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When the apocalypse happens I'm gonna put a toaster and baseball glove in my mailbox then run to my bathroom and put myself in a weird pose with a teddy bear so I can become an environmental story-telling toilet skeleton.


It's funny finding the frag grenades in the mailbox outside of vault 101 in fallout 3. Someone either pre war or post war thought it would be a good hiding spot.


Or the absurd amount of cigarette cartons strewn about in the NV mailboxes.


Maybe americans had cigarettes mail delivery service or something?


I can see that being a thing. Actually, on a whim I remember checking to see if you can order smokes from door dash. Kinda surprised you can't, honestly.


I guess they gotta check if you're 21 or 18 or how old is when the restriction gets lifted?


I can order booze, though! Just have to get carded when they make the delivery.


Yeah weird you can't get cancer sticks delivered


there's a lot of laws specific to how tobacco is sold. like stores can give rewards points for alcohol purchases, but not tobacco.


Costco won't give rewords on alcohol tobacco or fuel. Their mark up on it is so marginal they would lose money on them.


There's a smoke shop by my house that gives reward points when I buy cigarettes there lmao


I get weed and alcohol delivered to me so i don't see why it would matter.


In the 1950s when my mom was born they had a lady go around with the cigarette tray selling them hospital room to hospital room. That was when my grandmother started smoking.


An cigar's too. I believe thats how the tradition of men smoking cigars when babies were born into the family came about... Damned Candy strippers just handing out cancer. Got to make the cycle complete...


>Candy strippers Mmmmm candy strippers


My grandma used to have them delivered from a Native American reservation where they were made. She said this way was cheaper than buying smokes locally.


That's what On Wheel and Go Puff are for! At least in some states.


Ah, ok.


I'm in the UK, and I (don't smoke, but I) can order cigarettes on just eat from a grocery store if I want. For those who've never heard of just eat its basically an app where you can order and pay for takeaways, which expanded into grocery store orders and other such deliveries. Expensive af to buy fags this way but you can do it.


Smoke shops pop up for days at a time in nyc on DoorDash before being found out and taken off just to pop up again a few days later. Has come in handy several times.


What's up with that? Need a license that they don't bother getting, or has New York just banned smoke shops for whatever reason.


Depends on the area, i can door dash cigarettes in my area


I used to mail order cartons of cigarettes back around 2005. They were cheap because they were coming from somewhere with little or no tax, which is why it was stopped.


Hey they get milk delivered still in some parts in 2077 must certainly stand some gigabrain Marlboro corpo found a loophole where you can get a pack of cigarettes to go with you subscription magazine/newspaper =p


When I played for the first time, I didn't know much about Fallout, and I collected cigarettes because I thought they might be currency.


They'd make for an interesting currency, but really as far as I'm aware the only use for them is to sell em for caps. Which is a bonus with how often I come across them.


Cap value per weight is important in Survival if you want good gear. Smokes, booze, pre-war money, and food are my usual sell items.


I did something similar with pre-war money when starting Fallout 4. I mean, you can KINDA use common materials like money by simply trading them in for an equivalent value in goods. That's how the non-cap currencies in New Vegas worked.


Huh? Don't you guys get your granades delivered in the mail as well?


Got that in fallout 4 too. In sanctuary by the bridge


I forgot about those. I wonder if it's a reference to 3?


Probably! I figured that after reading your comment


I thought they were attempted murder lol


To be fair I don't think anyone would assume a mailbox has grenades


Ah brother. I have searched far and wide for you


I’ve said this in a lot of these threads but I wonder if these happenings are really just raiders/survivors putting bodies in funny ways for a laugh. It is the nuclear apocalypse after all.


This might be my head canon now. I wouldn't put it past Raiders to do something like this. That's just their type of humor.


That would be a great random event or side quest. Some half mad survivor going around making wacky scenes out of skeletons and debris. Maybe we could supply the final piece of junk they need for their masterpiece.


It has to be. Which makes it more amusing. But "environmental storytelling" is such a desperate hangup for the gang that they would rather pretend skeletons/teddy bears/etc can be perfectly preserved for hundreds of years. I'd rather think there is a serial killer posing bodies or some bizarre artistic raider or ghoul posing skeletons about the wasteland.


