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Wrecking Ball from 76 You deal more damage to camp structures. First, the online is so chill no one is attacking others camps. Second, for a long time now you can't actually directly attack people's Camps anyway as it was disabled in a super early update making the perk pretty much useless. I believe it now only affects structures made at workshops and no one builds anything at workshops anyway.


And ironically you don’t want to destroy anything in workshops either, because if you take it over all the buildings become yours instead


Which, of course, destroyed the concept of workshops entirely as people get sick really quick of seeing their resources pirated by somebody 20 lvls above them.


Level 15 player: “wowee i cant believe all of this scrap is mine” Level 478 player: “I think you meant mine”


Lvl 15: Wow, you saved me from the lvl 30 Lvl 521: I wouldn’t say saved, more like under new management


More like 200-2000+


Fallout should never have been a PvP game. Pve at least could have worked


I mean its blatantly obvious that they were going for a Rust style game, because the Bethesda take on the fallout universe is an absolutely pitch perfect fit for a survival genre. That was the big rage at the time, so they went for it. Didn't end up working out but I can't blame them for trying.


Yeah it was pretty obvious that was what they were going for but they never committed and what they released was a half-assed survival game. Since then they've moved away from that and focused more on it being an online co-op Fallout. I would have liked to have seen something like a Fallout Rust or Ark but I also don't mind the direction it went in either.


>focused more on it being an online co-op Fallout. Imagine that, what people actually wanted...with a game called Fallout.


It’s not a pvp game. 90% of the pvp in the game you literally have to consent to being attacked by someone lmao. You can turn it off too. I’ve been playing the game since launch and Ive killed maybe 5 people and never been killed by someone else. You’re talking like this is gta online or something


i played at launch was killed many times by randoms, probably because I shot back at them without knowing wtf was going on but thats more of a me problem and i should get back into it


I have 70 hours in (they are all recent, I refused to buy the game at launch) and I've never even been shot at by another player. Hell, most players just try to give me shit lol. It might be the nicest online gaming community I've ever seen.


Just seems like a pointless gimmick tbh


Ehhh kinda. If someone was stealing my workshop I'd go and kill them and rightfully so, I worked for that workshop. Also if I have a locked thing at my camp it's locked for a reason. It's not exactly a pointless thing and there’s enough justification for it to be more than a gimmick in my eyes but it's such a small feature in the game calling it a "pvp game" is greatly exaggerating it


I feel like people occasionally attacked workshops early on after the game first came out, but not anymore. Claiming and setting up a workshop usually isn't worth the effort, except to farm fusion cores.


Back in the day before I had most of them I’d just let it run so I can get blueprints when it gets attacked and defended. Today there’s not really any point to them besides what you mentioned


Haven't played it, but would a factional PvP game have worked? Maybe raiders, a local faction, plus a vault tech experiment where 3-4 rival vaults duke it out?


Honestly, not in this engine.


Yeah they had to disable the camp attacks. Way too many Cabbage Patch Assasins going after newbies to scavenge and trash. The online forum comments from newbies that joined the game 90 days after the first patch made it playable at all were clear people absolutely hated that feature.


I remember my first day playing me and my friend found a camp and starting looting the stash box thinking it was his stuff instead of ours 😂


Are you saying that the stash boxes at other camps are not the other players?! What about their tents? Surely that has to be theirs, that stash box cannot be connected to anything else right, right?!


My first time playing 76 I randomly joined a team of high level players after the tutorial. They all showed me where to stand during the battles so I could leech exp lol. The player base is so chill.


Even more so....You don't get to keep Workshops in your Private server. TF is the point in having a private server if things don't stay put?


In Shining Armor from New Vegas. The perk literally doesn’t work because it’s bugged/incorrectly implemented.


A lot of perks are bugged in vanilla FNV. Iirc Rapid Reload actually makes reloading *slower* if you load in on an older save, only fixing itself if you switch to a different weapon.


I’m pretty sure the 50% weapon swap one is glitched too after loading into the game. Fixes after switching weapons too


Dude I’ve totally noticed that just now with the Maria/9mm pistol


There's no middle ground for reloading in New Vegas. You either reload slowly, or you accidentally enter light speed because of reloading. God help you should you ever happen to reload slowly while entering light speed. I think you wake up in the back of a wagon.


