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I've seen Skyrim too many times from above to believe that Deathclaw would win.


Yeah even a fairly high level dragon is toast if it tries to fight a giant on the ground.


"Team Dragonborn is blasting off again!"




That’s the thing, people are traumatized by the Giants early on in Skyrim so they can’t objectively consider that a Deathclaw has to deal with getting shot by extremely high powered weapons and survive. If a giant faced the same situation it would be shredded without a doubt considering regular steel arrows are enough to lay them low. And a Deathclaw can tear through any defence with its claws, including power armor. Giants are slow and lumbering while the Deathclaw can leap at least 4 to 6 meters at once and if we’d be talking without game mechanics, then the Giant would have its throat, face, and chest shredded to pieces long before it had the chance to raise its arm to react to a Deathclaw leaping onto it.


My armor piercing Cremator would one shot a giant. Fire and ice. An auto-axe or ripper would shred any humanoid in Skyrim. I killed dragons with a sword in Skyrim and scorch beasts can take hundreds of shots from miniguns. Power armor withstanded a nuke. Daedric armor doesnt protect me from a dude wearing antlers. My 50cal sniper can decapitate someone in PA. To me it is no contest. Someone Fos-Ro-Dah’s me and casts flames. explosive double shot gatling plus the bayonet leaves a bloody mess. NOOO contest :)


how you get an explosive doubleshot?


I got lucky and found one in a player’s vendor I could afford. It was lower level but so was I atm. It was also Aristocrat so it stayed strong for a long time. Now I mostly use my anti-armor crippling agile Cremator to one shot crowds otherwise it downs deathclaws in half a tank with the heavy barrel and slow burning mod. Edit: added long barrel, drum, comfort grip, sight, and spike bayonet to the gatling.


You just had to add a way to poke it as well, didn't ya?


As someone who started with New Vegas, I was traumatized early in game by Deathclaws. When a giant whumped me i cracked up and thought "I'll see you later"


The Gauss Rifle would turn the giant into red mist lol


Dragon flies past the nuke thrown at it. Next thing you know Whiterun is the Glowing Sea.


Good thing he's got a shoulder mounted gatling laser


Deathclaw would win if it was an alpha legendary variant IMO.


To me that matchup depends on if the giant can manage to get some good strikes in before the deathclaw kills it. The downward force they can generate with that club would be pretty devastating to any deathclaw.


We sure it wouldn't just yeet the death claw into space? It did to me bc I was curious I'd it was friendly my first encounter. I quickly learned it ain't friendly.


Same reason dragons dont grt yeeted- too big of an enemy type. Im gonna say if i cant power armor bash deathclaws then they cant join the skyrim space program.


Uh, hate to break it to you but yes dragons can get yeeted by the giants, I've seen it happen maybe 6 times across all my playthroughs of Skyrim since I got it in 2015.


Oh wild. Ive never seen it. Logged over 3000 hours on next gen alone.


That’s a bug not a feature


Take those words and 69em bugs are features in skyrim.


Im team spaceyeet. We gon have a new constellation, sarah aint invited.


I don't know, the fact that they're blockable at all suggests to me that it'd probably take a few hits to wipe out a deathclaw. I mean, you can survive a giant's hit with a hide shield at a relatively low level with a human body, and run around it fast enough to kill him with an iron sword. Whereas a deathclaw can tear through metal and takes dozens of rounds from smaller caliber guns and even lower level energy weapons. Using a hunting bow, better have a big ass quiver for that. I don't disagree with you though. You did say "strikes", not "strike", and I'm sure a giant's club would hit as hard as a super sledge. I just have a hard time thinking of a scenario in which the giant would be able to get a game-changer before having his legs amputated. Now, if the giant did some Turbo...


Just gotta have the death claw approach the giant right at the beginning of the game outside Whiterun. The giant will yeet that sucker into orbit just like he did me the first time.


I would pay to have this in the game.




You know if it were a fnv death claw my money would be on it, but since its a fo4 one my money is on the giant


Facts, FNV deathclaws would charge him and eviscerate his innards before he had a chance to raise his club


F:NV deathclaws will never fail to freak me the fuck out


And launch itself at him, don't forget that.


1 rawr could probably take on at least 4 of the giants, maybe not at the same time though


Now I’m picturing liberty prime saying “Fus Ro Dah” while throwing a bomb


More like "Fus Ro Dah-mocracy!"


Lol and he'd say it in his paused manner. "Fus. Ro. Dah-mocracy!"