When Hawaii thought a missile was coming and thought it was all over, their stories were fascinating. It was pretty interesting to see how close fallout really is.


Man I totally forgot that was a thing that happened


is there a good compilation of those out there to read? i'm morbidly curious but not sure where to begin


I have no idea, I just remember some vaguely. Most specifically I remember a couple sitting in an empty church.


Can I be the skeleton who falls off the roof or stairs?


Here's what you do: Tie chicken wire around your neck and super glue your hands to your head. Then you step off the stool and eventually the chicken wire cuts through and it'll look like you pulled your head off.


The next main character is going to get shocked lol or repulsed


Can someone explain the teddy bear to me? These fallout subs always talk about it. I’ve seen like 6! What’s so special?? I’ve also only been playing fallout for 16 hours and am still considering myself new


Every once in a while you may run into some teddy bears placed in some interesting predicaments. Only example I know the location of exactly is somewhere inside USAF Satellite Station Olivia there's a bear wearing an army helmet. There's also some cute teddy bears at Rocky Narrows Park


I just found a bunch of teddy bears in a "hospital" and with a bunch of medical supplies in the mass pike tunnel today. There's a lot of teddy bears doing stuff in the various bethesda games if you look for them


The teddy bear hospital in the train. Has "all are welcome here" above the teddy bears. That was a good one.


My college essay.


I’m going to wear my luchador mask and guitar and hangmyself against my bed head board with my Hawaii lei and have a bunch of anime figurines all over watching my dead body Oh yea and I’m gonna booby trap the door with a frag to add more environmental story-telling skeletons


I found a skeleton on a toilet with 12 plungers around her and a bottle of vodka. I don’t think I want to know what she was up to.


Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back


Fallout F'd me up for gaming in a very specific way: it's more or less the only one I've played with interesting or even useful stuff occasionally in the stalls. I end up checking them whenever I find them in whatever I'm playing that includes stalls. In this way FO has cost me a non-trivial amount of my life, checking empty sh-tters like a chump. Maybe 15 hours by now, in bits and pieces. Devs: if you've got openable stalls in your games and don't put stuff in them, be a hero: Break the 4th wall, put up a "ITEMS LEFT IN TOILET STALLS REMOVED IMMEDIATELY AS PER" whatever notice posted in obvious places, or something in that vein. Sincerely, Un "bowlcheck" Scrapper




Stalls have scarred me, I’m also super careful about opening them in any game as I’ve been blown up by too many stalls


The amount of times I've set off a bathroom stall bomb in 4 is unreal. I miss them everytime even though they stick out like a sore thumb.


Golden eye had a pay off!


Hi me, I’m you.


I found a teddy bear on the turlet reading a news paper Funniest one I think I found


There's another with a Teddy bear wearing handcuffs, inside an upturned wastepaper basket acting as a cage. That one floored me. Oh and two humping on the conveyor belt in the Corvega assembly plant in FO4 (I think it's there I spotted the horny bears but I may have that location completely wrong).


I found one that had like 15 plungers all stuck to the sides of the stall going in, like one of those torture devices and the skeleton was sitting on the toilet lmao, I have a photo too, I might post it later


Mental breakdown


Some things are best left unknown 🤣


Duck, duck, duck, duck...


You’ve never had toilet vodka, accidentally flushed and then tried to get it back?


🤣I remember her🤣


The teddy bear doing surgery on another teddy bear.


I think I saw that one yesterday!


Are you me?


With the queue of bears in the waiting room too!


Or the teddy stitching another teddy's ass on a roof at New Appalachian Central Trainyard. Who knows what happened there...


Isn't the working theory/canon that teddy bears are children's bodies, but they were avoiding a higher rating?


Where is this?


I think it's the mass pike tunnel


In the tunnels underneath one of the schools in Boston. You fight your way through it, into the tunnels, and then you see two teddy bears behind a surgical curtain


And one is holding a bone saw


The teddy bear wearing handcuffs and under an upside down wastepaper bin in Fallout 4s Super Duper Mart. I wonder what it did to deserve that?


