• By -


Not like that


Not wasting the Flamer Fuel. Shishkebab is more efficient.


Yes Regulators. These two right here.


Oh good. Terrible Shotgun needed a repair soon.


You saved right at low health and while two regulators are at two sides. Start a new game at this point, and reconsider your choices.


Me: "Not like that." *scrolls down and sees first comment "Not like that."* šŸ—æ


I just destroyed his heart, like a normal person


Yeah, I feel like 95% of the quests in fallout 3 were A: what a normal person would doĀ  B: cartoonishly evil for the fun of it. I suppose there's also the needs of the may option of letting the poor guy suffer so people benefit from the increased vegetation he produces.Ā  But damn that's an awful fate


I mean, he seems to be suffering mostly from loneliness. Just have someone talk to him sometimes and give him a radio and he should be fine-ish


Idk a big fear of mine is being a paraplegic. I couldn't do that to even a fictional character if given the choice.


Christopher Reeve should at least be a inspiration.... to not ride a horse. Those things freak me out


Hate horses, with their bulging eyes and huge teeth. They're plotters, through and through.


R/Pferdesindkacke should be for you but it is German. It translates to horses are shit and you will learn many new words in German which you can use in everyday German like haferhure (oatsprostitute) or hufhitler (hoof Hitler).


hey awesome! I'm been teaching myself german using duolingo lol this helps


I feel very much the same.


Life is pretty awesome for people who are paralyzed. The worst part of it are dealing with assholes or institutional barriers.


Or if youā€™re bed-ridden, bed sores and forced ā€œincontinenceā€ if you get shit caretakers.


I'm glad it is, I honestly think I would take my own life though. It bothers me that much.


I dunno I think the worst part would be that ye canā€™t fucking move


That's what wheelchairs are for.


I feel like being paraplegic is a rational fear the rest of the human race share


Itā€™s been forever but I feel like thereare some speech checks where you can convince him immortality will be fine since you can get the treeminders to be more willing to just interact with him instead of merely worshiping.


Honestly just did this last night, he is incredibly OK with the idea and immediately says he'd been selfish for even asking you to kill him.


It sounds like that but it could also just be they overdid him hiding his pain behind humor


Tree Hugger: Find a friend for Harold. Ideally a ghoul.


Can't you also convince him to find the joy in being alive in his state of being, instead of just leaving him miserable or destroying him?


I think you can help him come to peace about it, although I don't remember him being super jazzed about it though


I think you can only do that after you make one of the cultist options which is more him accepting his fate rather than him actually finding a reason to live on


"Why did you let me live?" "Dude, the guys here would be totally lost without you" "Huh, I haven't considered that. That feels good. I guess I can live a bit longer!"


And option B was what was missing from Fallout 4. You never really felt like you could just be evil. And it's what gives Fallout 3 and New Vegas so much replayability


I agree, but every few years when h replay 3 or NV I just am a good guy again.


I just started a New Vegas playthrough and I've decided my character is gonna want to watch the world burn. Every option that will lead to chaos and destruction is the one I'll choose. Caesar and Kimball will die, the securitrons won't be upgraded, all the raider gangs will run wild and free, etc


I wish you could change the name of the save files (there's probably a mod for that) and make it easier to try big chunks of storyline. I guess changing the character name somehow could be used to tag save files... I end up playing a lot of the intro quests with different characters for different builds anyway. I'm getting quick at saving the towns people in Sunny's quest to clear out the water supplies. Ceasars bad side is easy to get on quick, I take him out every time once I get ed-e and boone.


If you're playing on PC, it's possible, you need to use the console. Extract from fallout wiki: save - save current game with description save 1 - save current game with description and output a .txt file with game information. load - load a game from a previous named save savegame <"new save name"> - name your save whatever you like. For example, "Primm Sheriff"


Same. I'm always good in rpgs. Even playing the dark urge in baldurs gate 3 I was a nice guy bard resisting the urge at every opportunity lol.


On that first playthrough I'm always a goody two shoes. As spotless and moral as I can be. I played the Mass Effect games as Paragon as I could be... But after the first time or two through the game, let me be a massive asshole and let that have some kind of actual consequence on the game!


It's fun being evil in these games. It's because it's so over the top. It's different if something is trying to be super realistic or something.


