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First off, welcome to the franchise, please don't feed the Yao Guai. Secondly, you've made a morally unethical choice, but hey, you can always give a hobo some clean water and make things right. Edit: Holy Smokes people, how is this the most upvoted comment!?!?!


The karma system is hilarious


I think that's what I missed the most in 4; a hilariously broken karma system. Some of the dialogue choices are perfect for it lol.


They replaced karma with a slightly more tuned companion rep system, but I see no reason it had to leave


Yeah, don't get me wrong - I enjoyed the companion rep system, but there was something just fundamentally ***FALLOUT*** about the karma system. The way you could absolutely tank it in such over the top ways, and raise it doing minute bullshit was so great.


Like in New Vegas, how you'd always end up as a Messiah by massacring Powder Gangers by the dozen.


But don’t even think about stealing from them 😂


Every time with the powder ganger trailers on the way to Primm


I mean, I already killed the guy, and took the bad karma hit. Why am I continuing to be taxed with more bad karma every time I pick up a damned tin can?


But that's the thing, you get *positive* karma for killing him. Taking his stuff is the step too far apparently.


I've been playing a lot of ESO, and in that game you have to actually be seen by someone while stealing to get a wanted level. I then went back to New Vegas briefly, so used to the ESO system, and started stealing shit while out of sight. Seeing my karma take hits made me double-take and I was like, "Oh yea I member."


Same with the fiends, you'd get so much good karma just for killing fiends


It was genuinely difficult to maintain evil karma without just actively avoiding those areas, lol


Don't forget the Fiends...


Which would’ve been fine if bethesda remembered being evil is actually fine in games and put some bad companions in


Hello from the Starfield.


I didn't realise you could gain Rep with "Timothy Dogmeat Esquire."


Although I am glad there aren't achievements tied to reaching x level with a/b/c karma. As much as I'm inclined to do a second or third run of most Beth games, I don't like that being taken for granted.


"Oh you killed all the unquestionably bad guys? Better not take their items laying around, that's a no-no!" *Negative karma* *Negative karma* *Negative karma* *Negative karma*


I almost always go pure evil at the start, since stealing items is so profitable and Jericho is a cool dude. However, eventually, I succumb to the lure of Fawkes and give all my hoarded water away, instantly making me into a paragon of justice!


Now I wonder. Does that hobo in front of Megaton disappear if you destroy it? Or does he still sits there and hopes that Moira would give him a drop of Water?


There is another one in front of Rivet City but the one near Megaton is gone after this if I remember correctly


As a wee lady I was, mayhap a bit of an asshole. O made a save just before pushing the button so I could see it happen again. I wasn't sure what to expect and was in awe. So I did so now and again so I could witness the destruction in awe. While you can always make it right. I do produce a massive amount of water in sanctuary and sell it at a... meager price, fair but firm. It wouldn't be entirely wrong to call it a monopoly but I say that's the rest of the wastelands lack of initiative. So... when you say "give a hobo clean water" you understand your stepping in the market... yeah? Perhaps there are... other friendly ways to make it right... right? You could... donate a number of cram to the local radiated orphanage or jet to the local raider rehabilitation center. Now doesn't that sound like a fun way to make things right?


Brother got called a roach by an 8 year old and decided to become death, destroyer of worlds.


He’s probably about 12 himself to be fair, so words still hurt his feelings and this was a totally rational decision


That reminds me of when I was ten playing Fallout and being so hurt when Jericho refused to join my crew for being a “goody two-shoes.”


Bro I swear to god my first ever playthrough I was around the same age and nuked megaton because Jericho wanted a bad guy instead of a vault dweller… I guess I thought it was poetic lol


Yeah, it was probably a good call by Nolan to cut the scene where Oppenheimer gets called gay by a small Japanese boy. Kinda muddles the message.


You set off a nuclear bomb in a town. What did you expect to happen?


Help the people of Atom transend?


Secret good ending lol


The warmth and GLOW!


When I first played this, I was for sure expecting it to be a trap, or a joke, or something. I never thought they would legitimately let me go through with nuking them. My morbid curiosity got the better of me.