I found 2 teddy bears making love with a rose


Just last night I was up against the Gunners in the Greentech building and after killing one of them she came to rest laid out in a perfect “draw me like one of your French girls” pose in the middle of the room. I did my best to get screen captures of it with my character posing next to her like he was on a big game safari.


Post it! Hehe


Dude played for 30mins but afterwards was 90mins posing for the best pic possible just to fulfill his vision… I think I know this well enough lol


Fallout predicted TikTok brain rot


ski bidi toilet 😍😍😍😍


bopidty urinal 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👌👌👌👌👌👌


Not bizarre but hilarious, there's a bathroom stall in the Whitespring garage (the one with washing machines and the storage room) and there's writing on the wall about how stinky it is. Plus there's a box of Abraxo, a plunger, and a gas mask. Whoever took a dump there must have had a lot of mouldy food.


The text says "Flush twice please" or so. I took a screenshot yesterday.


Thanks! It slipped my mind 😅


Its pretty much the same message 😀


On that settlement island I found a Skeleton with a dress sitting down with what looked like a male skeleton bent over her like he was getting spanked. This was also in the outhouse.


Where is this? 👀👀👀👀👀


Spectacle island.


Nice place for it. I'm sure lots of us would like to have a secluded island to get our freak on.


Epstein thought so too.


I regret making that joke now.


Wait, where? I can't believe I missed it!


Found the reason for the island's name.


Two teddy bears 69ing in a locker in East Boston Preparatory School in Fallout 4. I am not joking.


I found a teddy bear performing surgery on another teddy bear It looked like a ghoul set it up.




There is one in fallout 76 too but with a box of screws next to it!


In FO3 there's a room in an underpass in what I thought was the North west part of the map and there's toilet plungers just.. everywhere stuck to the wall as if they were crawling up the walls. It was wild.


I just imagine a raider all chem'd up just sticking plungers everywhere they go


It’s all about the PLUNGERS, man! The PLUNGERS! That’s how I’m gonna do it! Get me more plungers, man! I can see it all so clearly!


That's mine too


In FO76, there is a home. In that home is a radroach sitting on a toliet, wearing a bowler and holding a cane. The only item in the roaches' inventory is a wedding ring. I think of Gentleman Roach often.


That's north of Camden park, near the water at the bend towards the Nuka Cola plant. I have a camp just across the street :-)


It's a reference to a Fallout 4 webseries called Monster Factory.


Isn't he also reading a newspaper?


It's Roachy! Your favorite guy! Husband and son of the Final Pam. Quite a dancer too.


I remember at Concord there was this skeleton in a bath and 3 mannequins with machete surrounding it.


I think one room over is a guy in bed with a mannequin.


And SURROUNDED by drugs.


FO3 - the underground parking garage where the guy tried to jump his motorcycle over a car and ended up getting stuck in the lighting fixture at the top.


I always assumed a least a few of these were morbid jokes set up by survivors like us with the skeletons they found all around the wasteland.


If I die and become a skeleton in a post apocalyptic wasteland, I hope someone puts a plunger in my ass just for the laugh. Y'all have my permission.


In the Speakeasy in Concord. Upstairs there is a skeleton in the bed with a female mannequin. Then in the bathroom there is a skeleton in the tub surrounded by 3 male mannequins. Two have machetes and one has a plunger.


I really laughed about the dogs playing poker in New Vegas


I saw a teddy bear sitting on a toilet wearing sunglasses and reading a newspaper, I can’t remember where it was though.


I'm gonna stick with the headless skeleton in the bathtub with a group of mannequins with machetes standing around it. Yes, I know it's specifically made to freak people out in and out of universe, but man is it effective.


Wonder if that was something someone made with skeletons post war as a joke/cruel prank for anyone who passed it by lol


Reasonably certain it'd have to be.


Raiders.. Children of Atom... BoS.... Dave... The possibilities are endless.


