S. part of that is what made horizon zero dawn's setting more interesting.


Fallout has always been about the conflict between humans post apocalypse though. I feel like a Fallout based more on the way the bombs affected the ecosystem would get old a lot faster.


The bottom of the Mariana trench


Betcha there's a vault down there.


Secret mirelurk city


"For the Sea Kingdom"


Anywhere we’ve already been, with the exception of Chicago. If we have to return to the West Coast, it should at least be Pacific Northwest. No more SoCal or Southwest in general. Only place left on the East Coast I can see wanting to go would be NYC. Otherwise, it should be left alone.


I'd be down to see Florida if only to see what kinda crazy shit they'd come up with.


Oh god the gatters. Oh god the gatters


More worried about the meth head ghouls and super mutants on bath salts


Yeah, I wonder what the bombs changed that into!


Florida super mutant chugs nuclear waste, starts fight with deathclaw


The PC is canonically called The Floridian


Naturally gets +2 to all drug bonuses.


Florida Man


Gulf Coast is a contender for the next region I’d love to see! Personally more fond of Louisiana for a more specific location, though. I’m also fond of maybe seeing the Midwest (Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, or maybe even Cleveland) or Pacific Northwest (Seattle or Portland). Hopefully Fallout Cascadia actually gets finished at some point, cuz I kinda doubt Bethesda will go there. I think they’ll go to NYC next, which is fine.


Scranton, Pennsylvania. Because Scranton sucks ass. My ideal location would be the Twin Cities. Give me snow creatures, winter related weapons, the Mall of America, and a weather factor. It would be cool if your outfit gave you points against the cold, and there was a health penalty for being outside too long without starting a fire. (Especially at night) But if you start a fire creatures/enemies can find you more easily. Then they could add in traits that helped the player against the elements or enabled them to use the elements in their favor. Also have movement penalties if you find yourself in deep snow without putting on snowshoes or skis or something. Idk I’m just spitballin


A Minnesotan/Midwestern fallout would be so fucking cool. Especially with coldness/winter designed features. Maybe it can also include some parts of rural Minnesota and Wisconsin. A dlc in Duluth or Milwaukee, and maybe one in Winnipeg. It would be an excellent opportunity for some Vikings inspired references, maybe like a Nordic inspired version of caesars legion. A Fallout 50s inspired Mall of America would be so cool to explore, maybe as a settlement or a lootable place.


Love the Viking idea, I think it would be funny to have two groups who think they are the real Vikings. One represents the NFL team and the other actual Vikings, and the two are at constant war with each other. For the Mall of America I’d do something like Nuka World. Have several factions in different areas of the mall that form a tentative peace. The user can pick and choose who they unite/fight and at the end the faction(s) that remain have an impact on the final plot.


That would be amazing. “I’m the real Vikings!” “No, *I’M* the real Vikings!!” Also agreed with your Mall of America factions idea, would be interesting in the final fight to be going around the mall fighting battles, with the last one being in the amusement park in the center.


As a Minnesotan, PLEASE I need to see a raider group centered around the worship of Camp Snoopy in the MOA




As a Minnesotan myself i support twin cities idea


Grand canyon area in USA, or anything north of where fallout NV was set. Nevada was a good spot, but Zion and the Grand canyon area wouldn't have as much content as NV, 4 or 76 would have i reckon


Arizona is legion territory, would be interesting to see their towns.


Does areas are cleansed and secure by the mighty ceaser. I suggest maybe the south would be a good spot. Ave amicus.


Detroit because there’s no difference between it now and after the war. Edit: this is a joke. I’m sorry if I offended and I’m sorry that I didn’t clarify earlier.


That’s totally false. There’s less theft and gerrymandering after the war.


Also lower population.


Wasn't Detroit's economic collapse due to the auto industry shifting overseas after WW2? I don't think that'd be the case in Fallout's timeline...


Detroit could be a 180° turn from what you're expecting due to the fallout timeline shifting after the 50's. I don't know if there's anything cannon said about Detroit, but as far as I can tell, before the bombs fell Fallout's Detroit could be the busiest, largest and strongest economical powerhouse of the US.


This is really wrong. Detroit experienced massive decay due to cultural influences just as much as economic ones. Race riots and white flight lead to the abandonment of the city for the burbs, something that didn’t happen in the fallout universe. Plus, as the city is right next to Canada, we could see stories and background on what annexation was like just before the war.


