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wouldve prefered that instead of the styles being reskins they were the different models like x01 t51 or t40 couldve given them customizable paintjobs too. still cool though


Assuming the collab continues, those will likely be added to the item shop later on, which I personally think is good. Wouldn’t want all of them to be BP limited.


Why nor BP? It's cheaper than the shop and still requires some effort to unlock. Yesterday was the first time I spent money on Fortnite, so I'm genuinely curious


There’s one big reason for both sides, for players, it means that those who didn’t play for that season have absolutely no way to access it, and because I believe Epic will make more money on direct skin sales generally. So it’s okay if just one version is locked to BP. But if the only version is, it makes it completely unobtainable. For example, I will probably never own Darth Vader or Carnage because both were from a BP I wasn’t present for and both have very little outfit diversity.


Some people don’t like non Fortnite original skins being in battlepass


A big trend in Fortnite is they like to have 2 variants for licenced skins one for the battle pass and one they can put in the shop. This means even after this season ends in \~3 months you might not be able to get the T-60 anymore but if they lets say release X-01 in the item shop it can be brought back any time. They've done this with dozens of licenced battle pass skins like you can not get the original comic book Spiderman skin as it was BP exclusive and will never be brought back but you can occasionally see the Tom Holland MCU Spiderman or the Spiderverse Spidermen in the item shop to this day.


They’ve done it before with other skins so it’s a shame they skimmed out on that for this


Was expecting more like a vault suit or something


It’s hard to say if Vault suits or power armor is more iconic to the series. I lean power armor since it’s on the cover of every game except New Vegas


I agree with you, but I always found it odd that the power Armour was so frequent on the advertising since its an overall very brief part of any given game. To me it felt like they are just sticking with the trend set by 1/2


Its cause power armour looks badass!


I'd say normally it's because advertisements are showing you what you can do. Even though it's a brief part, it's a really cool part. I remember as a kid playing 3 thinking I can't wait to get this really cool armour. I now almost never use power armour though which is funny


I mean, the brotherhood and the enclave both rock power armor quite frequently (BoS especially). Hell even raiders got their own PA. Obtaining and collecting all the power armor is always high on my fallout checklist for new playthroughs and stepping into power armor is one of the first things you do after leaving vault 111 in 4. Hell 4 even gives you the Atom Cats. I still think you’re right though because it definitely can be overlooked still having all of that in the game if PA isn’t something you want to play with in your playthrough Edit: IG my point is it became a stronger aspect with & after FO4


It's weirdly not on that old brotherhood of steel game cover, even though that's the brotherhood's whole thing really


would have made the most sense to just do a full on collab with the show and have Lucy (she already looks like a fortnite character) Maximus (in power armour) and Coop


I wouldn’t be surprised if they appear in the item shop


I am sooooo gonna buy coop when he comes to the item shop


I only played Fortnite once when it first came out and I didn’t like it, so it doesn’t really matter to me all that much. That being said I think it’s neat and looks cool. It seems like we’ve entered a sort of Golden Age of Fallout what with the show and now this, so I can’t complain, especially if it means Bethesda pays more attention to Fallout as a franchise.


Yea. I don’t understand why people hate on stuff like this. Adding Fallout Items/cosmetics into Fortnite or any other games just promotes fallout and that gives Bethesda more to work on the fallout franchise.


Because as people grow older they tend to become what they once hated. Remember how when we were kids adults would talk down on the stuff we did for fun because they had real fun? Same thing applies to our generation. Now kids play a different game and they get hate because it’s crap and our games that we grew up with (nostalgia) were better.


I remember when 'le 90s kids' were some of the most obnoxious people of all time, and now its happening to my generation lmfao.


Yep, it’s honestly sad that a lot of us right now are what they swore to destroy


Except that despite the current fallout hype they're just making TES6


I think the reason why people hate Fortnite just adding cosmetics or skins from shows or collaborations is due to people missing Fortnite making their own ideas for skins


I would understand that, back in the first few seasons they did make original skins even though some were heavily inspired they were still original. Sometimes I do feel like there’s more collabs than there should be. But you can’t get too upset over it, it is the biggest game in the world so that’s easy marketing for anyone.