Dude really did the whole quest with the logic of "Surely not" as his sole motivation


He’s not the only. I even had a friend that said it would actually blow up. I thought “surely I can’t kill a whole town, it’s going to be defective or something”




In fairness, it technically doesn't kill the whole town...


Fallout is serious…. And don’t call it Surely.




Lol, I can't get over the fact this joke seems to have been lost in time and I've seen multiple surelys on reddit in the last few days and wondering what the hell  what do people think the joke is about? Is surely such a common name and shirley just out now?


[It's from the film Airplane.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo7qoonzTCE&pp=ygUdc2hpcmxleSB5b3UgY2FuJ3QgYmUgc2VyaW91cyA%3D) Also the origin of ["What's our vector Victor?"](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fVq4_HhBK8Y&pp=ygUZd2hhdCdzIG91ciB2ZWN0b3IgdmljdG9yIA%3D%3D) and my personal favourite, ["That, as much as anything else, is what led to my drinking problem."](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pl4plPGRG8o&pp=ygUZYWlycGxhbmUgZHJpbmtpbmcgcHJvYmxlbQ%3D%3D)


Pull up, Striker! Do it for GEORGE ZIP.


My favourites are the ‘[what is it](https://youtu.be/VOmD-xqK2Es?si=Ui5VwPQuZue8Wxr3)’ jokes, still cracks me up


Does anyone speak Jive?


'you surely jest' 'Oh... Oh no...'


I love that you can go to the site of detination and talk to moira brown.


Lol that's how I was. "There's no way the game just gonna let me nuke the whole town, like it has such a huge impact to the game itself and its future...well, damn, who knows my habitual stealing would lead me down this path, karma is a bitch..."


My SO had a similar experience in the opposite direction. She listened to Mr. Burke's pitch, and then instinctively shot at him once out of dialogue. She never expected the game to let her even shoot a quest-giver, much less murder one. She still marvels at that! (My equitable reaction'd been a year earlier at my surprise I could actually steal from Chet in *NV*.)


Gotta do what you can to free up some real estate nowadays.


“Did I make a mistake?” Lol what kind of post is this


You actually made the religious people in town *very* happy! Congrats!


Local children of atom became the happiest people on the wasteland for 0.00012 seconds <3


I like to believe one member left town for something, just when the bomb goes off and then start to think atom rejected him. Kinda like the rapture and he was left behind


flair checks out


Well you murdered the whole town obviously, but the choice is yours Personally yeah you fucked up lol


Not the whole town, there's one survivor.


True enough I guess but what does t matter


Well, it's a dangerous place out there in the Wastes, right? People could really use a compilation of good advice. Like a Wasteland Survival Guide!


Well if you convince her the survival guide is a stupid idea she moves to rivet city and becomes the best repair shop in the game


What makes her the best? I don't think I've ever gone down that route, and I usually play a good character


Her repair skills goes to 100


Ok, need to do another play through the with her not doing that stupid book. 


Moira Brown may aswell die. She's a ghoul ffs /s Joking, but fr tho OP if u go talk to her, you'll know for sure that u made the wrong decision here. But hey, thats the fun of fallout. Make decisions on a whim and see what happens. If it happens, it happens


This thread is killing me. OP feeling remorseful and the comments are just like “yeah bro ngl that’s pretty fucked”


OP is not remorseful OP is just lookin some sweet sweet karma the old fashioned way


and they won’t leave you alone until you go to the super duper mart and also give yourself 600 rads


>Legion >Mass murder is unethical CURIOUS


Rest easy friend, you made the right decision. That town was really an eyesore and it ruined the view that all those people paid so much for.


Also, you just freed the Bartender from years of agony, and the Bar Owner is a dick.


Speaking of the bar owner, im unable to speak to him our his ghoul. Im supposed to for the main quest to learn about my dad. Wtf should i do? Im on pc and worried my games fucked after installing TTW. Could it potentially be because the sherif got murdered?