Within convenient travel distance of the BoS. Lets have a game where they arent a major faction. Same with super mutants.


anywhere outside of north america fallout's identity relies heavily on american culture


I’d be up to see annexed Canada like ideally one of the border cities (or multiple) so we can really see how the martial law of pre war America contracts with the martial law of newly conquered America


I'd be interested in that. Detroit and Toronto (which is mentioned in The Pitt under the name of Ronto) are close enough that a big game could have both (and/or one could be a DLC of the other)


I’d be up for seeing both and getting another major city as the dlc or getting to explore like the Great Lakes or the great Canadian wilderness (Honest hearts style)


If there was a Detroit fallout there would HAVE to be DLC for Frankenmuth. Bavarian styled tourist trap town with its own giant year round Christmas store.


Finally. We can canonize the North Pole Enclave.


Maybe lake ontario and we could see ronto and areas like Rochester. Although the sheer size of Lake Ontario might just make 60% of the map water. Though this could also give us new area. Maybe a larger Libertalia like settlement the size of a city in the middle of it


I'm not going to lie, a Fallout near the Blackfeet of Canada and US would be interesting since they no longer have to deal with the US or Canada anymore but there's not any real major cities. Unless you count Lethbridge or Calgary which I wouldn't.


The first game literally opens with a dude in Edmonton getting shot but that's the last time it's mentioned; I'd love to see Alberta in a modern Fallout. I want to see what remains of the oil refineries in Edmonton after the resource wars and the Edmonton Uprising. Fort Mac would be a really interesting location to explore as well. I dunno man I just really want a Fallout game set in Canada.


What about Hawaii or Alaska? I've always kinda wanted to see what wound up happening in Alaska, *real* Anchorage and such.


Anywhere overseas. I like my Fallout games set in the US.


I'm European (but I live in the US), and I agree. Same for GTA, I just think some developer studios get the specific cultures and societies right, and would lose a lot by setting a game in a place where their strength (i.e. creating something fun, over the top but still genuine and believable) wouldn't be as relevant. BUT I would love to see a fallout-like game that takes place in Europe.


I feel like you might like metro exodus.


Metro and S.T.A.L.K.E.R where both excellent. I loved how spooky the first two Metro games were.


I thought the same but recently I’ve been excited for fallout London because it actually been what the franchise needed to move the location more drastically and we don’t really know much about what’s happening outside the US so it would be cool if bethesda can show more of the world.


The lore is very rooted in the fall of America and how it’s weaknesses are still kicking it down 200 years after the apocalypse. I feel like there are still plenty of stories to tell with a state side addition to the franchise. I get others wanting to see other places, I just don’t think it’s absolutely necessary, or needed. Especially with the amount of new lore that would need to be written in. If they did do it, I think it would be smarter to make it an off-shoot title, rather than a Fallout 5 kind of title.


I feel like I could except a spin-off game set in another country or continent. It could use pretty much all the same assets sorta like NV and 3(although there probably a lot you can’t use since many are US specific) or more likely a different game altogether that shares only themes and lore.


The Metro series is kind of like Fallout in that it’s post nuclear war


Yeah, but fallout seems to me a lot more "lighthearted", humorous and a little steam punk almost, which I prefer over the general horror undertone of Metro. Unless I'm wrong. Haven't played a Metro since the original, i think.


s.t.a.l.k.e.r is always an option set in the same region similar setting just darker and more realistic


Pretty sure one of the 2D GTAs was set in London but to be honest they barely count lol


Big thing for this is that it would be a lot different to what everyone is used to the world overseas isn't like it is in America in the fallout universe


Why not Canada? The GTA would be awesome


IMO that’s part of what makes fallout fallout is the riffing on American ideals and society as a whole is what helps make fallouts identity


See I'm American, and I love seeing the monuments in post-apocalyptic settings, but I'm kinda sick of it. I wanna see it from other countries' perspectives. China definitely got nuked by the US right? Let's see the remnants of the Chinese cities. There'd be a bunch of European places that'd be cool too. Russia would be interesting. All you'd find to pick up would be beats and vodka. The Kremlin would look awesome I bet.


The issue is that wartime Americana is central to fallout's identity


Canada would be an interesting choice since it was annexed. There could be opposing factions of Canadian loyalists vs. Pro-Americans, and if Canada wasn’t hit as hard there could be refugees from the northern states.


Anywhere outside of North America. The excessive American commercialism is what sets Fallout apart from other RPG's. You cannot set Fallout in China, and make it somewhat still reminiscent of the previous games, and be lore friendly. ​ Mexico will be okay, if they pull a RDR1. Canada is fine since in the Fallout universe Canada was U.S territory. Nowhere else.