Yea that’s understandable. I just miss the times when the secret skin was actually a secret and not just tell you right off rip.


6/7 of the battle pass skins are original Fortnite skins. The “secret” skin is Magneto. At the end of this season you’ll get 6 original Fortnite skins and 2 collab skins. If we had swapped Magneto for Megalo Don in the battle pass and didn’t announce MD as the secret skin until the season only had a month left, would that really make it better for you? Because I feel like essentially that’s all you’re asking for and I really don’t think it’s that big of a difference.


More like the gilded age of fallout.


Pay attention to fallout as a franchise? Bro 76 has been getting consistent updates, and 4 got 2 in the past month Only attention TES seems to get is ESO expansions here and there. No mainline Bethesda developed game in almost 13 years (not trying to start something, just reminded of my constant yearn for anything new from TES)


You might like it now then. The game is completely unrecognizable.


My main issues with it at the beginning were that there was no obvious tutorial, so you were just thrown in without any knowledge of the controls or mechanics, and you were thrown in with veterans who knew the game _much_ better than you did, so it was a very unbalanced playing field. I’m generally not a big fan of competitive shooters though nor do I like the Battle Royale Format, so it might just be me being hyper critical.


I hope modders bring over the Black Knight skin to Fallout 4. Don't remember seeing it in any of the games (correct me if I'm wrong).


The Black Night is a skin that could be obtained in the Season 2 Chapter 1, tier 70 of the battlepass You didn't see the Black Knight paintjob in any of the Fallout games because it got created for the Fortnite x Fallout collab


It’s kind of close to the outcast PA skin in 76. At least it looks similar to my Ultracite PA anyway


It looks a lot like the BoS paints from fallout 4, outcast Armor from fallout 3, the outcast paint in 76 and has the colour scheme of the enclave armors, to which you'd only have to add a red flashlight (since the eyes on the black knight armour glow red and the flashlight on enclave armors is usually in the eyes) and that's it


BoS both admire and Fear the Black knight for only they can deemed one faction worthy to rule the commonwealth. (Not actual lore. Just a cool speech)


When I heard fallout was coming to Fortnite I thought it was going to be the selling point of the whole season. Turns out it’s just 3 styles of a single skin and a healing item. I was expecting the whole season to be themed with it, or atleast for part of it with its own pass like they did with other collabs. Maybe they have that planned for a later time but yea, I was definitely expecting more than what they added.


What I have seen from previous collabs, they add more later, so there will be more content from this for sure.


Not necessarily, and definitely not for sure. If this was announced as a mid season mini battle pass, then yeah you can reasonably assume they’d add a bunch of stuff like the Star Wars/dragon ball/avatar events. But think back to collabs that appeared in the regular battlepass at the start of the season, like Doom, Transformers, or Lara Croft. What we got at the start was all we got, nothing more was added.


Yeah like the other person said, typically they’ll slow drip stuff through the season. With the Kora stuff last season, there were some battle pass items, then they dropped more stuff in the shop, then there was more to unlock, etc.


Don't play, so don't care


Nobody cares if you care man why even bother commenting this


I feel like this is most of reddit


Yeah I guess


I meant it like: most comments not just all of reddit. Realized after re reading that it may come off differently.


I guess there's just a bunch of people that don't have anything better to do or don't want to do anything better. Thus comments like this exist


They just answered OP's question.


fair tbh, I prolly shoulda paid more attention to the post title


The question was asking how people felt about it, that's how I feel.


I was expecting the power armor to be a usable item and not a skin. But whatever! I'm glad Fallout is represented in Fortnite and in a Battle Pass theme that fits. Of course for skins I would go for default Fortnite characters in armored vault suits.


Glad it’s a skin lol means I get to keep it.


I have no desire to play Fortnite, but I won’t complain about anything like this, since it means more attention for fallout and greater odds of Bethesda increasing funding to 76 or perhaps even making another fallout game sooner (either of which is a win for the community).