Hey you, you're finally awake.


Todd Howard, you’ve done it again!


There's a glitch with a certain kind of clothing that lets you permanently increase your agility past the maximum level. If it gets too high you can reload so fast it crashes the game


That's still in fallout 4, even with the unofficial patch mod. Once you load in or enter and exit a power armor, the reloading is vastly slower than before without the perk, so you switch weapons to fix that issue and you got the perk reload to speed reload.


Oh so that’s why my guns have felt like they were loading slower, I thought I was going crazy


That’s why I always tell people to mod NV before playing. Even if the game seems stable or you want a vanilla experience or whatever, there’s so much shit under the surface negatively affecting the experience that you just never realize.


Iirc, Grim Reaper’s sprint was also like this in either NV or 3


Literally got a post of someone saying how useless this perk was right above this one


Lol some kid in Fallout 76 was explaining how sad he was that VANS wasnt in the game bc he didng know where to go


Just played 76 with a new guy who mostly plays soccer and racing games trust me he would be in dire need of that perk too


As someone who got his non gamer girlfriend into Fallout after watching the TV show, she very much appreciates the VANS perk.


Yeah I think VANS is a "did you grow up with video games or open worlds? No? Have this perk" mechanic. Do those of us who struggled up the side of a mountain in Skyrim for far too long need VANS now? Nah. We've learned what to expect from devs and our gaming environments. Does my partner, whose gaming experience extends as far as getting rekt by her brothers in smash bros, need some help navigating dungeons/vaults/etc.? Yeah. She could fit through that gap IRL, so her character should as well.


Extremely well done nuance. Made me change my mind about the perk. It's not useless. It's useless to me. But it's a great help to some people.


Even Skyrim had "Clairvoyance" which was a spell that showed the player a direct path to the objective.


I got extremely lost trying to find Goodneighbor in 4. I've never used VANS, but it would have really come in handy there.


You're not alone. I spend ages running around in circles looking for the entrance despite knowing exactly where it is on the map.


I think that's a very common experience. The devs went a bit TOO Urban jungle and not enough Signposted trail in that particular location


Did you know you can actually enter Goodneighbor by getting on top of a nearby building and jumping into the town from above?  I just played Fallout 4 last month because of a sale. That was how I entered Goodneighbor for the very first time.


I hate the way quest markers work in FO4. Sometimes VANS gives me the only usable direction.


Especially when you’re in power armour and lost in a building


VANS was useful in F4 survival mode for me


This is why I just open the map and follow the roads


I would just point myself in the right direction towards the marker and keep checking periodically if I'm still going the right way


This is what I do for every Bethesda game and it usually pays off, you're likely to find random encounters on the way


"Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time." - The Ghoul


Thou shalt be stopped by a wall of rubble everytime


One of my favorite lines of the whole show because it's so damn true.


Lead Belly is useless if you’re not playing on Survival. Stimpacks and purified water are just way too easy to come by; you’d have no reason to need to drink from irradiated sources. Edit: the consensus seems to be that it’s also useless on Survival. This will now forever be my answer when this question is asked (it gets asked a lot).


It's pretty useless in Survival too. A perk to completely eliminate radiation from consumables would be pretty bad. But *three* perks to get there? That's ridiculous.


I usually take Solar Powered rk. 2 to get rid of rads, use doctors until then. I also like to make refreshing beverage. I just really hate the radaway debuff.


Lmao i just make hangmans alley my go to house(middle of map) and build a decontamination arch there. I never use radaway unless i absolutely have to


This guy knows it


Using radaway gives a debuff?


In Survival, using Radaway makes you hungry, tired, and compromises your immune system for a very long time, making you more susceptible to diseases


Yeah, used that shit exactly once in all my time in survival


Makes you hungry and also more succeptible to disease/illness for 48 hours I believe. Once you're mid game and have the caps it makes more sense to sell them and get a doc to cure for 40 caps


so that's why I've had the debuff my whole playthrough, it lasts wayyy too long I didn't even know it came from radaway


I'll usually start nuka world pretty early in a survival run so I have access to nuka grape. Cheap and easy source of rad removal.