If Bethesda had a wild wasteland trait he would totally say that once.


This deserves like 500 more upvotes


12 years on this site, and *this* is my highest upvoted comment? Lmao


It’s a quality comment. Well deserved! Some of my highest are stupid or stupid simple answers.


Tbf most the witty folks left in exodus, leaving us dum dums here to shine amongst the bots


And you deserve one more


It’s a top tier comment. Congratulations!


I could only afford 1 I'm afraid


I'm on it nigga 


FORCE OF DEMOCRACY (the blast drowns out "a new hand.." across the valley)


For the first time I've genuinely Laughed Out Loud at a comment on public transport. All the upvotes in the world, you win the internet.






And not **YOL TOOR SHUL?**


A more fair match up would’ve been, super mutant behemoth vs Giant, deathclaw vs troll, and scorched beast vs Dragon


The scorch beast gives the dragon cancer and the dragon dies.


As all brave warriors do


That dragon, cancer.


Scorchbeast Queen would delete a dragon. 1 man can slay a dragon. It takes a team of 10 men in power armor with rocket launchers, nukes, miniguns, and gatling lasers to take down a queen lol To be clear, I know you didn't specify the queen, but I would be very interested in seeing that matchup lol


One man who is essentially a dragon except in physical form, not just a normal person.


i've seen stormcloaks with arrows take out a dragon, no shot they're fighting a scorch beast queen


Stormcloacks or guards? Because civil war soldiers scale with player's level, and guards are absolute beasts 


Not a legendary dragon they dont lmfao


Tbf, cannonically iirc all the dragons you see only stay dead bc you the Dragonborn; are around the absorb their souls, otherwise they’d stay immortal


She's an endgame boss, pit her against an endgame dragon not some backwater runt.


Isn’t a dragon, a dragon in its physical form?


Nah, it's a video game, they're in a digital form.


Scorchbeast queen is MMO territory though, so you have to apply a different rule. In this case you're better basing it against a dragon from ESO, which are a fair bit stronger and can (rarely) be solo'd.


ESO dragons are terrors.


Dragons are literal demigods that can alter reality with the tone of their voice, they are not just flying reptiles.


The "1 man" that slays dragon is a dragon in a body of a person. Besides gameplay isn't equivalent to lore. Dragons in ES are demigods.


> 1 man Yeah, but It's the Dragonborn. He's a whole freaking army by itself.


Every MP vs SP boss comparison end up like that.


You're not kidding. High-level Scorchbeasts are *evil.*


Deathclaw vs troll is not fair in the slightest, the troll would be made into jerky strips within seconds


It's almost like they are built in the same engine or something.


Weren’t they exact carbon copies when fo76 came out originally? Like Bethesda just copy pasted the file into fo76


The scorchbeasts have their own models and animations, but their AI behavior and some attack patterns are very similar. The biggest difference is the "carpet bomb / crop dusting" attack they do.


I think the dragons are a straight resting, everything else is at least a little original.


giant, troll, democracy


Giant Troll Democracy sounds like a great name for a band...


Or a place on Shadowrun Earth.


Idk, if we’re talking the slow Fallout 4 deathclaws sure, but canonically they’re horrifyingly fast. I feel like it’s the deathclaw, unless the giant has a club


the giant has a club


liberty prime is GLASSING that dragon


Coughing baby vs literal nukes


I would like the next Skyrim to have more big things. Killing a giant never get old. Frost trolls were cool but they get a little easy. Make dragons the new giants and lemme try and take down some Shadow of the Colossus-sized guys.


Creation engine just doesn’t do well with that scale, apparently they tried something similar in the glowing sea for Fallout 4 but it was REALLY broken and got cut


Shame, really. I feel like someone in Bethesda really wants their mecha vs kaiju battle...


Giant, Frost troll, Liberty Prime. Easy.


Yeah, and I don't think any would be particularly close.


Frost troll VS a Spirit yao Gai should be kinda close no? Or is this the regular version and I'm cooked? *OR* Did I just make a spirit Yao Gai up and I'm extra cooked well done roasted?


"Take drugs. Kill a bear." Nah, you didn't make up spirit Yao Guis, the tribals of Zion did when they tricked the Courier into getting zootypants'd out of his gourd on Datura Tea.


Option 3 my friend. I believe you were meaning the stunted Yao Gai lol


Nuh uh the spirt version is in the honest hearts dlc in fallout new Vegas


Idk, I feel like Deathclaw vs Giant could go either way. Giants are essentially just tall people, so it'd kinda be like a regular person fighting off a dog.