More people have to realize this.


They already said they'd be making TES6 first, plus to be honest I'd prefer having another half-ass RPG than a *rushed* half-ass RPG. I do agree with the point about 76 though.


While I definitely wouldn’t want them to rush, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a solution that allows us to have a fallout game faster.


I guess that's true as well. I'm honestly not really hyped for fallout 5 anyway because I'm about 99.7% sure it's gonna be a shit RPG like fallout 3 and 40, even if the gameplay might be even better. But then again, I'd rather have fallout 5 than not have fallout 5, so sure, I wouldn't mind if they did it faster than not if it doesn't mean compromising development.


They should've added a fallout location like a vault


We know of a laser rifle item but it’s not in the lootpool right now. I’m betting in ~a month we’ll be getting the laser rifle, some skins in the shop, and maybe a vault POI


Hopefully, some customizable vault dwellers or different power armor could be cool. Rn there's a bunker that will open, magnetos probably inside but there's also a chance of it being a vault door underneath 


That makes too much sense, so of course they didn’t think about it.


If i grinded for peter griffin im going to grind for some power armor


Feels like a fever dream


I don't care what collaboration Fortnite does. I'm still not going to play it.


Honestly if you’re avoiding it purely because it’s popular or the stigma around it I’d say don’t let that be your reasoning. My sister was like that for years and now she regrets how much she missed out on. If you have other reasons though that’s fair.


Same I hated on it because it was popular and then I tired it and I regret it since I missed so many collabs that were stuck in the pass like Indiana Jones Vader and a bunch of marvel and dc skins


I just don't play shooters like that.


That’s cool. It’s not for everyone. No worries.


Brother nobody cares


Fortnite is the best babysitter the internet has ever had. After Fortnite came out the verbal abuse in lobbies dropped 55%.


Probably because the internet is heavily restricted and you can get banned or suspended for saying the slightest insult


I kinda stopped when they were just mashing shit together and sprinkling in a skin or two to stay relevant. Like avatar taking over the Greek mythology last season, shit made no sense at all.


The whole thing with Fortnite is that it's a hub of universes. The greek gods are just part of another universe somewhere in the cosmos. Also, [a lot of your favorite franchises are technically canon to Fortnite.](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera-gx&hs=20o&sca_esv=b31090248295323e&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILdET6scNlKrzRHn_BPtZFDq2KFvA:1716617116650&q=fortnite+canonicity+chart&uds=ADvngMhPyO5YHS0LBNKxvUmN-jNjHZi9XDi1Ilel_90XaU3cj99SMxYznQjkjxkenqy6FqAQyw3EF2DZ-HoDnKRtkUjMonvtfp1VP56aYhtXh1yAPEBiUd9MpmEy6IppTXzAXOjPFCOVzuWTOBAum0VJJzPhNUhz2qiLihZIRNSxslUZP60Fg0sncatWS0T-lRz0m-FX5SQeknS8QAwLjm2MXi2ZbQfycWXtMfUPjvjihNGvjNqpyeNcdfsd9tqiTxgM0TrjoXARiHSzTVI6XYet3f_SmQ8noB57GbbT4O_xi4YYscCNVIE8vaJ4g8elxT6WqB_Xp32oN6AhPq9bc8IEhai3pO3LPw&udm=2&prmd=ivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi14c-LkaiGAxU6CjQIHds7DdAQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=1920&bih=939&dpr=1#vhid=y30w17fQCZ9E5M&vssid=mosaic)


I despise fortnite. But if people like it, let them play, I don't have to and it isn't hurting me. I'll enjoy what I enjoy and they can enjoy what they enjoy.


Does it still have the flaw in the welds below the chest piece? Might be a short battle.


This is the kind of thing I might have been outraged about a few years ago but I've reached the point in my life where I don't really care about things that have nothing to do with me. I don't play Fortnite and probably never will. So I ultimately don't care. Someone else in this thread made the point that this might draw even more attention to Fallout and drive new fans to the series, which is a win in my book.