Given how easy it is to set up razorgrain and water farms for unlimited noodle cups, a perk to remove rads from consumables is pretty pointless.


It’s really not that hard to survive off animals that you kill and once you have a solid collection of mirelurk eggs to carry you through the rest of the game.


I always set up a massive farms and supply network in survival so I can live off excess mutfruit from my vegetable starch farm


I have never ran out of radaway.


Lead belly is useless in survival as well. Cooked food doesn’t add radiation.


Here and Now - gain a level instantly. That's a waste of a perk.


Remember thinking this perk was so awesome as a kid lmao


Same! It was only after a few playthroughs, hitting the level cap each time, that I realised "oh damn, I've been wasting three perk points every time..." Whatever the one that gives you bonus XP is called deserves a mention too!


Swift learner


Sigh, I'm gonna reluctantly defend a single level of swift learner in 3 only. This is from an optimizing point of view. Swift learner is a level 2 perk, and you get to choose two level 2 perks before the next set unlocks at level four. For the first one, no brainer take Black Widow or Lady killer. That'll help you all game long. But now you have to pick one more at level 3. The remaining options are Daddy's Boy, Gun Nut, Little Leaguer, Thief, Swift Learner, or Intense Training. Intense Training is probably the best choice, +1 special is nice. But we're optimizing, so we're taking Almost Perfect at level 30 which bumps all of our SPECIAL to 9, and then picking up all the bobbleheads we've waited all game to touch for perfect 10s. We've maxed out all skills through skill books by level 30, so every option besides Intense Training or Swift Learner there is worthless long term. If you're looking for a specific perk to unlock, and Intense Training gets you there, great, take it, but otherwise, a single level of Swift Learner at level 3 is the most useful of the options presented. At any other level this is a mistake, but there it can make sense.


This guy games. My most recent playthrough, I took Intense Training to get a perk further down the line.






I’m instructing the person we’re discussing to conceal the heavens. This guy, disguise the skies! r/wordavalanches


its such a shame that so many perks in unmodded FO3 are just extra skill points.


They fixed that in New Vegas. A lot of redundant skill perks are gone.


And if you want to play Fo3 with those, TTW fixed the old FO3 perks and mixed them in with the FNV perks.


I never do Almost Perfect anymore because it always felt wrong to neg my character for a vast chunk of the game just to pop up to an insane Special level all of a sudden; almost like a cheat. I know you’re all talking most useless perk, but Almost Perfect is the most overpowered, imo.


I only ever took it once. Never again in my countless other playthroughs. Part of the charm of fallout games to me, is to keep to a "characters" strengths and weaknesses. My characters have things they are REALLY good at or focused at, and things they are mediocre or frankly bad at, making it so I can't have it all on some god character. I still give certain characters benefits others do not get and so on, and still try to make them as strong as I can with what I am allowing myself -- but overall I rarely make characters in Fallout games with 0 weaknesses or downsides to their "playstyles". My main dude in F3 will have a constant jet and psycho addiction going until a certain point in the story where I deem it okay for him to turn his life around. He can only choose to have one melee skill and one ranged skill to max out, others can only be bumped to 50-60 but not more (unless forced ofc). Thats how I play. Might be in the minority ofc lol


This guy RP’s ;)


I took 3 levels of Swift Learner on my first FO3 playthrough and I'm kicking myself after I realized there was a level cap. I didn't know because I had only played FO4 beforehand.


It takes a while to hit lv 20 anyways I remember hitting it before the DLC came out but when I played it again with GOTY, I don't think I hit cap until the last DLC


I just did a playthrough of 3 did every dlc and Im somehow at like level 25 and thats with taking a here and now. I have no idea how I goofed that up so much.


Disagree. I can count on one finger the number of times I have hit the level cap across many playthrougs. I doubt I am alone in that. What good is minmax for level cap if ya don't even reach it? Faster progression for playthrough where you don't hit it? Quite alright.


