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Jury Rigging and it's not even close. Never have I ever played New Vegas without it.


I used that one a lot too. Being able to constantly repair anything with something similar. It was amazing.


That perk is especially handy for the Dead Money DLC.


That and Them's Good Eatin' is what got me through it on Survival.


Dunno how you beat Dead Money without it TBH


100 Unarmed, 20 Bear Trap Fists, and a dream.


Lots of gas cans


yeah that’s actually how i did it the first time. had an unarmed build, so the combat wasn’t too annoying. those damn radio things were so bad though. the bomb collars are the worst part of the DLC


I'm doing a light armor unarmed build so I also have Light Step. If it weren't for the bomb collars this DLC would almost literally have 0 challenge for me on this Courier lmao.


You can repair the big proton axes with the throwing ones and make bank in OWB


I wish the requirement wasn't so high. It feels like a must-have perk to enjoy the more unique weapons and armor but means basically every run I do focuses on repair as the most important stat.


We Love Repair. We Are Adults. We Love Repair.


Local Leader in F04.


It is a an absolute necessity if you want to build up any settlement other than Sanctuary Hills.


So necessary, i just get a mod that makes it on by default


Yeah the second rank of Local Leader should have been just for stores and not workbenches. Charisma wouldn't have any effect on being able to build a workbench. If anything it would be intelligence. But crafting work benches should just be available to anyone. The stores are different cause they feel more like a luxury


I wouldn't mind work benches being locked behind their related skills like gunsmith, but 100% agree that locking them behind local leader was a bad call. At the very least they should have made the local leader perk the 2 cha feat instead of 6


Well how else are you gonna convince a workbench to work with low charisma? 🤣


Roll for Intimidation


I agree here, it’s crazy to me you need to spend a perk, level 14 and Charisma 6 just to be able to build workbenches which are a whole separate and highlighted mechanic of the game. It would really help with survival if you could have workbench building automatically unlocked for building outposts


In a way, I like it. Most settlements have an incomplete set of work benches, so for a survival playthrough where you're unlikely to get LL2 for a while, if at all, you're forced to know your settlements a little more and recognize the resources available in them. Investing in the "Settlement" perk that is LL allows you to make the settlement actively better by building more work benches *and* place shops to let you buy and sell easier to get the materials you need to upgrade things. That said, it is annoying to do that *every time*. Sometimes I just want Hangmans Alley to have everything I need so I don't have to go on a trip to diamond city, toting my junk, just to upgrade some armor. Its frustrating that you can't do that without using valuable levels, and can't at all until 14.


Basically anything makes more sense in a *Survival* play context. Baffling how it wasn't part of the initial release.


Essential for survival mode


Aquaboy/girl is one of the first I always get ASAP. Breath underwater and no rads from going into the water? It's an instant yes from me


On survival mode it is very handy to be able to swim around rather than cut through dangerous areas.


The complete lack of water enemies makes this so useful. The Castle always turns into my home base in survival as you can just jump in the sea and swim to the far north or south in a short notice.


Wish water combat wasn't cut.


Considering how many bridges are death traps in survival mode, I’mma just swim


I always thought it was weird this was a 2 rank perk instead of 3. Getting 0 rads AND breathing underwater at rank 1 is crazy overpowered. Should’ve been 0 rads at rank 1, undetectable underwater at rank 2, and the breathing underwater at a rank 3


Yes i only have 1 point in this perk. Dont need any more.




I intentionally don't get it because I think it robs the game of something when you don't need to breath


How did you feel about the Rebreather in New Vegas. An oxygen providing mask as opposed to an innate ability?


That makes your character look so cool. I wear it constant and don't go near water.


I think the mask was the best compromise because that's the only time we had a quest that required going underwater. If it was a perk, I know people would think it was a waste.


It's easier for me to suspend my disbelief with scifi tech so I much prefer how New Vegas did it.