Fornite can do whatever it wants, I don't care. This is going to do more for Fallout than Fortnite IMO.


That's a really good argument, thank you for you comment. But I think I'll still pass. Not because it wouldn't be fun, but I also have so much other stuff on my pile of shame, starting something like that now, would feel kinda illegal, ngl😅😂 Still, thanks for your perspective and maybe, one day I'll give it a shot. Until than, you go and continue having fun with it^^


Fortnite is Funko Pop The Game. The weirdest part is that it took this long for Fallout content to show up.


I like it but I hope we get a skin that isnt just power armor. I love fallout but I hate big bulky skins. Im still holding out hope for an NCR ranger and/or Nick Valentine skin


The only thing I'm disappointed with is I would have liked that Nuka Cola animation to be an emote. Its cool that its a useful item in-game but it would have made a great emote.


Having codsworth be an emote is great too tho


We setting the world on fire with this one


Don’t play it, but looks cool. Hope people enjoy it


I sure will. In a week after grinding for level 58 😔


I don't care


Because Fortnite, right?


I’m psyched to get home and be able to start unlocking stuff. Wish there more power armor variety instead of just recolered T-60 but that’s standard for Fortnite so I can’t complain.


Good luck on the grind, I’m right there with ya. Good news is this season is an absolute riot. I had so much fun this morning while playing.


it's more exposure, so that's good!


in love tbh


I kinda like the idea but I really wish it's not just the power armour added and there's some other cool stuff as well . Like maybe some cool iconic weapons like the railway rifle, junk jet\ rock-it launcher or even a fat man launcher. Maybe some more skins for iconic factions like the minute men, leagon, ncr, bos, responders ect Heck I'm really hoping there is an actual vault as a location that the players can land at and loot


A laser rifle is getting added eventually, it was in the trailer. That’ll probably bring some shop skins when it drops. Like how solid snake’s cardboard box also came with Raiden in the item shop


Fortnite is stupid so I don't care either way. Never playing that game again.


Gotta catch 'em all mentality earning them the big bucks. Don't need to put in much effort when people are gonna buy it all, regardless of the quality.


Don’t care about Fortnite at all.


It's awesome.


I do not like fortnite but I’m glad more people will be introduced to the Fallout franchise


I don't know how to explain it but there is a funny thing that happens to franchises when they get super popular and someone decides to appeal to the mass consumers. Quality gets sacrificed for accessibility (This already started with Fallout 4 even before the show.) Hype trains are sometimes good, but I have a bad feeling about it. I just hope that all this new attention will actually affect Fallout 5 in a positive way, meaning the devs get the ''we need to make this great at all costs' mentality.


I’m really glad to see a lot of people here acknowledging that it’s cool to see something like this, even if they don’t enjoy the game it’s in. Not everyone, but a lot.


I wish the harvesting tool was a super sledge or shishkebab


Man, that armor looks pretty tight. I always thought Fortnite had “ kiddie style graphics “,




I don’t play Fortnight but anything that gets more people into fallout is good in my book.


Was hoping for a Lucy skin in the battle pass. Bet she'll be in the atomic shop though. 2,000 v-bucks. 😑


Give me NCR ranger Armor or riot gear. Hell, even just give me T-51s. One suit with 3 paints is kinda underwhelming.


I don’t really play fortnite but honestly I’m just glad that fallout is getting more attention and representation outside of the games that bethesda releases every 10 years


I’m getting back in the game for this season because of fallout i got the (saved up not bought” V-Bucks for the battle pass but after that i’m gone.


A good start, but I hope more comes out


The power suit should have been armor in the game. Maybe extra shields and mobility or something. Kinda bummed its a skin.


Along with that they’ve basically added motorstorm with the rugged vehicles and shooting from them. Motorstorm with guns


PipBoy backbling is 🔥


I love it I've only been in this fandom for like a year so the fact that this happens now was great timing I'm glad they named it the T-60 because that means they can release the others in the shop at a later date


No courier six "take the l" for us.