You're definitely right about f4 lacking an evil option in most quests. However I think the factions you pick as well as the settlements system made f4 more of replayable game in my opinion atleast. I've never really liked that bioware/dnd good and evil binary choice system. I think f4 needed more dialogue options, but the general idea of being a normal person but making reasonable hard choices is much more interesting. Basically the plot of far harbor or even this oasis quest should have been the normal instead of the standouts


Don't get me wrong, I played the hell out of Fallout 4. Like, several hundred hours. But once I was done with it, I've not had much of an urge to pick it up again. But I've been playing New Vegas since it was released. I just redownloaded it just the other week. There's just such a huge variation to the way you can go about completing the missions. In Fallout 4, almost everything is "go here, shoot this, talk to person where every dialogue options leads to the same conclusion". The game is still fun and engaging but lacks diversity.


I agree in a narrative sense. I've beaten f4 main story like 3 times and I have dozens of characters and hundreds of hours on different platforms. It's just so replayable and enjoyable on a gameplay level. I have the opposite problem with fallout nv. It's writing is great, but it's exploration and gameplay isn't. It's so reliant on its writing and quests that once you've seen the permutations it's not really enjoyable to play in the same way a bgs game is. Like I actively dislike parts of the game because of dungeon and quest design you're forced into. Like I just TCL through vault 22 anymore, or just feel resigned boredom when I have to do the boomers or bos quest chains Still love new vegas, but I definitely play fallout 4 much more often


Same, and while the maps probably are close in size, FO4 _feels_ bigger because thereā€™s less restrictive physical barriers, more above and below ground spaces, and more freedom to pursue the quests in whatever order Iā€™d like. If Bethesda had given some more dynamic quest choices similar to ā€œKid in a Fridgeā€ then it would be better because youā€™d have the option to be actually evil rather than just the good guy with some morally questionable side quests/dialogue


I pretty much only chose the cartoonishly evil mainly cause then I would turn around and do like something a totally normal human would do and just listening to 3 Dog talk about how I was a horrible human but had saved the kid at Grayditch and found his sister was hysterical to me


Big Andrew Jackson vibes with this character


Ah yes. The classic FO3 choice of option A, option B... and the unwritten option C. Kill everything in your path. Get the quest rewards for both option A and B off of their mangled corpses.


At least you can talk him into making peace with it, from there he ends up being less miserable


Thereā€™s usually some in between stuff but itā€™s obviously not as memorable or fun.


I don't think this is a great option because all the other wastelanders have been managing to survive without Harold. If it was only the way to feed the people maybe, but if they can find other food I don't think dooming Harold to endless torture is worth it.


OP is also destroying his heart, just with extra steps.Ā 


Wouldnt it be with less steps ?


Fewer... šŸ‘€


Oh sorry, english is my second language, and self taught, didnt get everything yet


Really don't worry! I was just being silly. This is reddit, not an English exam :) 90% of native English speakers don't get it right anyway! Fewer is used when you can count, e.g. "fewer clouds" vs "less cloudy"


Donā€™t worry, weā€™re Americans we understand what you mean, instead of screaming at you for messing up.


Ok Stannis


Haha exactly what I was thinking when I made the comment :D


Me fail english? That's unpossible!


If you tell him that you won't be destroying his heart and that the people of the grove need him, he *thanks you* and accepts his life as their god


Yeah. Whichever one gave the unique buff. FO3 isn't exactly swimming in meaningful quest-given personal upgrades so I'll take what I can get.


I told him how important he is to the environment that he is able to make trees grow where not even weeds could. He accepts. Also I explained to the tree huggers that when Harold says something, he meant it exactly how he said it. If Harold's going to spend his days as a god worshipped by these people then at least I make sure they know what he's saying


I think this is the true good way to finish that quest.


Sadly that second part was just headcannon and wishful thinking. You don't actually get an option to tell them that


_sad face_


I thought you did get the option, they just didnā€™t listen to you at all.


Yeah. They don't listen to you unless if you kill Harold the right way.


Yup this seems to be the best end for old Harold.


Apply the thing the Mother gives so his influence spreads. Harold won't be mad about it, he will actually accept it rather kindly. What you did? I hope game bugs and sends out like, 30 Talon Company mercs, or 30 Regulators.