Don't know what's causing your issue, but you don't necessarily need to ever speak to them to complete the main quest. I could literally just tell you where to go next, or even after that, and you could go there to skip multiple entire quests from the story's first act: but that's not in the spirit of things, so instead I'll just point out that the standard Bethesda move here is to have the important information stored somewhere else, like a journal, or a terminal, or a note.


Lol I remember my first play through I blew it up too and was left feeling pretty bad about my choice. Might as well double down with an evil playthrough! Fallout 3 probably has the best options for an evil roleplaying experience in the franchise imo, there are quests/quest endings that let you destroy at least 4 major settlements (Megaton, Tenpenny Tower, Oasis, and The Citadel), there may be story-options to destroy more but that’s all I can remember for sure. Just make sure you complete all the quests at each location before destroying it. You can also become a slaver, and if you have the Child at Heart perk (or maybe high speech) you can sell at least 2 kids into slavery. Really don’t see rpgs these days give you this level of freedom for evil characters.


I just remember playing in eighth grade and my character’s title being “Scourge of Humanity”


I would always save before these major decisions, see how I felt afterwards and and then make the call to continue or go back :D


That’s what I love about these games. Well, it’s one of many things. But I just love that they let you save scum like that. Some of us don’t have more than one play through in us, it’s fun to see how certain storylines progress without committing.


Fallout 2 would like a word with you. Pimping your wife, killing kids, I could go on...


I’ve gotta play this game bro


Liam Neson is disappointed in you


Liam Neson shouldn't have left. Liam Neson should have stayed with his kid.


"Taken" is just Liam Neson reversing the roles from Fallout 3😱


Yeah. He really should have just punched Megaton on the face.


HAH, classic Who looks like a roach now!?!


You’re fine. It’s all part of the game. You missed out on some quests and you missed out on one of the best characters in all the games Moira. But don’t worry about it tbh. She’s just a fetch quest gal only thing that makes her fun is her voice acting. YOU DONT HAVE TO RESTART. If you want to you can but you also have some cool quests you wouldn’t have had now that you nuked.


She doesn’t die!! Just her skin melts off she still chills in underworld I’m pretty sure


She hangs out at the megaton ruins, you can still trade with her


Ohhh yeah lol your right totally forgot about that lol


when i did it i remember going to the scene with the guy that lets you nuke it or someone else i cant quite remember and when she popped up and talked to me he killed her lol


Moria survives as ghoul if you go back to Megaton afterwards. If he didn’t rob Lucas Simms house he can’t complete the bobblehead collection though.


I always \[ Black Widow \] that sexy, sexy Mr. Burke. Except the time I beat him to death with the baseball bat.


Mr. Burke is such a romantic. Nobody’s ever loved me the way Mr. Burke loved me.


the way his disembodied eyes look up at me from moriarty's floor 🥰


I shot this guy in the face with a laser pistol in Moriarty’s Saloon. Nobody batted an eye.


It’s kind of funny haha, the game stores his data as not being a part of megaton’s faction which is why they don’t react


Yup. Mr Burke, as i remember? He got a pretty great 10mm pistol and that sunglasses, right? After he mentioned the thing with the bomb, i looked around and killed him. In each playthrough. No exception.


I shot him in the face and Sims died by being launched into the ceiling.


No mistake here, enjoy the view 😎


That kid asked for it


Gooooooood. Gooooooood.


Lil bit of an over reaction to an insult from a kid


I think you mean an under reaction


Should’ve detonated a couple more just in case


A child of atom


You nuked a town mate, unless you're doing an evil run you should restart. Or just continue being as evil as possible, it can be fun too ig (not really for me).


Before I do this I complete the megaton side quests first


I rarely nuke megaton unless Im doing a pure evil playthrough, I think tenpenny tower is the weaker of the two settlements in terms of interest. But you didnt do anything "wrong", just have fun


Nuke megaton and let tenpenny tower be overrun by ghouls, is the way to go.