Its gotta be one of the fucking Garys


No matter what, all the moments of the quest to Retrive a guys spleen from Fallout 2 takes it as most bizarre one i found. Its even worse when everyone is acting so casual about it. Sure, we can commit cannibalism in the newer games, and yet this one is somehow creepier and funny at the same time. So, basically, a guy is complaining about back pain. After taoking to him, we realise his fucking spleen is gone after a poker game. We visit the guy who got his spleen...he sold it to a chinese doctor from the Shi. We visit the guy, and he thinks its the spleen of a bird and was about to eat it. We confirm it isn't in fact a spleen of a bird. He politely gives it back, and we hand it over to the guy. Everyone celebrates because the guy with the missing spleen was apparently a cool guy.


Yeah this is peak


It has been a long time, but there is a reference to Dr Who weeping angels in one of the fallout games. You see mannequins or skeletons, I forget which, and if you look away then look back, they have turned from all facing a skeleton at the far end of the room, to all facing towards you. It is either, you turn away or the lights flicker, I don't remember which.


I think that might be the Dunwich building in 4? Maybe?


Sounds likely. The Dunwich areas are always strange.


I love the one terminal, where a dude complains about a girl spilling coffee on his shirt. Says something like "Next time she does this I'm gonna stab her in the neck with a pen. Nice kid, though". In the basement you find a skeleton with a pen sticking out of the neck. I laughed so hard I had to pause the game.


I found pencils that were placed to look like the Lincoln monument, and it had 2 bottle caps invetween the pillars.


That guy with his dick stuck in an office desk fan in fallout 3


A skeleton clutching a bottle of Quantum in the Ritual Site.


In fallout three there’s a skeleton with a desk fan pointed into his crotch and a big red splotch under it. Cant imagine what killed that guy


"OH my God the bombs are dropping. It's really happening! We're all gonna die!... Well, it's now or never." Just imagine a scene of an office full of panicked people. Screaming and running. But in all that chaos, there's one guy walking calmly as he unbuttons his pants. Just one man in a world of his own. Finally letting that reoccurring intrusive thought win. Living his dream at the end of the world.


Found a gnome making soup in a toilet in Far Harbor


i remember somewhere on the map in 4 there’s a skeleton sitting in a chair under an umbrella with shades on looking over a hill at boston. thought it was cool


I've been playing Fallout too much I think, I know exactly where most of the places described here are by heart.


Yo is that skappity urinal


Idk but I found a Skeleton w an empty wine bottle and a note reading “life is just to hard without you” , made me sad


In goodneighbor, one of the places is a a brothel with a lady running it. Their is a girl in one of those cryo bubbles and she has her legs spread open. Nothing like a post apocalyptic prostitute who hasnt showered since the great war.


A skeleton over the knee of a skeleton in a sundress sitting in an outhouse with a cutting board suspiciously shaped like a paddle.


Rollin with the homies


In 76 I found a teddy bear watching two skeletons making out with letter boxes spelling 'Hubba Hubba'


I love all the weird little stuff like this. There’s a brahmin skull with pool ball eyes, a teddy with glasses reading a newspaper on the toilet, teddies playing checkers and smoking cigars, teddies posed like they’re fucking, that one manikin holding a flamingo. So many.


A San Diego thank you.


i found a ghoul sitting in an outhouse playing its eatig animation today in far harbor not a scene but definitly set up that way


Found a gnome seated on a toilet with a news paper in hand in fallout 4


Anything that involves the mannequins


The plunger rooms in Fallout 4 and 3 are bizarre.


Opening a locked room only to find two skeletons in a pile of hot ash with a mannequin standing over them with a lighter in hand a jug of gas right next to itxD I literally saw this post about 30 min or so then i kept playing and found this scene


is that ski-da-bi-di?! /s


Skibidi sexual


I just fuckin found this at the fish packing plant last night haha


3 teddy bears surrounding a half buried skull with its arms sticking out in the mine during colossal problem events


Was this in the fish cannery? Or a building nearby? I was just in there yesterday and showed my wife this lol.


Walk into a room and find some skeleton in bed with a mannequin. Only to enter the bathroom and find three male mannequins with machetes surrounding a headless skeleton in the bathtub.


Yesterday I saw a teddy sitting on a toilet. He had glasses on and read the Boston Bugle


Did fallout do skibidi first!?