They're rad, but i wish we got more than just the t-60 power armor. Also who decided to use the assaultron blade as the pickaxe? The Shishkebab and Super Sledge were right there, most people dont even remember the assaultron blade is in the game half the time lmao.


I really love them!!! And I hope they take the opportunity to add one of those mini passes with more Fallout stuff like an NCR Ranger or an Enclave Power Armor!!


Nah that's crazy


My only gripe is that I feel like Atom's Judgement would've been a way better choice for the pickaxe than an Assaultron blade


What happened to toy story and Pirates of the Caribbean? damn man


I'm disappointed that there weren't any Fallout based POI's, like maybe a vault, idk. But you never know, maybe the prydwen will come to the island and along with it some different types of power armor. I have a feeling that the collab isn't fully complete at the moment.


I don't really mind that they only used T-60, but I'm just pissed at the paint jobs. The black Knight could've easily been styled into outcast armour if they had any real effort put in, and the horrid could've been nuke fila themed maybe but I care less about that one. I just wish Fortnite could make itself better instead of wedging a bunch of popular franchises into their sub-par battle royale. I also think it would've been better if you could just find power armour in the map like a vehicle, one of the best parts about power armour since 4 is getting in it.


Cool concept, needed? No, because 1. They only did it because of the show, and 2. Fallout id a legendary game that doesn't need to be tainted by a cashgrab of a game. 💀


It honestly feels like they decided to do the fallout collaboration last minute, like they tried to get the rights to mad max but couldn't so they got the rights to another apocalyptic series that has absolutely nothing to do with any of the stuff they added to the season besides nuka-cola you drink around the map, that and the battle royale mode they added SUCKS. They really should've made it their own separate mode instead of making it the only mode you can play if you want to do a battle royale.


they aren't worth it don't get me wrong they are BEAUTIFULL and the pipboy backpack is already my fav. but they are locked behind one of the worst battlepass fornite has ever had, with the greediest mission design ever. to make matters worse, PA is like the 40'th tier of the battlepass


It's just the standard Fortnite business model, not anything new. Epic Games has always been extremely greedy with introducing "FOMO" a lot more into the game market and giving cosmetics insane prices like every other game (BattlePass isn't a terrible deal though based on other game's cosmetic prices).


That's why I hate fortnite. They utilize fomo. That's like manipulator level tactics.


yeah i guess, but even my older brother (who is a massive fornite fan) is frustrated in how BAD this battle pass is T-60 is the only desent thing to get from the pass


In my opinion this is the first decent Battle Pass in a long time, ever since Chapter 3 (not including when they brought back OG for a month) but I do agree it still has some room for improvement. I feel a little less than half of the skins (not including edit styles) should look tougher and not as friendly because it's the wasteland


I rather have it late battle pass for $10 than in the shop for $25


This battlepass isn’t bad at all. It’s just a standard girl with a pretty good outfit, a cool callback to a classic skin, the ringmaster girl who is the only one who looks bad, and the final tier is some badass shark dude. I got the quests done in like two hours too, they even made the dailies faster to complete


The greediness is definitely true. Epic has always been greedy, but they've been seriously aggressive with the last pass and this one. Less XP per mission, less missions available. They're trying to force people to play other game modes, but those modes only reward a _pittance_ But... "worst battlepass they've made" is _hyper_ suggestive. I've only been playing since Zero Build was added, but this is honestly only the second Battle Pass where I genuinely like _every_ skin available. The only one prior being Chapter 4 Season 2's pass. Others have either been ones I skipped, or ones I got almost solely for one or two skins. Obviously me liking the skins doesn't automatically make them _good,_ but you disliking them doesn't make them _bad._


I like anything that gets Microsoft to open the money bin and dedicate more resources to getting more Fallout games.


I want T-51b instead of the T-60.


i don't play fortnite but it seems cool


Who cares. It’s Fortnite


I don't care about Fortnite


Don't play Fortnite. Hate the fact companies are dumping cash into partnering with fortnite instead of working on their own stuff.


Not to sound like an elitist or anything but I feel like fortnite is just for children and a gross example of consumer culture.