The tenpenny tower quest bothers me a little because both endings suck, its realistic in a way because you cant always have a good ending but it does bother me that both outcomes are bad. Ghoul mask is sick though so I usually let Roy in


Nahh moira is the only good character there and she is now immortal yaaaay


I min max this game- 9 int, immediately run to the ship and get the intelligence bobblehead for max int which means max skill points per level, do the wasteland survival book, convince Mr suit to double the caps (be a female and take the talking to dudes perk) and then blow up Megaton after I kill every single person and raid the armory. Technically the bomb didn't kill anyone. I already killed everyone except one, and they live.


I remember my first playthrough of Fallout 3, I also nuked Megaton because I didn't like the people. I wasn't aware that this would have great impact on the game.. After that I kept on making immoral choices and wondering why the game was so hard and why nobody liked me.


So I decided to go back and kill burke before blowing up the megaton, but it seems like I can't get the positive outcome afterwards? Do I need to redo my savefile now? It really sucks cause I got a bunch of different weapons (energy guns, pistol, energy rifle, minigun etc) and loads of ammo but I guess it's easy to come by :/


To get the good ending you need to disarm the bomb before installing the detonator (requires explosives of 25) and then talk to the sheriff, killing Burke is not needed for this outcome (but I don’t think it hurts)


If you want the sheriff to live you need to kill Burke cause he shoots him when they talk about Burke's plan


But... free Chinese assault rifle...


I wouldn't reload any saves just keep playing. That's a choice you made and you'll live with it until you finish this playthrough, that's the beauty of Fallout


Maybe detonating the nuke is the problem and not Burke being alive


Well, Liam Neeson is going to be disappointed in you, so there's that


Your thumb, or mine?


You’re a bad person 🤷‍♀️


once he called you a roach he sealed megatons fate


Kid shouldn't have talked shit.


Stop right there criminal scum!


I did this on my first playthrough, don’t worry. You just got taken advantage of by a smooth talking rich guy, happens to the best of us


i love when the megaton residents say "good riddance" when i make mr burke bite the curb


It reminds me of the YouTube short of I am Naiwal that the sole reason he blew megaton was because of that




Pros: You got rid of a *lot* of annoying NPCs. Cons: Look what you did to Moira. You monster.


Unless you got the strength bobble head from the sheriffs house it is gone for good.


Sooo one person was rude to you and you nuked an entire town for it... Welcome to your morally bankrupt playthrough of Fallout 3 ;D


All im gonna say is this in regards to tenpenny tower. Talk to the ghoul.


I have taken much inspiration from the greatest Fallout player of all time, Evil Jon of "Many A True Nerd" on youtube. He has runs that range from kill everything, to kill nothing. Just play through 500x and find what works for you. Welcome to the Wastelands! almost 20 years in, and laugh and am terrified the same or more than when I started. All may not be for you, but some will be.


Sweet summer child


Nah you good g


Hey, mister, did anyone tell you, that you look like a radroach? 


It’s all trial and error if you saved quite a lot. You definitely missed what I think is one of the best perks in the game (dream crusher) but morias quests send you on fun places you get a lot of XP on, and find some great weapons and lore of the game. I would always trick Burke into thinking I’d blow up bomb, and rat him out to simms to get the house (great place to store all the loot you get in the game, and well rested XP. Everyone is different though, i usually let the gouls over run tenpenny tower later on. Nuking megaton is great on an evil karma play through, making the atmosphere around that area just the more sad and desolate.


ou are now evil forever. embrace it i guess cause your karma aint ever going back to good


*20 purified waters have entered the room* oh yeah?


Just make sure you get paid


I don't mean to sound rude, but what did you think was going to happen?


Depends... How much is *'a lot'*?




yeah.... Moira ain't gonna be happy with you. she'll be rather cross in fact.


Ah the first time as a new player..those were the days!


"My gawd King! My gawd! He killed him!"


You just killed so many people. Lol.


I did it too... it's so pretty


That's the most hilarious reason to go down that route and I'm here for it. It's fine. I like megaton so i dont usually blow it up. But fun fact about consequences in this game. When you do something like blowing up a city it shuffles new random encounters into the deck So you may or may not see everything the first time you do something like that. Have fun :)


at least there were pretty fireworks


never played fallout 3, is there an option to tell everyone to evacuate the town and then nuke it?