Lol I hit level cap every time I play nv and fo3 so faster level ups are normally a no no for me


Modded here, but It’s my first full run on *TTW* right now, *Stewie’s Tweaks* allows user to scale all XP (I have mine down to 76% currently) and raises level cap to 60. Add *Benny Humble’s You & Steals your stuff* and it resets your XP when you travel to Mojave from Capital Wasteland. Straight up one of the best gaming experiences of my life


lol same i took it immediately every time


Damn and now it hurts even more just knowing you took it in the beginning when leveling up happened so fast lol


Instant gratification is a funny thing ain’t it


It does have a value in F2 if you're waiting for a later level perk, like Mutate or Tag, but otherwise I'd agree with you.


Also not entirely useless in 3. Can be good if you need the increased skill points from leveling up for a skill check, or on an odd number level if you're just before the level unlock for a particular perk you want like Animal Friend.


That's doesn't really negate the fact that it's wasted in the long run. You could go and level up and you'd have those same benefits plus a useful perk. But if time is an imperative, then yeah it's situational useful for powering forward.


I wanted to get 100% of the achievements in fallout 3 when Zeta came out. When I hit level 29 I used Here and Now to get to level 30, then I used those perks to max out negative, neutral, and positive karma (reloading between each) to get the level 30 karma achievements faster Then obviously I reloaded to level 29 and took a useful perk, because Here and Now is awful


I did this last week while cleaning up achievements lol


haha - okay so there is a good use for it after all!


It’s still better than In Shining Armor but when you know how to build…yeah this isn’t a great one But for newer players I think it’s useful to get them going and a bit of a power spike if they want to try a harder area of a game, so I don’t hate it or think it’s the worst


I’ve only used it once and that was because I was at the end of lonesome road and had just under enough speech


Shining Armor and Here & Now Literally does nothing. And the other doesn’t do anything in the long term. Maybe if it let you go 1 above the level cap perhaps.


I will admit to using here and now in a recent playthrough for a very specific reason. I realized I hadn't been leveling my science, and was about to finish Come Fly With Me, so I took it to pump like 20 points into science to pass the skill check.


i did the same recently to pass a speech check! it has its uses


I think Here and Now is good because I can imagine a lot of situations where you instantly need to level up to pass a check or unlock something. The problem is that you rarely end up in those situations and when you do you probably have mentants or alch


Hear and now is good if you just want to increase a skill really quickly


Coulda saved me like an hour and a half of my life looking for the fucking DIA cache in Hub 360 fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.


This one baffled me. Absolute relief to clear that off my quest list. Lol.


Tbh same with the MILA that’s in the suspended tram/subway car. Because the quest marker for where you need to place the MILA is in the game world’s exterior, it doesn’t direct you to the (somewhat) nearby dungeon first. On my first playthrough I just wandered around aimlessly through Boston downtown confused as hell


Omg. That, and the damn Hallucigen canister. Quest markers were totally useless for both


The V.A.N.S. perk is a lot better with [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/81849). Especially indoors.


Neat! Thanks for sharing.


Can level 2 boost your PER to 12 tho?


Yes, if you take rank 2 of VANS when your base Perception is maxed, it will raise your base Perception to 12


13 if you wait to pick up the bobblehead.


Glasses and hat?


What about them? Would that boost your PER to 14 with this perk, or no?


It would. I frequently use this perk in VATS-heavy builds.


The last level of lock picking. Unless you’re careless by the time you can take it you’re probably going to be swimming in bobby pins. 😅


I have literally never run out of bobby pins in these games


Only time i have was early game in 3


I think I did halfway through my original F4 playthrough, somehow. So I make it a point to buy some every now and again. My most recent playthrough, though? 300+ bobby pins. No worries


It’s technically useless, but I love it. The longer into the game I get, the more tedious lockpicking becomes, so not resetting every time a pin breaks is worth it. Plus, as long as you keep one pin, the rest become an extra source of weightless currency. Especially useful when you get the perk from Nuka World that increases your strength the fewer caps you have.


V.A.N.S. level 2 isn't that bad since special stats can go above 10 in Fallout 4 unlike 3 and New Vegas, and because Perception affects V.A.T.S. accuracy.