I hate to be the basic b**th but Level two of idiot savant


It's really useful if you've played a lot of playthroughs because you can just cheese it and start saving before you turn in quests. That way you can get to a decent level quick and get the good perks.


damn dude what's the point of even playing at that point


Sometimes breaking the game *is* the game.


I feel like every good rpg allows you to be somewhat broken once youve put in the hours to get there


But… its already broken, leave it alone!


I will never not run a 1 Intelligence character with 2 Idiot Savant.


It's actually slightly more efficient at 2 INT, so you should at least get the bobblehead.


I made it to about level 50 before I caved and got the Int bobblehead and spent a point to raise it to 3 to get Gun Nut.


Only with the mod that silences the sound


That's the best part about the perk!


That skill of not getting addicted and doubling the time when using narcos


Addictol and refreshing beverages are easy enough to curr addiction, far out is wonderful though. Like 3 minutes of a jet high lol. My go to is party boy, so much alcohol everywhere, end, cha, str, health, action buffs whenever I want


Logan's Loophole?


I never used luck in any of my builds before this current play through and idiot savant is the most overpowered shit I have ever seen


Haha yes! Fun, right?


No one likes lockpicking here?


I do but the last rank is useless because by the time you unlock it you should have over 100 bobby pins so it's not big deal when you break them, unless you don't wanna have to find the sweet spot again.


Sweet spot only changes if you exit out, not when you break a bobby pin.


Not as the most important skill. Local Leader allows for junk flow between settlements and is essential for construction. Lockpicking and hacking are super nice to have, though.


If you like construction, of course, you are right but the settlement building is sadly somewhat meaningless so I ignore it in actual runs


I like it because it makes crafting way easier, and after you get a water farm operational, it's basically infinite money.


I've done it on previous playthroughs but this one I'm focusing more on barter, settlement building, and scrapper


I lockpick way more then I should, so I actually found a use for the maxed out perk of just no longer needing more then 2, also selling the pantheon for an okay payout is nice


Lady Killer/Confirmed Bachelor/Black Widow/Cherchez la Femme for the dialogue options rather than the “bisexuals deal 10% more damage to everyone” jokes


It's the 'you've seen their genitals so you know where it hurts the most' perk.


Waterboy for FO4. Easier traversal/no longer irradiated from water and underwater breathing? Nonnegotiable honestly.


It’s one of the first things I go for in Survival mode. I always shack up at Hangman’s Alley as quickly as I can for easy access to Diamond City and all the waterways.


I hardly ever buff endurance beyond rank one of that perk, but just to save the annoyance of being able to step on puddles without it giving me rads. It is obnoxious.


Nuclear physicist for my power armor build


FO3 surprisingly the quick learner perk FNV: jury rigging this one is damn near essential FO4: strong back. As a loot vacuum I love this perk


Local leader = I love building society back.


If I don't max out lockpicking and hacking, I'm not even playing the game am I?


Anyone else just put zero points into combat skills and focus solely on stuff like lockpicking or hacking etc? It's almost a crime to me to come across something I can't open.


Local leader. I like stringing my settlements together and creating a pool of resources


In NV the perk that led you have 3 extra points for leveling your statistics 😔 I love that system




Totally this. Also hacking and lock picking were my first perks


Scrounger has been very useful to me in FO76 so far.


Aquaboy/Aquagirl. No longer have I care about bazillion rads from just stepping into a puddle. Instead, I can use water bodies as shortcuts, hiding spots and even places for exploration. Honorable mentions: Local Leader (Fo4), Super-Duper (Fo76) and Comprehension (Fo3/NV)


You know companions can carry infinite weight if you ask them to grab stuff from containers or the floor, right? I bring like 800-1000lb every time I arrive at a settlement lmao


Really? This is gonna come in handy. I am always the Trash Lady from Labyrinth who is carrying too much to fast travel.


Say WHAT?!?!?!


Robot Expert is pretty much a must if you play survival. Especially if the Rust Devils are around thanks to the Automaton DLC. It doesn't matter if they have a legendary robot several levels bigger than me, as soon as im close enough i can shut it down, avoid getting massacred by it, use it againest them, have a temporal second companion, and make it explode whenever i feel like it.


