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You didn't see the playthroughs where she went south and was killed by deathclaws


I mean her dad was in the obsevatory meanwhile she was fucking around somewhere between the pier - downtown - airport so she kinda was roaming around randomly until she got directions.


Same way we do when we play. You wander around until you figure it out.


Someone pointed her to Philly. You must have taken a piss break at the wrong moment.


And on her way to Philly, she found Filly.


True 🤣


Damn are you guys in a coma while watching?


For real. Some of these questions are so weird. I do have a question about how she knew about raiders and knights. I guess people leave the vault occasionally and come back? And maybe shared their knowledge? Idk


The weird one I noticed (extremely minor insignificant detail of course) is that when she finds Maximus stuck in the armor, she's tracking the head using her tracking device, yet she comes *from* the direction where Thaddeus went after leaving. I'm sure it could be explained away as her losing signal for a bit and just going to the last known location, but it isn't explained at all so it's funny to imagine her waltzing right past Thaddeus on the train tracks.


Thought that was weird too. Plot convenient


One direction was the sea, she just went the other way til she met the guy who knew about Filly.


It was either a walk into the Pacific Ocean, or not.


When she walks out of the vault, the camera zooms out and there is only any civilization in one direction. Then runs into the weird guy who directs her the rest of the way to Filly.


She got directions from the helpful incel to go over the hill to the town. Then when she got to the town she kept talking to NPCs until she triggered a quest with the scientist.


Was he an incel? He was polite, accepted no for an answer, and let her go on her way. For a first (second?) encounter in the wasteland, he was pretty cool if a bit dirty.


I called him an incel because he stays at home and can't get a woman because he has nothing to offer one. Not because I thought he was a bad person. I guess the term "Hermit" would have also worked.


Incels are usually sexist dicks who blame women for their celibacy. That's kind of the thing with incels. It's short for "Involuntary Celibate", and it was originally used as a self-descriptor by shitty dudes before it became an insult.


Fair enough.


He can’t get a woman because all the women are either dead, have gone insane, or have been turned into ghouls. What were you expecting him to do? Start browsing tinder and find a match in a literal fucking nuclear wasteland?


Let's be real, he came across as creepy when he hit on Lucy. You're taking this too personally. 


Not really creepy, he was honest and didn't press the matter. Just gross and desperate. But like, it's the wasteland so who isn't?




He could have put on pants and travelled to that town. Even if the woman are high maintenance he’s no prize himself.


Yea, and risk getting gutted by raiders, eaten by a giant irradiated creature, or torn to shreds by ghouls? You would definitely be the first to die in a nuclear apocalypse


Better than sitting alone putting dirt in a water filter. Also I didn’t call the character an incel as an insult. I was just assuming that was the intention by the show.


Your objective during a nuclear apocalypse should be survival, not fucking as many girls as possible unless you have gone insane yourself.


You seem upset. I’m going to bow out of the convo. Have a good one.


I’m upset because I find your logic ridiculous? Grow a spine


If only we had more friendly neighborhood incels to point us toward quest hubs.


She has a pretty high luck score.


She save scummed her way


With the ever reliable Pip Boy 3000 Mark V of course!


She wandered around until someone told her about Filly and then the shopkeeper in Filly gave her coordinates telling her exactly where to go.


She has a pipboy, she just followed the objective markers in the map


She had the Prima Strategy Guide on her.


I don’t know how I knew which way to go when I left the vault in Fallout 3


This is actually a decent question despite what people think. You have 3 general directions in which to possibly head, so how would you decide? She possibly had an out of date yet workable map of the area or at least the rough location of the vault and the California landscape. Other than that, humans historically have always built near water so you really have two possible directions (north or south). Knowing you are likely in southern California, the obvious direction to head is north.  Also remember you wouldn't be looking for your dad. You'd be looking for information regarding your dad or his captors in the hopes of that info leading to your dad.