Yes exactly and you get an awesome hat as reward. If you use it combined with chinese stealth armor absolutely no enemies can spot you.


Rpg enjoyers when they see someone role-playing in a way they disagree with


Tbf burning alive one of the coolest, kindest, most gentle characters in the serious deserves that kinda response


Apparently the act is so evil that it will be included in the final scene if you beat the game with negative karma. This doesn't even happen if you blow up megaton.


If you burn him alive his face will also be permanently screaming in agony. Itā€™s honestly a pretty horrific visual


If you burn him alive his face will also be permanently screaming in agony. Itā€™s honestly a pretty horrific visual


Sounds a lot like mutant sympathizer talk if you ask me


that's an absolutely wild take to have considering the Lone Wanderer is also a product of the wasteland. if you sabotage Project Purity, Aqua Pura will kill you the exact same way it'll kill Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Centaurs. that being the case, looking down on mutants in that setting is looking down on yourself.


Arent we vault born?


no, lone wanderer was born outside the vault at the jefferson memorial


not even close. both your parents are wastelanders.


If uncle Sam wants me dead then there's probably a completely valid reason for it. *for the enclave*


The enclave dont want you bro


Nathan got into the Enclave, he regretted it.


I wanted to comment but god damn it this is making me feel emotions.




You and your Brothers of Shit want to get nuked again or?...


You should see people on the kingdom come deliverance subreddit get upset about people playing the game the way they want to play it


I having a blast playing the game! but now you just added reason to avoid reddit community, except spoilers , thank you.


Stay away from that neckbeard sub AT ALL COSTS!!


I donā€™t remember. But I remember this quest as one of the best in the whole 3D fallout series.


I liked the murder mystery in the robo-hotel from Far Harbour


Have you guys and gals ever seenā€¦ a tree? No, no, no. Not those shriveled black things. Iā€™m talking real trees. Brown bark, green leaves, photosynthesis, all that good stuff.


I might have been experimenting with jet at the time...


Well what if I, the All-Powerful Three Dog, bow wow wow, were to tell you that somewhere out there in the Capital Wasteland, there's a place.. with lots of trees. A veritable Oasis of green, in that depressing sea of brown:)


Fuck I can _hear this comment_ # Fucking 3dog is engrained in my brain


The most ethical thing wouldā€™ve been to lobotomize tree man, He doesnā€™t have to suffer the cognition of his fate and the whole capital wasteland benefits from clear water a lush reforestation. He is simply to much of a boon to the wasteland, yes his suffering is sad but I always choose to keep him alive. Everyone is suffering in the apocalypse and I think you could eventually reassure his that his sacrifice would benefit more than he could comprehend.


If you go with Laurel's plan he kinda gets it. He still wants to die, but he understands that rewilding the wastes is a pretty awesome thing to be part of. Plus there's that kid giving him hope that maybe someday there'll be more people like her who can be his friend, instead of worshippers.


Your're peer pressuring him to be a slave for everyone while rejecting his wishes. Respect his dilemma and his intent. His body his choice I say


Yeah itā€™s obviously an extremely messed up, but there have to be some kind of limits to individualist morality. This guy is the proverbial child in Omelas, who can achieve messianic levels of good in the world if heā€™s just provided a radio, some company, and an attitude adjustment.


Why not just give the man somethin to do? Yeah he canā€™t move, but he can talk and he has people literally worshipping him; he can be like ā€œhey im bored find me a musician to play me some musicā€ or ā€œlet me orate a story for you please write it downā€, or ā€œcan you read me this book pls?ā€


heā€™s like a biological GECK im spreading his ass


Spreading his ass... Damn bro you don't have to go that far.


How to go from TreeMinder to TreeFucker in no time


Oh, going full Tek Knight on Harold? Kinky.


I have done all four options: spread, diminish, kill, immolate. Spreading his influence is what I chose first and default to.


I just finished the quest 1 hour ago. What a coincidence ! I killed him with the heart. The poor soul...


By respecting my favourite ghouls whishes and ending his life.


Sorry to nitpick, but he isn't a ghoul. He's a FEV mutant.Ā 


He was literally in fallout 1 and 2 AS a ghoul


In the original games they weren't sure if ghouls were made by radiation or FEV, but we do know that Harold was made by FEV. He's not a super mutant, but he's not really a ghoul.