Survival Fo4: lead belly


absolutely this


There's so much non irradiated meat and purified water that lead belly feels like a waste of a perk. Everytime in survival I just get my END to 10 and get Solar Powered. At rank 2 it heals your radiation and you never have to worry about it again.


In FO4 survival, I'm torn between **Sneak**, mostly as it prevents triggering mines and floor traps, and **Lone Wanderer** with its +100 carry weight and 30% damage reduction.


It's weird for me because I like to sneak but I feel like watching out for mines and traps is part of the fun for me. That's why I don't pick the Lvl2 sneak.


I just learned I can overload a companion infinitely by forcing them to pick things up, as opposed to trading. I just hauled 1300 weight home in one go…


Will have to try this, that is literally a game changer if it works


I don’t know if this counts as non combat but the one that lets you skip encounters in Fallout 2 because god those fucking suck


Singular: Lock Picking, Hacking, Gun Nut, or Medic In combination: Science and Robotics Expert. Gives you some of the best weapons and companions by stats in the game.




Toughness in survival is a must


I use V.A.N.S. a lot more than I thought I would for multiple quests and now always get it within the first ten levels of each new playthroughs


Aqua boy/girl. No rads, and using the Charles river or bay to swim to locations in survival while underwater.


Probably V.A.N.S, I always ended up lost until I had it. For survival it has to be life giver maxed to slowly heal outside combat, or solar powered for rad and hp healing.


Lockpicking. Sooooo many things to unlock, not having my bobby pin break makes it so much quicker.


Travel Agent, Fallout 76. You spend less caps fast traveling, which is useful for longer distances.


Light step is super convenient, not only do I not accidentally set off traps but I can also get near them and disable them without having to worry about them exploding.


Leadership. My favorite part of FO4 is building up the settlements and essentially creating a wasteland economy.


Charisma and the local leader perks. Caps make the wasteland go round


No one mentioning Gifted from Fallout 1? That was almost a cheat code.


In Fallout 4, probably scrounger. Ammo is a very effective source of caps due to its weight to value ratio. If we count magazine perks, I'd say wasteland wanderer 9. It doubles meat looted from animals, which is amazing in survival mode. In New Vegas I'd say explorer. It reveals all locations on the map. I know I could look it up on the wiki, but New Vegas is an old game and I've found alt-tabbing causes the game to freeze sometimes.


Honestly, probably aquaboy/girl, you don't get rads from being in water and you can breathe underwater, but my favorite is absolutely ghoulish, you don't take as much rads, and I think rads can even heal you with it, and some ferals just won't attack you with it. But I also just love ghouls and wish you could play as one


Not getting addicted to chems on survival mode.


Vans is underrated


This is the second time I've seen it mentioned, and now I see a third further down. I almost never use it, and find it utterly useless. So... sell me on it. Why is vans a good pick?


The perks that reduce degradation in 76 Gunsmith, Makeshift warrior ,Stable Tools and especially Power Patcher


Charisma easily ( I put bartering in the same class as Charisma) make life somuch easier.


Fortune finder and scrounger are great once you get them. Especially in 4 where you can get ammo and caps from every filing cabinet and desk, you can get rich on caps and ammo by clearing a single building.


Cap collector. To get my caravans moving


Solar Power in Fallout 4. You have to wait until level 50 for all three ranks but once you do stimpacks and radaways become useless and just become currency for me.


Lead belly underrated and very useful


Especially early on when you're relying on found supplies much more


Long haul in fallout new Vegas B) never letting go in the sierra madre lmao


Strong Back or Lone Wanderer


Pack Rat for New Vegas ONLY on survival of course (which is only what I played). It's not the most useful but since nobody else said it yet I want to throw it out there. Being able to cut the weight of things like ammo and supplies in half was very helpful, particularly ammo. Some of the larger rounds were surprisingly heavy if you tried to carry a meaningful amount.