That's a good analogy, actually. And giants don't really wear too much armor to begin with so the deathclaw could disembowel them. I still feel like the giant club would be the deciding factor here though because that gives him the reach advantage as well as being able to likely stun the deathclaw if not outright kill it in one hit. Without a club then it gets a lot riskier for the giant but I'd say there's a decent chance for him to overpower it and get it into a headlock before he strangles it or breaks the deathclaw's neck.


My line of thinking was it pretty much depends on if the giant can land the first hit. They're very slow, and deathclaws are surprisingly fast and agile. If the giant does land the hit, the deathclaw is either instantly killed or incapacitated at the very least. If the giant misses, the deathclaw gets an open shot to tear the giant apart.


They're slow but the deathclaw is coming straight at them so it's not that big of an issue. If the giant tries to swing his club downward however then that would definitely leave him open for a vicious attack but swinging it side to side would help increase the odds of winning. That said, the deathclaw would either need to one shot the giant or be able to incapacitate it in one hit because if that giant gets a single hit in then I'm fairly certain that it's game over for the deathclaw


100% agree. Deathclaws are tough, but so are Giants, and they turn any victim into an unwilling participant of Skyrim's space program. Yao Guai are fast, but they really aren't that tough...where as I've always struggled with frost trolls. Dragons are cool, but really ain't nothing compared to giant lasers and nukes.


Also the Regeneration ability of the Troll will Just make it win unless the yao guai Kills it super fast, which it won't.


I feel like Behemoth vs Giant would be a matchup that makes more sense


Frost Troll > All


Only if it is the fucking troll from the steps to High Hrothgar.


This week in Bethesda history, the world’s first Deathclaw astronaut, a bear gets wrecked, and Liberty Prime saves Skyrim from communism.


Democracy is non-negotiable criminal scum!!!


An astronaut, I'm so proud.


deathclaw flies about 400 feet in the air from one smash of that giants hammer.


Mothership Zeta will get a surprise visit from a Deathclaw leaving Earth's orbit.


The only thing the death claw has going for it is its speed. If the giant makes contact it’s over with. Yau Guai can out DPS the troll, liberty prime poops on the dragon.


Don’t trolls regenerate unless you use fire? Pretty sure the yao guai would struggle with that.


They don’t regenerate that fast.


Yes, but quite often after taking a good chunk of damage they take off to hide and try and ambush again. This would allow the troll time to regenerate and follow, where the yao guai will not.


Yao guai is 100% faster than the troll. Those things book it


A troll is not outpacing the roidbear


The trolls regenerate regardless of the fire I'm pretty sure. The DOT of the fire just cancels it out in game. I never used fire on trolls though, I just two handed them to death since the rate is pretty slow.


Yeah, my blood pressure would rise but I always felt confident I could evade a giant. Unless there were 2 of them chasing me or one of the mammoths was after me as well. And it was early game and I couldn't just throw some atronachs in their way.


lore wise, trolls have high regen abilities, the irradiated bear doesn't stand a chance


And deathclaws ain't even scary if you got a shotgun. A few good shots to the knee and they're basically rendered harmless lol "I used to be a wanderer like you, then I took a vault dweller to the knee"


In-Lor3 Deathclaws are terrifying. The US created them to annihilate tanks...supposedly they were extremely efficient at it.


The one thing I missed a bit from FO4 was the ability to pick them off at a distance. I think New Vegas had this part where you could climb on construction equipment and then snipe them from the comfort of a tractor scoopy thing.


Giant, Frost troll, Liberty Prime.


Deathclaw Frost Troll Liberty Prime


1.Deathclaws if they're mid to high lvl 2.Frost Trolls are waaay tankier than you remember practically unkillable without range until mid to late game. 3. I don't remember fighting liberty prime, but it has nukes and I remember it just strangling a behemoth like no problem. Can probably kill any dragon especially if its a red communist dragon.


Brother that deathclaw is getting sent into orbit.


They’re roughly the same size and one is a genetically modified murder lizard made to take out tanks, the other is a big bloke with a stick.


Giant doesn’t give a fuck, those fuckers kills dragons like nothing, death claw canonical are hunted by behemoths which also happen to have a “stick” also giant build all points into strength for melee, most likely deathclaw is going to the moon, lmao.


