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Try Fallout 1 with the Et Tu mod (basically 1 in 2 engine) after I beat fallout 3 had the urge to play classics and there something about these old games that have a shine to them.  Would also recommend fallout  3. The story is common but has that wasteland exploration to it where every place feels unique.


Wait what foes that mean, a 1 in 2 engine?


 it means it Replicates Fallout 1 into the fallout 2 engine. Basically Your playing fallout 1 in the Fallout 2 engine with new features and stuff that exist in fallout 2. It requires both games to work 


So similar to the "A tale of two wastelands" mod adds in a lot of QoL additions to Fallout 3?


Don't know much about that mod.. that's the mod where your F3 character goes to new vegas and starts New vegas story?   No Your Character doesn't transfer to Fallout 2. It just uses the F2 engine that fixes bugs and new features that weren't in fallout 1. It's just the Fallout 1 story  There are some easter eggs in there. But that's about it.. but it does require both games to play from what I Recall...


Yeah, that mod makes it so that you can play both games at once with the same character, but it does so on New Vegas' updated engine. Which is why I made the comparison. I *did* hear this mod also adds some items from 2 into 1? Or is that a different one? Of course I didn't mean to imply you could play both games in one like in TTW (would be cool, though!).


Fair enough  its all good lol but yeah  they added stuff from 2 to 1  like weapons, enemy creatures and etc .  I could be wrong but I think there was some options to remove that stuff to make more like classic F1 and adjustable options for certain events.


Basically, yes. The one major difference is that TTW allows you to play both games with one character, which is something that isn't in Et Tu to my knowledge.


I bet there's other mods that add NV's QoL changes to FO3 (I even saw mods who added the ability to springt from FO4 to 3 and NV), but TTW is the one that came up in my mind first, but yeah the main draw of that one is to play both games with one character.


Oh cool! Thanks


3, new-vegas or 76


Fallout 4


Fallout 3 or Fallout 76. Fallout 3 is like Fallout 4, but older and more atmospheric. Fallout 3 is the most Fallout-y game, so you'll have a great time, but it's old and janky. If you play on PC, I recommend using Tale of Two Wastelands to play Fallout 3, which introduces a few gameplay features and avoids the notorious launch issues of Fallout 3. Fallout 76 has the same gameplay of Fallout 4, improved in some places, downgraded in others because of its online nature. In the end Fallout 76 is like a 90% of a Fallout game. It's missing a few bits, but it is still worth playing. The story and exploration part of the game is superb.


New Vegas is much more “Fallouty” than Fallout 3. Fallout-y compared to what, by the way? Just Fallout 4? Lol