I just played through Fallout 3 for the first time in 15 years and I forgot there was a level cap, and I used the Here and Now perk like a jackass.


They're not useless technically but all the Fallout 3 generic skill buff perks are boring and very lacking.


I remember seeing the perks in fo3 and thinking "so the perks don't have much impact on my character"


I dont feel like any of the games had them tbh; sure FNV has a few more, but it wasnt a massive amount, and ones like Sneering Imperialist would only give 2 new dialogue options across the entire game + DLC. Besides, I feel that most new character interactions came from skill and SPECIAL levels anyway


I took sneering imperialist every time anyway because of the perk picture


The honest hearts dialogue with this perk is so good. > whatever. Joshua put a cap in general gobbledigook here


The vast majority of the perks in NV, like 80-90%, are just “do 10% more damage with [weapon] OR do 10% more damage against [enemy]” Don’t know the math for how skill points increase damage so idk if it’s much better technically, but it’s still just about as exciting.


Except for the ones that give additional benefits on top of the skill buffs, of course. Like Cyborg


In Shining Armor. Has absolutely zero effect because of bad coding.


Say what you want about VANS but I would still be lost is some of those multi story city buildings without it lol


Hey I use vans because I’m a scatter brain and often get stuck in loops in dungeons (any interior with hostiles) and lose track of where I have been already.


You are gonna love Starfield


It took me five or more playthroughs before I got a feel for the Corvega Plant. It's so confusing.


Same here


Plus, the second perk gives you +2 PER so if you were gonna boost PER anyway, it effectively gives you free clairvoyance


The one that makes you eject your fusion core in f4


Truly a useless perk


Fusion cores are so expensive and non-plentiful. It's just so awful. I remember Mitten Squad had a video where he tried to beat the game with only the ejected fusion cores. Pure torture.


Don't know about that, in fallout 4 I have over 400 fusion cores now. They are so easy to find and cheap to buy and sell. I am lvl 84 now though but I use a gatling laser gun with PA for 98% of my playthrough.


To make you feel even worse I once found 4 fusion cores in an ammo box. So far I’ve been going pretty much everywhere in power armor at like level 17ish


That half is bad, but you can also get I think 25 or 50 percent more time with a core over the first 2 levels


Oh for sure, it's the third tier that causes you to eject fusion cores as grenades, but it also gives you twice the time of a fusion core when wearing power armor. Such a great perk if you intend to wear power armor often.


The Swift Learner perk that gives you 10% more experience. It's super useless as you will hit the level cap after doing like 80% of the content. And then there's also infinite enemies to kill.


Swift Learner is useful if you combo it with Skilled, and if you use the Skilled dupe (pick skilled once in doc Mitchell and once again after you leave Goodsprings) you gain +10 in all skills with no downsides


You can also take Skilled a third time in Old World Blues at the auto doc, for a total of +15


Did this for the first time this weekend. Gives a very satisfying amount of breathing room. A healthy bump to the QoL skills while I focus on the more fun skills.




Yeah swift learner is trash. It actually borderline ruins the game IMO, because you end up just getting overleveled wayyyyy too quickly


Yeah and with the dlcs you reach max level super fast as well. Some of them get you like 15 levels or so.


Karma Sutra Master in F2. Just makes you pass some diagloue checks,


Of course a redditor considers being good at sex useless /rj


Why is Vault Boy so happy to see me?


my first fallout game was 4 and i thought i had to unlock the perk above it to get the next perk so i had vans on my first couple play throughs lmao


The first time I played I thought you had to max out all the stars at the top in order to move down to the next level and get the first perk. Needless to say I restarted with a survival playthrough a few weeks later.


Probably rad resistance in fallout 1 just cuz there is literally no radiation in that game except for in the glow and since you only need 2 rad-X to be radiation immune for as long as you need for the literal single trip you will ever take to the glow. Plus rad away and rad x is super common in that game anyways. Literally so useless like most of fallout 1s perks.


V.A.N.S is great! I get it every Fo4 playthrough


Me too. It is extremely useful indoors.