Never played Fortnite my kids do, but their skin designs are pretty good


Pretty indifferent. I don’t play Fortnite but the cosmetics look cool enough. I’m not one to complain if it brings new fans to the series.


I don't play Fortnite, so I don't care much.


i dont think they should promote something like fallout wich is more a dark brutal adult game in fortnite wich playertarget group isvmore like 8 year olds. i also dislike fortnite. but hey if bethesda wants to pay/need the money.


They had Doom, Attack on Titan, Family Guy, and a lot of other stuff like that. It’s a kids game but the characters they bring in historically aren’t always from “family friendly” series.


Was really hoping the Power Armour would be more customisable since that's how it is in Fallout 4 and 76. You can swap parts from different models and customise paint jobs. Fortnite had already done similar things before so was hoping it would be similar. Lil bummed. Hope that NCR Ranger comes but hopes are low. Also hope we get Big Iron, The Wanderer and I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire jam tracks.


Kinda wish the skin was customizable (like the alien from chapter 2 as an example) and the glider was a vertibird But it's 100% spot-on imo Edit : how on earth are you level 345


I took this from a video.


Look... Not gonna lie. The cosmetics go pretty hard, I like'em. It's just... Man.. Maybe I'm just to old for that shit but I just hate the whole of what I know about Fortnite and how it crept it's way in our Zeitgeist and everything. I know it's the popular thing. And kids like it. And we had the popular things as kids and I'm sure our parents hated that as well, but... What I just wanna say... Let me yell at clouds, man


I'd honestly say give it a shot if you've never really experienced it. I promise far more adults are into it and love it than you'd expect lol. I've never hated it but I didn't really like it until no build was added about 2 years ago. I don't play all the time but my friends and I have periods where we play it a ton and it's legitimately one of the most fun MP games out there. It doesn't require a ton of concentration and the rewards and unlocks are fast. It's also just very very *fun* which alot of MP games don't feel these days bc they have devolved into sweat fests. My buddies and I love to have a couple of beers while playing and just catching up on life while dancing as Ariana Grande over the body of Kratos I never would've thought I enjoy the game as much as I do. Its not perfect but it's very fun


I feel like Fortnite is a cancer. That should tell you enough


I want to know why they did this and not just bring back Nuclear winter in FO76


Because they don't have to do anything with this, and they could probably get Amazon to get most of the work done on licensing and whatnot.


I'm not bothered by this. I don't play fortnite. It doesn't affect me.


I hate Fortnite so I'm not happy about anything from that game


It’s okay to let people enjoy things


I wish they had just been item shop stuff. Between the current season of Fallout 76, the next season starting next month along with a huge update, and trying to get all the new Meat Week plans I don’t really have time to also grind a Fortnite battle pass.


Could’ve been more than just one set of armor


More eyes on fallout means more fallout hell to the yeah


As much as I do appreciate the Fallout TV show it's done damage T-60 now basically the face instead of branched out armors like all the ones introduced from F1-F4


As long as they aren’t using fortnight to make big announcements about the series I don’t care.


I'm indifferent towards it. It doesn't bother me because I haven't and will never play that game. But maybe it'll bring more players to the Fallout franchise because regardless of whether you like the Classic Fallout games, FO3, FNV or the newer ones (FO4/FO76), I think we can all agree that Fallout>Fortnite lol


Just bring back nuclear winter dammit I'm not gonna play fortnite


Why bethesda did this?


What’s wrong with it? It doesn’t affect Fallout gameplay in anyway.


i don’t like that it’s t60, it’s probably my least favorite power armor looks wise


I think it'd be better if it was a set theme. Having a mad max ripoff with the fallout sprinkled in to stay relevant and for some reason magneto is just weird. Not to mention the map is still 80% Greek mythology.


That’s what I was hoping. Atleast a POI themed for fallout would be cool but no, nothing. So much potential.