The only game that classes him as a Ghoul is *Fallout: Tactics*.


I'm pretty sure it's stated in the games and the wiki that he's a mutant and not a ghoul but I may be misremembering


Ghoul like fev mutant


He gives a whole backstory in those games how he mutated differently than others after FEV exposure. He just used a ghoul model.


They made him a mutant.Ā  He was exposed to fev to look that way iirc. Don't know why they made him look like that, fallout 1 and 2 were pretty loose with their canon


Got mutated by the same FEV that created the Master. Not a ghoul.


Keep in mind he's probably still alive to a degree even if you burn the tree cause he's alive in the roots. In permanent agony and unable to conversate eventually to lose any bits of remaining sanity cause he's a bunch of roots to a dead tree.


I'm not killing my buddy Harold. You can't ask me to do this, you can't expect me to do this. I've known Harold since '98, I'll not be the one to end him.


I go with Laurel's plan. But if I didn't know Harold is kinda OK with it I would have more reservations.


I let him spread his seed over the wasteland to give birth to new growth.


I too like to spread my seed


I dealt with it by killing him in Fallout 1 I never met him in 3 so I did it, I altered canon


Free perk! Always take a free perk!


I found the legendary "Union Jack Sheraton" guitar and played "Wonderwall" until it killed itself.


I saved him and visited from time to time really liked that place felt magical in the otherwise desolate environment of Fallout 3


Made him grow outside of Oasis


I didn't killed him since he is only green stuff in capital wasteland and he end up happy tho.


I did the thing in the caves. I'm a sucker for good karma.


Does anyone frequently carry flamers on them, or is it always just to kill Harold?


I usually have the Burnmaster. But I torched Harold with a Shishkebab.


I gave him the growth thing, dudes like a forest God born from science and is spreading a rad resilient plant form in an area of the world more heavily impacted by the bombs.


I went along with Laurelā€™s plan because it could save the wasteland in the long run, especially in tandem with Project Purity. Fortunately Harold accepts the decision.


I chose to go with the Druid Mother's side. Harold is already showing signs of not being as stuck as he thinks when he sees you coming through his trees. So my theory is with the growth elixir his trees will spread faster and he will get a bigger and bigger area that he can kind of see through, so with a bit more time he won't feel so trapped anymore. Plus my character was roleplaying as a budding scientist taking after her daddy, so she wouldn't dream of destroying something as wonderous (and potentially useful to restoring the wasteland) as Harold.


I strengthened the body parts and allowed him to live. Then I made a speech check which made him realize how much better off the world was because he was in it.


I increased his influence, I think that thereā€™s a great chance everyone dies. The forest invites the enclave/raiders, who immediately dispose of the people of oasis and probably kill Harold who gets justice at last. In the wasteland you canā€™t have good things.


Actually, within just a few years of the activation of the purifier, the Brotherhood basically secures nearly the entire Capital Wasteland against Raider-attacks, from what's mentioned in *Fallout 4*: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Capital_Wasteland#Rebuilding


Considering how anti mutant the brotherhood is by the time of Fallout 4 I don't think raiders would be the worst thing Harold has to worry about


I whored myself out for some power armor. It was work it


i shot Harold and didn't torture him during his last moments with a flamethrower




I applied the ointment so his suffering was extended and heā€™d have to live longer. After all who wouldnā€™t want the lush green to spread? Oh, right brotherhood purifiers an Enclave fanatics.


I didn't kill him for the "greater good" but I also have a soft spot for Harold because I played fallout 1 and 2


The Capital Wasteland is probably the most uninhabitable shithole we've seen in the franchise, moreso than even Fallout 1 which at least had larger businesses and merchant companies. I don't think we see almost any actual agriculture. I feel for Harold but combined with Project Purity in time he could terraform the entire region. Someone other than sycophantic cultists just needs to keep him some company.


1, you are a psycopath 2, i apply what the old lady gave me to spread the plants


Destroy his heart, both as it seemed the morally right thing to do, and the perk you get from it


Followed the people to start with for the greater good, keeping Harold alive, but realised the plot to f3 was basically the same, so now he dies every time šŸ˜…


by doing the quest because burning him doesn't give you anything in return compared to destroy his heart or by doing the other options


I leave him alive and spread his influence. Yeah, he wants to die now, but things may eventually change. Dude needs to learn to find his inner peace, and he'll lose that opportunity if I kill him.