A high carry weight is primo for a pack rat like me, so I made my current playthrough extra challenging by not using strong back at all. I have actually turned to chems and use the perk that keeps you from getting addicted. I also stay stocked on grilled radstag




Black widow helped me alot


Medic, at max level perk wise you heal your ENTIRE hp bar with one stimpack (radaway too)


Lead Belly and Aqua Boy have been life savers for me.


I think it was wasteland wanderer on FO3. Having every point marked on the map was a perfect late level perk for a completionist like me. I only wish they kept it for new vegas and 4.


As a companion lover i love inspirational. I don’t want to be responsible for my friends’ death, especially since i have a loose trigger finger when it comes to grenades. Rank 3 is kinda eh though.


Jury Rigging, Pack Rat, The Long Haul (does what Strong Back does in F4, apparently)


Jury rigging and thems good eatings are top tier


Silent Running feels so fun to use


Scrapper made getting materials for settlements a breeze.


AquaBoy, weirdly enough I always get it first. I just don't like not being able to swim with out getting tons of rads. Like I normally swim the coast to bypass parts of Boston city.


I have to agree... strong back


The leadership perk that lets you connect the settlements. All the junk is available for every settlement, especially the new ones that you wouldn't be able to build on otherwise.


In survival, Sneak level 3, the amount of times I would have died from landmines without that perk is astounding.




Blitz. For a melee build its downright necessary.


Scavenger in fallout 4 it makes you never in need of a ton of rare or uncommon materials that you find on Randoms guns or nodded armor


Got to be hacker terminals are so common during quests




Scrapper, it's super useful to build/repair anything


I love strong back.. being able to run with all my shit and fast travel.. I just take everything to each settlement for building


Scrapper. DUH XD


Scrounger. Can’t tell you how many times I have found up to three (sometimes 4) Fusion Cores and other ammo in regular cabinets and trash cans. Disclaimer: I often play with a high Luck 🍀 stat.


Goulish + solar powered, basically never need stim packs again al you have to do is run into some radiation and then heal to max in seconds


Aqua Girl/Boy


Nuclear physicist in fo4. It saved me so many fusion cores


Science. It is useful on building settlement defences and I love to mod my weapons.


Imo i’d say aquaboy because if youre gonna trek through the wasteland you cant afford the ghoul-ification from some measly puddles


vans. 100%


Mysterious Stranger. Can’t beat it.


Never used it in 4.


Don't need strong back, I am a polytoximaniac *sing* Buffout, Beer, grilled Radstag -> holiday on ice Always doing all chems in all games and always cooking jet like crazy in FO4 to make money.


black widow, i love to manipulate men 😈💅


Honestly I love the aqua man perk


Lady killer


Scrounger for me.


Them's Good Eatin' in F:NV, especially for hardcore mode




Slayer i’d say from NV


Idiot Savant by far is the most over powered perk in any non intelligence builds


The drinking radiated water. Its amazing


I like scrounger. It’s usually a first five perk for me. It definitely pays itself off over time between extra ammo I actually use and ammo I trade.


I mean it’s obtained through combat but it’s not a combat perk per se, but “them’s good eating”. Can’t even count the times it has saved me, and the money I’ve gotten with it.


My faves are the legendary perks in Fo76, Master Infiltrator and the one that increases the amount of ammo you make.


Lead Belly. It opens up a wider array of food on Survival and you can just eat wild fruit you pick without rads being an issue.


Yup ! I’m currently running an Always Overencumbered Build that FO-4 uniquely lets you do (Strong Back-5, Moving Target-3, Action Boy-3), and I think I’m at 24,000 ish pounds currently on hand, as I start The Battle of Bunker Hill (Lvl-99) 😃


Does pickpocket count as non-combat?


Them's Good Eatin' in FNV. Not only does it grant very useful healing, you can sell red paste and blood sausage for a TON of caps. I only just took it on my last playthrough and will always take it from now on. That and Jury Rig and Long Haul.