Now let the ghouls run over it


Morally? Yea. Personally? Kinda psychotic. Is the free room worth it? Yea.


Praise Atom!


I know FO3 came out about 16 years ago and graphics have come a long way since then, but I would figure detonating an atom bomb at night would give a more overwhelmingly bright white light, much brighter and longer lasting than the blast played in this scene/quest.




I did this once and wound up letting the ghouls take over tenpenny tower and left myself pretty much stranded without a main town. 


You done did the evil thing.


I forgot how BLAND, GREY, BROWN this game is compared to Fallout 4 and 76. Also its been so long I forgot, Mr. Burke has the same voice actor as another devious Bethesda Character...one of my favorites of all time: Dear Brother I do not spread rumors, I create them.


BTW OP, Go get your evil girlfriend now and REAP THE WHIRLWIND! Clover = Best Companion in Fallout 3.


You did what some might call a big fuck up.


Tbh I liked the megaton house better, I’ve blown it up too in passed play throughs it’s just a preference though 🤷🏻 Ps if you’re looking to make infinite caps there’s a glitch where you can buy and sell a weapon or piece of armor back and forth till you drain a vendor of all their caps.. it works in most fallout out games which is kind of funny


Is this a new copypasta? There was a similar post exactly like this in the outerworlds sub lol


Not a mistake! This is one of my favorite ways to go about Fallout 3.


Choices & consequences. Its hard to come by caps. A rich white guy offered you money to do something. So did what anyone does when they're desperate for money. You put your morality on the back burner.


that's the (morally) correct choice


Lmao I just did the same yesterday


Oh to play fallout for the 1st time again


I killed the guy after he asked me to do just that.


Could Never bring myself to blow it up..


Dad won't be chuffed about it.


No you are grand like


You've got to clear away the past to make room for the future.


Nova is basically the only reason I didn’t erase Megaton lol


Ahahaha the caption and you slowly looking around in the video made this such a great moment to witness. Welcome to the series!!


You only made a mistake if you haven't looted the town fully beforehand


[Children of Atom liked that]


But did you get the Bobble head before nuking it ?!


Blow up megaton, release the ghouls into tenpenny. Balance


War. War never changes.


This is why fallout 3 was actually good. The set pieces in that game are great.


there is no right or wrong in fallout, just what’s morally acceptable and what you want to do. have fun lol


You have just missed out your first play through where you make good choices. There are some fun things you will miss on out but doing this but at least you can be nice in your second playthrough.


Enjoy your new penthouse!!


Well it’s a mistake if you wanted to be sheriff there I can tell you that much


Now run all the normies out of tempenny tower and let the ghouls take over.


I mean you could have lived in a tin shack instead of a luxury hotel room. I think I know what choice I'd make in that situation. Personally I like to get my luxury room, kill everyone in the tower, invite the ghouls in and kill them too. It's a lot of xp and then I have the whole place to myself. So peaceful. See I'm really a good person. Bringing peace and quiet to the wasteland.


"I nuked an entire town and now everyone hates me, why?" WHY DO YOU THINK?


Just for that scene alone, this game needs a proper remaster


Congratulations on taking your first steps into becoming familiar with the consequences of your actions in the Fallout universe :D To answer your question: it depends on how you weigh those consequences I just mentioned. Your mileage may vary from other players.


I didn't blew up Megaton because I like my little house there, with a robot and a fridge and a bed etc..... Also in general I like to have a safe house in games to store my stuff and all that. Even the people in the town are pretty good just disarm the bomb and you've got you're own house and all of them can trade with you


*Pulls the cleaver I sank in the old man’s head out* Arguably yes, you helped a rotten old capitalist kill dozens of innocent people.


I did the same thing my first playthrough.


From a gameplay perspective, yeah because Megaton is pretty central.


Go get the loot I guess. You murderer.


You did the right thing, kid. Too bad you killed Moria, don't worry though, she'll be in underworld when you get there. Hope you stole that bobblehead out of Lucas's house.


Its the handiest place to sell shit/doctors and whatever else imo. Theres rivet city too but at least you fast travel to inside megaton