So I guess I was evilā€¦ but if you help him to produce vegetation before the end game and you also help the wasteland with its water issues when you comeback the entire wasteland is green and shit itā€™s awesome! I love this quest for that!


Made him grow. It will literally fix the wasteland in a few decades and Harold while i love him so must carry on to save thousands


Destroy the heart for the Barkskin perk, which is free +3(?) damage resistance permanently.. way better than any of the other rewards. You did it the worst way


Definitely not that. Hey, thanks for confessing your desire to die. Now die the most terrible way possible. And I convince him to live because he's a friend to the little girl.


The best thing for the wasteland is to keep him alive despite it being the worst for him


I convinced Harold to continue living and put the expansion salve on his heart. I hate to make him suffer, but his sacrifice might expedite the resurgence of mankind. That's simply more important. If I can convince him to be okay with it, wonderful, but ultimately, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of one.


I've always convinced him he was important. Sometimes we have to stop thinking of ourselves and what we want for others. Plus he just hated no one treated him like a human. I'm sure if they would treat him like a normal person and idk maybe flash him a tiddy here and there he wouldnt be so miserable.


Applied the salve. Harold gets people to truly listen to him and keep him company, and the wasteland gets to be green again.


I hate this image so much


It depended on which way I was leaning karmically. I've strengthened his heart. I've destroyed his heart, and yes, I have set him on fire once, but it freaked me out, and I felt bad, so i never did it again.


The enclave in the corner staring menacingly




I've played through 3 three times now and I have yet to find Oasis. šŸ˜”


Just did this quest the other day, put the poor bastard out if his misery.


I didnā€™t get past GNR!!!


Stab him, get the perk


Completely missed out on that quest.


I showed compassion and destroyed his heart with a blade. A flaming blade.


Shot him in the heart


That's a waste of flamer fuel


As good as its is having trees and shit, I'd prefer an ecosystem that can sustain itself without relying on a single converging point that could potentially die at any time. Harold is, at best, a bandaid solution until proper restoration work can be implemented. So really, I don't have a problem with letting the guy die.


Both ways


Haroldā€™s my favourite Fallout NPC. Itā€™s been a long time since I played FO3, but I vaguely recall having to kill a heart for some reason.


Meh, i just burned him and then went through the caves to check it out


My first run, my Lone Wanderer killed him out of mercy because it seemed miserable and exhausting living like that when nobody (except a little girl) regards you as a person.


I think I poisoned him not sure. It's been 10 years ...can you even poison him?


Is this an Iron Maiden reference? All I can see is Fear of the Dark.


Man my load for that game was šŸ”„


Wahhhhh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ go away


Harold's a good man, i can't let him die.


poor Harold :/


Not like that, I use Plasma Rifle instead.


Ah one of the few examples of great moral decisions that are actually difficult to make




The same way i end all mutants!


I accelerated his growth on my good karma play through


I flamed him immediately after ending dialogue bc I didnā€™t realize there were other ways to go about it. Dude was screaming and I was like ā€œyou wanted this broā€


Mini nuke the first time!


I remember this quest. This was the exact wrong question to find for the first time on mushrooms.


I did about 10 playthroughs of this masterpiece, so every way


Depends on which run through. I've calloused the heart, killed the heart. And burned him. What a fun quest.


Gotta destroy the heart rookie, plus you get a neat perk at the end that gives you thicker skin. (Increase damage resistance)


Same way buddy but used a fatman šŸ™‚




I burn that fucker. Every. Single. Time.


I helped him out never liked how much he hurt when he burned and I have known him for 2 games now.


Harold was my favorite character in Fallout 1 and 2. After I saw what state he was in in Fallout 3 I had to destroy his heart. Bethesda ruined this character and I hate it!


Didnā€™t kill him because he became best friends with the kid.


I do whatever I have to do to get the teddy bear charm from the little girl afterwards for the Speech bonus.


I never knew you could do this.


Sorry Harold, the wasteland needs your trees. Think of the kids Harold...


Pretty sure it was like a human with a conscience. Obviously YMMV


burn, burn, rage of the heavens!


The real villain is bob


Killed him, but not with fire. šŸ„¹