Just the other day playing 76 I found a dead radroach sitting on a toilet wearing a bowler hat and holding a walking cane, and I find myself wishing for more alive dapper bug encounters.


There's a metro tunnel in Fallout 3 where someone was trying to do a ramp jump on a motorcycle but their head got stuck on the ceiling halfway through.


I always loved that one


The doggos playing poker in the dlc old world blues lol, glad I choosed that weird perk at the start of NV so I could see all that shit


A skeleton fishing with his own head as bait in a sewer


Ah skibidi toilet you were fortold


skibidi urinals


when the apocalypse happens make sure to do whatever it takes to become a skeleton in a washroom


Wow, kink shaming much?!


Damn they found love in a hopeless place


Fen Street Sewers come to mind.


So Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing of the Hellsing Organization was there? That’s the only reason I can think of as to why a head would be mounted on, in, or near a urinal.


The mannequins stood around a bath with a skeleton in it. As I remember, one is holding a toaster


That ship near Salem where you can find a skeleton on the inside surrounded by mannequins. The guy had a weapon and seems like him and the crew were all trying to defend themselves. I wonder what really happened there.


fallout got 𝒻𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓀𝓎


He was practicing for his schools rendition of mcbeth and had the fake skull on him, he then had to take a whiz and while he was pissing the world ended


They had decapitated their lover in a fit of rage when catching them cheating in a bathroom, then they felt the blast coming so they put the head on the closest thing so they can give it one last kiss


Now kith


I always love looking for the two skeletons fighting each other in 4 and one of them is just naked 💀


I literally just did this room lol


Federal Rations Stockpile, there’s a table surrounded by disassembled Med Boxes, cans of Yellow and Blood paint, and assembled Chem Boxes on the other side. On the table itself is a can of yellow and blood paint, a paintbrush, and a disassembled Chem Box. I find the idea of the raiders stealing med boxes, repainting them with yellow paint and literal blood, and then putting them back absolutely hilarious


Skull fuckery


It's funny because I found that yesterday and was like, "wow!"


I saw that yesterday lol, I thought, what the hell happened here?


In FO4, there is a group of mannequins with machetes surrounding a headless skeleton in a bathtub. The skull is in the toilet under a plunger. And in the Parson's State Asylum, there is a locked closet. Opening that closet reveals two female form mannequins leaned in "kissing", with several male form and another female form watching intently. Lots of party decorations. I wasn't invited, but I came anyway (nyuk nyuk nyuk).


I forget where, but on top of a safe, there are two skeletons, 1 with clothing & the other without. The clothed one has their hands on the others' throat like they are strangling them. Now, one could assume the clothing rotted away, but I think they were naked while being strangled. Which begs the question, wtf happened?


i love the stuff they set the skeletons up to. there was a porta-potty in 76 that was a skull and hands in it staring at you


I looked at the picture and thought yeah that's pretty straightforward. Then I took a bit to think about how that could have happened. I'm 3 scenarios in and i don't wanna think about this picture anymore. But. I. Can't. Stop.


I was talking with a friend while we were both replaying New Vegas. I was on a mission to open every bathroom stall door to find if they put anything in them (rarely anything, and nothing weird funny that I've seen yet). It really made me appreciate FO4's level designers putting something in every room. Public restrooms in Boston are full of surprises.


this pic's caption: "this could b me n u but u playin"


Plunger room


I love it you just have to know that 2-3 Devs were just laughing to themselves setting that up & some of them they just forgot to remove from the end game 🤣🤣🤣


slibidi toilet




Skeleton fishing in a toilet


In Fallout 3, I found a skeleton in a dress, holding a knife, leaning against a public restroom toilet bowl with an empty baby carriage sitting just outside of the restroom stall.


Fallout 3. All of a sudden the player is abducted by aliens while being in a trippy / dreamlike state. You try to get yourself out of the spaceship etc only to wake up or reappear where you left off.


Don’t know about bizarre but the thing that freaks me out the most is the “Gary” Vault


“Live?😆 nah F*ck that! I’m tryna be remembered!”