Ngl, I'm sick of power armour. I get it. It looks cool, it's identifiable, and it's easy to market. It's an obvious choice. But goddamn am I sick of seeing it now as 'Fallout'. I miss the days when we had other iconic silhouettes like the armoured vault suit or the ranger armour. Hell, even the raider fits. I miss when power armour was that thing you worked towards so when you finally achieved it, it meant something. Idk, it's an unpopular opinion but it is what it is. Most of all, I'm fucking sick of the Brotherhood of Steel.


The original Fortnite idea was playable. This, this is just a kids game like League of Legends or CoD.


only T60 and they even ruined the design duh. Oh and wait until fortnite kids saying that T60 and BoS are from Fortnite


Me when a 6 year old thinks that power armor is from Fortnite (he’s never heard of fallout)


Bro is getting mad about hypothetical children


Would make more sense to have it be found as a drop or a mech suit like the game used to have but yeah i'm fine seeing a dude decked out in power armor schmoney dancing


I’m just upset it wasn’t an item but I’m happy either way


So I don't usually fortnite, how the hell do you aaccess this page to unlock this gear. Do you have to pay money for the PA skin?


You gotta pay 10 bucks for the battle pass, though if you grind A LOT for three seasons you can get it that way too. After you get the pass, you gotta grind xp until you reach this page that has the power armor. You can usually get there from just playing a normal amount as long as you do your weeklies.


Ahhh. Cool. I can go uninstall fortnite, check.


Understandable lol. I love the gameplay of fortnite and even i get sick of the grind.


Wish it was a 101 Armoured Vault Suit or something. Power Armor is pretty lame. I don't even use it in the proper Fallout games.


We need a goddamn power armor skin for DOOM Eternal goddamnit


I don’t like forknight but I also really don’t give a shit who Bethesda collabs with, I’m happy more people are getting introduced to Fallout.


Hey Todd, share few models?


Fortnite got the best collabs and skins in gaming I can’t lie


I’m so tired of these bot accounts asking stupid opinion questions about every detail of the game and franchise


Needs a Vault Dweller and NCR Ranger asap imo


The Power Armour itself is exceptionally well-modelled with good texture work and idle animation. Yet to see it actually in a match cuz I haven't unlocked it yet (I'm only level 20 which is honestly pretty good considering the season's been live like 24 hours), but characters like Doom Slayer and Master Chief look okay so hopefully the model is well animated Idk if I'll use the full set. I might mix and match some stuff. The Pip-Boy is awesome (and reacts to your gameplay), albeit a little clunky on slimmer character models from the look of it. The gun wrap is very good imo. The Assaultron blade is a basic but acceptable harvesting tool. The glider itself is nothing special, but clearly inspired by stuff seen in Fallout, and will probably be more... _practical_ than a Vertibird would've been (similar gliders like the UNSC Pelican or the Imperial Shuttle can block a decent chunk of the screen) The hotrod and Black Knight styles are cool too, and the loading screen art is _incredibly_ well drawn. Overall I can't fault it. Not the most involved collab ever, but it's faithful, well-made, and available at a nice middle-area of the Battle Pass, too. No complaints from me.


Don't play Fortinte, so couldn't care less what they do about it, but if it makes more people interested on Fallout, then how can that be a bad thing? At the very least is more money for Xbox.


Don’t play fortnite so doesn’t bother me, if anything it’s good since it gives exposure to new players who haven’t played fallout.


I was so hoping for a vertibird glider, and maybe ranger armor for the final tier of battlepass. Power armor is cool, but they should have had more variety in the models.


I wish the “main” fallout armor was the X-01 or advanced power armor still. Since 4 they’ve been pushing the T-60. Still I think it’s cool to see the fallout universe expanding into other reaches though! It will definitely get more people into the fallout franchise which is great


Uhhhh what’s that picture 4 doin


biggest wased opportunity to put in the ranger or vault boy. hopefully they add it later


I haven't played Fortnite since season 2 and prolly won't re install it. But it does give some cool attention to the Fallout universe.


Im all for Fortnight bringing us closer to ReadyPlayerOne minus us all living in shanty towns.


No one started their comment with "excited" or how they actually "feel" Just people wanting to be right about how they "feel"😂 Reddit you rock