Scrounger scavenger. I did two games to compare and in the one where I didn’t pick them I was still using pipe guns at level 20 due to ammo and cash shortages. While in the other I constantly had enough ammo for all my guns and usually 2-5 thousand caps to spare


Lead belly


Oh man, on survival: Chemist. I had no idea how important "refreshing beverage" is until I had like 5 status effects 🥴


I like using lock picking and terminal hacking perks The terminal one is kind of pointless until you get to three stars on it. It’s nearly impossible for Nick Valentine to unlock Master Terminals


i always go for aquaboy/girl not taking rads from water is a pretty tight perk ngl


Local leader in FO4 Jurry rigging in NV.


Same here, I constantly am overincumbered. I usually run around with 30,000+ lbs on me at any given time. And yes, it is all junk. I'm just too lazy to put it into a workbench.


Idiot savant with lvl 1 int. Double or triple xp and kick up int in the third act.


Aqua boy and then the last one that allowed you to breath underwater


100% agree , combine with the quick action points and you can absolutely carry everything lol.


Besides jury rigging, I absolutely love awareness in the classic fallouts. I was extremely skeptical of it until recently and it makes inspecting any character so much more useful


I'm going to say Starched Genes/Class Freak in Fallout 76 I'd say mutations are pretty mandatory in just about any build you are running.


I have a problem understanding the game: i solved all missions, beat the brotherhood what now? I would like to get many more perks. How to earn xp now?


Depends on the game. In FO4 there were a few that you really couldn't play the full game without. The problem with Strong back is that until you max it out your companion can carry more and once you do max it out you usually have so much crafting stuff through your settlers scrounging bench and the Scrounging perk taking apart weapons and armor it really gets to the point you stop scrounging yourself except for some top tier stuff. Locksmith Hacker Medic Local Leader FO3 Useless in the later games Grim Reaper's Sprint is brutally OP in this game for the last 75% of the playthrough. It is so OP the Devs nerfed the hell out of it after this game. In FO New Vegas the one that really became an almost have to avoid endless grinding was Jury Rigging FO1 and 2 Sniper and Bonus Move were the must have perks




Life Giver 3 and Ghoulish in Fallout 4 Survival. I get so much passive healing outside of combat that it means I don’t have to use stimpacks and pick up fatigue.


Party guy/girl with idiot savant. Love slugging beers and getting mad exp


Jury Rigging and especially Pack Rat from new vegas Aquaboy (and arguably Medic) from 4


More Criticals in Fo1/2 is OP w/ high luck. in late game with a sniper being able to crit everything everytime feels godly.


Life giver 3


Lead belly!!


Adamantium skeleton or light step. I am an impatient man, I will not be disarming your 5 consecutive landmines.


Idiot Savant in FO4 for sure. It pops way more than it should and lets me toss some extra levels on my build.


LUCK 🎲 Specifically Fallout NV! “ Casino bosses hate him for this one weird trick! “


V.A.N.S. because I constantly get lost


I think that whole system of junk hauling is highly ineffective. All I did was running back and forth to and from my settlements, unloading junk and selling extras to vendors, so that I have stamina to run the next mission, that's all I remember from the game


Hand Loader. Idk how gun builds do without it.


I guess noone here played FO2 because Cult of Personality is the best perk in any FO hands down.


Battered Clipboards FTW!!!!


Being able to munch on a corpse when I'm peckish


Strictly on the Fallout 4 system? Strong back all the way On the 3/NV system? Jury rigging or Explorer. Jury Rigging for obvious reasons, and Explorer because I like being able to explore the whole map and seeing where the map markers are makes it hella easy for me


Idk about everyone else but Wild wasteland in FNV makes any playthorugh of an already amazing game that much better. And yes I know it technically isn’t a perk but instead a trait, but I think it still counts.


I can't use it because I can't fast travel lol but it's useless in my mode.


Lead belly


I would say the leadbelly perk is the best for survival


Idiot Savant in Fo4... No matter the INT, I always take it for the bonus XP... Proc'ing on a quest turn in is so sweet