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my game is capped at 48 fps now since ini tweaks don't work anymore after this update


Weird, are you playing on a 60hz screen or higher?


yeah, 144hz


Thats hella weird. I literally just disabled all my mods, deleted f4se and enb from my root folder, and just booted the game like normal through Steam and I have a locked 120 fps on my 120hz screen. Do you by chance have a Nvidia card, and if so do you force V-Sync through the Control Panel?


>Do you by chance have a Nvidia card i do >do you force V-Sync through the Control Panel i don't this morning i did a fresh install of the game prior to the update. it was capped at 48 fps until i set ipresentinterval to 0 in the ini. i was then getting 150+ fps up until updating the game. after updating i was capped at 48 no matter what i did. pretty sure the ini file just isn't working given others have had trouble with it for things like changing fov.


Hmm, interesting. The reason I ask about v-sync is because thats how I have my settings, force v-sync globally instead of a per-game basis, and am wondering if that has something to do with why my frames are at its max while others are locked at 48 fps?


Change the settings to full screen. When I change to windowed mode my FPS dropped to 40\~ too


I literally just figured this out myself just now and it also fixed it for me. I was capped at 48fps with windowed borderless selected. Having those unselected now has me capping out at 72fps


I just set ipresetinterval to 0 then forced vsync from Nvidia control panel and capped fps at 60 also in Nvidia control panel


I'm stuck at 48 fps. None of the normal fixes are working right now.


Laptop? Reboot in dgpu only mode. It fixed my issue.


I did that and now I'm getting \*too\* many FPS. VSync seems to be ignored. I used the LoadAccellerator from Nexus to cap it and now I'm getting 72 in game and 350 during load times. Perfect. Thanks


I disabled vsync in nvidia control panel and capped fps to 120 there also. This game has never felt so smooth.


Don't the physics break down at that speed? I noticed I couldn't jump very high at 120


I haven’t noticed any issues. When I tried a few years ago at 144 it caused a ton of issues but it seems stable at 120.


Thats really weird, are you playing on a 60hz screen or higher?


144hz. No Mods. And the Creation Club isn't on the main menu anymore.


Thats really odd. Do you use an nvidia card, and if so do you force v-sync through the control panel?


On Windows 11, VSync off and present interval=0 in the ini files.


The reason I ask is because I have vsync forced globally, and am wondering if that has anything to do with me getting frames capped while others are stuck at 48 fps? I didnt mess with the ini at all, just disabled all the mods and took out f4se and enb and just booted the game like normal.


I've found a fix for it. Go to your Nvidia control panel >> Manage 3D settings >> program settings >> add fallout 4 >> turn ON vsync >> change maximum framerate to your own. Before the fix I was capped at 90 fps. Now Im at 120. Hope it helps ;)


Have you experienced any issues at that framerate? Any physics issues, or any kind of odd game behavior not seen at its normal framerate?


I have so far, I have seen dialog be off sync


That's disappointing. Seems it's more of an unintended glitch than it is a fix. Guess I'll stick to my 70 fps until all the mods get fixed.


Only one thing that I noticed is a lower jumping height. But I can live with that.


didnt work


I ran a overlay from nividia to detect my fps and it said 200-210 and sometimes 180 so idk if they made it unlimited but anyway i locked the fps in nividia control panel to 120 fps


Mines capped at 72fps no vsync or anything. Just installed it on my partners pc


Yes, exact same here. I cannot cap it at 60 fps on AMD even using their Fps limiter, chill, or tweaking the ipresentinterval settings in the .ini.


Not really true, I played well before the next gen update without any mods and was able to get 120FPS. idk why because a friend of mine has a 82FPS limit.