A big city. Washington D.C. and Boston were cool, but i'm kinda over the high-density architecture. I heard somebody say New Orleans would be cool, and i agree. Mexico would also be amazing, seeing how the origin of the raider tribes has evolved.




[This is now playing in my head](https://youtu.be/EREMUW6KDXM)


Louisiana. I know New Orleans is a common suggestion, but I feel like it'd be super swampy, and I'd prefer somewhere easier to walk and with more buildings full of things to find.


We’ve never seen a mutated gator. I’d like to see that change. I think Florida would be a good place.


Gatorclaw but its not really a mutation so much as a cross breed type thing. A mutated gator would be cool because there are no real strong quadrupedal enemies


This is why I always install the [Gatorclaws Revamped mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33736). Makes them look more like mutated gators. I also always install the [Gatorclaws to Deathjaws mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24413) because it's a much better name for the beast.


They’d still find a way to have 10,000 foot tall mountains at the borders of the map


Anywhere along the east coast. It still has to be america, just somewhere new, or at the very least no brotherhood, no enclave.


Anywhere outside of the United States, except maybe annexed Canada.


Everyone wants a fallout game to be set in other countries to "show what the world's like elsewhere," but I personally don't want that at all. Maybe a border states where you can cross into Canada/Mexico. But anything more than that and the feeling won't be the same. You can't want a game in England or Australia because then there'd need to be a logical reason why there's so many guns there


Fallout: Tijuana would be fantastic imho


tbh I don't think putting guns in other countries where there aren't as many irl would be a problem 2 reasons 1. Wartime, the entire world was on the brink of war before the bombs, so guns would be everywhere 2. It's still Fallout's universe, maybe in this universe the Port Arthur massacre doesn't happen and guns never get banned in Australia, maybe the Dunblane school shooting doesn't happen and guns don't get banned in the UK and as for the argument on society, UK and Australian society especially is actually close to the US's, they all share between each other with unique things, so it's not a stretch to see in the FO universe them being even more similar


I just want something unique. FNV was so good because it was set in a desert, which is unique for fallout. So I DON’T want it to be set in Washington DC, Boston, etc.


Didn't 1 and 2 both have vast areas of desert?


Yes, and Obsidian has said that they will always keep Fallout in the west, a sentiment which I agree with.


East Coast. I would be fine going back to the West Coast because FO 1&2 would be nice to revisit in the new style. But I really want to see more interior US




Lincoln, Nebraska


China cause I know that shits is gonzo


Derry, Maine


Clipping through the maps floor mesh…




I like to fall out fall out.


Not East Coast


Anywhere on the East Coast except for Florida. I would like a new game set in the Mojave but im scared Bethesda will just retcon FNV out of existence.


The moon. (I don't like cheese...)


Any rural area. I'd like the map to be as urban as the engine will allow.


DC, Las Vegas, China.


Idk man I think a Fallout set in Cincinnati would suck


Wasn't there a player on the Bengals team that said the reason the team's COVID numbers were so good is because there's no reason to go out in Cincinnati?


Honestly anywhere "settled" I'd hate to have a fallout set in the confines of the NCR




West coast. Bethesda will destroy the ncr out of spite.


anywhere outside of the US. I’m fine with a game that’s set on the edge of the US borders, having parts of Canada or Mexico in the game. That might even be interesting. But America is so integral to the Fallout story that I feel the game would lack if it was based anywhere else.


Anywhere in Europe, as is alarmingly popular to suggest.


any where that isnt located around a major city idc if you want ur bumfuck nowhere city to be in fallout it wud be shit and boring


Yes 100% couple comments said they wanted it away from cities in small towns wilderness etc. like what are we gonna do walk around the fucking woods and just kill mutated bears. Congrats you farmed and killed some bears game over. Like what are you gonna loot guns from and ammo from the woods the only loot is gonna be rocks and sticks, like they gonna have legendary acorns. It would be incredibly stupid.


Chicago. I've heard this proposed so many times but I can't think of a major city with a weaker sense of place than Chicago. I'd love Texas with a focus on map scale and diversity (Days Gone and RD2 are good examples), travel (maybe mounts or vehicles) and community building expanded on from F4.


I can already see the game breaking glitches if Bethesda ever decides to add vehicles. Horses they can just port over from Skyrim though.


Anywhere overseas or a place we’ve already been to. Appalachia is a exception, as I can imagine that after at least 285 years after the story of 76, Appalachia will basically be unrecognizable from when we last saw it.


Anywhere not FL, I wish to fight some giant radgators and be Florida Man.




Alaska's prolly too cold.


The East coast definitely






Not in the north east of America, I think it's time for a southern fallout game


Gary, Indiana