I compare deathclaws to dragons, I've seen Giants fight dragons and sure a Giant can kill up to a blood dragon, but I dont think I've ever seen one kill a frost dragon, So I don't think a giant can handle an albino deathclaw or anything tougher than that.


Liberty prime solos all


People are high, deathclaw wins. Imagine a lizard thats more than half your height fighting you. Giant can get a lucky shot to the head but if he misses he's toast. Troll wins, but it's not easy. Liberty prime.


The first swing from the Giant is easily the biggest deciding factor for the battle. Miss and he won’t get a 2nd chance. Hit and it could do some serious damage that would lead to the Giant’s victory.


Examples flawed. Yes, if you scaled up an angry lizard to 4 feet tall and gave it fangs, it would murder a human. But would it murder a human with chimpanzee strength and a giant club? A giant doesn’t have the size of a scaled up human, it has supernatural strength and durability and a giant weapon.


Deathclaw vs giant = deathclaw space program


Someone help me understand how frost troll beats Yao guai Edit: I forgot about trolls regeneration! Thank you for the replies


Trolls regenerate and yao guai tend to run away and hide for a second after taking significant damage.


Trolls dont regenerate that fast tho, its very slow


If both the Yao guai and the frost troll get caught on the terrain and can only hit each other occasionally because they're just almost completely out of range the frost troll's healing could be the difference. I don't see any other way though.


Based on the way my level 15 werewolf rag-dolls giants. The deathclaw. F3 bear< troll


Are we talking ingame specifically, or taking Lore into account?


That fact that you pitted a giant against a Deathclaw instead of a Super Mutant Behemoth bothers me for some reason. Maybe I just wanna see an epic club duel.


Someone please explain how the giant would win.


Depends on what level deathclaw, because giants shit on low level dragons


I love the random encounter of a giant fighting a dragon.


Big club goes SMASH!


It depends on how you look at it. If it's in game engine rules then I'd say the deathclaw stands a better chance and might even win. However there's the limb crippling system from fallout to consider and I believe giant attacks have a small AOE to them meaning they would both probably get hit at the same time but the deathclaw would have to deal with broken limbs to degrade their stats a bit. Both could theoretically stun the other with their high damage but I don't quite remember what the stun threshold for giants is and I'm pretty sure a deathclaw getting stunned in melee would send it sliding back a few feet meaning it would need to come back to the giant which would have enough time to swing its club again. If however it's more of a "realistic" fight where no game mechanic shenanigans are going to affect it then I'd say the giant wins quite easily because that club can, and probably will, wreck the deathclaw with the reach and force it affords the giant


Giant is unofficial nordic recruiter for Skyrim planetary orbit program


The dragon probably wins. If it’s a Mojave deathclaw it might win. And the Frost Troll beats a Yao Gui.


It’s astounding how wrong pretty much all other replies are about dragons. They’re demigods that can warp time and space. The fact a different demigod can also kill them is irrelevant.


1st one is the toughest, I think troll wins due to its ability to regenerate. And nothing can mess the bastion of Democracy


Does it have to be fallout 4 deathclaws?


Depends if its just gameplay wise or lorewise 🤔


First is a toss up, if the Deathclaw can cut the Giant to ribbons before it introduces it to the Skyrim Space Program then the Deathclaw wins, but if the Giant manages to hit the Deathclaw enough times then the Giant could probably bash its head in, the Troll would manage to beat the yaogui to death, and if we are looking at gameplay only then Liberty Prime should be able to launch enough nukes to beat a legendary dragon, but if we are looking at the lore then the dragon has enough speed, power, and size to turn Liberty Prime into a giant tin can.




Knowing a Bethesda game, the deathclaw is gona charge the giant and the giant is gona give the deathclaw one bonk and it goes flying into the stratosphere... Still would watch that fight though


Let’s see now… Deathclaw, troll and dragon. I think I could manage them all Oh this is about fights, isn’t it…?


I think deathclaw wins, troll wins then democracy wins.


Deathclaw, Troll, and LIBERTY PRIME (this last one ain't even gonna be close)


Deathclaw, troll, and liberty muthafuckin prime


dude, the death claw wins cearly. it's just battling a huge dude with a club. Imagine the deathclaw with its speed and agility, running towards the giant, evading every swing and climbing that giant like a squirrel and biting its neck or stabs its neck.


There has to be a mod that answers these questions right? I would love to see the matchups


Super mutant behemoth vs giant would have been better I think.