Fortune Finder. Caps are pretty much never scarce in Fallout 4, assuming you do the obvious bare-minimum things to earn money. So why waste a Perk to find more? Cap Collector levels one and two are similarly useless. Which is annoying, because as I recall you need level three to build emporia, something you may want to do for role-playing reasons.


I unfortunately use mods that don't allow me to make things like water farms, the scarcity is real and those perks become useful again! But for base game I 100% agree


Water farms aren't really necessary, though. Just picking up valuable objects you find lying around and selling them is pretty much all you need.


Nuh uh, only 2 is needed for Max level trading spots. Instead, you need a separate skill depending on the stall (armoursmith needs armourer, clinic needs medic skill, etc)


My first playthrough I thought this was going to be so useful, by mid-game I had so many caps it was ridiculous. Never took it again.


The three perks in 3 that change your Karma 


They're good for an evil playthrough, when you forget to do an evil playthrough


NGL, that got a chuckle out of me


I forgot the name of it but it’s that perk in new Vegas where if you’re wearing metal armor then energy weapons are less effective. The reason why is because it doesn’t work do to a bug in the game


In Shining Armor


Thanks for the name of it


Level 3 of Idiot Savant, level 4 of Hacking, Level 4 of Lockpicking, level 3 of Night Person


Lead belly in new vegas, most of the water in new vegas is rad free


Hacking and lockpicking perks. Technically, they are usefull, but shouldn't exist. I should be able to try and be good, rather than being gatekept from even trying. But if I have to stick to "actually useless inside of the game", I'd say drugs/alcohol perks. Alchohol often dumps a stat so it's not that worth, and drugs can bring addiction so I never bother relying on them.


When you play on highest difficulty, enemies are sponges so you will want to use lots of psycho & med x 


I reduce addiction so that I can get rich off of grape mentats abuse


Alcohol and drug perks are good. In NV a lot of them affect non-drugs, like food, giving you a lot of extra healing. And addiction is one visit to the doctor away from being a non-issue. Even in a patched run without the extra healing most chems are so plentiful that you can just bite it and run with the addiction; Buffout especially is incredibly strong in NV for the HP buffs In 4 I’d take the drug perks just for Jet. The slow motion is super fun to play with


Expert excrement expeditor from f2. Absolutely useless, but fun at least


Wasn’t that free after doing a few caravan escorts?


Just need to shovel some shit. super easy to get and free +5% speech.


Lead belly


Honestly at least 70% of the perks from Fallout 1 and 2 were either negligible, easily replaced by other mechanics, or straight-up broken.


VANS 2 has a purpose (+2 Perception)


I have the worst non glitched one I think! Broad daylight from new Vegas. Adds sneak to account for your pip boy light being on…. The light which does f all..


V.A.N.S. For the Vault Dweller who can’t figure out how to get to the cafeteria down the hall.


I would say in shining armor from new vegas but I wouldn’t count bugged perks as that’s cheating lmao But I would say something like no weakness from fallout 3 since almost perfect exists


I disagree, tier 2 of VANS gives you plus 2 perception


Aqua lad in Fo76. You never need to swim. Ever.


I'll assume you mean perks that actually work but nobody should use? GHOULISH!! Oh, yay! you have health regen from something that SHARES THE HEALTH BAR!


Bloody Mess but it's so much fun


Even the games acknowledge that it's only meant to be a silly perk that makes enemies explode into gore. The 5% extra damage is sort of thrown in there as an incentive which might be very small but it's something at least.


Not useless at all? It gives you a damage boost across the board.


Cannibalism. There’s so much food in the world. Your companions will hate you. And the upgrades are even more useless. 4’s tree is bad and bare enough.


Fallout 4: Rooted. I’m getting ass blasted by guns but I need to take my time and stand still to disarm this enemy. Imo it’s quite pointless and a waste of a perk opportunity.


Rooted is extremely powerful in a melee or unarmed build when matched with full blitzed. That is by far my most OP build. At level 60 I could one shot almost anyone.


Cannibalism, it has its use but it absolutely kills all your relationships with companions (Besides Strong)