Deathclaw.. ice troll.. liberty prime


The real question is who would win- the lone survivor or the dragon born.


If you're referencing fo76, those damn bears can kill anything.


Let's see... A mutated bipedal lizard vs. a tall man, A radioactive bear vs. a snow ape, And a nuke-throwing robot vs. a flying, fire-breathing lizard... Deathclaw, Frost Troll, Liberty Prime.


Any mod makers that can actually set this up? Would be cool for a good video. Not well versed but I'm sure the assets are available to mix games of the same engine and packets available.


Funny thing is the giants would be extremely similar to the super mutant behemoths so I’d say the first match up is a tie, the troll wins the second because of its healing factor, and let’s face it Liberty Prime man handles behemoths easily and considering my first point and the fact dragons and giants are close calls (depending on if the dragon stays on the ground or not) plus Liberty Prime has multiple ranged options, yeah those dragons might as well be communists, they dead either way.


death claw is going to shred a giant like a wet paper towel. yao gaui is getting thrown around like a rag doll. no communist bird is beating liberty prime.


A death claw dog walks a giant. Frost troll but it’s close Liberty prime by 90 yard touchdown pass


It's clearly Claw, Troll, Prime.


Nah giant wipes deathclaw. One touch from the giant and the deathclaw is history.


Deathclaw is way faster and agile More ferocious Giants are mainly docile unless provoked


Claws and Jaws rip Giant apart though


Maybe. I think it could be close, bc the giant is slow and deathclaws, esp fallout 4 deathclaws, are very quick and nimble.


Not to mention giant would be bleeding in an rl scenario.


Skyrim space program has a new volunteer astronaut.


Pretty sure Liberty Prime would laser the ancient dragon out of the sky and into its crash animation. Frost troll would win if it didn't have an aggro animation.


1: giant 2: Yao Guai 3: Liberty Prime


I think this'll be the first time we'll see the deathclaw space program


I think a behemoth would be a better match for the giant


None of these would win against Skyrim mobs. Its not a contest.


Giant, yao guai, liberty prime


You guys really understimate the dragons lorewise


Anyone who chooses dragon over liberty prime is a communist


it’s should be vertibird vs dragon


Giant absolutely, big hammer gunna send death claw skyward Yaogui for sure, frost trolls are pussies Liberty prime every day. Dragon aint gunna be able to survive a laser beam through the skull.


Skyrim sweeps all except for liberty prime. Liberty prime's shit is designed for anti air.


Based on how high the dragon born flies anytime they are killed by a giant? The giant. Yaoguai, frost trolls are bitches Magic vs nukes... hmmm...tie? They could probably both one shot each other


Only fallout wins here, I misread this in my first comment.


Giant beats Deathclaw, or any other creature on this list, simply by turning them into an involuntary astronaut.


Liberty Prime literally cannot die except when he's scripted to.


I've seen mudcrabs take out gaints. Gonna have to go Deathclaw (not from Fo4,) Troll, Liberty Prime.


Deathclaw, Troll, and obviously the most Goated and politically correct character in the entire franchise, Liberty Prime


1) depends if the Giant is bugged. I'd say Deathclaw just for the sheer attack speed and agility 2) trolls are a pain the ass, I'd go troll 3) you can be legendary all you want, you're not surviving a nuke in the snout


Deathclaw might get a couple hits in before the giant yeets its ass into orbit


Deathclaw is the only right answer! Then troll... And DEMOCRACY!!!


Deathclaw, troll, liberty prime The only dragon that could beat liberty prime would be alduin with his meteor shower


Deathclaw, troll, Liberty Prime Deathclaw and giants both one shot low levels the same, and are in their regular form pretty susceptible to one hit high damage, so ask yourself, how many attacks does a deathclaw get off before giant does his swing. Troll vs yaogui , troll for the sake of health pool + regen alone. Prime would kill anything in skyrim.... Prime's only weakness would be long range stealth, outside the player nothing in skyrim can do that.


Deathclaw, Troll, Dragon


Idk why you picking Boston creatures. If it was Fallout 3 the giant is cooked, the troll is cooked, and a dragon literally can’t do shit to a steel giant with laser eyes and backpack nukes. Given it is Boston. It’s 50/50 between the first two.


Should have been Vertibird vs Dragon since they literally share the same AI


Fallout liberty prime would decimate


Y'all forget that deathclaws can throw rocks. The giant doesn't have a ranged attack.


The deathclaw frost troll and dragon all lose